Package ConformanceNist.Geometry.Extrusion
package ConformanceNist.Geometry.Extrusion
ClassesClassDescriptionThis test attempts to draw an Extrusion using mostly default values.This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using the minimum required number of points.This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using mostly default values.This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using mostly default values.This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using mostly default values.This test attempts to test the convex field of an Extrsusion.This test attempts to draw an open Extrusion (end and beginning crossSection values are not the same).This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using mostly default values.This test sets a different (and incremental) orientation value for each point in the spine field.This test draws an Extruded circle of radius one along the Y axis.This test attempts to draw an open Extrusion (end and beginning crossSection values are not the same).This test sets the same orientation value for all the points in the spine field.This test draws the same extruded circle twice.This test draws the same open Extrusion twice with different value for the solid field for each one.This test attempts to map the VTS logo to an extruded circle.This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using a spine path along the X, Y and Z directions.This test attempts to draw an Extrusion with spine values along the Y and Z axis.