Interface SFImage

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public interface SFImage
extends X3DField
SFImage specifies a single uncompressed 2-dimensional pixel image. SFImage fields contain three integers representing the width, height and number of components in the image, followed by (width x height) hexadecimal or integer values representing the pixels in the image.

Package hint: This interface is defined by the X3D Java Language Binding Specification for the Scene Authoring Interface (SAI).
See Also:
SAI Java Specification: B.4.17, SAI Abstract Specification: 5.2.15 SAIFieldType, X3D Abstract Specification: 5.3.6 SFImage and MFImage, X3D Tooltips, X3D Tooltips: field, X3D Tooltips: fieldValue, X3D Scene Authoring Hints
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    int getHeight()
    Get the height of the image.
    java.awt.image.WritableRenderedImage getImage()
    Fetch the Java representation of the underlying image from these pixels.
    int getNumberComponents()
    Get the number of color components in the image.
    void getPixels​(int[] pixels)
    Get the image pixel value in the given eventOut.
    int getWidth()
    Get the width of the image.
    void setImage​(java.awt.image.RenderedImage image)
    Set the image value in the given writable field to the new image defined by a set of pixels.
    void setSubImage​(java.awt.image.RenderedImage image, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int sourceXOffset, int sourceYOffset, int destinationXOffset, int destinationYOffset)
    Copy a region of the argument RenderedImage to replace a portion of the current SFimage.
    void setValue​(int width, int height, int components, int[] pixels)
    Set the image value in the given writable field.

    Methods inherited from interface org.web3d.x3d.sai.X3DField

    addX3DEventListener, getDefinition, isReadable, isWritable, removeX3DEventListener
  • Method Details

    • getWidth

      int getWidth()
      Get the width of the image.
      The width of the image in pixels
    • getHeight

      int getHeight()
      Get the height of the image.
      The height of the image in pixels
    • getNumberComponents

      int getNumberComponents()
      Get the number of color components in the image. The value will always be between 0 and 4 indicating the number of components of the color specification to be read from the image pixel data.
      The number of components
    • getPixels

      void getPixels​(int[] pixels)
      Get the image pixel value in the given eventOut.

      The number of items in the pixels array will be width * height. If there are less items than this an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException will be generated. The integer values are represented according to the number of components.

      1 Component Images
      The integer has the intensity value stored in the lowest byte and can be obtained:

          intensity = (pixel[i]     ) &0xFF;

      2 Component Images
      The integer has the transparency value stored in the lowest byte and the intensity in the next byte:

          intensity = (pixel[i] >> 8) &0xFF;
          alpha     = (pixel[i]     ) &0xFF;

      3 Component Images
      The three color components are stored in the integer array as follows:

          red   = (pixel[i] >> 16) &0xFF;
          green = (pixel[i] >>  8) &0xFF;
          blue  = (pixel[i]      ) &0xFF;

      4 Component Images
      The integer has the value stored in the array as follows:

          red   = (pixel[i] >> 24) &0xFF;
          green = (pixel[i] >> 16) &0xFF;
          blue  = (pixel[i] >>  8) &0xFF;
          alpha = (pixel[i]      ) &0xFF;

      The width and height values must be greater than or equal to zero. The number of components is between 1 and 4. Any value outside of these bounds will generate an IllegalArgumentException.

      pixels - The array to copy pixel values into
    • getImage

      java.awt.image.WritableRenderedImage getImage()
      Fetch the Java representation of the underlying image from these pixels. This is the same copy that the browser uses to generate texture information from.
      The image reference representing the current state
    • setImage

      void setImage​(java.awt.image.RenderedImage image)
      Set the image value in the given writable field to the new image defined by a set of pixels.

      image - The new image to use as the source
    • setSubImage

      void setSubImage​(java.awt.image.RenderedImage image, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int sourceXOffset, int sourceYOffset, int destinationXOffset, int destinationYOffset)
      Copy a region of the argument RenderedImage to replace a portion of the current SFimage.

      The sub image set shall not resize the base image representation and therefore performs an intersection clip of the provided image. The user provided image shall be of the same format (pixel depth, pixel representation) as the original image obtained through the getImage() method.

      RenderedImages are row order from top to bottom. A 4x8 RenderImage is indexed as follows:

       X >01234567
       0 |********|
       1 |********|
       2 |********|
       3 |********|
       ^ ----------
      SFImages are row order from bottom to top. A 4x8 RenderImage is indexed as follows:
       X >01234567
       3 |********|
       2 |********|
       1 |********|
       0 |********|
       ^ ----------

      Note: The parameter srcYOffset is referenced to the RenderedImage object (indexed top to bottom).
      The parameter destYOffset is referenced to the SFImage object (indexed bottom to top).

      image - The new image to use as the source
      sourceWidth - The width of the argument sub-image region to copy
      sourceHeight - The height of the argument sub-image region to copy
      sourceXOffset - The initial x dimension (width) offset into the argument sub-image that begins the region to copy
      sourceYOffset - The initial y dimension (height) offset into the argument sub-image that begins the region to copy
      destinationXOffset - The initial x dimension (width) offset in the SFimage object that begins the region to receive the copy
      destinationYOffset - The initial y dimension (height) offset in the SFimage object that begins the region to receive the copy
    • setValue

      void setValue​(int width, int height, int components, int[] pixels)
      Set the image value in the given writable field.

      Image values are specified using a width, height and the number of components. The number of items in the pixels array must be at least width * height. If there are less items than this an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException will be generated. The integer values are represented according to the number of components. If the integer contains values in bytes that are not used by the number of components for that image, the values are ignored.

      1 Component Images
      The integer has the intensity value stored in the lowest byte and can be obtained:

          intensity = (pixel[i]     ) &0xFF;

      2 Component Images
      The integer has the transparency value stored in the lowest byte and the intensity in the next byte:

          intensity = (pixel[i] >> 8) &0xFF;
          alpha     = (pixel[i]     ) &0xFF;

      3 Component Images
      The three color components are stored in the integer array as follows:

          red   = (pixel[i] >> 16) &0xFF;
          green = (pixel[i] >>  8) &0xFF;
          blue  = (pixel[i]      ) &0xFF;

      4 Component Images
      The integer has the value stored in the array as follows:

          red   = (pixel[i] >> 24) &0xFF;
          green = (pixel[i] >> 16) &0xFF;
          blue  = (pixel[i] >>  8) &0xFF;
          alpha = (pixel[i]      ) &0xFF;

      The width and height values must be greater than or equal to zero. The number of components is between 1 and 4. Any value outside of these bounds will generate an IllegalArgumentException.

      width - The width of the image in pixels
      height - The height of the image in pixels
      components - The number of color components [1-4]
      pixels - The array of pixel values as specified above.
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The number of components or width/ height are illegal values.
      java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - The number of pixels provided by the caller is not enough for the width * height.