Package ConformanceNist.Lights.PointLight
package ConformanceNist.Lights.PointLight
ClassesClassDescriptionTest browser to apply default values of a PointLight node to complex geometry (ElevationGrid, Extrusion, and IndexedFaceSet).Test browser to apply all the default values of a PointLight node to simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder, box).This test addresses the effect of the PointLight ambientIntensity on the ambient of a complex object (IndexedFaceSet).This test addresses the effect of the PointLight ambientIntensity on the ambient of a simple object (Sphere).Test browser to set the ambientIntensity field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).Test browser to set the ambientIntensity field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box).Test browser to set the color field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).Test browser to set the color field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box). one row of the simple geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system.This test checks the special attenuation value of 0 0 0.Test browser to shade light only on objects within its the radius field.Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of complex geometry.Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of complex geometry.This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the diffuse color of complex geometry.This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the diffuse color of simple geometry.This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the specular color of complex geometry.This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the specular color of simple geometry.Test browser to set the intensity field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).Test browser to set the intensity field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box). one row of the simple geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system.Test browser to set the location field to a range of values on a a complex geometry (Extrusion) The geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system and it should be a doughnut like "figure".Test browser to set the location field to a range of values on a set of simple geometry (sphere) The geometry are drawn in the local coordinate system.This test sets the on field to true/false for two PointLight node defined using two different Transform node.This test addresses the ability of a browser to apply a red light on a blue object.This test checks the special attenuation value of 0 0 0.Test browser to shine light only on objects within its radius.Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of simple geometry.Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of simple geometry.