[x3d-public] call for contributions: SIGGRAPH 2023 BOF outreach on X3D 4.0, plus other events

Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) brutzman at nps.edu
Thu Aug 3 02:03:37 PDT 2023

We are assembling a fresh summary slideset for X3D 4.0, to be presented
@SIGGRAPH2023 in Los Angeles next week during the "#X3D Is Web Ready" Birds
of a Feather (BOF) session.


*	X3D4 is Web3D Ready
*	Join us and learn more on how X3D4 has evolved to support current 3D
technologies. X3D4 provides close support for the HTML5 Recommendation,
Khronos glTF Physically Based Rendering (PBR), and Web Audio API.
*	X3D4 is the basis of multiple file encodings and programming
language bindings. The X3D4 Architecture Specification is Web ready, used in
many 3D applications, highly mature, implemented, functionally complete, and
undergoing final editorial review for International Standards Organization


*	https://s2023.siggraph.org/presentation/?id=bof_109&sess=sess192
*	Event Type: Birds of a Feather
*	Monday, 7 August 20233pm - 4:30pm PDT 
*	Location: Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC) Room 514



Call for contributions: if you would like to share your work with X3D4,
please send


a.	Name of example model or application
b.	1-sentence description summary
c.	Screenshot images/video
d.	Website link



We'll be assembling a short slideset, show a few demos, and talk about X3D
future possibilities.


Apologies for short fuse. we are racing hard to be ready.  Give us what
you've got!  Thanks in advance for all contributions.  


But wait there is a lot more. Other Web3D-supported events at SIGGRAPH 2023
include great work at 


*	Web3D at SIGGRAPH 2023
*	https://www.web3d.org/event/web3d-siggraph-2023
*	Join the Web3D Consortium at SIGGRAPH 2023 as we celebrate 28 years
of breakthroughs in 3D Web technology along with 50 years of SIGGRAPH
history. Attend our <https://s2023.siggraph.org/program/birds-of-a-feather/>
Birds of a Feather (BoF) discussions, bolstered by a community of innovators
who have mapped the future of interactive, real-time 3D Graphics.
*	https://www.web3d.org/event/web3d-siggraph-2023


*	Cartographic Visualization (Carto) BOF -  Monday, August 7, Noon -
1:30 PM in the ACM SIGGRAPH Village Theater.
*	ACM SIGGRAPH Cartographic (Carto) Visualization Bird of a Feather
(BOF) session will highlight the future of digital mapping to support our
daily lives. Presenters will demonstrate various solutions for interactive
cartographic display and international mapping.
*	https://s2023.siggraph.org/presentation/?id=villip_105&sess=sess339


*	3D Web Interoperability for the Metaverse
*	Tuesday, 8 August 2023 - 1:00 PM  - 3:00 PM Pacific. Room 514.
*	Industry leaders, Standards development Organizations (SDO),
Metaverse Standards Forum(MSF), and Browser developers will discuss how best
to make the Metaverse fully interoperable with the WWW and the Standards
*	https://s2023.siggraph.org/presentation/?id=bof_108&sess=sess191
*	Introduction to  <https://metaverse-standards.org/> Metaverse
Standards Forum 3D Web Interoperability Domain Group Proposal
*	 <http://we3d.org/> Web3D/X3D Presentation by Nicholas Polys  
*	 <https://metaverse-standards.org/> Metaverse Standards Forum
presentation by Neil Trevett
*	Use Cases Presentations:  <http://versar.com/> Versar,
<http://threedy.io/> Threedy,   <http://ivn.net/> IVN and
<http://3dmd.com/> 3dMD
*	Discussion topics:

*	The nature of Metaverse Interoperability
*	WWW and device interfaces
*	Web Architecture & current standards
*	3D Assets Interoperability 
*	Use Cases and domains
*	Paths to Interoperability
*	SDOs and engagement
*	Industry Support


Onward we go, Planet SIGGRAPH approacheth. please share.  Have fun with X3D



all the best, Don


Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br        brutzman at nps.edu

Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA    +1.831.656.2149

X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics https://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman


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