Package ConformanceNist.Sensors.TimeSensor
package ConformanceNist.Sensors.TimeSensor
ClassesClassDescriptionBy setting the cycleInterval field to 5, the animation of a red Sphere geometry should take 5 seconds to complete.Test if TimeSensor sends cycleTime event at the start of each cycle.Test default TimeSensor properties.With the enabled field set to false, a startTime event sent to a TimeSensor that animates the movement of the red Sphere geometry will not start the TimeSensor.Test the fraction_changed field of a TimeSensor node.Test if TimeSensor sends isActive true event when it is running, and sends isActive false when it is stoped.Test loop equals true.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to false.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to true.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is greater than startTime, and loop is set to false.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is greater than startTime, and loop is set to true.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is less than startTime, and loop is set to false.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is less than startTime, and loop is set to true.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to false.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is less than startTime, and loop is set to false.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is less than startTime, and loop is set to true.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is greater than startTime,and loop is set to false.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is greater then startTime, and loop is set to true.Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime equals startTime and loop = true.