[x3d-public] Blender Python for exporting HAnimMotion animation data. Please doublecheck my work

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 02:15:22 PDT 2023

I'll work on getting this integrated with the Blender X3DV plugin.  Should
be fun! I'm wondering if the numpy research listed here
https://www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python/python.html has paid off? I
could be a happy guinea pig!

if armature:
    animation_data = armature.animation_data
    if animation_data:
        action = animation_data.action
        if action:
            values = []
            for frame in range(int(action.frame_range.x),
int(action.frame_range.y) + 1):
                # frame is frame number
                for bone in armature.pose.bones:
                    values.append(bone.location[0]) # location
                    values.append(bone.location[1]) # location
                    values.append(bone.location[2]) # location
                    values.append(bone.rotation_euler[0]) # rotation_euler
                    values.append(bone.rotation_euler[1]) # rotation_euler
                    values.append(bone.rotation_euler[2]) # rotation_euler
                    # values.append(bone.scale[0]) # scale
                    # values.append(bone.scale[1]) # scale
                    # values.append(bone.scale[2]) # scale
            numbones = len(armature.pose.bones)
            hAnimMotion = HAnimMotion(
                channels="6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Xrotation
Yrotation Zrotation " * numbones,
                joints=" ".join(bone.name for bone in armature.pose.bones),
            print("No animation data associated with the armature.")
        print("No animation data found for the armature.")
    print("No armature found in the scene.")
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