Package ConformanceNist.GeometricProperties.Normal

package ConformanceNist.GeometricProperties.Normal
  • Classes
    Test of browser ability to generate normals to faces of an ElevationGrid geometry.
    Test of browser ability to generate normals to vertices of an ElevationGrid geometry.
    Test browsers implementation of Normal node to IndexedFaceSet faces, by applying outward direction perpendicular normals to the front, back, top and bottom faces of a rectangular IndexedFaceSet.
    Test browser to apply 15000 normals to an ElevationGrid geometry.
    Test of browser ability to generate normals to faces for an ElevationGrid geometry.
    Test of browser ability to generate normals to faces for an ElevationGrid geometry.
    Test browsers implementation of Normal node to IndexedFaceSet faces, by applying a single (+Z) direction perpendicular normal to all faces of a rectangular IndexedFaceSet.
    This world tests browser implementation of the Normal node applied to vertices of a rectangular IndexedFaceSet.