[x3d-public] HAnim standard LOA4 hierarchy to Blender Python

GPU Group gpugroup at gmail.com
Sun Jul 30 07:29:15 PDT 2023

There's a MakeHuman plugin MPFB for Blender, and it has a few choices for
rigging, and is open-source. One idea is to add a few more rigging options
to it for HAnim.

On Sat, Jul 29, 2023 at 8:26 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> I’ve got a Perl script  if anyone is interested: It converts sections of
> the HAnim 2.0 LOA4 standard to Blender python, in particular, the LOA4
> joint hierarchy and joint centers.  I’d like people to try it to see if
> they see glaring errors or omissions (transforms?).  Or, I can just send
> the Python.  I don’t quite have the segments or sites in.  I have a way to
> create segments by connecting joints, but it’s currently commented out in
> the code.
> It’s going to be a bit more before we convert all of the HAnimHumanoid…I
> think the skin is already loaded by the X3D import in Blender.   We’ll also
> have to import skin weights and animations.  Blender already imports skin.
> I’d also like to try exporting HAnimHumanoids as x3d.py Python.  My first
> step will be to build a JSON file with Blender Python and then use
> x3djsonld.py to produce Python.  x3djsonld.py is still under development.
> In other news, I’m working on a gradle build for X3DJSONLD.
> John
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