Interface GeoViewpoint

All Superinterfaces:
X3DBindableNode, X3DChildNode, X3DNode, X3DViewpointNode
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GeoViewpoint
extends X3DViewpointNode
GeoViewpoint specifies viewpoints using geographic coordinates.

X3D node tooltip: [X3DViewpointNode] GeoViewpoint specifies viewpoints using geographic coordinates. GeoViewpoint can contain a GeoOrigin node. Since GeoViewpoint must navigate smoothly inside a curved geographic coordinate system, it includes both Viewpoint and NavigationInfo attributes.
  • Hint: alternatively can use GeoLocation or GeoTransform as parent of a Viewpoint node to orient geospatial views.
  • Hint: include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>
  • Hint: when a GeoViewpoint node is bound, it also overrides the currently bound NavigationInfo node in the scene and controls user navigation for smoother geospatial interaction.
  • Hint: Background, Fog, GeoViewpoint, NavigationInfo, OrthoViewpoint, TextureBackground and Viewpoint are bindable nodes, meaning that no more than one of each node type can be active at a given time.
  • Hint: GeoViewpoint OrthoViewpoint and Viewpoint share the same binding stack, so no more than one of these nodes can be bound and active at a given time.
  • Warning: do not include GeoViewpoint OrthoViewpoint or Viewpoint as a child of LOD or Switch, instead use ViewpointGroup as parent to constrain location proximity where the viewpoint is available to user.
  • Warning: GeoViewpoint navType and headlight fields were removed as part of X3D version 3.3, authors can instead use a NavigationInfo node for those fields in prior X3D versions 3.0, 3.1 or 3.2. Upgrading such legacy scenes to version 3.3 or greater is preferred and recommended.
  • Hint: Regardless of viewpoint jump value at bind time, the relative viewing transformation between user's view and defined position/orientation is stored for later use when un-jumping (returning to the viewpoint when subsequent viewpoint is unbound).
  • Hint: customizable design pattern for dedicated Viewpoint/NavigationInfo pair: <Viewpoint DEF='SpecialView'/> <NavigationInfo DEF='SpecialNav'/> <ROUTE fromNode='SpecialView' fromField='isBound' toNode='SpecialNav' toField='set_bind'/>
  • Warning: avoid having GeoLocation or GeoTransform as a parent or ancestor node of GeoViewpoint, since multiple geospatial transformations then occur with unpredictable results.
  • Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Viewpoints

Package hint: This interface is defined by the X3D Java Language Binding Specification for the Scene Authoring Interface (SAI).
See Also:
SAI Java Specification, X3D Abstract Specification: GeoViewpoint, X3D Tooltips: GeoViewpoint, X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Viewpoints
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    double getBindTime()
    Provide double value in seconds from outputOnly SFTime field named bindTime.
    double[] getCenterOfRotation()
    Provide array of 3-tuple double results unit axis, angle (in radians) from inputOutput SFVec3d field named centerOfRotation.
    java.lang.String getDescription()
    Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named description.
    float getFarDistance()
    Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named farDistance.
    float getFieldOfView()
    Provide float value within allowed range of (0,3.1416) from inputOutput SFFloat field named fieldOfView.
    GeoOrigin getGeoOrigin()
    Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.Geospatial.GeoOrigin instance (using a properly typed node) (deprecated node, optional) from initializeOnly SFNode field geoOrigin.
    java.lang.String[] getGeoSystem()
    Provide array of String results from initializeOnly MFString field named geoSystem.
    boolean getIsBound()
    Provide boolean value from outputOnly SFBool field named isBound.
    boolean getJump()
    Provide boolean value from inputOutput SFBool field named jump.
    X3DMetadataObject getMetadata()
    Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
    NavigationInfo getNavigationInfo()
    Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.Navigation.NavigationInfo instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field navigationInfo.
    float getNearDistance()
    Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named nearDistance.
    float[] getOrientation()
    Provide array of 4-tuple float results unit axis, angle (in radians) from inputOutput SFRotation field named orientation.
    double[] getPosition()
    Provide array of 3-tuple double results from inputOutput SFVec3d field named position.
    boolean getRetainUserOffsets()
    Provide boolean value from inputOutput SFBool field named retainUserOffsets.
    float getSpeedFactor()
    Provide float value within allowed range of [0,infinity) from initializeOnly SFFloat field named speedFactor.
    boolean getViewAll()
    Provide boolean value from inputOutput SFBool field named viewAll.
    GeoViewpoint setCenterOfRotation​(double[] newValue)
    Accessor method to assign 3-tuple double array unit axis, angle (in radians) to inputOutput SFVec3d field named centerOfRotation.
    GeoViewpoint setDescription​(java.lang.String newValue)
    Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named description.
    GeoViewpoint setFarDistance​(float newValue)
    Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named farDistance.
    GeoViewpoint setFieldOfView​(float newValue)
    Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named fieldOfView.
    GeoViewpoint setGeoOrigin​(GeoOrigin newValue)
    Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.Geospatial.GeoOrigin instance (using a properly typed node) to initializeOnly SFNode field geoOrigin.
    GeoViewpoint setGeoSystem​(java.lang.String[] newValue)
    Accessor method to assign String array to initializeOnly MFString field named geoSystem.
    GeoViewpoint setJump​(boolean newValue)
    Accessor method to assign boolean value to inputOutput SFBool field named jump.
    GeoViewpoint setMetadata​(X3DMetadataObject newValue)
    Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
    GeoViewpoint setNavigationInfo​(NavigationInfo newValue)
    Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.Navigation.NavigationInfo instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field navigationInfo.
    GeoViewpoint setNearDistance​(float newValue)
    Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named nearDistance.
    GeoViewpoint setOrientation​(float[] newValue)
    Accessor method to assign 4-tuple float array unit axis, angle (in radians) to inputOutput SFRotation field named orientation.
    GeoViewpoint setPosition​(double[] newValue)
    Accessor method to assign 3-tuple double array to inputOutput SFVec3d field named position.
    GeoViewpoint setRetainUserOffsets​(boolean newValue)
    Accessor method to assign boolean value to inputOutput SFBool field named retainUserOffsets.
    GeoViewpoint setSpeedFactor​(float newValue)
    Accessor method to assign float value to initializeOnly SFFloat field named speedFactor.
    GeoViewpoint setViewAll​(boolean newValue)
    Accessor method to assign boolean value to inputOutput SFBool field named viewAll.
  • Method Details

    • getBindTime

      double getBindTime()
      Provide double value in seconds from outputOnly SFTime field named bindTime.

      Tooltip: Event sent reporting timestamp when node becomes active/inactive.
      • Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
      Specified by:
      getBindTime in interface X3DBindableNode
      Specified by:
      getBindTime in interface X3DViewpointNode
      value of bindTime field
    • getCenterOfRotation

      double[] getCenterOfRotation()
      Provide array of 3-tuple double results unit axis, angle (in radians) from inputOutput SFVec3d field named centerOfRotation.

      Tooltip: centerOfRotation specifies center point about which to rotate user's eyepoint when in EXAMINE or LOOKAT mode. *
      value of centerOfRotation field
    • setCenterOfRotation

      GeoViewpoint setCenterOfRotation​(double[] newValue)
      Accessor method to assign 3-tuple double array unit axis, angle (in radians) to inputOutput SFVec3d field named centerOfRotation.

      Tooltip: centerOfRotation specifies center point about which to rotate user's eyepoint when in EXAMINE or LOOKAT mode. *
      newValue - is new value for the centerOfRotation field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getDescription

      java.lang.String getDescription()
      Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named description.

      Tooltip: Author-provided prose that describes intended purpose of this node.
      • Hint: include space characters since a description is not a DEF identifier. Write short phrases that make descriptions clear and readable.
      • Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface X3DViewpointNode
      value of description field
    • setDescription

      GeoViewpoint setDescription​(java.lang.String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named description.

      Tooltip: Author-provided prose that describes intended purpose of this node.
      • Hint: include space characters since a description is not a DEF identifier. Write short phrases that make descriptions clear and readable.
      • Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).
      Specified by:
      setDescription in interface X3DViewpointNode
      newValue - is new value for the description field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getFarDistance

      float getFarDistance()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named farDistance.

      Tooltip: or (0,+infinity) farDistance defines maximum clipping plane distance allowed for object display.
      Specified by:
      getFarDistance in interface X3DViewpointNode
      value of farDistance field
    • setFarDistance

      GeoViewpoint setFarDistance​(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named farDistance.

      Tooltip: or (0,+infinity) farDistance defines maximum clipping plane distance allowed for object display.
      Specified by:
      setFarDistance in interface X3DViewpointNode
      newValue - is new value for the farDistance field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getFieldOfView

      float getFieldOfView()
      Provide float value within allowed range of (0,3.1416) from inputOutput SFFloat field named fieldOfView.

      Tooltip: Preferred minimum viewing angle from this viewpoint in radians, providing minimum height or minimum width (whichever is smaller). Small field of view roughly corresponds to a telephoto lens, large field of view roughly corresponds to a wide-angle lens. *
      value of fieldOfView field
    • setFieldOfView

      GeoViewpoint setFieldOfView​(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named fieldOfView.

      Tooltip: Preferred minimum viewing angle from this viewpoint in radians, providing minimum height or minimum width (whichever is smaller). Small field of view roughly corresponds to a telephoto lens, large field of view roughly corresponds to a wide-angle lens. *
      newValue - is new value for the fieldOfView field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getGeoOrigin

      GeoOrigin getGeoOrigin()
      Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.Geospatial.GeoOrigin instance (using a properly typed node) (deprecated node, optional) from initializeOnly SFNode field geoOrigin.

      Tooltip: [GeoOrigin] Single contained GeoOrigin node that specifies a local coordinate frame for extended precision.
      value of geoOrigin field
    • setGeoOrigin

      GeoViewpoint setGeoOrigin​(GeoOrigin newValue)
      Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.Geospatial.GeoOrigin instance (using a properly typed node) to initializeOnly SFNode field geoOrigin.

      Tooltip: [GeoOrigin] Single contained GeoOrigin node that specifies a local coordinate frame for extended precision.
      newValue - is new value for the geoOrigin field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getGeoSystem

      java.lang.String[] getGeoSystem()
      Provide array of String results from initializeOnly MFString field named geoSystem.

      Tooltip: Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
      value of geoSystem field
    • setGeoSystem

      GeoViewpoint setGeoSystem​(java.lang.String[] newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String array to initializeOnly MFString field named geoSystem.

      Tooltip: Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
      newValue - is new value for the geoSystem field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getIsBound

      boolean getIsBound()
      Provide boolean value from outputOnly SFBool field named isBound.

      Tooltip: Output event true gets sent when node becomes bound and activated, otherwise output event false gets sent when node becomes unbound and deactivated.
      • Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
      Specified by:
      getIsBound in interface X3DBindableNode
      Specified by:
      getIsBound in interface X3DViewpointNode
      value of isBound field
    • getJump

      boolean getJump()
      Provide boolean value from inputOutput SFBool field named jump.

      Tooltip: Whether to transition instantly by jumping, or else smoothly animate to this Viewpoint. *
      Specified by:
      getJump in interface X3DViewpointNode
      value of jump field
    • setJump

      GeoViewpoint setJump​(boolean newValue)
      Accessor method to assign boolean value to inputOutput SFBool field named jump.

      Tooltip: Whether to transition instantly by jumping, or else smoothly animate to this Viewpoint. *
      Specified by:
      setJump in interface X3DViewpointNode
      newValue - is new value for the jump field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getMetadata

      X3DMetadataObject getMetadata()
      Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field metadata.

      Tooltip: [X3DMetadataObject] Information about this node can be contained in a MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString or MetadataSet node.
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DBindableNode
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DChildNode
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DNode
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DViewpointNode
      value of metadata field
      See Also:
      X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Metadata Nodes
    • setMetadata

      GeoViewpoint setMetadata​(X3DMetadataObject newValue)
      Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field metadata.

      Tooltip: [X3DMetadataObject] Information about this node can be contained in a MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString or MetadataSet node.
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DBindableNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DChildNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DViewpointNode
      newValue - is new value for the metadata field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
      X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Metadata Nodes
    • getNavigationInfo

      NavigationInfo getNavigationInfo()
      Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.Navigation.NavigationInfo instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field navigationInfo.
      Specified by:
      getNavigationInfo in interface X3DViewpointNode
      value of navigationInfo field
    • setNavigationInfo

      GeoViewpoint setNavigationInfo​(NavigationInfo newValue)
      Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.Navigation.NavigationInfo instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field navigationInfo.
      Specified by:
      setNavigationInfo in interface X3DViewpointNode
      newValue - is new value for the navigationInfo field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getNearDistance

      float getNearDistance()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named nearDistance.

      Tooltip: or (0,+infinity) nearDistance defines minimum clipping plane distance necessary for object display.
      Specified by:
      getNearDistance in interface X3DViewpointNode
      value of nearDistance field
    • setNearDistance

      GeoViewpoint setNearDistance​(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named nearDistance.

      Tooltip: or (0,+infinity) nearDistance defines minimum clipping plane distance necessary for object display.
      Specified by:
      setNearDistance in interface X3DViewpointNode
      newValue - is new value for the nearDistance field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getOrientation

      float[] getOrientation()
      Provide array of 4-tuple float results unit axis, angle (in radians) from inputOutput SFRotation field named orientation.

      Tooltip: Rotation of Viewpoint, relative to default -Z axis direction in local coordinate system.
      • Warning: for VR/AR/MAR users wearing a head-mounted display (HMD), animating this field may induce motion sickness.
      • Hint: this is orientation _change_ from default direction (0 0 -1) +Y axis is the up vector for the local area (the normal to the tangent plane on the ellipsoid), -Z points towards the north pole, and +X is east 1 0 0 -1.570796 always looks down.
      Specified by:
      getOrientation in interface X3DViewpointNode
      value of orientation field
    • setOrientation

      GeoViewpoint setOrientation​(float[] newValue)
      Accessor method to assign 4-tuple float array unit axis, angle (in radians) to inputOutput SFRotation field named orientation.

      Tooltip: Rotation of Viewpoint, relative to default -Z axis direction in local coordinate system.
      • Warning: for VR/AR/MAR users wearing a head-mounted display (HMD), animating this field may induce motion sickness.
      • Hint: this is orientation _change_ from default direction (0 0 -1) +Y axis is the up vector for the local area (the normal to the tangent plane on the ellipsoid), -Z points towards the north pole, and +X is east 1 0 0 -1.570796 always looks down.
      Specified by:
      setOrientation in interface X3DViewpointNode
      newValue - is new value for the orientation field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getPosition

      double[] getPosition()
      Provide array of 3-tuple double results from inputOutput SFVec3d field named position.

      Tooltip: position relative to local georeferenced coordinate system, in proper format. *
      value of position field
    • setPosition

      GeoViewpoint setPosition​(double[] newValue)
      Accessor method to assign 3-tuple double array to inputOutput SFVec3d field named position.

      Tooltip: position relative to local georeferenced coordinate system, in proper format. *
      newValue - is new value for the position field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getRetainUserOffsets

      boolean getRetainUserOffsets()
      Provide boolean value from inputOutput SFBool field named retainUserOffsets.

      Tooltip: Retain (true) or reset to zero (false) any prior user navigation offsets from defined viewpoint position, orientation. *
      Specified by:
      getRetainUserOffsets in interface X3DViewpointNode
      value of retainUserOffsets field
    • setRetainUserOffsets

      GeoViewpoint setRetainUserOffsets​(boolean newValue)
      Accessor method to assign boolean value to inputOutput SFBool field named retainUserOffsets.

      Tooltip: Retain (true) or reset to zero (false) any prior user navigation offsets from defined viewpoint position, orientation. *
      Specified by:
      setRetainUserOffsets in interface X3DViewpointNode
      newValue - is new value for the retainUserOffsets field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getSpeedFactor

      float getSpeedFactor()
      Provide float value within allowed range of [0,infinity) from initializeOnly SFFloat field named speedFactor.

      Tooltip: [0,+infinity) speedFactor is a multiplier to modify the original elevation-based speed that is set automatically by the browser.
      • Hint: speedFactor is a relative value and not an absolute speed as defined by NavigationInfo.
      value of speedFactor field
    • setSpeedFactor

      GeoViewpoint setSpeedFactor​(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to initializeOnly SFFloat field named speedFactor.

      Tooltip: [0,+infinity) speedFactor is a multiplier to modify the original elevation-based speed that is set automatically by the browser.
      • Hint: speedFactor is a relative value and not an absolute speed as defined by NavigationInfo.
      newValue - is new value for the speedFactor field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getViewAll

      boolean getViewAll()
      Provide boolean value from inputOutput SFBool field named viewAll.
      Specified by:
      getViewAll in interface X3DViewpointNode
      value of viewAll field
    • setViewAll

      GeoViewpoint setViewAll​(boolean newValue)
      Accessor method to assign boolean value to inputOutput SFBool field named viewAll.
      Specified by:
      setViewAll in interface X3DViewpointNode
      newValue - is new value for the viewAll field.
      GeoViewpoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).