[x3d-public] status report. X3DJSONLD updates for #sourceText to #sourceCode.

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 13:11:54 PST 2022

Notice:  changes to #sourceText in JSON do not apply to X3DOM or X_ITE
yet, AFAIK. This applies to embedded (not external) shaders and scripts.
 As I use X3DOM and X_ITE extensively, it would be good to get fixes for
those soon.    The changes to JSONParser.js are a bit tricky, perhaps.  *If
you wish to support @sourceCode* as well as #sourceCode, put @sourceCode
CDATA section creation at the top of the  if then else if ... that contains
#sourceText so @sourceCode won't fall into the  @ condition.

Remaining X3DJSONLD artifacts left with #sourceText, below.   All are
derivative of sourceforge.net x3d project except the JSON schema
generator.  I have removed my compiled X3dToJson.sef.json. I am not sure if
that makes any difference.

$ find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l '#sourceText'

*For the X3dToJson.xslt stylesheet, there's a typo where # is used instead
of $, I believe for $sourceTextMode (search for #sourceTextMode).*  Please
fix when ready.  It's actually in a comment, I think.

I'm going to attempt a full build before checking in, but stuff will
probably be left out because I've forgotten how to build it
(src/main/cplusplus). I changed many of the JSON files with perl
substitutions (perl -p -i -e ...), substituting #sourceText for #sourceCode
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