X3D Example Archives: X3D4WA, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 03 Grouping

Coordinate Axes (North South East West)

Grouping nodes help to organize the scene graph, can establish relative coordinate systems, and can contain most other kinds of X3D nodes.

Grouping nodes include the Anchor, Billboard, Collision, Group, StaticGroup, Switch and Transform nodes. The Inline node is also similar since it adds nodes into the current scene that loaded from another X3D scene, retrieved via a local or online url address.

The supporting Chapter 3 slideset and course videos (NPS, YouTube) for X3D for Web Authors are available online via X3dGraphics.com.

Also available: X3D Scene Authoring Hints for Coordinate Systems, Inline Scenes, Scale Factors and URL Links.

  16 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
BoundingBoxIllustration Bounding Box Illustration Simple Inline example illustrating bounding box coverage. Bounding box lines are not typically rendered.
CoordinateAxes Coordinate Axes X Y Z axis arrows and labels in X3D coordinate system. See CoordinateAxesExample for use as an Inline coordinate-system reference frame.
CoordinateAxesInlineExample Coordinate Axes Inline Example X Y Z axis arrows and labels in X3D/VRML coordinate system. Shows use of CoordinateAxesVrml as Inline for coordinate-system reference frames.
CoordinateAxesLines Coordinate Axes Lines X Y Z axis lines (red green blue, respectively) in X3D coordinate system, providing a simple reusable widget.
CoordinateAxesNSEW Coordinate Axes NSEW X Y Z axis arrows and labels in X3D coordinate system. See CoordinateAxesExample for use as an Inline coordinate-system reference frame.
GroupAnimated Group Animated Example for Group node, with animated color for the Sphere
GroupExample Group Example Example for Group node
InlineKelpForest Inline Kelp Forest Inline example that loads the Kelp Forest world.
LODExample LODExample Example for LOD node
LodWithDifferentShapes Lod With Different Shapes Example to demonstrate LOD forceTransitions field for animating different shapes, navigate in/out or else check Viewpoints to see each separate Shape
OrderOfOperations1 Order Of Operations 1 Illustration of Order of Operations: initial and final results from translation, rotation, and scale operations.
OrderOfOperations2 Order Of Operations 2 Illustration of Order of Operations: initial, intermediate and final results for scale, rotation, and translation operations.
StaticGroupExample Static Group Example Example for StaticGroup node
SwitchExample Switch Example Example for Switch node
TransformCenterOffsetForRotation Transform Center Offset For Rotation Use Transform center field to compare original Cylinder (left) to rotation about middle of object (middle Cylinder) to rotation about bottom of object (right Cylinder).
TransformExample Transform Example Example for Transform node

The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.