Package ConformanceNist.Miscellaneous.EXTERNPROTO
package ConformanceNist.Miscellaneous.EXTERNPROTO
ClassesClassDescriptionThis tests browser ability to assign a different name to an EXTERNPROTO node from the name defined in the URL file.This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.This tests browser ability to select the first PROTO it finds in a wrl file if no PROTOname is supplied at the end of the URL in an EXTERNPROTO declaration.This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.This tests browser ability to ignore EXTERNPROTO statements in a file and select only PROTOs.This tests browser ability to select a specific PROTO if a #PROTOname is supplied at the end of the URL in a "list" of URLs.This tests browser ability to select a specific PROTO if a "#PROTOname" is supplied at the end of the URL in a "list" of URLs, but one of the URL files does not exist.This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.This tests browser ability to select a specific PROTO in a wrl file if a "#PROTOname" is supplied at the end of the URL in an EXTERNPROTO declaration.This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.