[x3d-public] Jinloa4 scaled with loa4 animation

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Mon Apr 1 16:06:45 PDT 2024

I don't see any functional differences between Joe's version and my
products (the JSON conversion of the hierarchy was different due to the

Here is the difference (note that I've added a number to the #...


<                                     |                   l_eyelid
>                                     |                   l_eyelid
<                                     |
 (l_eyelid_tip  x y z)
>                                     |                       (l_eyelid_tip
x y z)                                                   #Sxx_390
<                                     |
 (r_eyelid_tip  x y z)
>                                     |                       (r_eyelid_tip
x y z)                                                   #Sxx_394
<                                     |                     (l_eyeball_tip
x y z)                                                    #Sxx
>                                     |                     (l_eyeball_tip
x y z)                                                    #Sxx_398
<                                     |                     (r_eyeball_tip
x y z)                                                    #Sxx
>                                     |                     (r_eyeball_tip
x y z)                                                    #Sxx_402
<                                     |                     (l_eyebrow_tip
x y z)                                                    #Sxx
>                                     |                     (l_eyebrow_tip
x y z)                                                    #Sxx_406
<                                     |                     (r_eyebrow_tip
x y z)                                                    #Sxx
<                                     |                 tongue_joint x y z
<                                     |                   tongue
>                                     |                     (r_eyebrow_tip
x y z)                                                    #Sxx_410
>                                     |                 tongue_joint x y z
>                                     |                   tongue
<                                     |                     (tongue_tip  x
y z)                                                       #Sxx
>                                     |                     (tongue_tip x y
z)                                                       #Sxx_414

On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 5:16 PM Joe D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Thanks jinloa4, attached are two items:
> (1) Latest version of Jin4loa4 with Sites (in work) added, or at least a
> rough first cut. The plan is to position the sites in the correct position
> in the hierarchy and show animations.
> (2) my list of joint segment site hierarchy, for v2, with some dimensions
> missing, not to mention identifiers and location for coming in v3.
> The example Site coordinates will be defined relative to Jinloa4 surfaces.
> Again, I am working to develop this example as an operating Level 1 loa4
> (Segment geometry) as a companion to current Part 1 Annex A user code
> example. Jin is sized at about 1.5 where the existing v2 humanoid is about
> 1.86.
>  Thanks and Best,
> Joe
> John > For those who didn't read the credits in the code, Meyong did the
> jinloa4 original, and John did the routine for the re-scaling. This is not
> as simple as it may seem, but it is the basic stuff a browser has to do
> when loading a Humanoid that is drawn other than 1:1 but still wants to
> play default space with spec Humanoids.
> This could lead to a relatively simple way to specify a skeleton by
> filling in a form giving dimensions for joint centers and site locations.
> Thanks for your work on this, John.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>
> Sent: Mar 25, 2024 8:02 PM
> To: Joe D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net>
> Subject: Re: [x3d-public] Jinloa4 scaled with loa4 animation
> “Education by whatever means” — Ted
> The new word to learn is “neurodiversity.”  An older term was “out of the
> box thinking.”
> Have you seen the Xanadu implementation in OpenGL?  Look up Ted on
> YouTube? 15 years ago?
> I’m with Ted, not everything is a document.  I reserve the right to change
> my mind.  Each day, each opening of our eyes might be a new beginning.
> “The only way out is to realize you haven’t been in.” — John Carlson
> I believe I coined the term “self-enveloping universe.”  But the ideas
> have been around for years.  Now imagine it at a massive scale.   That’s
> the multiverse.  I just can’t write the math for it, so physicists won’t
> accept it.  Decorated fractal permutations? Hmm!
> John
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 9:27 PM Joe D Williams via x3d-public <
> x3d-public at web3d.org> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> With the ideas of Ted Nelson in mind,we want to provide a connected
>> history of our works and dreams for the future.
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3mptA5sZTM
>> Ted Nelson -- Vannevar Bush Symposium 1995
>> Yes, truly a madman.
>> Recently we decided to improve the trail by making the jinloa4 model into
>> a truly 'Standard' example of a nice Level 1 Humanoid. The only deviation
>> from 'Standard' is that it was drawn approx. 44:1. meaning the skeleton and
>> geometry was drawn other than 1:1 in meters to match the specified default
>> Humanoid size. As a result, in order to fit the model into 'Standard'
>> Humanoid space, it needs at least a scale operation.
>> Original jinloa4 example:
>> https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Characters/JinLOA4Index.html
>> For the original, the Humanoid node scale parameter is used and that
>> works fine to make it the right size because the browser can handle the
>> scale, but as you might predict, 'Standard' animations, those defined for a
>> "Standard' Humanoid, may have problems.
>> This is important because the Fundamental and Most Important Goal of X3D
>> HAnim is to allow 'Standard' Humanoid models to leverage 'Standard'
>> Humanoid animations. That is, if the model is built using 'Standard' HAnim
>> hierarchy, default pose, and reasonable limb length relationships, then
>> 'Standard' animations should work. Animations are the most labor intensive
>> part of this, so it makes deep sense to try and reuse animations.
>> So, looking at jinloa4, as mentioned the original jinloa4 skeleton is
>> dimensioned about 44 to1. This is fairly easy, just do what he browser
>> would have to do and scale the joint center locations to 1:1. Next, the
>> geometry is drawn in a location then Transformed to the joint center.
>> Again, this is fairly straightforward work the browser does when loading so
>> we just scaled the geometry to 1:1 then moved the points to the correct
>> location, just like the browser would have to do. We end up with the
>> jinloa4rescaled file that is attached.
>> Notice that when you load and run the the model it starts off doing a
>> "Kick" animation. Select other animations to see other motions. Pitch, Yaw,
>> and Roll joints and Walk and Run and Jump and Kick.
>> Now look at the user code, down past the skeleton and geometry and please
>> notice the "Stop" animation code. To my knowledge this is the only complete
>> set of loa4 Interpolators, Routes from Timer to Interpolator, and Routes
>> from Interpolator to Joint.
>> (Right now, the Stop animation is actually hooked up to the "Default"
>> button,so"Default" is really a Test action.)
>> Go ahead and edit the code, for example change the Interpolator values
>> for this Joint:
>>   Stop_vl5_RotationInterpolator'     where vl5 is the first from the
>> bottom vertebrae.
>> From:
>>   key='0 0.5 1' keyValue='0 0 1 0, 0 0 1 0, 0 0 1 0'/>
>> To:
>>   key='0 0.5 1' keyValue='0 0 1 0, 1 0 0 1, 0 0 1 0'/>
>> Now reload the scene and press "Default" and Jin will do a gentle bow.
>> One lesson is this you can really see how to animate "standard" models.
>> If you sit on the Joint, facing +z, then the four interpolator key values x
>> y z scale (0 0 1 0 is default) make it simple because x-axis is Pitch,
>> y-axis is Yaw, and z-axis is Roll. We use right-hand rule, so with thumb
>> aimed positive direction along an axis a positive key value rotates the
>> axis CCW.
>> So in the above example, the middle keyvalue gives 1 radian of rotation
>> or the x-axis, giving jin that forward rotation at the waist.
>> Give that same value to a shoulder joint.
>> Anyway, I hope we can do more with this one. Mainly work out the other
>> animations which were  originally set up for a V1 loa3 (joekick skeleton).
>> Thanks to All for All the Fun with HAnim,
>> Joe
>> .
>> :
>> .
>> ,
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