[x3d-public] X3D Working Group meeting 4 JAN 2024: charter goals for a great new year!

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 13:04:23 PST 2024

> *X3D Working Group Goals*
>    1. *X3D Example Models*.  Demonstrate how X3D can make 3D Graphics
>    part of the modern Web by integrating with key infrastructure such as Web3D
>    Conference series, Wikipedia, and other major publication resources.
>    Thousands of validated examples already work well.  What other interactive
>    3D models are people working to publish and share?  X3D can help!

These are all potential additions to the X3D archives, but will require
credits for the cube map images.  I believe the shaders all have open
source licenses, but have been worked on by variety of people.  These
should be converted to PBR.

Note that the current page uses JSON and converted XML, but there are
source .x3d files here:


The one’s I’m trying to get working right now are:

Note that these are only navigable and perhaps not interactive.

I will prepare a web page with these models, but feel free to do pull



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