[x3d-public] Other ways to use gltf > like ExternProto

GPU Group gpugroup at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 17:05:28 PDT 2022

How else to use gltf and even x3d as library nodes?
When main scene refers to a built-in (non Proto) type node in a .x3dv /
.x3d / .gltf scene file, the browser shall load the whole auxiliary scene
file as a  'passive' scene (not traversed on rendering cycle), with nodes
not initialized, but parsed and ready to copy / replace / copy-over a stub
in the main scene. The browser would first load the main scene and render
the stub nodes as empty nodes / default nodes, while compiling a list of
library scenes to load, so that a library scene is loaded only once if
several nodes are referred to (and a use count by main-scene context for
knowing when library use is reduced to zero and can be unloaded?). When
traversing the main scene graph after the library is parsed / loaded, the
stub nodes detect library loaded and copy in the node, similar to copying
an ExternProto, ensuring any children/sub-nodes are also copied, and the
nodes become live scenery.
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