[x3d-public] Fix one sentence about texturing in X3Dv4

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 06:02:14 PST 2022

I just noticed one sentence that needs to be updated in X3Dv4, because
right now -- after all the edits -- it's obviously no longer true.

12.4.2 Appearance,

f the texture node is NULL or the texture field is unspecified, the
object that references this Appearance is not textured.


The texture node, if it is provided and not NULL, specifies the
texture that plays the role of main texture (diffuse, base, or
emissive texture -- depending on the material type). The exact
treatment of this texture is described in "12.2.5 Coexistence of
textures specified in material nodes with the "Appearance.texture"

Don, can I put on you updating this part of the specification /
putting this in Mantis? Sorry I didn't catch this sentence earlier.


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