[x3d-public] x3d working group minutes, Friday 19 AUG 2023, part 1: eeting review

Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) brutzman at nps.edu
Sat Aug 19 17:43:28 PDT 2023

We continue meeting most weeks, to good effect.  All participation in our
weekly meetings is welcome.


Attendees: Anita Havele, Nicholas Polys, Dick Puk, Don Brutzman


0.	Participation.  The X3D Working Group meets weekly on Fridays
09-1000 Pacific on Web3D Consortium zoom channel.  Telcon information:


*	https://zoom.us/j/148206572  Password 483805 
*	https://www.web3d.org/member/teleconference-information 



1.	X3D 2023-2024 goals.  Our primary activities for X3D Working Group
in 2023 are focused on broad and correct deployment.


a.	Encourage consistent rendering, interaction and usage for the many
tremendous capabilities in X3D4.
b.	Update ISO specifications and implementations for multiple
programming languages and file encodings to match X3D4.


2.	SIGGRAPH 2023 Events.  A lot happened, including a lot of fun!
There was a real resurgence of activity at SIGGRAPH this year, it's fiftieth


All three of our planned events went off very well with excellent
attendance, 50-80 people each time.


*	Web3D at SIGGRAPH 2023, Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC), Los
Angeles California
*	https://www.web3d.org/event/web3d-siggraph-2023


*	Cartographic Visualization (Carto) BOF -  Monday, August 7 in the
ACM SIGGRAPH Village Theater.
*	ACM SIGGRAPH Cartographic (Carto) Visualization Bird of a Feather
(BOF) session will highlight the future of digital mapping to support our
daily lives. Presenters will demonstrate various solutions for interactive
cartographic display and international mapping.
*	https://s2023.siggraph.org/presentation/?id=villip_105&sess=sess339
*	https://twitter.com/Web3DConsortium/status/1677460320548458496


*	X3D4 is Web3D Ready - A major upgrade to the X3D Graphics - Monday,
7 August 2023 - Room 514.
*	X3D4 is the basis of multiple file encodings and programming
language bindings. The X3D4 Architecture Specification is Web ready, used in
many 3D applications, highly mature, implemented, functionally complete, and
undergoing final editorial review for International Standards Organization
(ISO). Join us and learn more on how X3D4 has evolved to support current 3D
*	Anita Havele
*	X3D BOF Contributions provides a summary of much recent (and newly
rediscovered) content:


*	ISO IEC JTC-1 SC24 WG6 X3D for Metaverse:


*	3D Web Interoperability for the Metaverse - Tuesday, 8 August 2023 -
1:00 PM  - 3:00 PM Pacific. Room 514.
*	Industry leaders, Standards development Organizations (SDO),
Metaverse Standards Forum (MSF), and Browser developers will discuss how
best to make the Metaverse fully interoperable with the WWW and the
Standards ecosystem.


which included


*	Metaverse Standards Forum (MSF), by Neil Trevett
*	Where Leading Standards Organizations and Companies Cooperate to
Foster Interoperability Standards for an Open Metaverse
*	Building an Open Metaverse. Interoperability is the bedrock of the
metaverse, to enable multiple disruptive technologies to work together, to
build bridges between applications to scale beyond a series of disconnected
silos, and to evolve a platform that is open and inclusive for all.
*	https://metaverse-standards.org


*	3D Web Interoperability MSF exploratory group proposal by Nicholas
Polys, Johannes Behr and Anita Havele
*	Mission. The mission of the 3D Web Interoperability Domain Working
Group is to enable the broadest possible interoperability of Metaverse
content using the Web to make the Metaverse fully interoperable with the WWW
and the Standards ecosystem in order to enable new Metaverse capabilities to
flourish on a strong foundation. 
*	Goals. The goals and key activities of this group are to generate
insights into leading 3D Web interoperability initiatives and to foster
their evolution in order to meet prioritized Use Cases. Special attention
will be paid to opportunities for cooperation to increase synergy and reduce
duplication of Standards effort, gaps and fragmentation, and confusion for
the good of users and the industry. 
*	This Working Group's goals are to consider the WWW as an interface
to the Metaverse and to consider interoperability of networked assets
including virtual and physical 3D models, animations, interactions,
lighting, and multimedia 
*	To document robust patterns for interoperable Metaverse content
authoring and delivery workflows across the Web; 
*	To enable mixed-use of different asset formats in a single virtual
*	To increase synergy and reduce duplication of WWW+Metaverse
Standards identify parallels, gaps, fragmentation, and provide SDOs guidance
on future standardization
*	To coordinate with other MSF Groups on Use Cases and common topics


Further reporting of Web3D newsletter and presentations by Virginia Tech
(VT), Threedy, Versar, and 3DMD will be forthcoming soon.


all the best, Don


Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br        brutzman at nps.edu

Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA    +1.831.656.2149

X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics https://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman


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