[x3d-public] Speeding up the process.

GPU Group gpugroup at gmail.com
Tue May 14 12:05:58 PDT 2024

copilot prompt: Regarding animation in Blender (Blender.org) graphical
editor: how to blend 2 different armature animations, for example walking
and arm motion?

I'll venture some wild, half-baked ideas:
Thinking in terms of HAnimMotions, a more thorough design of that would
have a mechanism to blend two or more Motion animations:
HAnimMotionSet {
MFString mode []  # add, replace
MFFloat factors []  # [0-1] not sure. for serial transitions, weight = f(
transition time )  was handy in freewrl
MFTime offsets []  # time offset of when the motion is added or replaces /
MFNode motions []  #regular motion nodes or a new MotionOrientation node
type, or hybrid
Then instead of multiple timers, the time offset of a motion node would
trigger the start.
Would this make it easier to import into Blender?
Could the orientation + timer method work something like that with the
timer start being a time offset in blender?

On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 12:34 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> If someone can look at Jin's animation user code and write a spec on how
> to convert it into Blender objects or types with Python, that would be
> great. I have been trying, but it seems like people are not satisfied with
> the results.
> Stuff to include from Blender: F-Curves, Interpolators, Euler Angles,
> Locations, Quaternions, Actions, NLA Track, Channels, DopeSheet  and
> Grouped Channels.  Possibly Object Bones, Pose Bones and Edit Bones.
> Vertex Groups for  Skin Weights, possibly attached to Bones or
> Object+Matrix (Transform).
> Stuff to include from X3D: OrientationInterpolators,
> PositionInterpolators, ScalarInterpolators, Transforms, Geometry of various
> types, ROUTEs, TimeSensors, whatever else JIn has. In particular, I need
> help attaching HAnimSegments, HAnimSites and HAnimJoints to HAnimHumanoid
> (Possibly as Transforms) as Segmented Geometry.
> In particular, figure out how to populate the Timeline, NLA Edit,
> DopeSheet in generically for and model.
> I will work on getting JoeKick's Material/Texture imported after I sleep.
> Lots of examples will help a lot.
> Any method you choose to generate the specification is welcome, including
> using OpenSource, glTF Blender importers, VRM importers, VRMA importers.
> No one is asking you to code up a bunch of python.  I need to know
> relationships between things in Blender.  With just a few blender examples,
> I don't really know how things should be laid out.  I got 147 TimeSensors
> in output last time I tried.
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