[x3d-public] jin latest and Validation

Joe D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Wed May 8 12:21:43 PDT 2024

So, I finally ran x3dedit and actually checked the x3d Quality Assurance Tests. 
How wonderful for an author to have access to local validation from a real validation expert and with added best practice guidance on some working styles of content and structure. How about if normal x3d browser tools also had access to this instead of having to fail on simple typos? Sometimes being very permissive and run it anyway even if simple errors, like bad matching lists or targets, events or miscues not security related, and maybe advice to the user that not all is right and probably not really operating as intended, so as part of this tool's authoring aids, please visit the official x3d Validation Suite. In fact, maybe save a lot by just having a Validate button. 

With several players out there, all doing amazing realtime anytime with this model I am working on, maybe the widest gap in 'total' performance is the help an author gets when a 'fatal' or really any problem happens or is ignored. This cause of 'fatal' or 'ignored' varies, the reporting of the problem varies, and can you believe it, sometimes not even a line number is available. Now, this is where xml and whatever smarts can be put into a validation tool resolve. For any x3d authoring or delivery tool, an important judgement could be just how well they used the prime x3d validation suite to help the author produce the scene. The scene data and interaction  model documentation is freely available to all tools producing vizualization and interaction. 

Attached is latest Jin loa4 Level 1 dimensions normalized to 1:1 default hanim with animations. Please have a look at this most legal hanim v2 LOA4 L1. Read the user code. Overall this is a very technically complete Level 1 example. In this case the proof of this hanim Humanoid is not that any particular measurement is totally realistic, just that it shows how a node is positioned relative to each geometry supplied to produce the visual surfaces, certain  reference landmarks for joints and sites, and yes, to show the spec skeleton hierarchy.
Complete validation for a Humanoid has to consist of both structure and function. Problem is usual one where the process used to create the Humanoid may never really produce user code that can be validated except by actually starting events and seeing or sensing what is happening. 

I am continuing to refine the animations and add some details to show some loa4 poses. Please notice that all these animations are very simple with just a few keytimes and keyframes. A lot can be done with interpolators and look, even some honored graphics authoring systems with attachments are actually offering what x3d does natively. See how easy is pitch, yaw, and roll the joints, then dragging bones around to produce keyframe is no fun anymore. 

There is plenty of room for buttons to add a sequence for motions or interactions, or whatever. and it is fairly easy to just import animation sets rather than have them all in this file. Please send a favorite and get it hooked up to this one. 


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