[x3d-public] Need for colorspaceConversion field in ImageTexture

Holger Seelig holger.seelig at yahoo.de
Sun Aug 20 16:22:59 PDT 2023

There is still the problem that the issue of ICC color profiles is not addressed here, although it is an urgent issue. For people who have not yet dealt with this problem, it may seem like it is not important, but it is of interest to professional graphic designers.  

When it comes to texturing, there is nothing about ICC color profiles in the X3D spec:


But in glTF spec, they are very aware of that:

> ... images SHOULD NOT contain ... ICC profiles. Such features, if present, MUST be ignored by client implementations.

But we in X3D do, and the problem occurs if we want to try to convert glTF to X3D, which is possible and straightforward, but we need options to do this in the right way, and in a way everyone is satisfied.

Best regards,
Holger from LE

Holger Seelig
Leipzig, Germany

holger.seelig at yahoo.de

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