[x3d-public] Transformations on colors

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 20:49:21 PDT 2024

If one thinks of colors in terms of an RGBA hypercube, can we consider
translations, scaling and rotations on color points and color “shapes”
within the hypercube (or HDR)?  Why or why not add color transform fields
to material or appearance nodes?  Is material or appearance in a space just
like geometry?  Indeed, we already have TextureTransforms, but AFAIK,
that’s in geometry space?  Why not include transforms in other dimensions?
I realize animations do this.  I don’t know how declarative it is.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Pointers to the standard are welcome.

I know Joe will pronounce X3D is an nD + 1 database, I’m just having issues
with how to declaratively animate colors (separate from textures).  I
really everything boils down to positions, normals and textures under the
hood.  We can animate vertices.  Can we animate fragments in a hyperspace
without projection onto an image, replacing one image with another?

Maybe I need a tutorial on MultiTextures and MultiTextureTransforms?  I was
recently adding those to the Blender exporter, along with TextureTransform
code, not really knowing what I was doing.

One can also discuss emissive, diffuse and specular fields for Transforms
as well.

Are we talking about differences between energy and matter?  What did
Einstein say?

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