Class HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Illustrated


public class HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Illustrated extends Object

HAnim Specification reference example providing full coverage and visibility of all specified HAnim constructs, also suitable for re-use as an authoring template. Geometry visualizations are derived from HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Invisible.x3d visualization report. Resusable exemplar animations also added via heads-up display (HUD) interface to confirm proper parent-child relationships.

Related links: source, X3D Resources, X3D Scene Authoring Hints, and X3D Tooltips.

Scene Meta Information
meta tags HumanoidAnimation.Legacy.HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Illustrated  Document Metadata
title HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Illustrated.x3d
description HAnim Specification reference example providing full coverage and visibility of all specified HAnim constructs, also suitable for re-use as an authoring template. Geometry visualizations are derived from HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Invisible.x3d visualization report. Resusable exemplar animations also added via heads-up display (HUD) interface to confirm proper parent-child relationships.
created 24 April 2013
modified 2 July 2023
error Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported
creator Matthew T. Beitler, Joe D. Williams, Don Brutzman
Image HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Illustrated.png
Image HAnim1SpecificationLOA3IllustratedLeftSide.png
reference HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Invisible.x3d
reference HAnim1SpecificationLOA3Animation.x3d
reference HAnimSpecificationExampleChangeLog.txt
Image images/BonesAllSkeletonFrontViewLOA1.png
Image images/BonesAllSkeletonFrontViewLOA2.png
Image images/BonesAllSkeletonFrontViewLOA3.png
TODO move relevant HAnimSite/Viewpoint pairs into skeleton at appropriate locations
warning BS Contact and H3DViewer have polygon-culling problems at close range (possibly related to avatarSize), other players look OK
TODO insert MetadataInteger nodes indicating LOA for each Joint and Segment
reference Norman Badler et al., ANTHROPOMETRY FOR COMPUTER GRAPHICS HUMAN FIGURES, University of Pennsylvania, 1989.
reference tables/AnthropometryForComputerGraphicsHumanFigures89-71.pdf
translator Don Brutzman and Joe Williams
generator BS Contact Geo 8.001,
reference originals/LOA3ExampleSourceWithDiamondsOriginal.wrl
reference originals/LOA3ExampleSourceWithDiamondsOriginal.x3d
reference originals/LOA3ExampleSourceWithDiamondsOriginalBsContactExport.x3d
reference HAnim Specification Table 4.4 - Face Joint object names,
generator X3D-Edit 3.3,
license ../license.html

This program uses the X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL). It has been produced using the X3dToJava.xslt stylesheet (version control) which is used to create Java source code from an original .x3d model.