[x3d-public] Sound Component > v4 > Recommendations

GPU Group gpugroup at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 12:07:45 PST 2023

Recommendation: remove TimeDependentNode inheritance from all
SoundProcessing Nodes.
Disbenefits of inheriting from TimeDependentNode
1. they aren't time dependent, they are data flow dependent. They don't
throttle anything, when they get a chunk of data they process it and pass
it on.
2. Web Audio treats source nodes differently than processing nodes.
- source nodes have scheduling functions start(when), stop(when)
x processing nodes have none of that.
Indicating web audio treats the source nodes as time dependent nodes
- but not processing nodes
- generally if you want to throttle audio, you do it at source nodes.
3. Adds bureaucracy to what should be light weight nodes.
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