Package Basic.course
package Basic.course
These examples have been used in X3D course materials.
These are simple example scenes that are useful for teaching and course work. Some have been developed by students learning X3D. A much larger set of scenes and slidesets have been developed as the X3D for Web Authors Examples Archive.
This X3D Basic: course examples archive is online.
The X3D Java Scene Access Interface (x3djsail) package provides concrete classes for each X3D node and statement.
Online: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL) and X3DJSAIL Javadoc
- See Also:
ClassDescriptionSixth grade project to build a highway overpass.Sample world constructed in a Script node using the EcmaScript Browser call createVrmlFromString.Sample world constructed in a Script node using the EcmaScript Browser call createX3DFromString.Ship model as example use of ExtrusionCrossSectionPrototype for drawing several different Extrusion spines and cross sections.Torus example demonstrating cross-section prototype for Extrusion node that also draws spine line plus oriented, scaled cross sections at each spine point.Shape prototype for Extrusion node that also draws spine line plus oriented, scaled cross sections at each spine point.Ship model for drawing several different Extrusion spines and cross sections - see ExtrusionCrossSectionExampleShip for corresponding use of ExtrusionCrossSectionPrototype.Simple extrusion of a Valentine heart.User-modifiable example to examine the role of the geometry tag.Simple example to demonstrate rotating a Group of copied, elongated Boxes.Simple example showing spinning globe and text.Fully developed animation-chain example showing spinning globe and text.X Y Z axis arrows and labels of X3D coordinate system to illustrate default entity center of gravity at 0 0 0, with default nose orientation pointing along the +X-axis.Simple PositionInterpolator example that bounces a Box up and down.Constructing a Pyramid geometric primitive in order to show use of points and coordinate indices.Constructing a Pyramid geometric primitive in order to show use of points and coordinate indices.Using Extrusion to model a simple hull.Using Extrusion to model a ship hull and deck.