[x3d-public] Need help debugging HAnim X3D Blender export

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 16:56:37 PDT 2023

You'll need:


I put it in the folder where I'm running my python export script.
Knowledge of how to reference this from the GUI is welcome!

Note that I don't pay attention to the numbers in the file, just the
joint/segment information right now.


On Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 6:25 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> For parties interested in HAnim export from Blender:
> https://github.com/coderextreme/BlenderX3DSupport/blob/main/io_scene_x3d/export_x3d.py
> think there’s issues with writeHAnim_begin, which writes HAnimJoInts and
> default HAnimSegments and HAnimSites.  I need help mainly with humanoid
> examples.  I don’t currently examples have any with “segments”— I’m pulling
> those from a file.  I have default boxes where joints are, and one can make
> the skin transparent.  I need someone who can dig into XML or VRML HAnim.
> I can’t currently import HAnim X3D models that I know of, but Doug can
> correct me if his X3DV plugin is working.  Import would be a great help,
> but my focus is on animations right now.
> Animations aren’t currently exported for HAnim that I know of.  These
> relied on HAnim stuff that wasn’t exported.  That is my next thing to
> tackle.  If you’re ahead of me Doug on exporting HAnim animations, that
> would be good to know.  I have installed your plugin, but I’ve not
> extensively tested it, I can file a bug report.  Probably my model would
> not be exported by x3d.py.  IDK, something to try.
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