Package ConformanceNist.Sensors.SphereSensor
package ConformanceNist.Sensors.SphereSensor
ClassesClassDescriptionA default SphereSensor is assigned to an IndexedFaceSet geometry.Test the function of SphereSensors field "enabled".Test if the SphereSensor node isActive field can be routed to other node.Test if a SphereSensor grabs all further motion events from pointing device when the sensor generates "isActive" true event for primitive geometry.Test the function of SphereSensors offset field.Test the function of SphereSensors offset field when autoOffset is false.Test the function of SphereSensors offset field when autoOffset is true.Test the SphereSensors node ability to send "trackPoint_changed" events to other node.Test if a SphereSensor works in "unison" with a "sibling" TouchSensor associated with the same Box geometry.