Interface X3DField

All Known Subinterfaces:
MFBool, MFColor, MFColorRGBA, MFDouble, MFFloat, MField, MFImage, MFInt32, MFNode, MFRotation, MFString, MFTime, MFVec2d, MFVec2f, MFVec3d, MFVec3f, MFVec4d, MFVec4f, SFBool, SFColor, SFColorRGBA, SFDouble, SFFloat, SFImage, SFInt32, SFNode, SFRotation, SFString, SFTime, SFVec2d, SFVec2f, SFVec3d, SFVec3f, SFVec4d, SFVec4f
All Known Implementing Classes:
MFBool, MFColor, MFColorRGBA, MFDouble, MFFloat, MFImage, MFInt32, MFMatrix3d, MFMatrix3f, MFMatrix4d, MFMatrix4f, MFNode, MFRotation, MFString, MFTime, MFVec2d, MFVec2f, MFVec3d, MFVec3f, MFVec4d, MFVec4f, SFBool, SFColor, SFColorRGBA, SFDouble, SFFloat, SFImage, SFInt32, SFMatrix3d, SFMatrix3f, SFMatrix4d, SFMatrix4f, SFNode, SFRotation, SFString, SFTime, SFVec2d, SFVec2f, SFVec3d, SFVec3f, SFVec4d, SFVec4f, X3DConcreteField

public interface X3DField
Base representation of an X3D field type.

Package hint: This interface is defined by the X3D Java Language Binding Specification for the Scene Authoring Interface (SAI).
See Also:
SAI Java Specification: B.4.5 X3DField, SAI Abstract Specification: 5.2.13 SAIField, X3D Abstract Specification: Field semantics, X3D Tooltips, X3D Scene Authoring Hints
  • Method Details

    • getDefinition

      X3DFieldDefinition getDefinition()
      Get the definition of this field.
      The field definition to use
    • isReadable

      boolean isReadable()
      Check to see if this field is readable. This may return two different sets of values depending on the use. If this field is the field of a script that has been passed to a script implementation, it will return true if the field is an eventIn, exposedField or field and false for an eventOut. If it is a field of any other circumstance (ie an external application querying a node or a script querying another node it has a reference to) it shall return true for eventOuts, exposedFields and false for eventIn or field.
      true if the values of this field are readable
    • isWritable

      boolean isWritable()
      Check to see if this field is writable. This may return two different sets of values depending on the use. If this field is the field of a script that has been passed to a script implementation, it will return true if the field is an eventOut, exposedField or field and false for an eventIn. If it is a field of any other circumstance (ie an external application querying a node or a script querying another node it has a reference to) it shall return true for eventIns, exposedFields and false for eventOut or field.
      true if the values of this field are readable
    • addX3DEventListener

      void addX3DEventListener​(X3DFieldEventListener listener)
      Add a listener for changes in this field. This works for listening to changes in a readable field. A future extension to the specification, or a browser-specific extension, may allow for listeners to be added to writable nodes as well. A listener instance cannot have multiple simultaneous registrations. If the listener instance is currently registered, this request shall be silently ignored.
      listener - The listener to add
    • removeX3DEventListener

      void removeX3DEventListener​(X3DFieldEventListener listener)
      Remove a listener for changes in the readable field. If the listener is not currently registered, this request shall be silently ignored.
      listener - The listener to remove