[x3d-public] ANARI+x3d = standard x3d raytracing?

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue Nov 28 01:56:15 PST 2023

Have you wanted to do raytracing in x3d across a range of graphics cards,
but had no way to do low level stuff?  Consider the ANARI industry standard
1.0 API SDK:


ANARI is close to X3D Interchange profile, including cameras and lighting.

I’m open to requests for X3DJSONLD JSON inputs to ANARI python, C and C ++
output, but I’m not going to do it unless someone wants it, and can test my
products.  I don’t have a raytracing card myself.  I will probably render
X3D to USD for my testing.  My preference would be to use Python output,
since that is allied with USD.

If you want to start with XML or VRML and skip X3D JSON, seek elsewhere.  I
can provide assistance to those who need conversion to JSON.

Since ANARI is close to Interchange format, there’s probably no reason to
write an ANARI renderer for other X3D profiles, but someone else may want
to try.  I don’t believe there is an X3D Loader for ANARI either.  I’m not
interested, as I am interested in program synthesis.  X3DJSONLD is my X3D
Loader, which comes before program synthesis.

I don’t believe there is animation with ANARI, but there is an ANARI addon
renderer for Blender and an ANARI backend to USD converter for Omniverse
(or something like that).

ANARI does have PBR, I’ve heard.

I have heard of people using ANARI with OpenXR.

I’m just looking for an excuse to try it out and no marketing or sales
implied.  I’m a volunteer, with quite a bit 3D training in college,
including writing a raytracer.

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