X3D Example Archives: Basic, Networking

Network Rerouting over Alternate Routes

This directory includes several experiments with X3D Networking.

Long-running efforts have attempted to define and build a new NetworkSensor node for X3D. Although useful design progress was made by the X3D working group, this work did not reach closure because author-written implementations did not appear to be possible using X3D prototypes encapsulating sandbox-restricted JavaScript network access from within an HTML browser. Further implementation and evaluation work might someday be pursued using an X3D browser implementation.

Examples of additional networking techniques for X3D can also be added to this archive. Of related interest: the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) examples in this archive, which include native X3D support for the IEEE Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) networking-protocol standard.

  4 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
   NetworkReroutingAlternateRoutes Network Rerouting Alternate Routes This scene demonstrates that even though a minimal interference secondary route has been identified in case of link failure, (a) both routes may be invalid due to an overlap at a critical link, and (b) some reasonable third path may exist to route packets. Note that the hop count is larger (by 1) for each successive route. By pushing the right rear button, the critical link that overlaps the primary and secondary route will turn red opaque.
   NetworkReroutingNetwork Network Rerouting Network This scene represents a simple computer network. The blue boxes at either end represent servers, or alternatively a source / destination pair. The red boxes represent routers and the translucent pipes are the links that connect them.
   NetworkReroutingRoutes Network Rerouting Routes This file contains a pattern of three routes for a network: a primary, alternate and second-alternate (tertiary). By pushing the buttons, the packets move forward along their predetermined routes for one iteration. Routing and interpolators are pre-wired to move left-to-right only.
   NetworkSensorConnectionPrototypes Network Sensor Connection Prototypes Prototypes for NetworkSensor and Connection nodes

The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.