[x3d-public] Speeding up the process.

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue May 14 12:56:18 PDT 2024

As Joe said, I need to learn how to read glTF.  Ugh, thanks, Joe, I’m not a
computer, it’s more my style to create an API that will create glTF, but
I’ve not had success converting X3D to JSON.  The point of the web was to
create something readable and debuggable, not follow pointers everywhere
like a machine does.  Some people can probably read in parallels, I have
problems comprehending.

I admire Khronos for what they did with IridescentOlives, but since X3D
doesn’t support those extensions, I don’t see the point in supporting
glTF.  If I want IridescentOlives, I’ll swap to Three.JS or React/Three.
Besides, X3D generated from glTF is an order of magnitude larger than
glTF.  That’s not X3D’s fault.

I suggest a better path forward is to support webgpu, wpgu and wgsl:

WebGPU Shading Language (WGSL) is a low-level Rust-like language used to
write shaders for WebGPU. Applications that use the WebGPU API use WGSL to
express programs that run on the GPU. WGSL is designed to easily convert
into the shader language of the backend, such as:

   - SPIR-V: For Vulkan
   - MSL: For Metal
   - HLSL: For DX12
   - GLSL: For OpenGL

Then our X3D browsers can use WGSL to create
an environment whereby higher levels of abstraction
can be platform specific and performant.

I never wanted to be a systems guy.  That was very
 plain in my SGI interview, so they didn’t hire me, despite
graduating at the top of my class.

What don’t you understand about application developer?

The shading language code I’ve worked on I got from a Java3D app.  Others
have helped significantly.  Yvonne, Mick, Holger, Michalis.

If something is missing from the Blender *import*, let me know and I will
try to fix it.  People are welcome to take my JSON to STL code and extend
it for glTF.  I’m not sure what’s the right version, but I can look it up
or go with the X3DJSONLD.
Feel free to copy and issue pull requests.  It doesn’t handle curved
surfaces that I recall.

I look at XML DIS and think, maybe I could do something like that for
JSON.  I think I could.

Is there a DIS schema?

I fully realize an attempt has been made to convert XML to glTF.



On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 1:34 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> If someone can look at Jin's animation user code and write a spec on how
> to convert it into Blender objects or types with Python, that would be
> great. I have been trying, but it seems like people are not satisfied with
> the results.
> Stuff to include from Blender: F-Curves, Interpolators, Euler Angles,
> Locations, Quaternions, Actions, NLA Track, Channels, DopeSheet  and
> Grouped Channels.  Possibly Object Bones, Pose Bones and Edit Bones.
> Vertex Groups for  Skin Weights, possibly attached to Bones or
> Object+Matrix (Transform).
> Stuff to include from X3D: OrientationInterpolators,
> PositionInterpolators, ScalarInterpolators, Transforms, Geometry of various
> types, ROUTEs, TimeSensors, whatever else JIn has. In particular, I need
> help attaching HAnimSegments, HAnimSites and HAnimJoints to HAnimHumanoid
> (Possibly as Transforms) as Segmented Geometry.
> In particular, figure out how to populate the Timeline, NLA Edit,
> DopeSheet in generically for and model.
> I will work on getting JoeKick's Material/Texture imported after I sleep.
> Lots of examples will help a lot.
> Any method you choose to generate the specification is welcome, including
> using OpenSource, glTF Blender importers, VRM importers, VRMA importers.
> No one is asking you to code up a bunch of python.  I need to know
> relationships between things in Blender.  With just a few blender examples,
> I don't really know how things should be laid out.  I got 147 TimeSensors
> in output last time I tried.
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