Package ConformanceNist.BindableNodes.Background
package ConformanceNist.BindableNodes.Background
ClassesClassDescriptionTest browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different backurl JPEG image associated with it.Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different backurl PNG image associated with it.Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different bottomurl JPEG image associated with it.Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different bottomurl PNG image associated with it.Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different fronturl JPEG image associated with it.Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different fronturl PNG image associated with it.This test adresses the ability of a browser to associate different ground colors with a set of different groundangles defined in the grondangle field.Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different lefturl JPEG image associated with it.Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different lefturl PNG image associated with it.Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different right JPEG image associated with it.Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different right PNG image associated with it.Test browser to assign different skycolors to a set of angles in the skyAngle field.Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different topurl image associated with it.Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different topurl PNG image associated with it.This test addresses the ability of a background node to send true events when it is the currently binded background.This test addresses the ability of a background node to send true events when it is the currently binded background.Test browser to bound the next background in the stack when the active background receives a false event and no event is send to the next background.Test browser to bound the next background in the stack when it receives a true event and no event is send to the background currently at the top of the stack. the background not at the top of the stack receives a true event.Test browser ability to dynamically activate and deactivate backgrounds.Test browser to set a whole panorama of JPEG images on the same background.Test browser to set a whole panorama of PNG images on the same background.Test browser to make the region between the last angle of the skyAngle field and the nadir is clamped using the last angle when the last sky angle is < pi.Test browser to make the region between the last angle of the groundAngle field and the equator invisible when the last ground angle is < pi/2.