[x3d-public] HAnim Features Points, 1-120 for your review

Joe D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 19 18:25:36 PDT 2024

Sometimes it can be a problem that the Site node representing a surface feature point is a part of the skeleton, not the skin. 

The Site (feature point) is a child of a Segment which is child of a Joint. In pose prior to animation the Site is positioned relative to 0 0 0 and then animated in skeleton space.    

Skin space is the same as skeleton space except the skin points are animated by weighted rotation of certain Joint(s) and so may be moved slightly differently during animation. So in some pose the exact skin point and theSite location might end up slightly removed from relative positions set for default pose. 
Please note that for actual positional accuracy it is still (most every time) more accurate to depend upon being able to position a part of the skeleton rather than precisely position a vertex of the skin. (Except the displacer model does add some skin point position programmability).   

> However, the translations also need the skin that they are based on.  That is not clear.  

Right, the locations in Annex A are example data representing an example (old CAESAR model) man. We might have the surface scan data, determine the desired feature points then derive the skeleton joint centers, or maybe have the skeleton and derive a skin. 
The joekick model was made using the v1 loa3 joints in the Annex A as skeleton, then the skin mesh was made using mostly Annex A V1 feature point locations.  My best thought would be to update joekick model skeleton with V2 loa4 joint centers and update skin using surface feature points you are defining now. 

Another example that is being worked on is the Jin Loa4, rescaled to1:1. I think this is a good example of loa4 that could help us figure some dimensions for Annex A that we don't have now. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Carol McDonald <cemd2 at comcast.net>
Sent: Mar 19, 2024 2:38 PM
To: Joe D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net>, John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>, Katy Schildmeyer KS APPAREL DESIGN <katy at ksappareldesign.com>
Cc: X3D Graphics public mailing list <x3d-public at web3d.org>
Subject: Re: HAnim Features Points, 1-120 for your review

Yes, I fully agree that the spec needs to be updated.  And that one table of translation is all that is needed.  However, the translations also need the skin that they are based on.  That is not clear.  
On 03/19/2024 2:03 PM PDT Joe D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net> wrote:
please see below 

-----Original Message-----
From: Carol McDonald <cemd2 at comcast.net>
Sent: Mar 16, 2024 8:58 AM
To: John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>, Joe D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net>, Katy Schildmeyer KS APPAREL DESIGN <katy at ksappareldesign.com>
Cc: X3D Graphics public mailing list <x3d-public at web3d.org>
Subject: Re: HAnim Features Points, 1-120 for your review

> Here is the attachment on the first 11 feature points.  
Thank You  Getting the Part 1 Annex A up using the latest proposed data for this example of a "Standard" example with  example hierarchies, spec names, and example locations,complete foran LOA4 is much needed. 
> The site for the translations do not have points numbered so I added in that column.  
> As you can see from this attachment - the feature points are independent of the joints as it does not matter which LOA that you choose. 
True, all five loa examples show all surface feature points. It might be to simplify the Annex A by  only having one table for listing Site feature points. 
> But questions - during the animation - do the feature points move?  How are they bound to the mesh and skin?   
The feature points are implemented as Site nodes that are children of a specific Segment. So, a Site follows Segment motions as controlled by the parent Joint and custom Site animations. A Site can be a sensor or geometry or anything x3d.   
However, for Level 2 'skinned' projects a shortcoming in this architecture may show. The animation for the skin vertex depends upon weighted rotation of bound Joint node(s) and may not exactly match motion of the Site controlled by a Joint node. Thus, in a default pose while it easy to get a visible Site feature associated with a specific skin vertex or area, some extreme, or even typical, animations could cause the Site to move relative to the target skin vertex. (Not a problem with Level 1 Segment geometry.)  
This is a hypothetical problem for Level 2 hanim because it may be that we have better control of position and orientation of a Site node than of a specific skin vertex or skin area. The best solution is to give the author tools to choose. This means upgrading the skin part of the spec to allow the author to assign Site functionality to one or a group of skin mesh points. I don't think this is giant technical jump and for x3d syntax or a browser to implement. 
>  If the skin (mesh) breaks during a movement - what happens to the feature point? 
If the skin breaks, there is a different animation problem.   
>From above, since a skin point position can be controlled independently of related Site position and orientation (with various interlocking dependencies) we can see it is possible for the site and skin point to be aligned to start but move away from each other during animation. If we can't have a skin point with features of a Site, then in some cases author may need another animation routine to keep the Site location better aligned with the skin point location. Finally, there may be existing authoring systems that allow the author to have sensors on sensors on skin points as well as  skeleton points now. 
> Thanks 
> Carol 
John > I am thinking that humanoid_root and all other joint centers are relative to the LCS (local coordinate system) of the humanoid, which is 0, 0, 0 relative to any transforms  

Yes and 0 0 0 is at the floor, between the feet. the HAnim local coordinate system is same as the default x3d parent coordinate system,1_1 in meters. 

John > This means that for every joint center and every translation, it would be good to have reason for why is it located where it is. 

The Part 1 Annex A dimensions are just examples derived from historical data base of some sample humans. The names for Joint, Segment,and Site nodes are standard medical names. These are generally 'male' and it  would be nice to have dimensions for corresponding female type. 

Thanks Again, 

On 03/16/2024 7:08 AM PDT Carol McDonald <cemd2 at comcast.net> wrote:
I have been looking into this.  And I am agreeing with John's assessment. I will somehow need to get everything into Rhino for visualization and coding. 
>From John on March 14th. 
I am thinking that humanoid_root and all other joint centers are relative to the LCS (local coordinate system) of the humanoid, which is 0, 0, 0 relative to any transforms outside the humanoid.
That's my best guess right now.

What is not noted on the General is the exact file or model for which these translations were built for.  This means that the list of the translations on the website only valid for the humanoid model that they were obtained for, the distance of that model from the origin and are not appropriate for Gramps or any other model. 
This means that for every joint center and every translation, it would be good to have reason for why is it located where it is. 
Is this the model for which the translations are built for?  Can someone send me the proper link? Is this it?  I will see if I can import it into Rhino 8. 
Back to updating every 120 points currently listed as to recommendations of how to locate it and adding the additional feature points that I have requested. 


On 03/16/2024 4:23 AM PDT John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Mar 16, 2024 at 2:38 AM Joe D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net (mailto:joedwil at earthlink.net)> wrote:
> You can make the skin opaque to see that I'm really grabbing this from a HumanoidAnimation/Skin/Joe*.x3d example, just my own incantation of scripts to draw the humanoid geometry.  I'll be checking those in soon

Great John,
I will check this out soon. 
Any ideas for the 'virtual' feature points? 
All Fine, 

Joe, do you mean user drawn, not in current standard? User defined points?  I have scripts for sites to place coordinates, but I don't have  a way to get them into the hierarchy yet, so...

-----Original Message-----
From: John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com (mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com)>
Sent: Mar 15, 2024 12:11 AM
To: X3D Graphics public mailing list <x3d-public at web3d.org (mailto:x3d-public at web3d.org)>, Carol McDonald <cemd2 at comcast.net (mailto:cemd2 at comcast.net)>, Joe D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net (mailto:joedwil at earthlink.net)>
Subject: Re: HAnim Features Points, 1-120 for your review

Carol, I'm discovering it makes a difference where you put the Transform in the HAnimSegment as to whether to reuse the center.  I don't have something that doesn't put out warnings yet, or takes the Sites away from the Joints.  Hmm! 
My best Humanoid so far is Humanoid4J.x3d.
I'm going to get some sleep.

On Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 12:53 AM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com (mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com)> wrote:
Good use of Billboard for annotated feature points 
Please consider this a contribution to the Web3DConsortium examples.  I release my copyright and licensing privileges, and give them copyright and licensing under the normal X3D resources example.
Thanks to Joe and Don for good examples to draw from!
No, I don't have any metadata yet.  Let's set up a time and figure out who all contributed.
You can make the skin opaque to see that I'm really grabbing this from a HumanoidAnimation/Skin/Joe*.x3d example, just my own incantation of scripts to draw the humanoid geometry.  I'll be checking those in soon.

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