X3D Example Archives: Humanoid Animation, Specifications

The Specifications directory contains X3D models conforming to Humanoid Animation (HAnim) International Standards, specifically HAnim version 1 (implemented in X3D3) and HAnim version 2 (implemented in X3D4).

Ongoing work in progress is converting HAnim1 models to HAnim2, testing X3D Quality Assurance (QA) conformance, and upgrading X3dTidy stylesheet cleanup capabilities. See build.schematron.log.txt and build.log.txt for current status.

X3D Tooltips of interest, in hierarchical order: HAnimHumanoid, HAnimJoint, HAnimSegment, HAnimSite, HAnimDisplacer, HAnimMotion.

Humanoid animation (HAnim) version 2 International Standard includes Part 1: architecture and Part 2: motion data animation.

X3D Specification section of interest: 26 Humanoid Animation (HAnim) component.

  8 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
   HAnim 1 Specification LOA 3 Animation HAnim Specification reference example providing full coverage and visibility of all specified HAnim constructs, plus motion animations. Geometry visualizations are derived from HAnimSpecificationLOA3Invisible.x3d visualization report. Resusable exemplar animations also added via heads-up display (HUD) interface to confirm proper parent-child relationships.
   HAnim 1 Specification LOA 3 Illustrated HAnim Specification reference example providing full coverage and visibility of all specified HAnim constructs, also suitable for re-use as an authoring template. Geometry visualizations are derived from HAnimSpecificationLOA3Invisible.x3d visualization report. Resusable exemplar animations also added via heads-up display (HUD) interface to confirm proper parent-child relationships.
   HAnim 1 Specification LOA 3 Invisible HAnim Specification reference example providing full coverage (and no illustrated visibility) of all specified HAnim constructs, also suitable for re-use as an authoring template.
   HAnim 2 Specification LOA 3 Illustrated HAnim Specification reference example providing full coverage (and no illustrated visibility) of all specified HAnim constructs, also suitable for re-use as an authoring template.
   HAnim 2 Specification LOA 3 Invisible HAnim Specification reference example providing full coverage (and no illustrated visibility) of all specified HAnim constructs, also suitable for re-use as an authoring template.
   Korean Character Motion Annex B 01 Jin Specification reference: HAnim 2.0 Part 2: Humanoid animation (HAnim) motion data animation, Annex D (informative) Examples of HAnim motion data animation using a Motion object Articulated 3D game character designed with a general graphics tool, then converted into an X3D HAnim model.

Specification reference: HAnim 2.0 Part 2: Humanoid animation (HAnim) motion data animation, Annex D (informative) Examples of HAnim motion data animation using a Motion object
   Korean Character Motion Annex C 01 Jin Specification reference: HAnim 2.0 Part 2: Humanoid animation (HAnim) motion data animation, Annex C (informative) An example of HAnim motion data animation using interpolators Articulated 3D game character designed with a general graphics tool, then converted into an X3D HAnim model.

Specification reference: HAnim 2.0 Part 2: Humanoid animation (HAnim) motion data animation, Annex C (informative) An example of HAnim motion data animation using interpolators
   Korean Character Motion Annex D 01 Jin Specification reference: HAnim 2.0 Part 2: Humanoid animation (HAnim) motion data animation, Annex D (informative) Examples of HAnim motion data animation using a Motion object Articulated 3D game character designed with a general graphics tool, then converted into an X3D HAnim model.

Specification reference: HAnim 2.0 Part 2: Humanoid animation (HAnim) motion data animation, Annex D (informative) Examples of HAnim motion data animation using a Motion object

The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.