[x3d-public] Worth to mention, X_ITE improvements of las 6 month

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 07:54:21 PDT 2023

That's an impressive list of features, thank you!

One thing that caught my attention: "GPU accelerated ParticleSystems".
In connection to this, questions:

- Do you have more complex / impressive examples of using X3D particle systems?

- Do you have some authoring pipeline for particle systems in X3D
(aside from "hacking in a text editor" :) )? Any tool able to design /
export X3D particle systems?

Context: We are working on particle systems in CGE (also with a
GPU-accelerated implementation). We wonder whether it is worth
aligning our capabilities with X3D nodes for particle systems.
Practically speaking, it depends on whether there's any authoring tool
support for X3D particle systems.


pt., 4 sie 2023 o 16:40 Holger Seelig <holger.seelig at yahoo.de> napisał(a):
> We have been working hard the last 6 months to make X_ITE even better. There are a lot of major changes to make X_ITE more advanced. I will mention here some significant improvements:
> * New Menu Design
> * Use of Vertex Array Objects
> * Thick Lines
> * Line Stipples
> * Points and Lines picking
> * GPU accelerated ParticleSystems
> * Branchless Shaders
> * Webpack as bungling system
> * Use of native JS Module system
> * Integrated DOM Integration
> * Use of JS Custom Elements API with x3d-canvas
> * New Website Design
> * Generation of X3D JSON output
> * Output Styles for to[X3D|VRML|JSON]String
> * X3D Tidy npx program
> * Animated GIF support
> * Configurable Antialiasing
> * New glTF Parser
> * New ImageTextureAtlas node
> * New OBJ Parser
> * New SVG Parser
> * New STL Parser
> * Use of JS fetch API
> * GPU accelerated Picking (pointing devices)
> * glTF Draco compression Support
> * Automated Testing Environment
> * New PLY Parser
> * Support for glTF Skinning
> * GPU accelerated HAnimHumanoid
> * New HAnimMotion node
> * Order Independent Transparency
> * X3D Image npx program
> And that’s not the end, development is going further.
> Best regards,
> Holger
> --
> Holger Seelig
> Leipzig, Germany
> holger.seelig at yahoo.de
> https://create3000.github.io/x_ite/
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