[x3d-public] OLAP scenes

Joseph D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 9 10:30:29 PDT 2022

➢ any new examples … 

There is no better database structural design and no better event system for realtime interactive access to live data than the authortime/runtime system used by x3d, from the vrml. If you want to learn about the best, most versatile, and best-suited for delivering reliable control of your data, then study x3d scene graph and event graph. Specifically, the x3d abstract nodes, and the x3d abstract event interface. 

Figure some about how you use nodes and statements to make a scene work:
X3D Abstract : Node Definitions

Figure some about how you make the scene work using internal and external programming interface: 
X3D Abstract : Scene Access Interface (SAI)

Thanks for looking into applications of x3d. I’m sure OLAP has concepts useful with x3d. For example, suppose you had a table of data representing some sample group that has things, categories of things and properties of those things, maybe along with relationships between the things and properties. If you wanted to have a scene that produces some set of interactive multiple media representations of parts or all of that table, then you might use olap to retrieve essentially 2D data from some olap database, deliver it to the scene, then you choose to characterize data elements using parameterized visual and interactive features, and apply this to our nD+1 database of x3d so you can play with it. With topics like chemistry, physics, keeping track of what is connected to what, where, when, and how … and other important stuff, just recall that with x3d you can make an x3d scene with nodes to produce a virtual simulation for anything, any combination of things and nothings, in your time and anytime, where you are and anywhere and everywhere, in any D you compose, depending upon the data you choose to use. 
➢ examples of integration OLAP with graphics? Some new examples with analytics, fast

The old questions: How much data you got? How fast do you wanna go? Budget? 


From: Konstantin Smirnov
Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2022 12:11 AM
To: X3D-Public
Subject: [x3d-public] OLAP scenes

Are there any new examples of integration OLAP with graphics? Some new examples with analytics, fast

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