X3D Example Archives: X3D4WA, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 05 Appearance Material Textures

FillProperties Hatch Style LineProperties Linetype Options MovieTexture Authoring Options ImageTexture Example PixelTexture Snowman

Appearance defines how color, material and texture images are applied as the visual characteristics of a shape.

Appearance is individually associated with specific geometry within a shared Shape node. Each Appearance is a container node that can include Material, TwoSidedMaterial, ImageTexture, MovieTexture, PixelTexture and MultiTexture nodes.

Appearance can also contain property nodes for controlling rendering and texture: FillProperties, LineProperties, TextureProperties, TextureTransform and MultiTextureTransform nodes.

The supporting Chapter 5 slideset and course videos (NPS, YouTube) for X3D for Web Authors are available online via X3dGraphics.com.

Also available: X3D Scene Authoring Hints for Images and Videos and URL Links.

  29 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
AmbientIntensity Ambient Intensity This example illustrates the effect of an ambientIntensity field from a Sphere on a Cone. Note that navigation reports of user position and orientation from the WhereAmI prototype appear in the player console.
CircleFishPrototype Circle Fish Prototype This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod. Default fish size: length is 1 m (Y-axis), max Height is 1 m (Z-axis), max Width is 10 cm (X-axis).
CircleFishPTPrototype Circle Fish PTPrototype This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod. Default fish size: length is 1 m (Y-axis), max Height is 1 m (Z-axis), max Width is 10 cm (X-axis).
DiffuseColor Diffuse Color A Sphere colored only with an diffuseColor.
EmissiveColor Emissive Color A Sphere colored only with an emissiveColor.
FillPropertiesExample Fill Properties Example Demonstrate various FillProperties values.
Garibaldi Garibaldi Instantiating a Garibaldi fish prototype to match a specific fish.
GaribaldiLocalTexture Garibaldi Local Texture Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a local skin texture file.
GaribaldiRemote Garibaldi Remote Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a separate skin texture image file to match a specific fish.
GaribaldiRemoteNoTexture Garibaldi Remote No Texture Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a remote skin texture file.
GeometryPrimitiveNodesImageTexture Geometry Primitive Nodes Image Texture Geometry Primitive Nodes: Shape, Box, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, Text, FontStyle, with ImageTexture applied
LinePropertiesExample Line Properties Example Demonstrate each of the various LineProperties enumeration values.
MovieTextureAuthoringOptions Movie Texture Authoring Options Provide examples of helpful MovieTexture usage
PixelTextureBW Pixel Texture BW Illustration of a checkerboard pattern using the PixelTexture node.
PixelTextureComponentExamples Pixel Texture Component Examples This example shows the five PixelTexture components, with 0 to 4 components each, shown in Table 5-18.
PixelTextureExample Pixel Texture Example This example shows a colorful PixelTexture applied to the standard primitive shapes.
PixelTextureGaribaldi Pixel Texture Garibaldi The Garibaldi with a PixelTexture instead of a file texture.
PixelTextureSnowman Pixel Texture Snowman This snowman example shows a colorful PixelTexture applied to X3D primitive shapes - happy holidays!
PixelTextureTransformScale Pixel Texture Transform Scale This example illustrates a PixelTexture with a scaled TextureTransform.
SpecularColor Specular Color A Sphere with specularColor applied over diffuseColor with default shininess.
Table5_18PixelTexture Table 5 18 Pixel Texture PixelTexture example for Table 5.18
TextureLocalGaribaldi Texture Local Garibaldi Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a local texture file.
TextureRemoteGaribaldi Texture Remote Garibaldi Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype without a skin texture.
TextureTransformExample Texture Transform Example An illustration of the same PixelTexture applied to a cone with different TextureTransform values
TextureTransformFull Texture Transform Full Two Boxes with the same PixelTexture showing different TextureTransform field values.
TextureTransformScale Texture Transform Scale This is an example of 2 Boxes with the same PixelTexture with different rotations, centers, and scaling.
TextureTransformTranslation Texture Transform Translation 3 Boxes with the same PixelTexture and different TextureTransform translation values.
Transparency Transparency This example shows a partially transparent Sphere in front of an opaque Box and Cylinder.
TwoSidedMaterialExample Two Sided Material Example Specification reference: X3D 4.0 Architecture, ISO/IEC 19775-1:2023, 12 Shape component, 12.4.9 TwoSidedMaterial (deprecated) A Sphere colored red on outside and orange on inside using TwoSidedMaterial, you can shift viewpoints to see different colors outside/inside the Sphere.

Specification reference: X3D 4.0 Architecture, ISO/IEC 19775-1:2023, 12 Shape component, 12.4.9 TwoSidedMaterial (deprecated)

The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.