[x3d-public] deprecating portions of X3DJSONLD (JavaScript output)

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Fri Apr 21 09:57:09 PDT 2023

I am planning on deprecating portions of X3DJSONLD.

At a minimum:

JSON/XML/DOM to JavaScript conversion (Reason: no updates to the Java NPM
package for ES6  (?), missing JSON file)

If someone wants to work on this, perhaps using another javascript to java
bridge (kafka? nashorn?), let me know!  It may be as simple as fixing the
java/npm installation.

I don't think this is working for anyone at this time.

Further ES6 SAI enhancements will appear in es6x3d (x3d.js) and
ECMAScriptSerializer.mjs (no Java required) and/or other ECMAScript SAI
implementations.   My ECMA stuff has not been verified.  Work on this is
not guaranteed.

X3dToNodeJS.xslt and X3dToES5.xslt are available elsewhere, skipping JSON.
These require X3Dautoclass.*js, I believe, from the X3DJSONLD
distribution, and therefore, X3DJSAIL (not desired).  It may be best to
save off these autoclass files.  There are also python programs which
generate these files in X3DJSONLD.  I will be maintaining, but not testing
the autoclass files into the future as X3D schemas change. These activities
could be taken over from the sourceforge/schema group, but really, work
should focus on ECMAScript SAI.

Ideally, we'd get rid of the X3DJSAIL dependency for my JavaScript/ES6 code

This is an overall move away of X3DJSONLD supporting X3DJSAIL for other
languages besides Java (which was suggested by Don many years ago--haven't
quite got there yet).  Support for Java/X3DJSAIL will continue in X3DJSONLD
for the near future.   Also, we plan on slowly developing x3d.py/X3DPSAIL
programs for accepting JSON (see x3djsonld.py).

Files using X3DJSAIL  which may be affected, not exhaustive,

python/net/coderextreme/data/x3dpsail.py (not maintained, see x3d.py)
python/x3dpsail.py (not maintained, see x3d.py)

Note: I am not aware of the ECMAScript version for Nashorn or Kafka.

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