[x3d-public] New major release 5.0.0 of Castle Model Viewer (formerly view3dscene) and Castle Model Converter (formerly tovrmlx3d)

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Fri May 24 09:07:13 PDT 2024


We're proud to announce the new major release (5.0.0) of Castle Model
Viewer and Castle Model Converter!

- Castle Model Viewer (formerly view3dscene) is our tool to view 3D
and 2D models in many formats (glTF, X3D, VRML, Spine JSON, MD3, ...),
by the Castle Game Engine. See
https://castle-engine.io/castle-model-viewer .

- Castle Model Converter (formerly tovrmlx3d) is a command-line tool
to convert and validate all supported models. See
https://castle-engine.io/castle-model-converter .

Download the new version from
https://castle-engine.io/castle-model-viewer . The download contains
both applications, Castle Model Viewer + Converter.

The full release announcement listing all the features and with some
juicy screenshots is on


The short recap of the most important changes: fonts with local chars,
MD3 animations, more X3D 4.0, better glTF import, many new converter
options, STL output.

The converter has also "groundwork" for future glTF output -- as
explained on https://castle-engine.io/wp/2024/05/19/models-can-be-saved-to-x3d-or-stl-now-soon-to-gltf-too-new-engine-api-to-register-custom-model-formats-that-can-be-loaded-saved-proper-handling-of-duplicate-node-names-in-gltf-on-conversion-to-x3d/
, we want to be capable of converting in both ways X3D <-> glTF in the
future. Stay tuned :)

Our online converter https://castle-engine.io/convert.php has also
been updated. Under the hood, it uses the same Castle Model Converter,
thus shares all the improvements. You will notice it features STL
output now, in addition to X3D (classic and xml).

If you enjoy what we do, I would really appreciate if you support us
on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/castleengine . Thank you!

P.S. You can also grab everything as part of the whole Castle Game
Engine download -- follow the "Download" link and docs from our main
page https://castle-engine.io/ . This makes sense if you want to
actually use the engine to develop games or general applications. Be
sure to follow our "Documentation" for tutorials, manual and API
reference in this case.


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