[x3d-public] Formal Modern JSON Schema specification

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 07:56:17 PST 2024

For standards bodies to consider.

I’m moving towards generating X3DOM/React/JSX from JSON/DOM/HAnim, but I
don’t know React or JSX at this point.


Apparently, this is being presented at POPL2024.




Giorgio GhelliJanuary 16th at 11:55 AM

Tomorrow I will be presenting at POPL2024 the results of one year of work
with colleagues of other European universities. In short, we wrote formal
specification of Modern JSON Schema, with specific attention to
unevaluated* keywords and to dynamic references, and we discovered many
unexpected things, not last the fact that dynamic references, in their
2020-12 incarnation, make validation a PSPACE-complete problem, which was
frankly unexpected (and may even be exploited for DoS attacks). Our
formalization of dynamic references derives from discussions that I had in
this group, and our understanding of annotation-dependent evaluation
derives from following your discussions and experimenting with the tools
that you realized, hence we owe a lot to the members of this group. The
paper is available on https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.10034?context=cs.DB, and
we would really appreciate any kind of feedback. We would be delighted to
answer any question or to present it again to the group - we presented some
preliminary results a couple of years ago. The paper touches many points
that I would like to discuss with you, if you believe that there is
interest about our methods. In any case, thanks again for all your efforts
in the JSON Schema project.
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