X3D Example Archives: X3D4WA, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 01 Technical Overview

[1] EmptyScene.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)
Directory Viewpoint Slideshow
X3D for Web Authors book
X3d for Web Authors video course is online

Introductory slidesets for Getting Started and X3D-Edit Update describe good ways to begin learning and authoring X3D. The supporting Chapter 1 slideset, course videos (NPS, YouTube) and the complete Chapter 1 Technical Overview for X3D for Web Authors are available online via X3dGraphics.com. All of these examples were created using the X3D-Edit authoring tool.

A published paper "Computer Graphics Teaching Support using X3D" describes how X3D is used to teach introductory 3D in university courses. Together these assets can be used to learn X3D.

Also available: X3D Scene Authoring Hints for Authoring Practices, Credits, Dates, License, meta Tags and Naming Conventions.

X3D for Web Authors book
X3D Profiles define levels of common functionality
7 X3D Models                 6 X3D Model Viewpoint Snapshots

Empty Scene.x3d    
[1] EmptyScene.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Empty Scene Core Profile.x3d    
[2] EmptySceneCoreProfile.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Header Profile Component Unit Meta Example.x3d    
[3] HeaderProfileComponentUnitMetaExample.x3d (default X3D view)

Hello Scene Graph Structure.x3d    
[4] HelloSceneGraphStructure.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Hello Triangle.x3d    
[5] HelloTriangle.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Hello World.x3d    
[6] HelloWorld.x3d Hello world!
[7] HelloWorld.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

new Scene.x3d    
[8] newScene.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

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