Extensible 3D (X3D)
Part 1: Architecture and base components
ISO/IEC 19775-1:2013 202x
This document is Edition 3 4 of ISO/IEC 19775-1, Extensible 3D (X3D). The full
title of this part of the International Standard is: Information
technology — Computer graphics and image processing Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data
representation — Extensible 3D (X3D) — Part 1: Architecture and
base components.
The Foreword provides background on the standards process for
X3D. The Introduction describes the purpose, design criteria,
and functional characteristics of X3D. The following clauses define Part 1 of
ISO/IEC 19775:
- Scope defines the problem area that X3D addresses.
- Normative references lists the normative standards referenced
in this part of ISO/IEC 19775.
(editorial updates to latest versions)
- Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations contains the glossary of terminology used in this
part of ISO/IEC 19775.
- Concepts describes the workings of the X3D runtime system.
- Field type reference describes the fundamental data types
in X3D
(expected addition of HTML5 event-model and DEF/id relationships).
- Conformance describes the conformance requirements for X3D
- Core component provides a detailed specification of the Core
component of X3D.
- Time component provides a detailed specification of the Time
component of X3D.
- Networking component provides a detailed specification of the
Networking component of X3D
(proposed changes to Inline content, security precautions).
- Grouping component provides a detailed specification of the
Grouping component of X3D.
- Rendering component provides a detailed specification of the
Rendering component of X3D.
- Shape component provides a detailed specification of the
Shape component of X3D
(proposed node PointProperties, expected node ExternalShape, Material extensions for textures and their mapping, PhysicalMaterial, UnlitMaterial).
- Geometry3D component provides a detailed specification of
the Geometry3D component of X3D.
- Geometry2D component provides a detailed specification of
the Geometry2D component of X3D.
- Text provides a detailed specification of the Text component of X3D.
- Sound component provides a detailed specification of
the Time component of X3D
audio generation, spatialized sound, and acoustic rendering.
- Lighting component provides a detailed specification of the
Lighting component of X3D
(lighting model rewritten, to account for Phong, physical and unlit models, and to clarify texture sampling and Gouraud shading).
- Texturing component provides a detailed specification of the
Texturing component of X3D
(expected addition of ImageTextureAtlas, X3DSingleXxx abstract types and mapping fields).
- Interpolation component provides a detailed specification of
the Interpolation component of X3D.
- Pointing device sensor component provides a detailed
specification of the Pointing device sensor component of X3D.
- Key device sensor component provides a detailed
specification of the Key device sensor component of X3D.
- Environmental sensor component provides a detailed
specification of the Environmental sensor component of X3D.
- Navigation component provides a detailed specification of
the Navigation component of X3D.
- Environmental effects component provides a detailed
specification of the Environmental effects component of X3D.
- Geospatial component provides a detailed specification of
the Geospatial component of X3D.
- Humanoid animation (H-Anim HAnim) component provides a detailed
specification of
the Humanoid animation (H-Anim) component of X3D,
Humanoid structure and motion animation.
- NURBS component provides a detailed specification of the
NURBS component of X3D.
- Distributed interactive simulation (DIS) component provides a detailed specification of the DIS
component of X3D.
- Scripting component provides a detailed specification of the
Scripting component of X3D.
- Event utilities component provides a detailed specification of
the Event utilities component of X3D.
- Shader component provides a detailed specification of
the Shader component of X3D.
- CAD geometry component provides a detailed specification of the CAD
geometry component of X3D.
- Texturing3D component provides a detailed specification
of the 3D texturing component of X3D.
- Environmental texturing component provides a detailed
specification of the environmental texturing component of X3D.
- Layering component provides a detailed specification for
organizing the content of worlds into independent, overlapping layers.
- Layout component provides a detailed specification for
arranging content to appear in specific regions of the display surface.
- Rigid body physics component provides a detailed
specification for applying rigid body physics properties to content.
- Picking sensor component provides a detailed specification
for selecting items in the content by user interaction.
- Followers component provides a detailed
specification for using follower transitions.
- Particle systems component provides a detailed
specification for specifying and using particle systems in X3D worlds.
- Volume rendering component provides a
detailed specification for the rendering of volumetric data sets as part of
X3D worlds.
- Projective texture mapping component provides
a detailed specification for projecting textures onto geometry.
- Annotation component provides a detailed
specification on how to present information that always faces the viewer
(incomplete, not accepted).
There are several annexes included in the specification:
- Core profile defines a minimal subset of X3D functionality
that constitutes the Core profile.
- Interchange profile defines the proper subset of X3D
functionality that constitutes the Interchange profile.
- Interactive profile defines the proper subset of X3D
functionality that constitutes the Interactive profile.
- MPEG-4 interactive profile defines the proper subset of X3D
functionality that constitutes the MPEG-4 interactive profile.
- Immersive profile defines the proper subset of X3D
functionality that corresponds to the base profile defined in ISO/IEC 14772-1.
- Full profile defines the proper subset of X3D functionality
that constitutes the Full profile.
- Recommended navigation behaviours specifies some recommended
behaviours that may be adopted by browser implementers.
- CADInterchange profile defines the proper subset of X3D
functionality that constitutes the CADInterchange profile.
- OpenGL shading language (GLSL) binding provides a mapping
of Programmable shader component functionality to the GLSL shading language.
- Microsoft DirectX shading language (HLSL) binding provides a
mapping of Programmable shader component functionality to the HLSL shading language.
- nVidia CG shading language binding provides a mapping of
Programmable shader
component functionality to the Cg shading language.
- MedicalInterchange profile defines the proper
subset of X3D functionality that constitutes the MedicalInterchange profile.
- Version content specifies which X3D
functionality is in which version.
Bibliography lists the informative, non-standard topics referenced
in this part of ISO/IEC 19775.
Component index lists the
available components defined in this part of ISO/IEC 19775 in alphabetical order
with hyperlinks to their respective definitions.
Profile index lists the profiles defined in this part of ISO/IEC
19775 in alphabetical order with hyperlinks to their respective definitions.
Node index Node, abstract node type, and abstract interface index lists the nodes defined in this part of ISO/IEC
19775 in alphabetical order with hyperlinks to their respective definitions.