Class GeometryPrimitiveSubstituteMeshes


public class GeometryPrimitiveSubstituteMeshes extends Object

Substitute IndexedFaceSet mesh versions of Geometry Primitive Nodes: Shape, Box, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere.

Related links: Catalog page GeometryPrimitiveSubstituteMeshes, source, X3D Resources, X3D Scene Authoring Hints, and X3D Tooltips.

Scene Meta Information
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title GeometryPrimitiveSubstituteMeshes.x3d
description Substitute IndexedFaceSet mesh versions of Geometry Primitive Nodes: Shape, Box, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere.
creator Don Brutzman
created 14 July 2018
modified 20 October 2019
TODO Fix Cone and Cylinder IFS, add Sphere IFS
TODO Meshlab: submit issue to support import of Box Cone Cylinder Sphere
TODO X3D-Edit authoring tool Shape wizard: fix height value and endpoint stitching on Cone and Cylinder, add Sphere
hint Default values have been added to geometry nodes for clarity, ordinarily default values are omitted.
generator X3D-Edit 3.3,
license ../license.html

This program uses the X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL). It has been produced using the X3dToJava.xslt stylesheet (version control) which is used to create Java source code from an original .x3d model.