All Classes and Interfaces
Illustrates the effect of aliasing (tearing) by the coplanar overlap of two cubes with different colors.
This example illustrates the effect of an ambientIntensity field from a Sphere on a Cone.
Anchor-node examples comparing HTML page launch, shifting Viewpoints, and loading another X3D scene.
Anchor example using the Kelp Forest world.
Example of Arc2D node showing semicircular arcs.
Example of ArcClose2D showing PIE or CHORD subsections of circular geometry.
Example ExternProtoDeclare/ProtoInstance usage of X3D/VRML materials, originally converted from SGI's Open Inventor material examples.
Prototype declarations defining values for X3D/VRML materials, originally converted from SGI's Open Inventor material examples.
Design pattern demonstrating type conversion from single SFColor value (sent from a ColorInterpolator node) to an MFColor array (in a Background node).
Added a Background node to the KelpForest world.
Simple Background node with images only.
Added a Background node to the KelpForest world.
Select one of four Background nodes to show a time-of-day effect.
Cycle through four Background nodes to show a time-of-day effect.
Interpolate between Background color arrays to show a gradually changing time-of-day effect.
Illustrates Billboard operation using Kelp Forest example scenes for Figure 4.4, X3D for Web Authors.
Illustrate Viewpoint binding operations (in gory detail!)
Create a new fish type through configuration of the CircleFishLod prototype.
Create a new fish type through configuration of the CircleFishLod prototype.
A BooleanFilter node starts the animation of cones orbiting near the pump house, instead of an unfiltered TouchSensor toggling the animation on/off during selection/deselection.
Show synchronized use of BooleanSequencer and IntegerSequencer nodes for SpotLight enabled and Switch whichChoice control, respectively.
A BooleanSequencer node intermittently interrupts animation of the pump house.
A BooleanToggle button determines whether an animated Cone is jittery or not.
A BooleanToggle node controls pump house animation: select to stop, then select again to restart.
A BooleanTrigger node initiates the pump house animation: select to start.
Simple Inline example illustrating bounding box coverage.
Box geometric primitive node.
A Fog node that adjusts as the viewer's orientation and position changes.
Example of Circle2D node showing a simple circular circumference.
This is a circle fish using the CircleFish prototype.
This is a circle fish using the CircleFishLod prototype.
Modifies an externally defined CircleFish prototype by adding Level of Detail (LOD).
Run-time modification of a fishes position using PositionInterpolator.
This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.
This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.
This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.
This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.
This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.
Example circle and cross-hairs made out of line segments, autogenerated by a simple Java program.
Example circle and cross-hairs made out of line segments, autogenerated by a simple Java program.
Build a sphere outline by using multiple CircleLine circles as latitude rings, with actual semitransparent Sphere and axes added as a visualization hint.
Build a sphere outline by using multiple CircleLine circles as longitude rings, with actual semitransparent Sphere and axes added as a visualization hint.
Illustrate Collision node operation: set Collision enabled="true" to block user navigation through the Kelp Forest tank glass.
Disabled collision with all objects with a Collision node in the Kelp Forest world.
Vertex color applied to IndexedFaceSet built positive-displacement cylinder pump house.
Demonstrate basic design pattern for animating a node.
This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.
Geometry Polygons Nodes: Color, Coordinate, IndexedFaceSet, IndexedLineSet, PointSet.
Cone geometric primitive node.
X Y Z axis arrows and labels in X3D coordinate system.
X Y Z axis arrows and labels in X3D/VRML coordinate system.
X Y Z axis lines (red green blue, respectively) in X3D coordinate system, providing a simple reusable widget.
X Y Z axis arrows and labels in X3D coordinate system.
Example to interpolate using CoordinateInterpolator2D - select and hold geometry for a user-controlled animation loop.
Viewer for tank placards - needs photo on one side, placard on other, and conversion into prototype once ready.
Cylinder geometric primitive node.
A CylinderSensor changes the viewing position of a positive-displacement cylinder pump house.
A Sphere colored only with an diffuseColor.
An example of the DirectionalLight node showing no shadows on the lit geometry.
Example of Disk2D showing circular geometry with an optional center hole.
Morph coordinates for smooth animation between 3 different dolphin poses using CoordinateInterpolator.
First pose for bottlenose dolphin is neutral position, exported from Maya with values used in DolphinMorpher.
Second pose for bottlenose dolphin is curved upward, exported from Maya with values used in DolphinMorpher.
Third pose for bottlenose dolphin is curved downward, exported from Maya with values used in DolphinMorpher.
Switch animation among three different dolphin poses in a freeze-frame style.
Two doors activated by different fields from a TouchSensor node.
Show how a single nonplanar quadrilateral can be tesselated in 2 different ways.
Simple Javascript animation of ElevationGrid.
A Sphere colored only with an emissiveColor.
Example scene EmptyScene.
Illustrate a minimalist scene using only Core profile nodes.
Shape prototype for Enclosing IndexedTriangleStripSet that also draws spine line plus oriented, scaled cross sections at each spine point.
Shape prototype for Extrusion node that also draws spine line plus oriented, scaled cross sections at each spine point.
Simple regular pentagon extruded vertically, shown side-by-side with an ExtrusionCrossSection visualization.
Comparison of Extrusion, ExtrusionCrossSectionPrototype, ExtrusionCrossSectionITSSPrototype.
Comparison of Extrusion, ExtrusionCrossSectionPrototype, ExtrusionCrossSectionITSSPrototype for Texture Mapping.
Wall definition for a room, defined as a cross section and extruded vertically.
Demonstrate various FillProperties values.
One simple Fish with three levels of detail.
Example instances of the Fish prototype.
This file compares all of the fish prototypes.
This is a reusable prototype of a generic fish, which can be configured upon instancing to create customized fish.
Fish Schooling Demo.
Added fog to the KelpForest world to simulate the typical weather pattern in June in Monterey, CA.
Instantiating a Garibaldi fish prototype to match a specific fish.
The basic, unanimated Garibaldi fish.
Instancing a prototype to match a specific fish.
Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a local skin texture file.
Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a separate skin texture image file to match a specific fish.
Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a remote skin texture file.
Geometry Primitive Nodes: Shape, Box, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, Text, FontStyle.
Geometry Primitive Nodes: Shape, Box, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, Text, FontStyle, with ImageTexture applied.
Geometry Primitive Nodes: Shape, Box, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, Text, FontStyle.
Substitute IndexedFaceSet mesh versions of Geometry Primitive Nodes: Shape, Box, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere.
Example for Group node, with animated color for the Sphere.
Example for Group node.
This is a group of HalfMoon fish implemented as ProtoInstances.
Prototype for a group of HalfMoon fish in the Kelp forest.
Simple scene demonstrating X3D header, profile, component unit and meta definitions.
Prototype definition that demonstrates use of a simple HeadsUpDisplay (HUD) prototype that maintains a stable position for its children on the screen.
Reusable Prototype definition that applies a ProximitySensor for a simple HeadsUpDisplay (HUD) prototype that maintains a stable position for its children on the screen.
Show basic scene graph structure.
Simplest possible triangle definition.
Simple X3D model example: Hello World!.
Simple X3D model example: Hello World!.
Fully developed animation-chain example showing spinning globe and text: Hello!.
Demonstrates use of a ProximitySensor in building a HUD, with display values showing current view location.
Positive-displacement cylinder pump house built using IndexedFaceSet nodes.
The way points and path of the animated shark Lucy traversing the tank, using IndexedLineSet node.
A simple example of the use of the IndexedQuadSet node.
A simple example of the use of the IndexedTriangleFanSet node.
A simple example of the use of the IndexedTriangleSet node.
An example of the use of the IndexedTriangleStripSet node.
Inline example that loads the Kelp Forest world.
An IntegerSequencer node switches the display of colored cones near the pump house.
Switch among different road signs using IntegerSequencer.
An IntegerTrigger node controls the display of colored text.
An IntegerTrigger node controls the display of colored cones near the pump house.
Welcome text message (positioned high and low) that introduces visitor to Kelp Forest Exhibit upon initial entry - zoom camera back beyond 40m range to make this text visible.
Kelp bass is a type of fish.
One leaf of Kelp moving around a Bulb.
Creates 3 instances of Kelp that sway.
An extruded piece of kelp for the Kelp Forest project.
This is the main entry to the Kelp Forest that loads all of the other components as Inline scenes.
This is the main entry to the Kelp Forest that loads all of the other components as Inline scenes.
Creates Kelp Prototype - this file uses Bulb and is used by KelpExamplesNoBase.
Create a new fish type through configuration of the CircleFishLod prototype.
Kelp Forest Tank at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Topside light for Kelp Forest Exhibit.
Topside lights which illuminate the Kelp Forest Exhibit at night.
Moving water surface for KelpTank - initial view is perpendicular, rotate viewpoint up to see motion.
A KeySensor is used to change relative Viewpoints looking at the shark Lefty, while a SphereSensor can also rotate Lefty in place.
Demonstrate each of the various LineProperties enumeration values.
A simple wireframe cube, comparing two functionally equivalent nodes: IndexedLineSet (per-vertex coloring) with LineSet (per-segment coloring).
The way points and path of the animated shark Lucy traversing the tank, using LineSet node.
Simple test of LoadSensor node.
An example use of the LoadSensor node in the Kelp Forest world.
An example use of the LoadSensor node in the Kelp Forest world.
Example for LOD node.
Example to demonstrate LOD forceTransitions field for animating different shapes, navigate in/out or else check Viewpoints to see each separate Shape.
Mimic a Material node and modulate the diffuseColor field as an animation effect, provided as a prototype for reusability.
Demonstrate multiple instances of an external prototype.
Provide example for expansion of a MaterialModulator as regular X3D nodes, rather than a ProtoDeclare/ProtoInstance combination.
Simple examples of meta statements, comments, WorldInfo node and typed metadata nodes.
Simple examples of meta statements, comments, WorldInfo node and typed metadata nodes.
Design pattern demonstrating multiple TouchSensor, IntegerTrigger, Shape and ROUTE combinations for selecting a Switch.
Animated example of a morphing TriangleSet.
Reusable prototype for a swimming CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.
Provide examples of helpful MovieTexture usage.
NavigationInfo override example for Kelp Forest world.
Example scene providing a unit test for newECMAscript template javascript source code, first load this scene and then see console for test output.
*enter description here, short-sentence summaries preferred*.
*enter description here, short-sentence summaries preferred*.
Illustration of nonplanar polygons.
A simple illustration of the Normal node on the coloring of triangles.
Example normal (perpendicular vector) animation, where orange vectors show normal direction at each polygon vertex.
Illustration of Order of Operations: initial and final results from translation, rotation, and scale operations.
Illustration of Order of Operations: initial, intermediate and final results for scale, rotation, and translation operations.
Run-time modification of fishes position and orientation using PositionInterpolator and OrientationInterpolator.
This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.
Illustration of a checkerboard pattern using the PixelTexture node.
This example shows the five PixelTexture components, with 0 to 4 components each, shown in Table 5-18.
This example shows a colorful PixelTexture applied to the standard primitive shapes.
The Garibaldi with a PixelTexture instead of a file texture.
This snowman example shows a colorful PixelTexture applied to X3D primitive shapes - happy holidays!.
This example illustrates a PixelTexture with a scaled TextureTransform.
PlaneSensor on the red handle controls the overall movement of a positive-displacement cylinder pump.
Example of a PointLight node showing the effect of distance on lighting of geometry.
Two examples of scoped PointLight nodes showing the effects of distance on lit geometry.
Way points for the animated shark Lucy traversing the tank.
Example of Polyline2D showing multiple 2D line segments.
Example of Polypoint2D showing a simple set of points.
Interpolation example using PositionInterpolator2D, user can touch (select) the geometry to activate an animation loop that rescales the image texture superimposed on the geometry.
This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.
Demonstrate use of PositionInterpolator and OrientationInterpolator to animate object motion.
Demonstrate use of PositionInterpolator and OrientationInterpolator to animate object motion, with console output tracing added for PositionInterpolator and ROUTE events.
Demonstrates use of a ProximitySensor in building a HUD.
This example uses a ProximitySensor node to position a heads-up display (HUD) in the Kelp Forest world.
Example multiple ProximitySensor non-overlapping regions.
Example ProximitySensor regions.
Example multiply-instanced ProximitySensor with overlapping regions.
Example of a single ProximitySensor region.
Positive-displacement cylinder pump to emulate breakers surge, designed and built by David Packard.
A simple example of the use of the QuadSet node.
Example of Rectangle2D showing two simple polygonal shapes.
Rock-like floor and walls of kelp forest exhibit, modeled to scale.
A group of RubberLip fish, instanced using the CircleFish prototype.
One Sardine, three levels of detail.
School of sardines.
sardine school - 20 fish.
Sardine school with 30 fish.
sardine school - 30 fish.
sardine school - 10 fish.
sardine school - 30 fish.
Picture of a sardine for high detail.
Picture of a sardine for high detail.
Individual Sardine for use in the Sardine School.
Demonstrate use of ScalarInterpolator to animate transparency.
Run-time changing of a scalar property: Material transparency.
This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.
A lamp with 4 intensities (off low medium high) and a push-button switcher, all controlled by a Script node.
A three-way light controlled by a Script node.
A Script node drives the position and orientation of orbiting cones near the pump house.
A Script node provides the path and orientation animation for three cones that orbit near the pump house.
Script node interface between X3D and EcmaScript: this conformance example tests event-based X3D-EcmaScript functionality.
Script node interface between X3D and EcmaScript: this conformance example tests field-based X3D-EcmaScript functionality.
A Script node drives an animated push button that turns a light on and off.
SeaStar used in the kelp forest project.
Example instance of a SeaStar high-resolution prototype using default settings.
High-resolution model of a seastar, created in Maya 4 and exposed as a prototype for further reuse.
Prototype of a simple SeaStar.
A simple sea star constructed out of scaled Sphere primitives.
Lefty Shark, who has the red/gold NPS logo because he is proud of being a Marine animal.
Lefty Shark with animation to traverse the tank.
Lucy Shark is a tour guide for the Kelp Forest exhibit.
Lucy Shark with animation to traverse the tank.
An example of the Sound and AudioClip node showing the effect of the various volume regions.
Provide a test scene for sound files using various audio formats.
UsingLoadSensor to test when AudioClip loading is complete.
An example of the Sound node for testing X3D-Edit author-assist visualization.
A Sphere with specularColor applied over diffuseColor with default shininess.
Sphere geometric primitive node.
Using a separate SphereSensor, Lefty shark can be oriented in any direction by remote control.
Example of SpotLight showing effect of varying light colors on appearance.
Example SpotLight node showing effects of beamWidth and cutOffAngle.
Create outline geometry to show SpotLight coverage.
Example for StaticGroup node.
A StringSensor example that displays typed text in the world.
Create a new fish type through configuration of the CircleFishLod prototype.
One fish plaque with lithograph on one side and actual picture on the back.
Example of all of the Geometry2D nodes for the X3D Book.
A collection of example usage for all IndexedTriangle*Set nodes.
Example for Switch node.
PixelTexture example for Table 5.18.
Test ability to perform Script initialize() method using ECMAsript.
Simple smiley-face example illustrating an emoticon character entity, used within an MFString Text.
Simple Text node, illustrating length array and maxExtent field.
Text node demonstration of quotation, apostrophe, ampersand and backslash characters using X3D MFString escaping for XML character entities.
Simple Prototype for the display of text strings, combining functionality of Text and FontStyle nodes.
Simple TextureBackground node with images only.
Added an image panorama with the Background node to the Kelp Forest world.
Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype using a local texture file.
Instantiate the Garibaldi fish prototype without a skin texture.
An illustration of the same PixelTexture applied to a cone with different TextureTransform values.
Two Boxes with the same PixelTexture showing different TextureTransform field values.
This is an example of 2 Boxes with the same PixelTexture with different rotations, centers, and scaling.
3 Boxes with the same PixelTexture and different TextureTransform translation values.
Connecting TimeSensor nodes so that the completion of one behavior chain triggers another.
Pump house animation activated by a TimeTrigger node.
Test of TimeTrigger node.
TouchSensor activated positive-displacement cylinder pump house.
Use Transform center field to compare original Cylinder (left) to rotation about middle of object (middle Cylinder) to rotation about bottom of object (right Cylinder).
Example for Transform node.
This example shows a partially transparent Sphere in front of an opaque Box and Cylinder.
One fish plaque with lithograph on one side and actual picture on the back.
A simple example of the use of the TriangleFanSet node.
Example of TriangleSet2D showing multiple simple triangle shapes.
A simple example of the use of the TriangleSet node.
A simple example of the use of the TriangleStripSet node.
A Sphere colored red on outside and orange on inside using TwoSidedMaterial, you can shift viewpoints to see different colors outside/inside the Sphere.
A collection of all of the user interactivity sensor nodes: TouchSensor, PlaceSensor, CylinderSensor, SphereSensor, KeySensor, and StringSensor.
Display view frustum associated with a given pair of Viewpoint and NavigationInfo nodes, illustrating ProtoInstance reuse of a separately declared prototype.
Define a view frustum associated with a given pair of Viewpoint and NavigationInfo nodes, provided as a reusable prototype.
Viewpoint example added to Kelp Forest world.
VisibilitySensor example.
Example use of prototype node for displaying current viewpoint location and orientation in the player console.
Prototype node declaration for displaying current viewpoint location and orientation in the player console.
Simple examples of meta statements, comments, a WorldInfo node and a MetadataString node.
This X3D3 scene contains MetadataSet with a non-null metadata field and multiple value nodes.
This X3D4 scene contains MetadataSet with a non-null metadata field and multiple value nodes.
Prototype example to illustrate why additional non-rendering nodes might be needed after first node in ProtoBody.
Extrusion of X3D book used for website logo.
Simple XMP sidecar example: Hello XMP metadata!.