X3D Example Archives: Humanoid Animation, Templates

The Templates directory contains reusable/adaptable X3D models conforming to HAnim version 2 (implemented in X3D4).

Ongoing work in progress is converting HAnim1 models to HAnim2, testing X3D Quality Assurance (QA) conformance, and upgrading X3dTidy stylesheet cleanup capabilities. See build.schematron.log.txt and build.log.txt for current status.

X3D Tooltips of interest, in hierarchical order: HAnimHumanoid, HAnimJoint, HAnimSegment, HAnimSite, HAnimDisplacer, HAnimMotion.

Humanoid animation (HAnim) version 2 International Standard includes Part 1: architecture and Part 2: motion data animation.

X3D Specification section of interest: 26 Humanoid Animation (HAnim) component.

  3 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
   Diamond Man LOA 0 HAnim skeletal structure for Level of Action (LOA) zero, with one diamond at the base node for the structure. HumanoidRoot only, so this is the minimum legal HAnim humanoid.
   Diamond Man LOA 1 HAnim skeletal structure for Level of Action (LOA) one, with diamonds at the Joint centers, also includes HAnimSite feaature points. LOA-1 is typical low-end real-time 3D hierarchy.
   Diamond Man LOA 2 HAnim skeletal structure at level of articulation two, one diamond at the base node for the structure, blue spheres for HAnimSite feaature points

The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.