[x3d-public] X3D to real, external world semantics

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 15:19:03 PDT 2023

In X3D, we have our own internal semantics. As encoded by our .ttl files.
What about external semantics, like house, car, chair etc?  These are
encoded in meta statements, PROTOs, names, descriptions, maybe appinfo,
X3DUOM and comments.  How do we extract these values to make the semantics
useful and searchable?  Can i ask Google, show me all X3D models of a
house?  Indeed I can!   The first 2 links point to our examples, the third
is a model site that I’m not sure contains x3d models, then a few more
links down, i see sketchfab with 2 models, one apartment building, a
church, and finally, what looks like a fantasy house.  Then…a sword.
What?  If you click on the sketchfab image, you get lots of churches.  I
guess it’s God’s house????

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