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- KelpBass - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
Kelp bass is a type of fish.
- KelpBass() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpBass
Default constructor to create this object.
- KelpBulb - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
One leaf of Kelp moving around a Bulb.
- KelpBulb() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpBulb
Default constructor to create this object.
- KelpExamplesNoBase - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
Creates 3 instances of Kelp that sway.
- KelpExamplesNoBase() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpExamplesNoBase
Default constructor to create this object.
- KelpFlexibleStipe - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
An extruded piece of kelp for the Kelp Forest project.
- KelpFlexibleStipe() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpFlexibleStipe
Default constructor to create this object.
- KelpForestMain - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
This is the main entry to the Kelp Forest that loads all of the other components as Inline scenes.
- KelpForestMain() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpForestMain
Default constructor to create this object.
- KelpForestNoNancy - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
This is the main entry to the Kelp Forest that loads all of the other components as Inline scenes.
- KelpForestNoNancy() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpForestNoNancy
Default constructor to create this object.
- KelpPrototype - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
Creates Kelp Prototype - this file uses Bulb and is used by KelpExamplesNoBase.
- KelpPrototype() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpPrototype
Default constructor to create this object.
- KelpSurfPerch - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
Create a new fish type through configuration of the CircleFishLod prototype.
- KelpSurfPerch() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpSurfPerch
Default constructor to create this object.
- KelpTank - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
Kelp Forest Tank at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
- KelpTank() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpTank
Default constructor to create this object.
- KelpTankExternalLight - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
Topside light for Kelp Forest Exhibit.
- KelpTankExternalLight() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpTankExternalLight
Default constructor to create this object.
- KelpTankExternalLights - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
Topside lights which illuminate the Kelp Forest Exhibit at night.
- KelpTankExternalLights() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpTankExternalLights
Default constructor to create this object.
- KelpTankWaterSurface - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit
Moving water surface for KelpTank - initial view is perpendicular, rotate viewpoint up to see motion.
- KelpTankWaterSurface() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.KelpTankWaterSurface
Default constructor to create this object.
- KeySensorLefty - Class in X3dForWebAuthors.Chapter08UserInteractivity
A KeySensor is used to change relative Viewpoints looking at the shark Lefty, while a SphereSensor can also rotate Lefty in place.
- KeySensorLefty() - Constructor for class X3dForWebAuthors.Chapter08UserInteractivity.KeySensorLefty
Default constructor to create this object.
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