[x3d-public] [h-anim] Jinloa4 scaled with loa4 animation
Joe D Williams
joedwil at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 8 15:45:05 PDT 2024
HI All,
Here is latest development of Jin Scaled to 1:1 V2 Level1 Loa4 Sites showing all V2 Annex A feature points.
The important item is that each Site feature point is child of the correct Joint-Segment hierarchy so that it animates correctly.
Please take a look at these animations which should show the Site moving as expected.
Plenty of work still to do to refine site locations and develop the animations, which were mostly done for V2 loa3, to add loa4 motions.
Of course this is missing all new feature points being added for HAnim V3.
My plan is to refine placement of the existing ones and add new when I can get a list.
I have used some special formatting to make the Site user code easier to access.
Also attached is the latest cut at my personal listing of loa4 hierarchy that I use to check the spec. Some small changes from last version.
Thanks and Best Fun with HAnim,
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net>
Sent: Mar 25, 2024 7:28 PM
To: <x3d-public at web3d.org>, <h-anim at web3d.org>
Subject: [h-anim] Jinloa4 scaled with loa4 animation
Hi All,
With the ideas of Ted Nelson in mind,we want to provide a connected history of our works and dreams for the future.
Ted Nelson -- Vannevar Bush Symposium 1995
Yes, truly a madman.
Recently we decided to improve the trail by making the jinloa4 model into a truly 'Standard' example of a nice Level 1 Humanoid. The only deviation from 'Standard' is that it was drawn approx. 44:1. meaning the skeleton and geometry was drawn other than 1:1 in meters to match the specified default Humanoid size. As a result, in order to fit the model into 'Standard' Humanoid space, it needs at least a scale operation.
Original jinloa4 example:
For the original, the Humanoid node scale parameter is used and that works fine to make it the right size because the browser can handle the scale, but as you might predict, 'Standard' animations, those defined for a "Standard' Humanoid, may have problems.
This is important because the Fundamental and Most Important Goal of X3D HAnim is to allow 'Standard' Humanoid models to leverage 'Standard' Humanoid animations. That is, if the model is built using 'Standard' HAnim hierarchy, default pose, and reasonable limb length relationships, then 'Standard' animations should work. Animations are the most labor intensive part of this, so it makes deep sense to try and reuse animations.
So, looking at jinloa4, as mentioned the original jinloa4 skeleton is dimensioned about 44 to1. This is fairly easy, just do what he browser would have to do and scale the joint center locations to 1:1. Next, the geometry is drawn in a location then Transformed to the joint center. Again, this is fairly straightforward work the browser does when loading so we just scaled the geometry to 1:1 then moved the points to the correct location, just like the browser would have to do. We end up with the jinloa4rescaled file that is attached.
Notice that when you load and run the the model it starts off doing a "Kick" animation. Select other animations to see other motions. Pitch, Yaw, and Roll joints and Walk and Run and Jump and Kick.
Now look at the user code, down past the skeleton and geometry and please notice the "Stop" animation code. To my knowledge this is the only complete set of loa4 Interpolators, Routes from Timer to Interpolator, and Routes from Interpolator to Joint.
(Right now, the Stop animation is actually hooked up to the "Default" button,so"Default" is really a Test action.)
Go ahead and edit the code, for example change the Interpolator values for this Joint:
Stop_vl5_RotationInterpolator' where vl5 is the first from the bottom vertebrae.
key='0 0.5 1' keyValue='0 0 1 0, 0 0 1 0, 0 0 1 0'/>
key='0 0.5 1' keyValue='0 0 1 0, 1 0 0 1, 0 0 1 0'/>
Now reload the scene and press "Default" and Jin will do a gentle bow.
One lesson is this you can really see how to animate "standard" models. If you sit on the Joint, facing +z, then the four interpolator key values x y z scale (0 0 1 0 is default) make it simple because x-axis is Pitch, y-axis is Yaw, and z-axis is Roll. We use right-hand rule, so with thumb aimed positive direction along an axis a positive key value rotates the axis CCW.
So in the above example, the middle keyvalue gives 1 radian of rotation or the x-axis, giving jin that forward rotation at the waist.
Give that same value to a shoulder joint.
Anyway, I hope we can do more with this one. Mainly work out the other animations which were originally set up for a V1 loa3 (joekick skeleton).
Thanks to All for All the Fun with HAnim,
h-anim mailing list
h-anim at web3d.org
-------------- next part --------------
hanim v2 LOA4 skeleton Joint, Segment, Site hierarchy
with Joint and Site locations
Based on V1 LOA3 hierarchy extended to V2 LOA4
20181024 ... 20190314 20190523
0404 changed sacroiliac and vc7 connections
0417 recheck 0523 recheck
20200708 reset hierarchy root to sac and vl5 09 reset hierachy vc7
20231003 r to l changed[r_talocalcaneonavicular to l_cuneonavicular_1] corrected
20240316 added locations for 4 segments, moved parenthesis, r_metacarpal_phalanx_3
20240629 added some explanation of layout
20240408 added spine_1_middle_back 24
20240408 fixed r_epicondyles names
joint_a x y z #Jnn
segment_a #Bnn
[from joint_a to joint_b]
joint_b x y z #Jnn
segment_b #Bnn
[joint_b to segment_b_tip]
(segment_b_tip x y z) #Snn
joint_n x y z represents a Joint node in the hierarchy
and gives its coordinates relative to 0 0 0.
segment_n represents a connection between nodes
[from ... to ...] names the connection between nodes.
segment_n_tip x y z) names a Site node
and gives its coordinates relative to 0 0 0.
So, in the example below the Segment 'sacrum' is a
child of root and connects with two joints, sacro and vl5.
From the sacro joint, the pelvis connects to
right and left hips and pelvis includes several site nodes.
The coordinates are from hanim v2 Annex A Tables
listing Joint centers and Site locations.
#Jnn = joint reference number from Concepts? and schema
#Snn = site reference number from
hanimv2 Table B.2 — Feature points and from schema
#Bnn = Segment reference number from Concepts? and schema
Humanoid skeleton
humanoid_root 0.0000 0.8240 0.0277 #J1
sacrum #B1
[humanoid_root to sacroiliac]
[humanoid_root to vl5]
sacroiliac 0.0000 0.9149 0.0016 #J2
| pelvis #B2
| [sacroiliac to l_hip]
| [sacroiliac to r_hip]
| (r_iliocristale -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035) #S36
| (r_trochanterion -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352) #S46
| (l_iliocristale 0.1612 1.0537 0.0008) #S33
| (l_trochanterion 0.1677 0.8336 0.0303) #S42
| (r_asis -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112) #S35
| (l_asis 0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151) #S32
| (r_psis -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138) #S37
| (l_psis 0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151) #S34
| (crotch 0.0034 0.8266 0.0257) #S38
| (buttocks_standing_wall_contact_point x y z) #S93
| l_hip 0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001 #J3
| | l_thigh #B3
| | [l_hip to l_knee]
| | (l_knee_crease 0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309) #S90
| | (l_femoral_medial_epicondyles 0.0398 0.4946 0.0303) #S39
| | (l_femoral_lateral_epicondyles 0.1598 0.4967 0.0297) #S40
| | (l_suprapatella x y z) #S41
| | l_knee 0.1040 0.4867 0.0308 #J4
| | l_calf #B4
| | [l_knee to l_talocrural]
| | (l_tibiale x y z) #S47
| | (l_medial_malleolus 0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881) #S48
| | (l_lateral_malleolus 0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032) #S49
| | l_talocrural 0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736 #J5
| | l_talus #B5
| | [l_talocrural to l_talocalcaneonavicular]
| | [l_talocrural to l_calcaneuscuboid]
| | (l_sphyrion 0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943) #S50
| | (l_calcaneous_posterior 0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171) #S58
| | l_talocalcaneonavicular x y z #J6
| | | l_navicular #B6
| | | [l_talocalcaneonavicular to l_cuneonavicular_1]
| | | [l_talocalcaneonavicular to l_cuneonavicular_2]
| | | [l_talocalcaneonavicular to l_cuneonavicular_3]
| | | l_cuneonavicular_1 x y z #J7
| | | | l_cuneiform_1 #B7
| | | | [l_cuneonavicular_1 to l_metatarsal_1]
| | | | l_tarsometatarsal_1 x y z #J8
| | | | l_metatarsal_1 #B8
| | | | [l_metatarsal_1 to l_metatarsophalangeal_1]
| | | | l_metatarsophalangeal_1 0.1086 0.0001 0.0368 #J9
| | | | l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_1 #B9
| | | | [l_metatarsophalangeal_1 to l_tarsal_interphalangeal_1]
| | | | (l_metatarsal_phalanx_1 0.0816 0.0232 0.0106) #S55
| | | | l_tarsal_interphalangeal_1 0.1086 0.0000 0.0762 #J10
| | | | l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_1 #B10
| | | | [l_tarsal_interphalangeal_1 to l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_1_tip]
| | | | (l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_1_tip 0.090 0.012 0.188) #S111
| | | l_cuneonavicular_2 x y z #J11
| | | | l_cuneiform_2 #B11
| | | | [l_cuneonavicular_2 to l_metatarsal_2]
| | | | l_tarsometatarsal_2 x y z #J12
| | | | l_metatarsal_2 #B12
| | | | [l_metatarsal_2 to l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_2]
| | | | l_metatarsophalangeal_2 x y z #J13
| | | | l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2 #B13
| | | | [l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_2 to l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_2]
| | | | l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_2 x y z #J14
| | | | l_tarsal_middle_phalanx_2 #B14
| | | | [l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_2 to l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2]
| | | | l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2 x y z #J15
| | | | l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2 #B15
| | | | [l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2 to l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_tip]
| | | | (l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_tip 0.110 0.011 0.19) #S112
| | | l_cuneonavicular_3 x y z #J16
| | | l_cuneiform_3 #B16
| | | [l_cuneonavicular_3 to l_tarsometatarsal_3]
| | | l_tarsometatarsal_3 x y z #J17
| | | l_metatarsal_3 #B17
| | | [l_tarsometatarsal_3 to l_metatarsophalangeal_3]
| | | l_metatarsophalangeal_3 x y z #J18
| | | l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_3 #B18
| | | [l_metatarsophalangeal_3 to l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_3]
| | | l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_3 x y z #J19
| | | l_tarsal_middle_phalanx_3 #B19
| | | [l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_3 to l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_3]
| | | l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_3 x y z #J20
| | | l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_3 #B20
| | | [l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_3 to l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_3_tip]
| | | (l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_3_tip 0.128 0.011 0.185) #S113
| | l_calcaneuscuboid x y z #J21
| | l_calcaneus #B21
| | [l_calcaneuscuboid to l_transversetarsal]
| | l_transversetarsal x y z #J22
| | l_cuboid #B22
| | [l_transversetarsal to l_tarsometatarsal_4]
| | [l_transversetarsal to l_tarsometatarsal_5]
| | l_tarsometatarsal_4 x y z #J23
| | | l_metatarsal_4 #B23
| | | [l_tarsometatarsal_4 to l_metatarsophalangeal_4]
| | | l_metatarsophalangeal_4 x y z #J24
| | | l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_4 #B24
| | | [l_metatarsophalangeal_4 to l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_4]
| | | l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_4 x y z #J25
| | | l_tarsal_middle_phalanx_4 #B25
| | | [l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_4 to l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_4]
| | | l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_4 x y z #J26
| | | l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_4 #B26
| | | [l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_4 to l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_4_tip]
| | | (l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_4_tip 0.142 0.011 0.178) #S114
| | l_tarsometatarsal_5 x y z #J27
| | l_metatarsal_5 #B27
| | [l_tarsometatarsal_5 to l_metatarsophalangeal_5]
| | l_metatarsophalangeal_5 x y z #J28
| | l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_5 #B28
| | [l_metatarsophalangeal_5 to l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_5]
| | l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_5 x y z #J29
| | l_tarsal_middle_phalanx_5 #B29
| | [l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_5 to l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_5]
| | (l_metatarsal_phalanx_5 0.1825 0.0070 0.0928) #S56
| | l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_5 x y z #J30
| | l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_5 #B30
| | [l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_5 to l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_5_tip]
| | (l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_5_tip 0.154 0.010 0.168) #S115
| r_hip -0.0950 0.9171 0.0029 #J31
| r_thigh #B31
| [r_hip to r_knee]
| (r_knee_crease -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326) #S91
| (r_femoral_lateral_epicondyles -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310) #S44
| (r_femoral_medial_epicondyles -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289) #S43
| (r_suprapatella x y z) #S45
| r_knee -0.0867 0.4913 0.0318 #J32
| r_calf #B32
| [r_knee to r_talocrural]
| (r_tibiale x y z) #S51
| (r_medial_malleolus -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928) #S52
| (r_lateral_malleolus -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075) #S53
| r_talocrural -0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766 #J33
| r_talus #B33
| [r_talocrural to r_talocalcaneonavicular]
| [r_talocrural to r_calcaneuscuboid]
| (r_sphyrion -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002) #S54
| (r_calcaneous_posterior -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221) #S62
| r_talocalcaneonavicular x y z #J34
| | r_navicular #B34
| | [r_talocalcaneonavicular to r_cuneonavicular_1]
| | [r_talocalcaneonavicular to r_cuneonavicular_2]
| | [r_talocalcaneonavicular to r_cuneonavicular_3]
| | r_cuneonavicular_1 x y z #J35
| | | r_cuneiform_1 #B35
| | | [r_cuneonavicular_1 to r_tarsometatarsal_1]
| | | r_tarsometatarsal_1 x y z #J36
| | | r_metatarsal_1 #B36
| | | [r_tarsometatarsal_1 to r_metatarsophalangeal_1]
| | | r_metatarsophalangeal_1 x y z #J37
| | | r_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_1 #B37
| | | [r_metatarsophalangeal_1 to r_tarsal_interphalangeal_1]
| | | r_tarsal_interphalangeal_1 x y z #J38
| | | r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_1 #B38
| | | [r_tarsal_interphalangeal_1 to r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_1_tip]
| | | (r_metatarsal_phalanx_1 x y z) #S59
| | | (r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_1_tip -0.1043 -0.0227 0.1450) #S116
| | r_cuneonavicular_2 x y z #J39
| | | r_cuneiform_2 #B39
| | | [r_cuneonavicular_2 to r_tarsometatarsal_2]
| | | r_tarsometatarsal_2 x y z #J40
| | | r_metatarsal_2 #B40
| | | [r_tarsometatarsal_2 to r_metatarsophalangeal_2]
| | | r_metatarsophalangeal_2 x y z #J41
| | | r_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2 #B41
| | | [r_metatarsophalangeal_2 to r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_2]
| | | r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_2 x y z #J42
| | | r_tarsal_middle_phalanx_2 #B42
| | | [r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_2 to r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2]
| | | r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2 x y z #J43
| | | r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2 #B43
| | | [r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2 to r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_tip]
| | | (r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_tip -0.110 0.011 0.19) #S117
| | r_cuneonavicular_3 x y z #J44
| | r_cuneiform_3 #B44
| | [r_cuneonavicular_3 to r_tarsometatarsal_3]
| | r_tarsometatarsal_3 x y z #J45
| | r_metatarsal_3 #B45
| | [r_tarsometatarsal_3 to r_metatarsophalangeal_3]
| | r_metatarsophalangeal_3 x y z #J46
| | r_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_3 #B46
| | [r_metatarsophalangeal_3 to r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_3]
| | r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_3 x y z #J47
| | r_tarsal_middle_phalanx_3 #B47
| | [r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_3 to r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_3]
| | r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_3 x y z #J48
| | r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_3 #B48
| | [r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_3 to r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_3_tip]
| | (r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_3_tip -0.128 0.011 0.185) #S118
| r_calcaneuscuboid x y z #J49
| r_calcaneus #B49
| [r_calcaneuscuboid to r_transversetarsal]
| r_transversetarsal x y z #J50
| r_cuboid #B50
| [r_transversetarsal to r_tarsometatarsal_4]
| [r_transversetarsal to r_tarsometatarsal_5]
| r_tarsometatarsal_4 x y z #J51
| | r_metatarsal_4 #B51
| | [r_tarsometatarsal_4 to r_metatarsophalangeal_4]
| | r_metatarsophalangeal_4 x y z #J52
| | r_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_4 #B52
| | [r_metatarsophalangeal_4 to r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_4]
| | r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_4 x y z #J53
| | r_tarsal_middle_phalanx_4 #B53
| | [r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_4 to r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_4]
| | r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_4 x y z #J54
| | r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_4 #B54
| | [r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_4 to r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_4_tip]
| | (r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_4_tip -0.142 0.011 0.178) #S119
| r_tarsometatarsal_5 x y z #J55
| r_metatarsal_5 #B55
| [r_tarsometatarsal_5 to r_metatarsophalangeal_5]
| r_metatarsophalangeal_5 x y z #J56
| r_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_5 #B56
| [r_metatarsophalangeal_5 to r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_5]
| r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_5 x y z #J57
| r_tarsal_middle_phalanx_5 #B57
| [r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_5 to r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_5]
| (r_metatarsal_phalanx_5 x y z) #S60
| 0.0 0.90 -0.1 r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_5 x y z #J58
| r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_5 #B58
| [r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_5 to r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_5_tip]
| (r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_5_tip -0.154 0.010 0.168) #S120
vl5 0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776 #J59
l5 #B59
[vl5 to vl4]
(spine_1_middle_back x y z) #S24
(spine_2_lower_back x y z) #S25
(waist_preferred_anterior x y z) #S26
(waist_preferred_posterior 0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091) #S27
(navel 0.0069 1.0966 0.1017) #S84
vl4 0.0035 1.0925 -0.0787 #J60
l4 #B60
[vl4 to vl3]
vl3 0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796 #J61
l3 #B61
[vl3 to vl2]
vl2 0.0045 1.1546 -0.0800 #J62
l2 #B62
[vl2 to vl1]
(l_rib_10 0.0871 1.1925 0.0992) #S28
(r_rib_10 -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016) #S30
vl1 0.0048 1.1912 -0.0805 #J63
l1 #B63
[vl1 to vt12]
vt12 0.0051 1.2278 -0.0808 #J64
t12 #B64
[vt12 to vt11]
vt11 0.0053 1.2679 -0.0810 #J65
t11 #B65
[vt11 to vt10]
vt10 0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822 #J66
t10 #B66
[vt10 to vt9]
(substernale 0.0085 1.2995 0.1147) #S13
(mesosternale x y z) #S88
vt9 0.0057 1.3126 -0.0838 #J67
t9 #B67
[vt9 to vt8]
(l_thelion 0.0918 1.3382 0.1192) #S29
(r_thelion -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217) #S31
(rear_center_midsagittal_plane x y z) #S92
(l_chest_midsagittal_plane x y z) #S94
(r_chest_midsagittal_plane x y z) #S95
vt8 0.0057 1.3382 -0.0845 #J68
t8 #B68
[vt8 to vt7]
vt7 0.0058 1.3625 -0.0833 #J69
t7 #B69
[vt7 to vt6]
vt6 0.0059 1.3866 -0.0800 #J70
t6 #B70
[vt6 to vt5]
vt5 0.0060 1.4102 -0.0745 #J71
t5 #B71
[vt5 to vt4]
(spine_1_middle_back x y z) #S24
vt4 0.0061 1.4320 -0.0675 #J72
t4 #B72
[vt4 to vt3]
vt3 0.0062 1.4583 -0.0570 #J73
t3 #B73
[vt3 to vt2]
vt2 0.0063 1.4761 -0.0484 #J74
t2 #B74
[vt2 to vt1]
vt1 0.0065 1.4951 -0.0387 #J75
t1 #B75
[vt1 to vc7]
(suprasternale 0.0084 1.4714 0.0551) #S12
(cervicale 0.0064 1.520 -0.0815) #S10
vc7 0.0066 1.5132 -0.0301 #J76
| c7 #B76
| [vc7 to vc6]
| [vc7 to l_sternoclavicular]
| [vc7 to r_sternoclavicular]
| (l_neck_base 0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380) #S82
| (r_neck_base -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220) #S83
| vc6 0.0066 1.5357 -0.0143 #J77
| c6 #B77
| [vc6 to vc5]
| vc5 0.0066 1.5520 -0.0082 #J78
| c5 #B78
| [vc5 to vc4]
| vc4 0.0066 1.5662 -0.0084 #J79
| c4 #B79
| [vc4 to vc3]
| vc3 0.0066 1.5800 -0.0103 #J80
| c3 #B80
| [vc3 to vc2]
| vc2 0.0066 1.5928 -0.0103 #J81
| c2 #B81
| [vc2 to vc1]
| (adams_apple x y z) #S11
| vc1 0.0066 1.6144 -0.0034 #J82
| c1 #B82
| [vc1 to skullbase]
| skullbase 0.0044 1.6209 0.0236 #J83
| skull #B83
| [skullbase to l_eyelid_joint]
| [skullbase to r_eyelid_joint]
| [skullbase to l_eyeball_joint]
| [skullbase to r_eyeball_joint]
| [skullbase to l_eyebrow_joint]
| [skullbase to r_eyebrow_joint]
| [skullbase to temporomandibular]
| [skullbase to tongue_joint]
| (skull_vertex 0.0050 1.7504 0.0055) #S0
| (sellion 0.0058 1.6316 0.0852) #S1
| (r_infraorbitale -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752) #S2
| (l_infraorbitale 0.0341 1.6171 0.0752) #S3
| (r_tragion -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302) #S7
| (l_tragion 0.0739 1.6348 0.0282) #S4
| (nuchale 0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796) #S81
| (opisthocranion x y z) #S89
| (glabella x y z) #S1
| (l_ectocanthus x y z) #S85
| (r_ectocanthus x y z) #S86
| l_eyelid_joint 0.0336 1.6332 0.0502 #J84
| l_eyelid #Bnn
| [l_eyelid_joint to l_eyelid_tip]
| (l_eyelid_tip x y z) #Sxx
| r_eyelid_joint -0.0236 1.6331 0.0510 #J85
| r_eyelid #B85
| [r_eyelid_joint to r_eyelid_tip]
| (r_eyelid_tip x y z) #Sxx
| l_eyeball_joint 0.0336 1.6332 0.0502 #J86
| l_eyeball #B86
| [l_eyeball_joint to l_eyeball_tip]
| (l_eyeball_tip x y z) #Sxx
| r_eyeball_joint -0.0236 1.6331 0.0510 #J87
| r_eyeball #B87
| [r_eyeball_joint to r_eyeball_tip]
| (r_eyeball_tip x y z) #Sxx
| l_eyebrow_joint 0.0336 1.6332 0.0502 #J88
| l_eyebrow #B88
| [l_eyebrow_joint to l_eyebrow_tip]
| (l_eyebrow_tip x y z) #Sxx
| r_eyebrow_joint -0.0236 1.6331 0.0510 #J89
| r_eyebrow #B89
| [r_eyebrow_joint to r_eyebrow_tip]
| (r_eyebrow_tip x y z) #Sxx
| tongue_joint x y z #Jexp1
| tongue #Bexp1
| [tongue_joint to tongue_tip]
| (tongue_tip x y z) #Sxx
| temporomandibular x y z #J90
| jaw #B90
| [temporomandibular to menton]
| (r_gonion -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347) #S8
| (l_gonion 0.0631 1.5530 0.0330) #S5
| (supramenton 0.0061 1.5410 0.0805) #S9
| (menton x y z) #S87
l_sternoclavicular 0.0820 1.4488 -0.0353 #J91
| l_clavicle #B91
| [l_sternoclavicular to l_acromioclavicular]
| (l_clavicale 0.0271 1.4943 0.0394) #S14
| l_acromioclavicular 0.0962 1.4269 -0.0424 #J92
| l_scapula #B92
| [l_acromioclavicular to l_shoulder]
| (l_acromion 0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490) #S15
| (l_axilla_proximal 0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075) #S16
| (l_axilla_distal 0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875) #S17
| (l_axilla_posterior_folds x y z) #S18
| l_shoulder 0.2029 1.4376 -0.0387 #J93
| l_upperarm #B93
| [l_shoulder to l_elbow]
| (l_humeral_lateral_epicondyles 0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100) #S63
| (l_humeral_medial_epicondyles 0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113) #S64
| (l_radiale 0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167) #S69
| (l_bideltoid x y z) #S96
| l_elbow 0.2014 1.1357 -0.0682 #J94
| l_forearm #B94
| [l_elbow to l_radiocarpal]
| (l_radial_styloid 0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415) #S71
| (l_olecranon -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123) #S65
| l_radiocarpal 0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583 #J95
| l_carpal #B95
| [l_radiocarpal to l_midcarpal_1]
| [l_radiocarpal to l_midcarpal_2]
| [l_radiocarpal to l_midcarpal_3]
| [l_radiocarpal to l_midcarpal_4_5]
| (l_ulnar_styloid -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648) #S70
| l_midcarpal_1 x y z #J96
| | l_trapezium #B96
| | [l_midcarpal_1 to l_carpometacarpal_1]
| | [l_radiocarpal to l_midcarpal_4_5]
| | l_carpometacarpal_1 x y z #J97
| | l_metacarpal_1 #B97
| | [l_carpometacarpal_1 to l_metacarpophalangeal_1]
| | (l_metacarpal_phalanx_2 0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237) #S75
| | l_metacarpophalangeal_1 x y z #J98
| | l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_1 #B98
| | [l_metacarpophalangeal_1 to l_carpal_interphalangeal_1]
| | l_carpal_interphalangeal_1 x y z #J99
| | l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1 #B99
| | [l_metacarpophalangeal_1 to l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip]
| | (l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip 0.1982 0.8061 0.0759) #S101
| l_midcarpal_2 x y z #J100
| | l_trapezoid #B100
| | [l_midcarpal_2 to l_carpometacarpal_2]
| | l_carpometacarpal_2 x y z #J101
| | l_metacarpal_2 #B101
| | [l_carpometacarpal_2 to l_metacarpophalangeal_2]
| | l_metacarpophalangeal_2 x y z #J102
| | l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_2 #B102
| | [l_metacarpophalangeal_2 to l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2]
| | l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2 x y z #J103
| | l_carpal_middle_phalanx_2 #B103
| | [l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2 to l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2]
| | l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2 x y z #J104
| | l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2 #B104
| | [l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2 to l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip]
| | (l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip 0.2089 0.6858 -0.0245) #S102
| l_midcarpal_3 x y z #J105
| | l_capitate #B105
| | [l_midcarpal_3 to l_carpometacarpal_3]
| | l_carpometacarpal_3 x y z #J106
| | l_metacarpal_3 #B106
| | [l_carpometacarpal_3 to l_metacarpophalangeal_3]
| | (l_metacarpal_phalanx_3 x y z) #S76
| | l_metacarpophalangeal_3 x y z #J107
| | l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_3 #B107
| | [l_metacarpophalangeal_3 to l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_3]
| | l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_3 x y z #J108
| | l_carpal_middle_phalanx_3 #B108
| | [l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_3 to l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_3]
| | l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_3 x y z #J109
| | l_carpal_distal_phalanx_3 #B109
| | [l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_3 to l_carpal_distal_phalanx_3_tip]
| | (l_dactylion 0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482) #S57
| | (l_carpal_distal_phalanx_3_tip 0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491) #S103
| l_midcarpal_4_5 x y z #J110
| l_hamate #B110
| [l_midcarpal_4_5 to l_carpometacarpal_4]
| [l_midcarpal_4_5 to l_carpometacarpal_5]
| l_carpometacarpal_4 x y z #J111
| | l_metacarpal_4 #B111
| | [l_carpometacarpal_4 to l_metacarpophalangeal_4]
| | l_metacarpophalangeal_4 x y z #J112
| | l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_4 #B112
| | [l_metacarpophalangeal_4 to l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_4]
| | l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_4 x y z #J113
| | l_carpal_middle_phalanx_4 #B113
| | [l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_4 to l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_4]
| | l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_4 x y z #J114
| | l_carpal_distal_phalanx_4 #B114
| | [l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_4 to l_carpal_distal_phalanx_4_tip]
| | (l_carpal_distal_phalanx_4_tip 0.2035 0.6750 -0.0756) #S104
| l_carpometacarpal_5 x y z #J115
| l_metacarpal_5 #B115
| [l_carpometacarpal_5 to l_metacarpophalangeal_5]
| (l_metacarpal_phalanx_5 0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122) #S77
| l_metacarpophalangeal_5 x y z #J116
| l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_5 #B116
| [l_metacarpophalangeal_5 to l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_5]
| l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_5 x y z #J117
| l_carpal_middle_phalanx_5 #B117
| [l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_5 to l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_5]
| l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_5 x y z #J118
| l_carpal_distal_phalanx_5 #B118
| [l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_5 to l_carpal_distal_phalanx_5_tip]
| (l_carpal_distal_phalanx_5_tip 0.2014 0.7009 -0.1012) #S105
r_sternoclavicular -0.0694 1.4600 -0.0330 #J119
r_clavicle #B119
[r_sternoclavicular to r_acromioclavicular]
(r_clavicale -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400) #S19
r_acromioclavicular -0.0836 1.4281 -0.0401 #J120
r_scapula #B120
[r_acromioclavicular to r_shoulder]
(r_acromion -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431) #S20
(r_axilla_proximal -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031) #S21
(r_axilla_distal -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826) #S22
(r_axilla_posterior_folds x y z) #S23
r_shoulder -0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325 #J121
r_upperarm #B121
[r_shoulder to r_elbow]
(r_humeral_lateral_epicondyles -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033) #S66
(r_humeral_medial_epicondyles -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062) #S67
(r_radiale -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091) #S72
(r_bideltoid x y z) #S97
r_elbow -0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620 #J122
r_forearm #B122
[r_elbow to r_radiocarpal]
(r_radial_styloid -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360) #S74
(r_olecranon -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065) #S68
r_radiocarpal -0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521 #J123
r_carpal #B123
[r_radiocarpal to r_midcarpal_1]
[r_radiocarpal to r_midcarpal_2]
[r_radiocarpal to r_midcarpal_3]
[r_radiocarpal to r_midcarpal_4_5]
(r_ulnar_styloid -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584) #S73
r_midcarpal_1 x y z #J124
| r_trapezium #B124
| [r_midcarpal_1 to r_carpometacarpal_1]
| [r_radiocarpal to r_midcarpal_4_5]
| r_carpometacarpal_1 x y z #J125
| r_metacarpal_1 #B125
| [r_carpometacarpal_1 to r_metacarpophalangeal_1]
| (r_metacarpal_phalanx_2 -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177) #S78
| r_metacarpophalangeal_1 x y z #J126
| r_carpal_proximal_phalanx_1 #B126
| [r_metacarpophalangeal_1 to r_carpal_interphalangeal_1]
| r_carpal_interphalangeal_1 x y z #J127
| r_carpal_distal_phalanx_1 #B127
| [r_carpal_interphalangeal_1 to r_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_distal_tip]
| (r_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip -0.1869 0.8090 0.0820) #S106
r_midcarpal_2 x y z #J128
| r_trapezoid #B128
| [r_midcarpal_2 to r_carpometacarpal_2]
| r_carpometacarpal_2 x y z #J129
| r_metacarpal_2 #B129
| [r_carpometacarpal_2 to r_metacarpophalangeal_2]
| r_metacarpophalangeal_2 x y z #J130
| r_carpal_proximal_phalanx_2 #B130
| [r_metacarpophalangeal_2 to r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2]
| r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2 x y z #J131
| r_carpal_middle_phalanx_2 #B131
| [r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2 to r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2]
| r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2 x y z #J132
| r_carpal_distal_phalanx_2 #B132
| [r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2 to r_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip]
| (r_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip -0.1980 0.6883 -0.0180) #S107
r_midcarpal_3 x y z #J133
| r_capitate #B133
| [r_midcarpal_3 to r_carpometacarpal_3]
| r_carpometacarpal_3 x y z #J134
| r_metacarpal_3 #B134
| [r_carpometacarpal_3 to r_metacarpophalangeal_3]
| (r_metacarpal_phalanx_3 x y z) #S79
| r_metacarpophalangeal_3 x y z #J135
| r_carpal_proximal_phalanx_3 #B135
| [r_metacarpophalangeal_3 to r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_3]
| r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_3 x y z #J136
| r_carpal_middle_phalanx_3 #B136
| [r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_3 to r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_3]
| r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_3 x y z #J137
| r_carpal_distal_phalanx_3 #B137
| [r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_3 to r_carpal_distal_phalanx_3_tip]
| (r_carpal_distal_phalanx_3_tip -0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427) #S108
| (r_dactylion -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423) #S61
r_midcarpal_4_5 x y z #J138
r_hamate #B138
[r_midcarpal_4_5 to r_carpometacarpal_4]
[r_midcarpal_4_5 to r_carpometacarpal_5]
r_carpometacarpal_4 x y z #J139
| r_metacarpal_4 #B139
| [r_carpometacarpal_4 to r_metacarpophalangeal_4]
| r_metacarpophalangeal_4 x y z #J140
| r_carpal_proximal_phalanx_4 #B140
| [r_metacarpophalangeal_4 to r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_4]
| r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_4 x y z #J141
| r_carpal_middle_phalanx_4 #B141
| [r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_4 to r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_4]
| r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_4 x y z #J142
| r_carpal_distal_phalanx_4 #B142
| [r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_4 to r_carpal_distal_phalanx_4_tip]
| (r_carpal_distal_phalanx_4_tip -0.1934 0.6778 -0.0693) #S109
r_carpometacarpal_5 x y z #J143
r_metacarpal_5 #B143
[r_metacarpal_5 to r_metacarpophalangeal_5]
(r_metacarpal_phalanx_5 -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064) #S80
r_metacarpophalangeal_5 x y z #J144
r_carpal_proximal_phalanx_5 #B144
[r_metacarpophalangeal_5 to r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_5]
r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_5 x y z #J145
r_carpal_middle_phalanx_5 #B145
[r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_5 to r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_5]
r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_5 x y z #J146
r_carpal_distal_phalanx_5 #B146
[r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_5 to r_carpal_distal_phalanx_5_tip]
(r_carpal_distal_phalanx_5_tip -0.1938 0.7035 -0.0949) #S110
Basic set of Joint, Segment, Site hierarchy with joint and site locations for LOA-4
(about 132 unknown x y z)
more check with v2 Annex B site list
more compare with Annex A
v1 existing but renamed joint and site locations
and produce v2 renamed and new joint and site locations
Notice change in vertical connecting lines from sacroiliac, and from vc7
this change makes all multiple children markup the same in this graph
-------------- next part --------------
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