[x3d-public] X3D meeting Friday 10 DEC, opportunities for engagement - note earlier time 09-1000 pacific

Joseph D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 10 15:07:14 PST 2021

Hi All, Sorry to miss this meeting. 
All I want is to have a complete LOA4 skeleton with simple skin model dimensioned in realistic human scale as the prime example in hanim2 Part 1 Annex A. We have a Jin loa4 but the dimensions should be rescaled to 1=1m because the original idea of presenting the skeleton according to the given example human dimensions is correct. This should be matched with a minimum skin defined by example surface feature reference feature points and Site objects (with just a few added coordinates).

So, the two fine reference items we have are (1) Jin hanim2 loa4 skeleton (approx. x40 scale) and (2) existing annex A hanim1 loa3 skeleton (x1) scale. Please take the latest hanim2 loa4 Jin model having correct names and hierarchy then adjust the joint center values according to consensus joint center values listed in current hanim2 Part 1 Annex A default pose. Some documented adjustments in the part 1 annex A values can be made but the idea is using jin1 skeleton setting jin loa4 joint center values to example human scale  joint center locations given in hanim2 part 1 Annex A. 

Now for a skin. The best current reference is, in my current opinion, the JoeKick skin which is mainly points of the hanim1 Annex B surface feature points list with dimensions mainly given by hanim1 Annex A consensus values. Please update JoeKick skin by adding latest hanim2 Annex B added surface feature points and dimensions given in current hanim2 Part 1 Annex A default pose. Use the JoeKick joint to skin vertex bindings, or improve to capture loa4 joints.

I don’t think our hanim needs to worry about other examples of skeleton and simple skin, such as gender, for now because hanim2 Part 1 Annex A is just an example to prove the user code, data structures, and processing to produce a realistic event-driven model of a transportable Humanoid. Since under the covers it is all the same data, I have not seen instances in current commercial or free tools where data structures for comparable results could not be encoded in our standard x3d hanim canonical form. 

Providing a skeleton in typical human space along with a simple skin in the same human space proves the basic realism of the intended web3d x3d hanim humanoid. The  Best of all, it provides a consistent test device to demonstrate transportable skeleton-driven animations and displacer-driven animations. This is max important because transportable animations between similar skeletons is the basis for this World Standard project of delivering a standardized Humanoid platform. 

Thanks and Best, 

From: Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
Sent: Thursday, December 9, 2021 9:08 AM
To: X3D Public Mailing List (x3d-public at web3d.org)
Cc: bod at web3d.org
Subject: [x3d-public] X3D meeting Friday 10 DEC,opportunities for engagement - note earlier time 09-1000 pacific

The X3D Working Group will meet one hour earlier this week, 09-1000 pacific.

We are looking back at 2021 and ahead at 2022.  As confirmed by recent again-stellar Web3D Conference, many opportunities for influence and leadership are available.

Might I be permitted to point out that throughout our long and productive history, all significant progress has come from the important work of engaged individuals.  You are hereby invited to join that incredibly talented group!

We will be reviewing these many opportunities and preparing an summary for the community.  Everyone is welcome to join our call tomorrow, and further think about their goals in 2022.

• https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81634670698?pwd=a1VPeU5tN01rc21Oa3hScUlHK0Rxdz09https://zoom.us/j/148206572  Password 483805 
• https://www.web3d.org/member/teleconference-information 

Have fun with X3D!   8)

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br        brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA    +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics https:// faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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