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X3D Example Archives: VRML 2 Sourcebook, Chapter 08 - Animating Position Orientation Scale

Figure 08.4 Orientation Interpolator With Axes

The TimeSensor node is similar to a stop watch: you control the start and stop time, it generates time events while running. It can loop forever, or run through only one cycle and stop. To animate a scene, route time events into other nodes. PositionInterpolator can convert time events into 3D position or scale values. OrientationInterpolator can animate rotation values. ColorInterpolator can animate color values, and ScalarInterpolator can animate transparency values.

These X3D scenes are adapted directly from the original VRML 2.0 Sourcebook chapter examples. Also available: Introduction to VRML97 SIGGRAPH98 course notes.

  6 X3D Scenes       Scene Descriptions
Figure 08.3 Position Interpolator Simple PositionInterpolator example. An animation that moves a coordinate system and the cube built within it along a bouncing path.
Figure 08.3 Position Interpolator With Axes Simple PositionInterpolator example. An animation that moves a coordinate system and the cube built within it along a bouncing path, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions
Figure 08.4 Orientation Interpolator Animation that rotates a coordinate system and the column built within it.
Figure 08.4 Orientation Interpolator With Axes Animation that rotates a coordinate system and the column built within it, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions
Figure 08.5 Animating Scale Animation that scales a coordinate system and the ball built within it.
Figure 08.5 Animating Scale With Axes Animation that scales a coordinate system and the ball built within it, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions

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