Anchor Appearance Arc2D ArcClose2D AudioClip Background Billboard BooleanFilter BooleanSequencer BooleanToggle BooleanTrigger Box CADAssembly CADFace CADLayer CADPart Circle2D Collision Color ColorInterpolator ColorRGBA component ComposedCubeMapTexture ComposedShader ComposedTexture3D Cone connect Contour2D ContourPolyline2D Coordinate CoordinateDouble CoordinateInterpolator CoordinateInterpolator2D Cylinder CylinderSensor DirectionalLight Disk2D ElevationGrid EspduTransform EXPORT ExternProtoDeclare Extrusion field fieldValue FillProperties FloatVertexAttribute Fog FogCoordinate FontStyle GeneratedCubeMapTexture GeoCoordinate GeoElevationGrid GeoLocation GeoLOD GeoMetadata GeoOrigin GeoPositionInterpolator GeoTouchSensor GeoViewpoint Group HAnimDisplacer HAnimHumanoid HAnimJoint HAnimSegment HAnimSite head ImageCubeMapTexture ImageTexture ImageTexture3D IMPORT IndexedFaceSet IndexedLineSet IndexedQuadSet IndexedTriangleFanSet IndexedTriangleSet IndexedTriangleStripSet Inline IntegerSequencer IntegerTrigger IS KeySensor LineProperties LineSet LoadSensor LocalFog LOD Material Matrix3VertexAttribute Matrix4VertexAttribute meta MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString MovieTexture MultiTexture MultiTextureCoordinate MultiTextureTransform NavigationInfo Normal NormalInterpolator NurbsCurve NurbsCurve2D NurbsOrientationInterpolator NurbsPatchSurface NurbsPositionInterpolator NurbsSet NurbsSurfaceInterpolator NurbsSweptSurface NurbsSwungSurface NurbsTextureCoordinate NurbsTrimmedSurface OrientationInterpolator PackagedShader PixelTexture PixelTexture3D PlaneSensor PointLight PointSet Polyline2D Polypoint2D PositionInterpolator PositionInterpolator2D ProgramShader ProtoBody ProtoDeclare ProtoInstance ProtoInterface ProximitySensor QuadSet ReceiverPdu Rectangle2D ROUTE ScalarInterpolator Scene Script ShaderPart ShaderProgram Shape SignalPdu Sound Sphere SphereSensor SpotLight StaticGroup StringSensor Switch Text TextureBackground TextureCoordinate TextureCoordinate3D TextureCoordinate4D TextureCoordinateGenerator TextureTransform TextureTransform3D TextureTransformMatrix3D TimeSensor TimeTrigger TouchSensor Transform TransmitterPdu TriangleFanSet TriangleSet TriangleSet2D TriangleStripSet Viewpoint VisibilitySensor WorldInfo X3D
accessType Definitions type Definitions XML data types Range Intervals Field Type Definitions Credits and Translations X3D Resources X3D Scene Authoring Hints
SFBool MFBool SFColor MFColor SFColorRGBA MFColorRGBA SFInt32 MFInt32 SFFloat MFFloat SFDouble MFDouble SFImage MFImage SFNode MFNode SFRotation MFRotation SFString MFString SFTime MFTime SFVec2f MFVec2f SFVec2d MFVec2d SFVec3f MFVec3f SFVec3d MFVec3d SFVec4f MFVec4f SFVec4d MFVec4d SFMatrix3f MFMatrix3f SFMatrix3d MFMatrix3d SFMatrix4f MFMatrix4f SFMatrix4d MFMatrix4d
accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Anchor
Anchor est un noeud pouvant comporter la plupart des noeuds. Le fait de cliquer sur une géométrie ancrée lance le contenu dont l'adresse est specifiée dans le champ url. Conseil: insérez un noeud Forme avant d'ajouter une Géométrie ou une Apparance.
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.1 Overview of pointing device sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#OverviewOfPointingDeviceSensors
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.3 Activating and manipulating pointing device sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#Activatingandmanipulating
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF permet de définir un nom spécifique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds du même type.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!children [children accessType inputOutput, type MFNode CDATA , empty list] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
Hint: Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodesdescription [description accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
description peut comporter du texte qui sera affiché par l'explorateur pour decrire ce lien.
Conseil: Xeena remplace automatiquement les caractères références XML si besoin (comme & pour & ou " pour " ), écrivez donc ce que vous voulez!
Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Adresse du fichier ou programme destinataire ou #ViewpointDEFName, activée en cliquant sur la géométrie ancrée. Conseil: passez d'un point de vue appartenant à un monde VRML en ajoutant le nom du point de vue (exemple: #ViewpointName, someOtherCoolWorld.x3d#GrandTour). Conseil: allez d'un point de vue interne à la scene VRML en ajoutant seulement son nom (exemple #GrandTour). Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc." Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de répertoires concernant les liens http! Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requêtes url par %20 pour chaque caractère espace.
Hint: pop up a new window with url value as follows: "JavaScript:window.open('somePage.html','popup','width=240,height=240');location.href='HelloWorld.x3d'"
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlsparameter [parameter accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
parameter indique au navigateur web comment réorienter le chargement de l'adresse url.
Conseil: mettez dans parameter : target=_blank pour charger l'url dans une page blanche.
Conseil: mettez dans parameter : target=frame_name pour charger l'url dans une nouvelle page.
Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets. "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être specifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (children | watchList) "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Appearance
Appearance spécifie les propriétés visuelles de la géométrie en comprenant les noeuds Material, Texture et TextureTransform. Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance. Conseil: seuls Material et ImageTexture sont autorisés.
Hint: X3D Architecture 12.2.2 Appearance node https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/shape.html#Appearancenode
Hint: X3D Architecture 17.2.2 Lighting model https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/lighting.html#LightingmodelSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "appearance"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Arc2D
Arc2D is a line-based geometry node that defines a linear circular arc with center (0,0) in X-Y plane, with angles measured starting at positive x-axis and sweeping towards positive y-axis.
Hint: Material emissiveColor in corresponding Appearance is used for rendering lines.
Warning: lines are not lit, are not texture-mapped, and do not participate in collision detection.
Warning: use a different Material emissiveColor than the Background color, otherwise geometry is invisible.
Hint: adding LineProperties to the corresponding Appearance node can modify the rendering style of these lines.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geometry2D' level='2'/>
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 10 Geometry 2D https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2DSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.radius [radius accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1"] (0,+∞)
circle radius, of which the arc is a portion.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.startAngle [startAngle accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"] [0,2pi]
Arc extends from startAngle counterclockwise to endAngle, in radians.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadianendAngle [endAngle accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1.570796"] [0,2pi]
Arc extends from startAngle counterclockwise to endAngle, in radians.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadiancontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ArcClose2D
ArcClose2D is a polygonal geometry node that defines a linear circular arc, closed by PIE or CHORD line segments, with center (0,0) in X-Y plane with angles measured starting at positive x-axis and sweeping towards positive y-axis.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geometry2D' level='2'/>
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 10 Geometry 2D https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2DSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.radius [radius accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1"] (0,+∞)
circle radius, of which the arc is a portion.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.startAngle [startAngle accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"] [0,2pi]
Arc extends from startAngle counterclockwise to endAngle, in radians.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadianendAngle [endAngle accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1.570796"] [0,2pi]
Arc extends from startAngle counterclockwise to endAngle, in radians.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadianclosureType [closureType accessType initializeOnly, type SFString CDATA (PIE|CHORD) "PIE"]
Defines whether pair of line segments connect to center (PIE), or single line-segment chord connects arc endpoints (CHORD).
Warning: simple-geometry parameters cannot be changed after initial creation.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygones (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygones sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par defaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources AudioClip
AudioClip fournit les données audio utilisées par le noeud Sound. Conseil: insérez d'abord un noeud Sound.
Hint: authors can provide multiple audio formats for the same audio track, with each source address listed separately in the url field.
Hint: player support for .wav format is required, .midi format is recommended, other formats are optional.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints:Audio https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#Audio
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!description [description accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
description peut comporter du texte qui sera affiché pour Audioclip.
Conseil: Xeena remplace automatiquement les caractères références XML si besoin (comme & pour & ou " pour " ), écrivez donc ce que vous voulez!url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
adresse, nom du fichier son. Le format .wav est requis, le format .midi est recommendé, les autres sont optionnels. TODO. Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets. "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc." Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de répertoires concernant les liens http! Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requêtes url par %20 pour chaque caractàre espace.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlsloop [loop accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
répétition infinie lorsque loop=true, répétition une fois seulement lorsque loop=false.pitch [pitch accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1.0"] (0,+∞)
Multiplicateur du taux avec lequel le sample sonore est joué. changer pitch modifie aussi la vitesse de lecture.
Hint: changing the pitch field does not trigger a duration_changed event. Playback interval may vary but duration of the original media data remains unmodified.startTime [startTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
Temps en absolu: nombre de secondes depuis le 1er janvier 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Conseil: recoit en principe une valeur temps par une ROUTE.stopTime [stopTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
Temps en absolu: nombre de secondes depuis le 1er janvier 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Conseil: recoit en principe une valeur temps par une ROUTE.
Warning: An active TimeSensor node ignores set_cycleInterval and set_startTime events.
Warning: An active TimeSensor node ignores set_stopTime event values less than or equal to startTime.duration_changed [duration_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "0.0"]
duration_changed est la durée de temps en secondes pour un cycle audio.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
Hint: duration_changed is an SFTime duration interval, normally nonnegative, and not an absolute clock time.
Hint: changing the pitch field does not trigger a duration_changed event. Playback interval may vary but duration of the original media data remains unmodified.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
l'évènement isActive (true/false) est envoyé quand la lecture démarre ou s'arrête.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isPaused [isPaused accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
isPaused true/false events are sent when AudioClip is paused/resumed.
Warning: not supported in VRML97.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.pauseTime [pauseTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
When time now >= pauseTime, isPaused becomes true and AudioClip becomes paused. Absolute time: number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Hint: ROUTE a time value matching system clock to this field, such as output event from TouchSensor touchTime or TimeTrigger triggerTime.
Warning: not supported in VRML97.resumeTime [resumeTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
When resumeTime becomes <= time now, isPaused becomes false and AudioClip becomes active. Absolute time: number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Hint: ROUTE a time value matching system clock to this field, such as output event from TouchSensor touchTime or TimeTrigger triggerTime.
Warning: not supported in VRML97.elapsedTime [elapsedTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""] [0,+∞)
Current elapsed time since AudioClip activated/running, cumulative in seconds, and not counting any paused time.
Warning: not supported in VRML97.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
Hint: elapsedTime is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "source"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Background
Background simule le sol et le ciel, en utilisant des tableaux de valeurs représentant des couleurs de fond. Background peut aussi créer des textures appliquables sur les six côtés. Background, Fog, NavigationInfo et Viewpoint sont des noeuds rattachables.
Warning: results are undefined if a bindable node (Background, Fog, NavigationInfo, OrthoViewpoint, TextureBackground, Viewpoint) is a contained descendant node of either LOD or Switch.
Hint: X3D Example Archives, Basic, Universal Media Panoramas https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramasSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!skyColor [skyColor accessType inputOutput, type MFColor CDATA "0 0 0"]
couleur du ciel pour différents angles sur la sphère céleste. La première valeur est celle du ciel à 0.0 radian correspondant au zenith (à la verticale). vous devez écrire une valeur skyColor de plus que le nombre de valeurs skyAngle. Conseil: il est possible qu'une seule couleur soit représentée et que les autres soient ignorées.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColorskyAngle [skyAngle accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Vous devez écrire une valeur skyColor de plus que le nombre de valeurs skyAngle. Les valeurs angulaires vont de 0.0 (zenith, à la verticale) à π/2=1.570796 (horizon) à π=3.14159 (nadir). Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadiangroundColor [groundColor accessType inputOutput, type MFColor CDATA #IMPLIED]
couleur du sol pour différents angles sur la sphère partielle représentant le sol. La première valeur est la couleur du sol à 0.0 radian représentant le nadir (à la verticale). Vous devez écrire une valeur groundColor de plus que le nombre de valeurs groundAngle. Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColorgroundAngle [groundAngle accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Vous devez écrire une valeur groundColor de plus que le nombre de valeurs groundAngle. Les valeurs angulaires vont de 0.0 (nadir, à la verticale) à π/2=1.570796 (horizon). Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadianfrontUrl [frontUrl accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Image d'arrière plan panoramique entre la toile de fond du sol/ciel et la géométrie de la scène.
Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets; "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de repertoires concernant les liens http!
Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requetes url par %20 pour chaque caractere espace.
Conseil: ce champ peut etre ignore.backUrl [backUrl accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Image d'arrière plan panoramique entre la toile de fond du sol/ciel et la géométrie de la scène.
Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets; "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de repertoires concernant les liens http!
Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requetes url par %20 pour chaque caractere espace.
Conseil: ce champ peut etre ignore.leftUrl [leftUrl accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Image d'arrière plan panoramique entre la toile de fond du sol/ciel et la géométrie de la scène.
Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets; "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de repertoires concernant les liens http!
Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requetes url par %20 pour chaque caractere espace.
Conseil: ce champ peut etre ignore.rightUrl [rightUrl accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Image d'arrière plan panoramique entre la toile de fond du sol/ciel et la géométrie de la scène.
Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets; "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de repertoires concernant les liens http!
Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requetes url par %20 pour chaque caractere espace.
Conseil: ce champ peut etre ignore.topUrl [topUrl accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Image d'arrière plan panoramique entre la toile de fond du sol/ciel et la géométrie de la scène.
Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets; "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de repertoires concernant les liens http!
Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requetes url par %20 pour chaque caractere espace.
Conseil: ce champ peut etre ignore.bottomUrl [bottomUrl accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Image d'arrière plan panoramique entre la toile de fond du sol/ciel et la géométrie de la scène.
Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets; "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de repertoires concernant les liens http!
Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requetes url par %20 pour chaque caractere espace.
Conseil: ce champ peut etre ignore.set_bind [set_bind accessType inputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) ""]
Mettre la valeur true dans set_bind rend ce noeud actif, mettre la valeur false dans set_bind rend ce noeud inactif. Ainsi rendre set_bind vrai/faux fera apparaître/disparaître (rendra actif/inactif) ce noeud.
Hint: paired node operations can be established by connecting set_bind and isBound fields of corresponding bindable nodes.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.bindTime [bindTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "-1"]
évènement envoyé quand le noeud devient actif/inactif.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isBound [isBound accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
l'évènement vrai est envoyé quand le noeud devient actif, l'évènement faux est envoyé quand le noeud est désactivé par un autre noeud.
Hint: paired node operations can be established by connecting set_bind and isBound fields of corresponding bindable nodes.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Billboard
Billboard est un noeud Groupe qui peut contenir la plupart des noeuds. Le contenu du noeud fait face à l'observateur, faisant une rotation autour de l'axe spécifié. Mettre axisOfRotation=0 0 0 pour complètement faire face à la caméra de l'observateur.
Conseil: Placez Billboard aussi près de la géométrie que possible, logé a l'intérieur de Transform pour avoir un système de coordonnées local.
Conseil: ne pas mettre Viewpoint a l'intérieur de Billboard.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!children [children accessType inputOutput, type MFNode CDATA , empty list] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
Hint: Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodesaxisOfRotation [axisOfRotation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 1 0"]
la direction d'axisOfRotation est relative au système de coordonnées local.
Conseil: l'axe 0 0 0 fait toujours face à l'observateur.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut etre spécifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources BooleanFilter
BooleanFilter selectively passes true, false or negated events.
Hint: example scenes and authoring assets at https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting
Hint: X3D Event-Utility Node Diagrams https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting/X3dEventUtilityNodeEventDiagrams.pdfSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.set_boolean [set_boolean accessType inputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
set_boolean is the input value to be filtered.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.inputTrue [inputTrue accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
inputTrue only passes a true value, which occurs when set_boolean input is true.
Hint: inputTrue is an output event that can only provide a value of true.inputFalse [inputFalse accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
inputFalse only passes a false value, which occurs when set_boolean is false.
Hint: inputFalse is an output event that can only provide a value of false.inputNegate [inputNegate accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
inputNegate is an output event that provides an opposite value by negating set_boolean input.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources BooleanSequencer
BooleanSequencer generates periodic discrete Boolean values. Authors can ROUTE value_changed output events to other Boolean attributes.
Hint: typical input connection is ROUTE someTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO thisInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction
Hint: typical output connection is ROUTE thisInterpolatorDEF.value_changed TO someDestinationNodeDEF.set_someAttribute.
Hint: example scenes and authoring assets at https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting
Hint: X3D Event-Utility Node Diagrams https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting/X3dEventUtilityNodeEventDiagrams.pdfSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.key [key accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Definition values for linear-interpolation function input intervals, in non-decreasing order and corresponding to a value in the keyValue array.
Warning: number of keys must match number of keyValues!
Warning: values in key array shall be monotonically non-decreasing, meaning that each value is greater than or equal to the preceding value.
Hint: typical interval for values in key array is within range of 0 to 1, but larger intervals can be defined with arbitrary bounds.keyValue [keyValue accessType inputOutput, type MFBool CDATA #IMPLIED]
Output values for linear interopolation, each corresponding to an input-fraction value in the key array.
Warning: number of keys must match number of keyValues!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
set_fraction selects input key for corresponding keyValue output.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "0"]
Single intermittent output value_changed determined by current key time and corresponding keyValue pair.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.previous [previous accessType inputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) ""]
Send previous output value in keyValue array, and reset internal fraction field to match corresponding value in key array.
Hint: this input event will "wrap around" boundary of keyValue array, i.e. continue from first to last if necessary.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.next [next accessType inputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) ""]
Send next output value in keyValue array, and reset internal fraction field to match corresponding value in key array.
Hint: this input event will "wrap around" boundary of keyValue array, i.e. continue from last to first if necessary.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources BooleanToggle
BooleanToggle maintains state and negates output when a true input is provided.
Hint: example scenes and authoring assets at https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting
Hint: X3D Event-Utility Node Diagrams https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting/X3dEventUtilityNodeEventDiagrams.pdfSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.set_boolean [set_boolean accessType inputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
If input event set_boolean is true, flip state by negating current value of the toggle field
Hint: for logical consistency, input event set_boolean false has no effect (under review as part of Mantis issue 519).
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.toggle [toggle accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Persistent state value that gets toggled or reset.
Hint: directly setting a new value for the toggle field generates a corresponding toggle_changed output event.toggle_changed [toggle_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA #FIXED ""]
toggle_changed provides boolean output event matching updated toggle value when input event set_boolean true is received.
Hint: directly setting a new value for the toggle field generates a corresponding toggle_changed output event.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources BooleanTrigger
BooleanTrigger converts time events to boolean true events.
Hint: example scenes and authoring assets at https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting
Hint: X3D Event-Utility Node Diagrams https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting/X3dEventUtilityNodeEventDiagrams.pdfSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.set_triggerTime [set_triggerTime accessType inputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
set_triggerTime provides input time event, typical event sent is TouchSensor touchTime.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.triggerTrue [triggerTrue accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
triggerTrue outputs a true value whenever a triggerTime event is received.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Box
Box est un noeud-géométrie.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!size [size accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "2 2 2"] (0,+∞)
taille (size) x y z en mètres.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygônes (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygôes sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par defaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources CADAssembly
(X3D version 3.1 or later) CADAssembly holds a set of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) assemblies or parts grouped together. CADAssembly is a Grouping node that can contain CADAssembly, CADFace or CADPart nodes.
Hint: can also contain Shapes or other grouped content.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/ComputerAidedDesignInterchangeProfile.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='CADGeometry' level='2'/>
Hint: ViewpointGroup and OrthoViewpoint require Navigation component level 3, which is higher than CADInterchange profile.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.children [children accessType inputOutput, type MFNode CDATA , empty list] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
Hint: Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodesname [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #IMPLIED]
Optional name for this particular CAD node.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsbboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center accompanies bboxSize and provides an optional hint for bounding box position offset from origin of local coordinate system.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size is usually omitted, and can easily be calculated automatically by an X3D player at scene-loading time with minimal computational cost. Bounding box size can also be defined as an optional authoring hint that suggests an optimization or constraint.
Hint: can be useful for collision computations or inverse-kinematics (IK) engines.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources CADFace
(X3D version 3.1 or later) CADFace holds the geometry representing a face in a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) part. CADFace can only contain a single Shape or LOD node (with containerField='shape').
Warning: only zero or one Shape child can be active at one time.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/ComputerAidedDesignInterchangeProfile.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='CADGeometry' level='2'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.children [children accessType inputOutput, type MFNode CDATA , empty list] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
Hint: Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodesname [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #IMPLIED]
Optional name for this particular CAD node.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsbboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center accompanies bboxSize and provides an optional hint for bounding box position offset from origin of local coordinate system.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size is usually omitted, and can easily be calculated automatically by an X3D player at scene-loading time with minimal computational cost. Bounding box size can also be defined as an optional authoring hint that suggests an optimization or constraint.
Hint: can be useful for collision computations or inverse-kinematics (IK) engines.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources CADLayer
(X3D version 3.1 or later) CADLayer nodes define a hierarchy that shows layer structure for a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model. CADLayer is a Grouping node that can contain most nodes.
Hint: can also contain Shapes or other grouped content.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/ComputerAidedDesignInterchangeProfile.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='CADGeometry' level='2'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.children [children accessType inputOutput, type MFNode CDATA , empty list] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
Hint: Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodesname [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #IMPLIED]
Optional name for this particular CAD node.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsvisible [visible accessType inputOutput, type MFBool CDATA #IMPLIED]
Array of boolean values that specify whether each individual child CADAssembly is visible.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center accompanies bboxSize and provides an optional hint for bounding box position offset from origin of local coordinate system.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size is usually omitted, and can easily be calculated automatically by an X3D player at scene-loading time with minimal computational cost. Bounding box size can also be defined as an optional authoring hint that suggests an optimization or constraint.
Hint: can be useful for collision computations or inverse-kinematics (IK) engines.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources CADPart
(X3D version 3.1 or later) CADPart defines both coordinate-system location and the faces that constitute a part in a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model. CADPart is a Grouping node that can contain CADFace nodes.
Hint: can also contain Shapes or other grouped content.
Hint: CADPart is often a child of CADAssembly node.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/ComputerAidedDesignInterchangeProfile.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='CADGeometry' level='2'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.children [children accessType inputOutput, type MFNode CDATA , empty list] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
Hint: Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodesname [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #IMPLIED]
Optional name for this particular CAD node.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionstranslation [translation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Position (x, y, z in meters) of children relative to local coordinate system.
Hint: The order of operation is first apply the center offset, then scaleOrientation and scale, then rotation, then restore the center offset, then translation.rotation [rotation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Orientation (axis, angle in radians) of children relative to local coordinate system.
Hint: The order of operation is first apply the center offset, then scaleOrientation and scale, then rotation, then restore the center offset, then translation.center [center accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Translation offset from origin of local coordinate system, applied prior to rotation or scaling.
Hint: The order of operation is first apply the center offset, then scaleOrientation and scale, then rotation, then restore the center offset, then translation.scale [scale accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "1 1 1"]
Non-uniform x-y-z scale of child coordinate system, adjusted by center and scaleOrientation.
Hint: The order of operation is first apply the center offset, then scaleOrientation and scale, then rotation, then restore the center offset, then translation.scaleOrientation [scaleOrientation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Preliminary rotation of coordinate system before scaling (to allow scaling around arbitrary orientations).
Hint: The order of operation is first apply the center offset, then scaleOrientation and scale, then rotation, then restore the center offset, then translation.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center accompanies bboxSize and provides an optional hint for bounding box position offset from origin of local coordinate system.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size is usually omitted, and can easily be calculated automatically by an X3D player at scene-loading time with minimal computational cost. Bounding box size can also be defined as an optional authoring hint that suggests an optimization or constraint.
Hint: can be useful for collision computations or inverse-kinematics (IK) engines.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Circle2D
Circle2D is a geometry node that defines a planar circle with center (0,0) in X-Y plane.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geometry2D' level='2'/>
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 10 Geometry 2D https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2DSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.radius [radius accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1"] (0,+∞)
circle radius.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Collision
Collision détecte s'il y a contact entre la caméra et un objet en utilisant le Viewpoint courant et NavigationInfo avatarSize. Collision est un noeud Groupe qui actionne la détection de collision pour ses enfants. Collision peut posseder un sous-noeud unique avec containerField (champs attribués) = "proxy" qui se substitue à la géométrie collision-détection.
Hint: la géométrie proxy n'est pas rendu physiquement.
Hint: PointSet, IndexedLineSet, LineSet et Text ne déclenchent pas les collisions.
Conseil: améliorez les performances de calcul en utilisant proxy pour les simples géométries de contact.
Conseil: les types de NavigationInfo '"WALK" "FLY"' supportent la détection de collision caméra-objet.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!children [children accessType inputOutput, type MFNode CDATA , empty list] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
Hint: Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodesbboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être specifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesenabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Enables/disables collision detection for children and all descendants.
Hint: former name "collide" in VRML97 specification.collideTime [collideTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "0.0"]
Temps de collision entre la caméra (avatar) et la géométrie.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Color
Color définit une série de valeurs de couleurs RGB. Color est seulement utilisé pour les ElevationGrid, IndexedFaceSet, IndexedLineSet, LineSet et PointSet. Conseil: les couleurs sont souvent utilisées par Material.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColorSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!color [color accessType inputOutput, type MFColor CDATA #IMPLIED]
color définit une série de couleurs RGB.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "color"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ColorInterpolator
ColorInterpolator génère une série de valeurs Color qui peuvent être ROUTEes vers un attribut <Color> du noeud color. Exemple d'entrée typique: ROUTE someTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO someInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction. Exemple de sortie typique: ROUTE someInterpolatorDEF.value_changed TO destinationNode.set_attribute.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColorSearch
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant a un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!key [key accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Fractions de temps d'intervalle [0,1] allant en s'incrémentant tout en faisant correspondre les keyValues.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!
Warning: values in key array shall be monotonically non-decreasing, meaning that each value is greater than or equal to the preceding value.
Hint: typical interval for values in key array is within range of 0 to 1, but larger intervals can be defined with arbitrary bounds.keyValue [keyValue accessType inputOutput, type MFColor CDATA #IMPLIED]
Valeurs de sortie pour les interpolations linéaires, chacune correspondant à une fraction de temps key.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
set_fraction, d'intervalle [0,1], sélectionne la valeur d'entrée key en faisant correspondre la valeur de sortie keyValue appropriée.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFColor CDATA "0 0 0"]
valeur de sortie linéaire interpolée déterminée par la valeur de temps courante key, correspondant à une valeur keyValue.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ColorRGBA
ColorRGBA node defines a set of RGBA color values that apply either to a sibling Coordinate|CoordinateDouble node, or else to a parent ElevationGrid node. ColorRGBA is only used by ElevationGrid, IndexedFaceSet, IndexedLineSet, LineSet, PointSet, Triangle* and IndexedTriangle* nodes.
Hint: colors are often controlled by Material instead.
Hint: alpha channel may be ignored under Interchange profile.
Warning: ColorRGBA requires Rendering component level 3 (alpha fully supported), Rendering component level 1 (alpha optional), otherwise Full profile.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColorSearch
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.color [color accessType inputOutput, type MFColorRGBA CDATA #IMPLIED] [0,1]
The color field defines an array of 4-tuple RGBA colors.
Warning: ColorRGBA requires Rendering component level 3 (alpha fully supported), Rendering component level 1 (alpha optional), otherwise Full profile.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "color"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources component
Each added component statement indicates needed scene functionality above the given X3D profile.
Hint: component tag(s) are optional first children of head tag.
Hint: X3D XML Encoding https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19776-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#Header
Warning: the COMPONENT statement is capitalized in the ClassicVRML Encoding.
Hint: X3D Architecture COMPONENT statement https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/core.html#COMPONENTStatementSearch
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Provides name of this component, as defined in corresponding X3D Specification component Introduction.
Example: X3D Architecture 10.1.1 Name for Grouping component https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#Name
Hint: all nodes, components and levels are already supported in Full profile.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionslevel [level type SFInt32 #REQUIRED]
Necessary level of support for this scene, as defined in corresponding Support table for a given node's component.
Hint: for example specification definitions, X3D Architecture Grouping component, 10.5 Support levels https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#SupportLevelsclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
ComposedCubeMapTextureComposedCubeMapTexture (X3D version 3.1 or later) is a texture node that defines a cubic environment map source as an explicit set of images drawn from individual 2D texture nodes.
Hint: [0,6] child image nodes are allowed, with containerField values: front back left right top bottom.
Warning: each of the child ImageTexture or PixelTexture nodes must have unique containerField values for back, bottom, front, left, right, or top.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ComposedShader
(X3D version 3.1 or later) ComposedShader defines a shader where the individual source files are assembled from contained ShaderPart program sections. All access to shading capabilities is defined through a single interface that applies to all parts.
Hint: ComposedShader contains field declarations and then corresponding IS/connect statements (if any), followed by <ShaderPart containerField='parts'/> nodes.
Warning: ComposedShader does not contain CDATA section of plain-text source code. All source programs are contained in child ShaderPart nodes.
Hint: apply default containerField='shaders' when parent node is Appearance.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.activate [activate accessType inputOnly, type SFBool (true|false)]
activate forces the shader to activate the contained objects.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.isSelected [isSelected accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false)]
isSelected indicates this shader instance is selected for use by browser
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isValid [isValid accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false)]
isValid indicates whether current shader objects can be run as a shader program.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.language [language accessType initializeOnly, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
The language field indicates to the X3D player which shading language is used. The language field may be used to optionally determine the language type if no MIME-type information is available.
Hint: recognized values include "Cg" "GLSL" "HLSL".containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "shaders"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ComposedTexture3D
(X3D version 3.1 or later) ComposedTexture3D defines a 3D image-based texture map as a collection of 2D texture sources at various depths.
Hint: insert 2^n ImageTexture, PixelTexture or MovieTexture child nodes. The first image is at depth 0 and each following image is at an increasing depth value in the R direction.
Hint: insert Shape and Appearance nodes before adding texture.
Hint: X3D Architecture 33.2.2 3D texturing concepts https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texture3D.html#3DTextureconceptsSearch
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.repeatS [repeatS accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether to horizontally repeat texture along S axis.repeatT [repeatT accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether to vertically repeat texture along T axis.repeatR [repeatR accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether to vertically repeat texture along R axis.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "texture"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Cone
Cone est un noeud géométrie.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!height [height accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "2"] (0,+∞)
Taille en mètres.bottomRadius [bottomRadius accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1"] (0,+∞)
Taille en mètres.side [side accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si les côtés sont dessinés ou pas (les faces internes ne sont pas dessinées).bottom [bottom accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si la base est dessinée ou pas (les faces internes ne sont pas dessinées).solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygônes (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygôes sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par defaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources connect
connect statements define event-routing connections between node fields defined inside a ProtoBody declaration back to corresponding ProtoInterface fields. To define each Prototype connection between a ProtoInterface field and a ProtoBody node field, add one or more connect statements within each IS statement.
Hint: IS can only be first child of a node.
Warning: IS/connect elements are only allowed within ProtoDeclare children definitions.
Hint: see the IS and ProtoBody statements.
Hint: X3D Architecture 4.4.4 Prototype semantics, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#PROTOdefinitionsemantics
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 14 Prototypes https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14PrototypesSearch
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XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILnodeField [nodeField type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Name of field within this node which IS CONNECTed to the ancestor ProtoDeclare field definition.
Warning: do not define a nodeField connection to an internal DEF, USE, class or containerField, since they are not fields in a node that can be modified by events at run time.
Warning: do not connect more than one interface protoField to a single field within this node.
Warning: nodeField and protoField types must match.protoField [protoField type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Name of parent ProtoDeclare field definition connecting to field in this node.
Hint: use multiple IS/connect elements for multiple fan-out from a single protoField interface.
Warning: nodeField and protoField types must match.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Contour2D
Contour2D groups a set of curve segments into a composite contour. The children segments form a closed loop, with first point of first child repeated as last point of last child, and last point of segment repeated as first point of consecutive segments. The children segments are type NurbsCurve2D or ContourPolyline2D, enumerated in the consecutive order of contour topology.
Warning: Contour2D is not a renderable geometry node.
Hint: Contour2D is used as the trimmingContour field of the NurbsTrimmedSurface node.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "trimmingContour"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ContourPolyline2D
ContourPolyline2D defines a linear curve segment as part of a trimming contour in the u-v domain of a NURBS surface. NurbsCurve2D and ContourPolyline2D nodes that together form a closed contour, defined in the u-v parametric space of a NURBS surface, may be used as children in a Contour2D node.
Warning: ContourPolyline2D is not a renderable geometry node.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!controlPoint [controlPoint accessType inputOutput, type MFVec2d CDATA #IMPLIED]
controlPoint specifies the end points of each segment of the piecewise linear curve.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Coordinate
Coordinate crée une géométrie en utilisant des coordonnées 3D. Coordinate est uniquement utilisé par IndexedFaceSet, IndexedLineSet, LineSet et PointSet. Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!point [point accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3f CDATA #IMPLIED]
point contient une série de coordonnées 3D.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "coord"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources CoordinateDouble
CoordinateDouble builds geometry by defining a set of 3D coordinate (triplet) point values. CoordinateDouble is used by IndexedFaceSet, IndexedLineSet, LineSet, PointSet, Triangle* and IndexedTriangle* nodes. CoordinateDouble is also used by NurbsPositionInterpolator and NurbsOrientationInterpolator.
Warning: CoordinateDouble requires NURBS component level 1, otherwise Full profile.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.point [point accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3d CDATA #IMPLIED]
point contains a set of 3D coordinate (triplet) point values.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "coord"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
CoordinateInterpolatorCoordinateInterpolator génère une série de valeurs-coordonnées qui peut être ROUTEe vers un attribut 'point' d'un noeud <Coordinate> ou vers un autre attribut de type Vector3FloatArray. Entrée typique: ROUTE someTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO someInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction. Sortie typique: ROUTE someInterpolatorDEF.value_changed TO destinationNode.set_attribute. Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!key [key accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Fractions de temps d'intervalle [0,1] allant en s'incrémentant tout en faisant correspondre les keyValues.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!
Warning: values in key array shall be monotonically non-decreasing, meaning that each value is greater than or equal to the preceding value.
Hint: typical interval for values in key array is within range of 0 to 1, but larger intervals can be defined with arbitrary bounds.keyValue [keyValue accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3f CDATA #IMPLIED]
Valeurs de sortie pour les interpolations linéaires, chacune correspondant à une fraction de temps key.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
set_fraction, d'intervalle [0,1], sélectionne la valeur d'entrée key en faisant correspondre la valeur de sortie keyValue appropriée.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type MFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
valeur de sortie linéaire interpolée déterminée par la valeur de temps courante key, correspondant à la valeur keyValue appropriée.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
CoordinateInterpolator2DCoordinateInterpolator2D generates a series of Vector2FloatArray values. Authors can ROUTE value_changed output events to a Vector2FloatArray attribute.
Hint: typical input connection is ROUTE someTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO thisInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction.
Hint: typical output connection is ROUTE thisInterpolatorDEF.value_changed TO someDestinationNodeDEF.set_someAttribute.
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Interpolation' level='3'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.key [key accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Definition values for linear-interpolation function input intervals, in non-decreasing order and corresponding to a value in the keyValue array.
Hint: number of keyValues must be an integer multiple of the number of keys!
Hint: keyValue/key integer multiple defines how many coordinates are sent in value_changed outputOnlys.
Warning: values in key array shall be monotonically non-decreasing, meaning that each value is greater than or equal to the preceding value.
Hint: typical interval for values in key array is within range of 0 to 1, but larger intervals can be defined with arbitrary bounds.keyValue [keyValue accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3f CDATA #IMPLIED]
Output values for linear interopolation, each corresponding to an input-fraction value in the key array.
Hint: number of keyValues must be an integer multiple of the number of keys!
Hint: keyValue/key integer multiple defines how many coordinates are sent in value_changed outputOnlys.set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
set_fraction selects input key for corresponding keyValue output.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type MFVec2f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Linearly interpolated output value_changed determined by current key time and corresponding keyValue pair.
Hint: keyValue/key integer multiple defines how many coordinates are sent in value_changed outputOnlys.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Cylinder
Cylinder est un noeud géométrie.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!height [height accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "2"] (0,+∞)
Taille en mètres.radius [radius accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1"] (0,+∞)
Taille en mètres.top [top accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si le sommet est dessiné ou pas (les faces internes ne sont pas dessinées).side [side accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si les côtés sont dessinés ou pas (les faces internes ne sont pas dessinées).bottom [bottom accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si la base est dessinée ou pas (les faces internes ne sont pas dessinées).solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygônes (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygôes sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par defaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources CylinderSensor
CylinderSensor retranscrit les mouvements du pointeur (par exemple, une souris ou une baguette) en rotations selon un cylindre invisible dont l'axe correspond à l'axe loxal en Y. Conseil: la forme initiale du pointeur détermine si oui ou non les faces du cylindre peuvent être manipulées.
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.1 Overview of pointing device sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#OverviewOfPointingDeviceSensors
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.2 Drag sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#DragSensors
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.3 Activating and manipulating pointing device sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#ActivatingandmanipulatingSearch
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant a un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!description [description accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Author-provided text tooltip that tells users the expected action of this node.
Hint: include space characters since a description is not a DEF identifier. Write short phrases that make descriptions clear and readable.
Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.minAngle [minAngle accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
restraint les évènements rotation_changed dans une fourchette de valeurs min/max Conseil: si minAngle > maxAngle, la rotation n'est pas restrainte.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadianmaxAngle [maxAngle accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
restraint les évènements rotation_changed dans une fourchette de valeurs min/max Conseil: si minAngle > maxAngle, la rotation n'est pas restrainte.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadiandiskAngle [diskAngle accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0.262" (15 degrés)]
Intervient dans le comportement rotationnel en suivant le mouvement relatif du pointeur: angle aigu si les faces du senseur géométrique sont utilisées pour la manipulation ou pas.
Conseil: diskAngle forcé à 0 contraint le comportement suivant un disque, diskAngle forcé à 1.570796 (90 degrés) contraint le comportement suivant un cylindre.autoOffset [autoOffset accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
détermine si oui ou non les valeurs de décalage précédentes sont rappelées/accumulées.offset [offset accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
Envoie un évènement et rappelle la dernière valeur envoyée.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
l'évènement isActive true/false est envoyé quand le senseur est déclenché. isActive=true quand le boutton de la souris est pressé, isActive=false quand il est relâché.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.rotation_changed [rotation_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
l'évènement rotation_changed est égal à la somme des positions relatives plus la valeur de décalage selon l'axe Y dans le repère de coordonnées local.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.trackPoint_changed [trackPoint_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
l'évènement trackPoint_changed donne le point d'intersection de position avec la géométrie senseur.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
Warning: trackPoint_changed events represent unclamped intersection points on plane surface. Browsers can interpret drags off of the surface in various ways. Note that translation_changed events are clamped by minPosition/maxPosition and thus may be preferable.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources DirectionalLight
DirectionalLight crée des rayons de lumière parallèles et éclaire les formes géométriques. La portée de la lumière est limitée et éclaire seulement les géométries qui sont inclues dans le groupe parent! Aucun emplacement n'est nécessaire puisque les rayons sont parallèles depuis une source placée à une distance infinie. les noeuds DirectionalLight ne s'attenuent pas avec la distance. Les lumières n'ont pas de forme visible et éclairent au travers des géométries.
Conseil: HeadLight est contrôlé par NavigationInfo.
Conseil: la lumière peut ne pas être contenue par Group ou Transform.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!on [on accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive la source de lumière.color [color accessType inputOutput, type SFColor CDATA "1 1 1"] [0,1]
color est la couleur de la lumière, s'appliquant sur la couleur des objets.direction [direction accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 -1"]
Orientation de la lumière relative au repère de coordonnées local.intensity [intensity accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1"]
Brillance de l'émission directe de la source de la lumière.ambientIntensity [ambientIntensity accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
Brillance de l'émission ambiante de la lumière (non directionelle, en arrière plan).
Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.global (X3D version 3.1 or later) [global accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Global lights illuminate all objects within their volume of lighting influence. Scoped lights only illuminate objects within the same transformation hierarchy.
Warning: DirectionalLight default global=false to limit scope and avoid inadvertently illuminating every object in a large scene. PointLight and SpotLight default global=true since their effects are each limited by maximum radius value.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Disk2D
Disk2D is a geometry node that defines a filled (or partially filled) planar circle with center (0,0) in X-Y plane.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geometry2D' level='2'/>
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 10 Geometry 2D https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2DSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.innerRadius [innerRadius accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"] [0,+∞)
Inner circle radius, greater than or equal to 0.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.outerRadius [outerRadius accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1"] (0,+∞)
Outer radius of circle, greater than or equal to inner radius.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygones (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygones sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par defaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ElevationGrid
ElevationGrid est un noeud géométrie. ElevationGrid est une grille rectangulaire pouvant paramétrer des hauteurs variables en Y, au dessus de la surface plane. ElevationGrid peut contenir les noeuds Color|ColorRGBA, Normal et TextureCoordinate.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance. Vous pouvez aussi remplacer une ProtoInstance standard par un contenu.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!xDimension [xDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "2"] [0,+∞)
Nombre d'éléments, dans le tableau, suivant la direction des x.
Warning: xDimension < 2 means that ElevationGrid contains no quadrilaterals.zDimension [zDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "2"] [0,+∞)
Nombre d'éléments, dans le tableau, suivant la direction des x.
Warning: zDimension < 2 means that ElevationGrid contains no quadrilaterals.xSpacing [xSpacing accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1.0"] (0,+∞)
Distance en mètres entre les colonnes du tableau suivant la direction des X.
Conseil: la ditance totale sur l'axe horizontal X est egal à (xDimension-1) * xSpacing.zSpacing [zSpacing accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1.0"] (0,+∞)
Distance en mètres entre les lignes du tableau suivant la direction des Z.
Conseil: la ditance totale sur l'axe horizontal Z est egal à (zDimension-1) * zSpacing.height [height accessType initializeOnly, type MFFloat CDATA "0 0 0 0"]
Tableau de valeurs verticales (hauteurs) selon l'axe Y, avec pour lignes xDimension et pour colonnes zDimension.set_height [set_height accessType inputOnly, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Tableau de valeurs verticales (hauteurs) selon l'axe Y, avec pour lignes xDimension et pour colonnes zDimension.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: commande l'orientation des coordonnées de vertex.
Conseil: ccw false renverse l'orientation normale (sélectionnant la face externe) et vectorielle.creaseAngle [creaseAngle accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
creaseAngle définit l'angle (en radians) pour déterminer si oui ou non les polygônes adjacents sont dessinés avec des facettes aigues ou par lissage. Si l'angle normal à deux polygônes adjacents est inférieur à la valeur de creaseAngle, le lissage est rendu au dela du segment lissé.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiansolid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygônes (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygôes sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par defaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!colorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si oui ou non Color est appliqué par (sommet) vertex (true) ou par quadrilatére (false).
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColornormalPerVertex [normalPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si oui ou non le noeud Normal node est appliqué par (sommet) vertex (true) ou par quadrilatére (false).
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources EspduTransform
EspduTransform is a networked Transform node that can contain most nodes. If activated, EspduTransform can send or receive Entity State Protocol Data Unit (PDU) packets using the IEEE Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol. EspduTransform integrates functionality for the following DIS PDUs: EntityStatePdu, CollisionPdu, DetonatePdu, FirePdu, CreateEntity and RemoveEntity packets.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/DistributedInteractiveSimulation.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='DIS' level='1'/>Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.marking [marking accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Maximum of 11 characters for simple entity label.siteID [siteID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
siteID of the participating LAN or organization.applicationID [applicationID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "1"]
applicationID is unique for application at that site. Each simulation application that can respond to simulation management PDUs needs to have a unique applicationID.entityID [entityID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
entityID is unique ID for entity within that application.forceID [forceID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
forceID determines the team membership of the issuing entity, and whether FRIENDLY OPPOSING or NEUTRAL or OTHER.entityKind [entityKind accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumerations value for whether entity is a PLATFORM, MUNITION, LIFE_FORM, ENVIRONMENTAL, CULTURAL_FEATURE, SUPPLY, RADIO, EXPENDABLE, SENSOR_EMITTER or OTHER.entityDomain [entityDomain accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumerations value for domain in which the entity operates: LAND, AIR, SURFACE, SUBSURFACE, SPACE or OTHER.entityCountry [entityCountry accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumerations value for country to which the design of the entity or its design specification is attributed.entityCategory [entityCategory accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumerations value for main category that describes the entity, semantics of each code varies according to domain. See DIS Enumerations values.entitySubCategory [entitySubCategory accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumerations value for particular subcategory to which an entity belongs based on the Category field. See DIS Enumerations values.entitySpecific [entitySpecific accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Specific information about an entity based on the Subcategory field. See DIS Enumerations values.entityExtra [entityExtra accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Any extra information required to describe a particular entity. The contents of this field shall depend on the type of entity represented.readInterval [readInterval accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0.1"] [0,+∞)
Seconds between read updates, 0 means no reading.
Hint: readInterval is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.writeInterval [writeInterval accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "1.0"] [0,+∞)
Seconds between write updates, 0 means no writing (sending).
Hint: writeInterval is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.networkMode [networkMode accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA ( standAlone | networkReader | networkWriter ) standAlone]
Whether this entity is ignoring the network, sending DIS packets to the network, or receiving DIS packets from the network. (1) standAlone: ignore network but still respond to events in local scene. (2) networkReader: listen to network and read PDU packets at readInterval, act as remote copy of entity. (3) networkWriter: send PDU packets to network at writeInterval, act as master entity. Default value "standAlone" ensures that DIS network activation within a scene as networkReader or networkWriter is intentional.
Warning: do not wrap extra quotation marks around these SFString enumeration values, since "quotation" "marks" are only used for MFString values.isStandAlone [isStandAlone accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="local" (ignore network but still respond to local events)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isNetworkReader [isNetworkReader accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="remote" (listen to network as copy of remote entity)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isNetworkWriter [isNetworkWriter accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="master" (output to network as master entity at writeInterval)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.address [address accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA localhost]
Multicast network address, or else "localhost"
Example: [port accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Network connection port number (EXAMPLE 3000) for sending or receiving DIS messages.
Example: 3000.multicastRelayHost [multicastRelayHost accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Fallback server address if multicast not available locally.
Example: track.nps.edu.multicastRelayPort [multicastRelayPort accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Fallback server port if multicast not available locally.
Example: 8010.rtpHeaderExpected [rtpHeaderExpected accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether RTP headers are prepended to DIS PDUs.isRtpHeaderHeard [isRtpHeaderHeard accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether incoming DIS packets have an RTP header prepended.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Have we received a network update recently?
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.timestamp [timestamp accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
DIS timestamp received from latest PDU update, converted to X3D SFTime units.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.translation [translation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Position of children relative to local coordinate system, usually read from (or written to) remote, networked EspduTransform nodes.rotation [rotation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Orientation of children relative to local coordinate system, usually read from (or written to) remote, networked EspduTransform nodes.center [center accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Translation offset from origin of local coordinate system.scale [scale accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "1 1 1"]
Non-uniform x-y-z scale of child coordinate system, adjusted by center and scaleOrientation.scaleOrientation [scaleOrientation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Preliminary rotation of coordinate system before scaling (to allow scaling around arbitrary orientations).bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center accompanies bboxSize and provides an optional hint for bounding box position offset from origin of local coordinate system.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size is usually omitted, and can easily be calculated automatically by an X3D player at scene-loading time with minimal computational cost. Bounding box size can also be defined as an optional authoring hint that suggests an optimization or constraint.
Hint: can be useful for collision computations or inverse-kinematics (IK) engines.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxeslinearVelocity [linearVelocity accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Velocity of the entity relative to the rotating Earth in either world or entity coordinates, depending on the dead reckoning algorithm used.linearAcceleration [linearAcceleration accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Acceleration of the entity relative to the rotating Earth in either world or entity coordinates, depending on the dead reckoning algorithm used.deadReckoning [deadReckoning accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Dead reckoning algorithm being used to project position/orientation with velocities/accelerations.isCollided [isCollided accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Has a matching CollisionPDU reported a collision?
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.collideTime [collideTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
When were we collided with?
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isDetonated [isDetonated accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Has a matching DetonationPDU reported a detonation?
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.detonateTime [detonateTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
When were we detonated?fired1 [fired1 accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Has the primary weapon (Fire PDU) been fired?fired2 [fired2 accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Has the secondary weapon (Fire PDU) been fired?firedTime [firedTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
When did we shoot a weapon (Fire PDU)?
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.munitionStartPoint [munitionStartPoint accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Initial point of the munition path from firing weapon to detonation or impact, in exercise coordinates.munitionEndPoint [munitionEndPoint accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Final point of the munition path from firing weapon to detonation or impact, in exercise coordinates.munitionSiteID [munitionSiteID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Munition siteID of the participating LAN or organization.munitionApplicationID [munitionApplicationID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "1"]
munitionApplicationID, unique for application at that site. Each simulation application that can respond to simulation management PDUs needs to have a unique applicationID.munitionEntityID [munitionEntityID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
munitionEntityID is unique ID for entity firing munition within that application.fireMissionIndex [fireMissionIndex accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA #FIXED ""]
warhead [warhead accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumerations value for type of warhead on the munition.fuse [fuse accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumerations value for type of fuse on the munition.munitionQuantity [munitionQuantity accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Quantity of munitions fired.firingRate [firingRate accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Rate at which munitions are fired.firingRange [firingRange accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
Range (three dimension, straight-line distance) that the firing entity's fire control system has assumed for computing the fire control solution if a weapon and if the value is knowncollisionType [collisionType accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumeration for type of collision: ELASTIC or INELASTIC.detonationLocation [detonationLocation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
World coordinates for detonationLocationdetonationRelativeLocation [detonationRelativeLocation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Relative coordinates for detonation locationdetonationResult [detonationResult accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumeration for type of detonation and result that occurred., if any.eventApplicationID [eventApplicationID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "1"]
Simulation/exercise eventApplicationID is unique for events generated from application at that site. Each simulation application that can respond to simulation management PDUs needs to have a unique applicationID.eventEntityID [eventEntityID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
For a given event, simulation/exercise entityID is a unique ID for a single entity within that application.eventNumber [eventNumber accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Sequential number of each event issued by an application.
Warning: reuse of numbers may be necessary during long simulation exercises.eventSiteID [eventSiteID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Simulation/exercise siteID of the participating LAN or organization.articulationParameterCount [articulationParameterCount accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Number of articulated parameters attached to this entity state PDU.articulationParameterDesignatorArray [articulationParameterDesignatorArray accessType inputOutput, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
Array of designators for each articulated parameter.articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArray [articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArray accessType inputOutput, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
Array of change counters, each incremented when an articulated parameter is updated.#IMPLIED]articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToArray [articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToArray accessType inputOutput, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
Array of ID parts that each articulated parameter is attached to.articulationParameterTypeArray [articulationParameterTypeArray accessType inputOutput, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
Array of type enumerations for each articulated parameter element.articulationParameterArray [articulationParameterArray accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Information required for representation of the entity's visual appearance and position of its articulated parts.
Hint: renamed as Variable Parameter in IEEE DIS 2012 revised standard.set_articulationParameterValue0 [set_articulationParameterValue0 accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Set element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.set_articulationParameterValue1 [set_articulationParameterValue1 accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Set element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.set_articulationParameterValue2 [set_articulationParameterValue2 accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Set element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.set_articulationParameterValue3 [set_articulationParameterValue3 accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Set element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.set_articulationParameterValue4 [set_articulationParameterValue4 accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Set element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.set_articulationParameterValue5 [set_articulationParameterValue5 accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Set element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.set_articulationParameterValue6 [set_articulationParameterValue6 accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Set element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.set_articulationParameterValue7 [set_articulationParameterValue7 accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Set element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.articulationParameterValue0_changed [articulationParameterValue0_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Get element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.articulationParameterValue1_changed [articulationParameterValue1_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Get element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.articulationParameterValue2_changed [articulationParameterValue2_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Get element of user-defined payload array.articulationParameterValue3_changed [articulationParameterValue3_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Get element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.articulationParameterValue4_changed [articulationParameterValue4_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Get element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.articulationParameterValue5_changed [articulationParameterValue5_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Get element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.articulationParameterValue6_changed [articulationParameterValue6_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Get element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.articulationParameterValue7_changed [articulationParameterValue7_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Get element of user-defined payload array.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).geoCoords [geoCoords accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3d CDATA "0 0 0"]
Geographic location (specified in current geoSystem coordinates) for children geometry (specified in relative coordinate system, in meters).
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources EXPORT
EXPORT exposes a local node for ROUTE passing of event values when the current Scene is included via Inline by a parent external world. These connections allow event values to be exchanged via ROUTE statements between a parent model and a child Inline model.
Hint: you can place EXPORT statements after Scene tag to show interfaces at top.
Hint: see IMPORT statement for corresponding functionality in the parent external world.
Warning: EXPORT statements are not allowed in prototype declarations.
Warning: corresponding parent-scene IMPORT and child Inline-scene EXPORT statements are necessary in order to ROUTE values between a parent model and a child Inline model.
Hint: X3D Architecture 4.4.6 Import/Export semantics https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#ImportExportsemanticsSearch
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILlocalDEF [localDEF type IDREF #REQUIRED]
localDEF is the DEF name of the local node to be EXPORTed.AS #IMPLIED]
rename localDEF node AS a different name when exporting.
Hint: optional, default is to use same localDEF name.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ExternProtoDeclare
ExternProtoDeclare pointe vers un noeud définition ProtoDeclare d'un autre fichier. les déclarations de ExternProtoDeclare sont définies avec des étiquettes <field> (sans l'attribut IS). Conseil: ExternProto est seulement une définition, ajoutez une ProtoInstance pour créer une nouvelle instance. Conseil: l'url d'ExternProtoDeclare est de la forme : https://www.web3d.org/x3d/someWorld.x3d#ProtoName
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Inlines and Prototypes https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#InlinesPrototypes
Warning: do not include a <ProtoInterface> element.
Warning: setting a value is not allowed for ExternProtoDeclare field declarations, since original ProtoDeclare initializations or local ProtoInstance fieldValue initializations take precedence.
Hint: X3D Architecture EXTERNPROTO statement https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/core.html#EXTERNPROTOStatement
Hint: X3D Architecture 4.4.4 Prototype semantics, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#PROTOdefinitionsemantics
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 14 Prototypes https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14PrototypesSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
Le nom du noeud EXTERNPROTO doit être déclaré.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsurl [url accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Adresse et nom de fichier de l'image Plusieurs adresses sont plus sûres, et les adresses Web permettent le fonctionnement des attachements e-mail. Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets. "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc." Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de répertoires concernant les liens http! Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requêtes url par %20 pour chaque caractère espace.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlsappinfo [appinfo type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Simple description usable as a tooltip, similar to XML Schema appinfo tag.documentation [documentation type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Documentation url for further information, similar to XML Schema documentation tag.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Extrusion
Extrusion est un noeud géométrie extrudant une section 2D selon une spine pour former une géométrie 3D dans le repère de coordonnées local En échelonnant/tournant la section, on peut créer de multiples formes.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance.Search
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DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!crossSection [crossSection accessType initializeOnly, type MFVec2f CDATA "1 1, 1 -1, -1 -1, -1 1, 1 1"]
Une série de points (2D) ordonnés dessinant une section linéaire et formant une série de segments plans connectés entre eux. Il en résulte une silhouette 2D de la géométrie a générer. Attention: il se peut que se créent des géométries inversées ou dont le rendu est impossible!
Warning: avoid self-intersecting polygon line segments, otherwise defined geometry is irregular and rendering results are undefined. , particularly for end caps.spine [spine accessType initializeOnly, type MFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0, 0 1 0"]
spine est une liste de points 3D formant une courbe linéaire et formant une série de segments plans connectés entre eux, ouverts ou fermés. C'est en fait le chemin suivant laquelle la crossSection est extrudée.
Conseil: le nombre de points de la spine, les valeurs d'echelle et d'orientation doivent être identiques.
Warning: take care if creating loops or spirals, otherwise self-intersecting, impossible or inverted geometry can result!scale [scale accessType initializeOnly, type MFVec2f CDATA "1 1"]
Liste de paramètres d'échelle 2D appliqués à chaque section suivant la spine.
Conseil: le nombre de points de la spine, les valeurs d'échelle et d'orientation doivent être identiques.orientation [orientation accessType initializeOnly, type MFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
orientation est une liste de 4-tuples-orientation appliqués à chaque section suivant la spine.
Conseil: le nombre de points de la spine, les valeurs d'échelle et d'orientation doivent être identiques.beginCap [beginCap accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si oui ou non la face de départ (begin cap) est dessinée (similaire à top cap de Cylinder ).endCap [endCap accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si oui ou non la face d'arrivée (end cap) est dessinée (similaire à end cap de Cylinder ).ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: commande l'orientation des coordonnées de vertex.
Conseil: ccw false renverse l'orientation normale (sélectionnant la face externe) et vectorielle.convex [convex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si oui ou non tous les polygones de la forme sont convexes (convex true), ou probablement concave (convex false). Un polygone convexe est plan, ne s'intersecte pas avec lui-meme, et a tous ses angles internes < 180 degres.creaseAngle [creaseAngle accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0.0"]
creaseAngle definit l'angle (en radians) suivant si les polygones adjacentssont dessinés selon des angles aigus ou par lissage. Si l'angle normal de deux polygones adjacents est inférieur à creaseAngle, alors le lissage est rendu au-dela de la ligne segment.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiansolid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygones (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygones sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par defaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources field
L'élément field est utilisé pour la définition d'attribut interface ou pour un noeud.
Conseil: ajoutez d'abord Script, ProtoDeclare ou ExternProtoDeclare avant d'ajouter un champ field.
Conseil: placez un (des) noeud(s) Node(s) définition dans le champ de field.Search
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XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILname [name type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Nom de la variable field.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsaccessType [accessType , type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Event-model semantics for field set/get capabilities. Hint for VRML97: inputOnly=inputOnly, outputOnly=outputOnly, initializeOnly=field, inputOutput=inputOutput.
Warning: inputOutput=inputOutput not allowed in VRML97 Script nodes, use initializeOnly=field for backwards compatibility. Permet une compatibilité exacte avec la sémantique des champs en VRML97, si souhaité. Attention: inputOutput n'est pas autorisé dans le noeud Script avec VRML97! Utilisez un champ (field) à la place.
Hint: an accessType value is required and must be provided.
Hint: X3D Architecture Field semantics, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#FieldSemantics
Hint: X3D XML Encoding 4.3.7 Prototype and field declaration syntax, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19776-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#PrototypeAndFieldDeclarationSyntaxtype [type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Type de la variable contenu dans field.value [value type CDATA #IMPLIED]
Initialisation de la variable par defaut définie dans field (peut après être plus tard re-définie dans le champ fieldValue de ProtoInstance) Requise pour Script et ProtoDeclare, non autorisée pour ExternProtoDeclare non utilisée par les variables inputOnly ou outputOnly!
Conseil: SFNode/MFNode sont initialisés en utilisant le champ de field, à la place de l'attribut value_changed.appinfo [appinfo type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Simple description usable as a tooltip, similar to XML Schema appinfo tag.documentation [documentation type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Documentation url for further information, similar to XML Schema documentation tag.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources fieldValue
L'élément fieldValue est utilisé pour réinitialiser les valeurs par defaut des champs dans les ProtoInstances. Le nom du champ (Field) doit déjà être défini dans ProtoDeclare ou ExternProtoDeclare.
Conseil: placez un (des) noeud(s) Node(s) définition dans le champ de field.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILname [name type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Nom de champ (field) (déjà défini dans ProtoDeclare ou ExternProtoDeclare).
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsvalue [value type CDATA #IMPLIED]
Valeur initiale pour ce champ (supprime l'initialisation par défaut de la valeur dans ProtoDeclare ou ExternProtoDeclare).
Conseil: placez un (des) noeud(s) Node(s) définition dans le champ de field.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources FillProperties
FillProperties indicates whether appearance is filled or hatched for associated geometry nodes inside the same Shape. Hatches are applied on top of the already rendered appearance of the node, and are not affected by lighting.
Hint: DEF/USE copies of a single node can provide a similar "look + feel" style for related shapes in a scene.
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Shape' level='3'/>Search
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DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.filled [filled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether or not associated geometry is filled.hatched [hatched accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether or not associated geometry is hatched.hatchStyle [hatchStyle accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "1"]
hatchStyle selects a hatch pattern from International Register of Graphical Items. 1=Horizontal equally spaced parallel lines. 2=Vertical equally spaced parallel lines. 3=Positive slope equally spaced parallel lines. 4=Negative slope equally spaced parallel lines. 5=Horizontal/vertical crosshatch. 6=Positive slope/negative slope crosshatch. 7=(cast iron or malleable iron and general use for all materials). 8=(steel). 9=(bronze, brass, copper, and compositions). 10=(white metal, zinc, lead, babbit, and alloys). 11=(magnesium, aluminum, and aluminum alloys) . 12=(rubber, plastic, and electrical insulation). 13=(cork, felt, fabric, leather, and fibre). 14=(thermal insulation). 15=(titanium and refi-actory material). 16=(marble, slate, porcelain, glass, etc.). 17=(earth). 18=(sand). 19=(repeating dot).
Hint: detailed descriptions of hatchstyle values are found at the ISO/IEC International Register of Graphical Items https://www.iso.org/jtc1/sc24/register (may require login)hatchColor [hatchColor accessType inputOutput, type SFColor CDATA "1 1 1"] [0,1]
Color of the hatch pattern.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "fillProperties"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources
FloatVertexAttribute(X3D version 3.1 or later) FloatVertexAttribute defines a set of per-vertex single-precision floating-point attributes. Search
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DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.name [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Required name for this particular VertexAttribute instance.
Warning: name is not specified if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsvalue [value accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA ""]
value specifies an arbitrary collection of floating-point values that will be passed to the shader as per-vertex information.
Hint: the length of the value field shall be a multiple of numComponents.numComponents [numComponents accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA (1,4) "4"]
numComponents pecifies how many consecutive floating-point values should be grouped together per vertex.
Hint: the length of the value field shall be a multiple of numComponents.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "attrib"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Fog
Fog simule les effets atmosphériques du brouillard, en masquant les objets à distance, par une couleur choisie Background, Fog, NavigationInfo et Viewpoint sont des noeuds parentables.
Warning: results are undefined if a bindable node (Background, Fog, NavigationInfo, OrthoViewpoint, TextureBackground, Viewpoint) is a contained descendant node of either LOD or Switch.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!color [color accessType inputOutput, type SFColor CDATA "1 1 1"] [0,1]
Conseil: associer une couleur arrière-plan (Background) pour améliorer l'effet brouillard sur les objets.fogType [fogType accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA (LINEAR|EXPONENTIAL) LINEAR]
Spécifie le type d'algorithme utilisé pour le rendu progressif de la densité du brouillard, soit linéairement (LINEAR), soit exponentiellement (EXPONENTIAL).
Conseil: EXPONENTIAL est plus naturel mais aussi nécessite plus de calculs.
Warning: do not wrap "quotation" "marks" around this SFString value.visibilityRange [visibilityRange accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0.0"]
Distance en mètre pour laquelle les objets sont totalement masqués par le brouillard, selon le systeme de coordonnées local.
Conseil: la valeur de visibilityRange à 0 annule l'effet de brouillard (Fog).set_bind [set_bind accessType inputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) ""]
Passer set_bind à vrai (true) rend ce noeud actif. Passer set_bind à faux (false) rend ce noeud inactif. Ainsi rendre set_bind vrai/faux fera apparaître/disparaître (rendre actif/inactif) ce noeud.
Hint: paired node operations can be established by connecting set_bind and isBound fields of corresponding bindable nodes.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.bindTime [bindTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "-1"]
Evènement envoyé lorsque le noeud devient actif/inactif.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isBound [isBound accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Evènement vrai (true) envoyé lorsque le noeud devient actif, évènement faux (false) envoyé lorsqu'il n'est pas limité par un autre noeud.
Hint: paired node operations can be established by connecting set_bind and isBound fields of corresponding bindable nodes.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources FogCoordinate
(X3D version 3.1 or later) FogCoordinate defines a set of explicit fog depths on a per-vertex basis, overriding Fog visibilityRange. Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.depth [depth accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3f CDATA #IMPLIED]
depth contains a set of 3D coordinate (triplet) point values.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "coord"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources FontStyle
FontStyle défine la taille, la police et le style utilisés pour les noeuds texte (Text).
Conseil: ajoutez d'abord un noeud texte en tant que parent.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!family [family accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA ( SERIF | SANS | TYPEWRITER ) "SERIF"]
Liste de noms de fontes par ordre de préférence - les navigateurs (browsers) utilisent la première fonte supportée par defaut. Les fontes supportées sont "SERIF" "SANS" "TYPEWRITER". Conseil: SERIF et SANS sont des fontes de taille variable (comme par exemple, Roman et Arial). Conseil: TYPEWRITER est une fonte de taille fixe (comme par exemple, Courier). Conseil: les champs de caractères peuvent avoir plusieurs valeurs, aussi séparez "chaque caractère" "par" "des guillemets".
Hint: see Font family and style https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/text.html#Fontfamilyandstyle for details.
Hint: relates to Internationalization (i18n) http://www.w3.org/standards/webdesign/i18nstyle [style accessType initializeOnly, type SFString CDATA ( PLAIN | BOLD | ITALIC | MIDDLE ) PLAIN]
Prend une de ces quatre fontes comme style de texte.
Warning: do not wrap "quotation" "marks" around this SFString value.
Hint: see Font family and style https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/text.html#Fontfamilyandstyle for details.justify [justify accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA ( BEGIN | END | FIRST | MIDDLE ) "BEGIN" or "BEGIN" "END"]
Deux types de justification peuvent être précisés pour les axes d'alignement en X (major) et Y (minor), les valeurs possibles sont "FIRST" "BEGIN" "MIDDLE" "END"] Exemple: "MIDDLE" "MIDDLE". Conseil: les champs de caractères peuvent avoir plusieurs valeurs, aussi séparez "chaque caractère" "par" "des guillemets".
Hint: see Direction and justification https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/text.html#Directionandjustification for details.size [size accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1.0"] (0,+∞)
Taille nominale (dans le système de coordonnées local) des caractères Définit également par défaut l'espace entre les lignes de texte adjacentes.spacing [spacing accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1.0"] [0,+∞)
Facteur d'ajustement pour l'espace entre les lignes de texte adjacentes.language [language accessType initializeOnly, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
les codes langage sont composés de codes primaires et d'une série (peut-être vide) de sous-codes. [ language-code = primary-code ( "-" subcode )* ] des codes primaires de deux lettres sont réservés pour les abréviations des langues.
Hint: see RFC3066 Tags for the Identification of Languages https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3066 Les codes primaires de deux lettres comprennent en (English : Anglais), fr (French : Francais), de (German : Allemand), it (Italian : Italien), nl (Dutch : Hollandais), el (Greek : Grec), es (Spanish : Espagnol), pt (Portuguese : Portugais), ar (Arabic : Arabe), he (Hebrew : Hébreu), ru (Russian : Russe), zh (Chinese : Chinois), ja (Japanese : Japonais), hi (Hindi), ur (Urdu), et sa (Sanskrit). Chaque sous-code de deux lettres est interprété comme code relatif au pays. [ISO3166 ou http://xml.coverpages.org/languageIdentifiers.html]
Hint: relates to Internationalization (i18n) http://www.w3.org/standards/webdesign/i18nhorizontal [horizontal accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si le texte est à l'horizontale (true) ou à la verticale (false).
Hint: see Direction and justification https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/text.html#Directionandjustification for details.
Hint: relates to Internationalization (i18n) http://www.w3.org/standards/webdesign/i18nleftToRightll [leftToRightl accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si le texte est affiché de gauche à droite (true) ou de droite à gauche (false).
Hint: see Direction and justification https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/text.html#Directionandjustification for details.
Hint: relates to Internationalization (i18n) http://www.w3.org/standards/webdesign/i18ntopToBottom [topToBottom accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si le texte est affiché de haut en bas (true) ou de bas en haut (false).
Hint: see Direction and justification https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/text.html#Directionandjustification for details.
Hint: relates to Internationalization (i18n) http://www.w3.org/standards/webdesign/i18ncontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "fontStyle"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
GeneratedCubeMapTextureGeneratedCubeMapTexture (X3D version 3.1 or later) is a texture node that defines a cubic environment map that sources its data from internally generated images. The viewpoint of the generated texture is the location and orientation of the associated geometry in world space.
Hint: typically a Box is used.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.update [update accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA (NONE|NEXT_FRAME_ONLY|ALWAYS) NONE]
update controls regeneration of the texture.
Warning: An object trying to render itself in the scene graph can cause infinite loops.size [size accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "128"] (0,+∞)
size indicates the resolution of the generated images in number of pixels per side.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources GeoCoordinate
GeoCoordinate builds geometry as a set of geographic 3D coordinates. These are transformed into a geocentric, curved-earth representation. GeoCoordinate is only used by IndexedFaceSet, IndexedLineSet, LineSet and PointSet. GeoCoordinate can contain a GeoOrigin node.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).point [point accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3d CDATA #IMPLIED]
point contains a set of actual 3D geographic coordinates, provided in geoSystem format can split strings if desired: "x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2" or "x1 y1 z1", "x2 y2 z2"containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "coord"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources GeoElevationGrid
GeoElevationGrid is a geometry node defining a rectangular height field, with default values for a 1m by 1m square at height 0. Vertices corresponding to GeoElevationGrid height values define quadrilaterals, which are placed above or below a curved geospatial surface using geographic coordinates.
Hint: the height array defines (xDimension-1)*(zDimension-1) quadrilaterals.
Warning: generated quadrilaterals can be nonplanar. Tessellation splits quadrilaterals into triangles along seam starting at initial vertex of the quadrilateral and proceeding to opposite vertex.
Hint: positive direction for normal of each triangle is on same side of the quadrilateral. Triangles are defined either counterclockwise or clockwise depending on value of ccw field.
Hint: GeoElevationGrid can contain GeoOrigin, Color|ColorRGBA, Normal and TextureCoordinate nodes.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>
Warning: avoid having GeoLocation or GeoTransform as a parent or ancestor node of GeoElevationGrid, since multiple geospatial transformations then occur with unpredictable results.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).geoGridOrigin [geoGridOrigin accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3d CDATA "0 0 0"]
Geographic coordinate for southwest (lower-left) corner of height dataset.xDimension [xDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "2"] [0,+∞)
Number of elements in the height array along east-west X direction.
Hint: total horizontal x-axis distance equals (xDimension-1) * xSpacing.
Warning: xDimension < 2 means that ElevationGrid contains no quadrilaterals.zDimension [zDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "2"] [0,+∞)
Number of elements in the height array along north-south Z direction.
Hint: total lateral z-axis distance equals (zDimension-1) * zSpacing.
Warning: zDimension < 2 means that ElevationGrid contains no quadrilaterals.xSpacing [xSpacing accessType initializeOnly, type SFDouble CDATA "1.0"] (0,+∞)
Distance between grid-array vertices along east-west X direction.
Hint: when geoSystem is GDC, xSpacing is number of degrees of longitude.
Hint: when geoSystem is UTM, xSpacing is number of eastings (meters).zSpacing [zSpacing accessType initializeOnly, type SFDouble CDATA "1.0"] (0,+∞)
Distance between grid-array vertices along north-south Z direction.
Hint: when geoSystem is GDC, zSpacing is number of degrees of latitude.
Hint: when geoSystem is UTM, zSpacing is number of northings (meters).yScale [yScale accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1.0"] [0,+∞)
Vertical exaggeration of displayed data produced from the height array.height [height accessType initializeOnly, type MFFloat CDATA "0 0 0 0"]
Contains xDimension rows * zDimension columns floating-point values for elevation above ellipsoid.
Hint: height array values are in row-major order from west to east, south to north.
Hint: geoGridOrigin is in southwest (lower-left) corner of height dataset.set_height [set_height accessType inputOnly, type MFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Contains xDimension rows * zDimension columns floating-point values for elevation above ellipsoid.
Hint: height array values are in row-major order from west to east, south to north.
Hint: geoGridOrigin is in southwest (lower-left) corner of height dataset.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation, according to Right-Hand Rule (RHR).
Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation. Note that consistency of left-handed or right-handed point sequences is important throughout.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.creaseAngle [creaseAngle accessType initializeOnly, type SFDouble CDATA "0"]
creaseAngle defines angle (in radians) for determining whether adjacent polygons are drawn with sharp edges or smooth shading. If angle between normals of two adjacent polygons is less than creaseAngle, smooth shading is rendered across the shared line segment.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadiancolorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Color is applied per vertex (true) or per quadrilateral (false).
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColornormalPerVertex [normalPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Normal node vector values are applied to each point vertex (true) or per quadrilateral (false).
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources GeoLocation
GeoLocation positions a regular X3D model onto earth's surface. GeoLocation can contain children and GeoOrigin nodes.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>
Warning: avoid having GeoLocation or GeoTransform as a parent or ancestor node of each other, since multiple geospatial transformations then occur with unpredictable results.
Hint: GeoLocation adjusts orientation of children models appropriately: +Y axis is up direction for that local area (i.e. normal to tangent plane on the geospatial ellipsoid), -Z axis points towards north pole, and +X axis points east.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).geoCoords [geoCoords accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3d CDATA "0 0 0"]
Geographic location (specified in current geoSystem coordinates) for children geometry (specified in relative coordinate system, in meters) .
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être spécifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources GeoLOD
GeoLOD provides quadtree level-of-detail loading/unloading for multi-resolution terrains. GeoLOD can contain children and GeoOrigin nodes.
Hint: children nodes expose the scene graph for the currently loaded set of nodes.
Hint: rootNode specifies the geometry of the root tile.
Warning: do not use rootUrl and rootNode simultaneously, since each specifies the root tile.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>
Warning: nested LOD (and/or GeoLOD) nodes with overlapping range intervals can lead to unexpected or undefined behavior.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).rootUrl [rootUrl accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
url for scene providing geometry for the root tile.
Warning: either rootNode or rootUrl can specify root tile, but specifying both is an error.child1Url [child1Url accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
quadtree geometry loaded when viewer is within range.child2Url [child2Url accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
quadtree geometry loaded when viewer is within range.child3Url [child3Url accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
quadtree geometry loaded when viewer is within range.child4Url [child4Url accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
quadtree geometry loaded when viewer is within range.range [range accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Viewer range from geographic-coordinates center triggers quadtree loading/unloading.
Hint: not setting range values indicates that level switching can be optimized automatically based on performance.center [center accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3d CDATA "0 0 0"]
Viewer range from geographic-coordinates center triggers quadtree loading/unloading.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être spécifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources GeoMetadata
GeoMetadata includes a generic subset of metadata about the geographic data.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Hypertext link to an external, complete metadata description.
Hint: MFString arrays can have multiple values, so separate each individual string by quote marks "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Hint: strictly match directory and filename capitalization for http links!
Hint: can replace embedded blank(s) in url queries with %20 for each blank character.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlsdata #IMPLIED]
DEF list of all nodes that implement this data. If no specific geospatial nodes identified, then this GeoMetadata node pertains to entire scene.summary [summary accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
The summary string array contains a set of keyword/value pairs, with each keyword and its subsequent value contained in separate strings.
Hint: example <GeoMetadata summary=' "title" "San Francisco, California USA" '/>.
Hint: Table 25.5, GeoMetadata keywords and values https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#t-keywordsandvalues
Hint: there should always be an even (or zero) number of strings to match key-value pairs.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources GeoOrigin
GeoOrigin specifies local geospatial coordinate system for parent node, enabling increased geographic precision during scene rendering (by mitigating potential floating-point roundoff errors). GeoOrigin can be contained by other Geospatial component nodes, typically via DEF/USE to ensure consistency.
Hint: only one geospatial coordinate system is allowed per scene, thus DEF-ing and later USE-ing only one GeoOrigin node per scene is recommended.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>
Warning: GeoOrigin is deprecated, discouraged and not legal in X3D v3.3. GeoOrigin can be ignored in X3D v3.2 and below.
Hint: GeoOrigin is likely to be restored in X3D v4.0 for special use on devices with limited floating-point resolution.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).geoCoords [geoCoords accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3d CDATA "0 0 0"]
Defines absolute geographic location (and implicit local coordinate frame).
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>rotateYUp [rotateYUp accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether to rotate coordinates of nodes using this GeoOrigin so that local-up direction aligns with VRML Y axis rotateYUp false means local up-direction is relative to planet surface rotateYUp true allows proper operation of NavigationInfo modes FLY, WALK.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geoOrigin"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
GeoPositionInterpolatorGeoPositionInterpolator animates objects within a geographic coordinate system. GeoPositionInterpolator can contain a GeoOrigin node.
Hint: typical input connection is ROUTE someTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO thisInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction
Hint: typical output connection is ROUTE thisInterpolatorDEF.value_changed TO someDestinationNodeDEF.set_someAttribute.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).key [key accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Time-period fractions ranging [0,1] in non-decreasing order and corresponding to a value in the keyValue array.
Warning: number of keys must match number of keyValues!
Warning: values in key array shall be monotonically non-decreasing, meaning that each value is greater than or equal to the preceding value.
Hint: typical interval for values in key array is within range of 0 to 1, but larger intervals can be defined with arbitrary bounds.keyValue [keyValue accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3d CDATA #IMPLIED]
Output values for linear interopolation, each corresponding to an input-fraction value in the key array.
Warning: number of keys must match number of keyValues!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
set_fraction in range [0,1] selects input key for corresponding keyValue output.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA #FIXED ""]
Linearly interpolated output value_changed determined by current key time and corresponding keyValue pair.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.geovalue_changed [geovalue_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3d CDATA #FIXED ""]
interpolated coordinate in the geographic coordinate system specified by geoSystem
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources GeoTouchSensor
GeoTouchSensor returns geographic coordinates for the object being selected. GeoTouchSensor can contain a GeoOrigin node.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Enables/disables the sensor node.description [description accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Author-provided text tooltip that tells users the expected action of this node.
Hint: include space characters since a description is not a DEF identifier. Write short phrases that make descriptions clear and readable.
Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).isActive [isActive accessType inputOutput, type SFBool #FIXED "]
Select geometry by activating the pointing device (e.g. clicking the mouse) to generate isActive events. Output event isActive=true is sent when geometry is selected (e.g. when primary mouse button is pressed), output event isActive=false is sent when geometry is deselected (e.g. when primary mouse button is released).
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.hitGeoCoord_changed [hitGeoCoord_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3d CDATA #FIXED ""]
Output event containing 3D point on surface of underlying geometry, given in GeoTouchSensor's local coordinate system.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.hitPoint_changed [hitPoint_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA #FIXED ""]
Output event containing 3D point on surface of underlying geometry, given in geometry coordinates (not geographic coordinates).
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.hitNormal_changed [hitNormal_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA #FIXED ""]
Output event containing surface normal vector at the hitGeoCoordinate.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.hitTexCoord_changed [hitTexCoord_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec2f CDATA #FIXED ""]
Output event containing texture coordinates of surface at the hitGeoCoordinate.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isOver [isOver accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Is pointing device over sensor's geometry?.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.touchTime [touchTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
Time event generated when touched.
Hint: touchTime event is generated when following three conditions are all met: (a) pointing device was pointing towards geometry when initially activated (isActive=true), (b) pointing device is currently pointing towards the geometry (isOver=true), and (c) pointing device selection is deactivated/deselected by user (isActive=false event is also generated).
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources GeoViewpoint
GeoViewpoint specifies viewpoints using geographic coordinates. GeoViewpoint can contain a GeoOrigin node. Since GeoViewpoint must navigate smoothly inside a curved geographic coordinate system, it includes both Viewpoint and NavigationInfo attributes.
Hint: alternatively can use GeoLocation or GeoTransform as parent of a Viewpoint node to orient geospatial views.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>
Hint: Regardless of viewpoint jump value at bind time, the relative viewing transformation between user's view and defined position/orientation is stored for later use when un-jumping (returning to the viewpoint when subsequent viewpoint is unbound).
Hint: customizable design pattern for dedicated Viewpoint/NavigationInfo pair: <Viewpoint DEF='SpecialView'/> <NavigationInfo DEF='SpecialNav'/> <ROUTE fromNode='SpecialView' fromField='isBound' toNode='SpecialNav' toField='set_bind'/>
Warning: avoid having GeoLocation or GeoTransform as a parent or ancestor node of GeoViewpoint, since multiple geospatial transformations then occur with unpredictable results.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Viewpoints https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ViewpointsSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).description [description accessType initializeOnly, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
La description en texte qui est affiché pour le Viewpoint concerné.
Conseil: utilisez des espaces, faîtes des descriptions claires et lisibles.
Conseil: Xeena remplace automatiquement les caractères références XML si besoin (comme & pour & ou " pour " ), écrivez donc ce que vous voulez!position [position accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3d CDATA "0 0 100000"]
Position relative to local georeferenced coordinate system, in proper format.orientation [orientation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Rotation of Viewpoint, relative to default -Z axis direction in local coordinate system.
Warning: for VR/AR/MAR users wearing a head-mounted display (HMD), animating this field may induce motion sickness.
Hint: this is orientation _change_ from default direction (0 0 -1) +Y axis is the up vector for the local area (the normal to the tangent plane on the ellipsoid), -Z points towards the north pole, and +X is east 1 0 0 -1.570796 always looks down.navType [navType accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA "EXAMINE" "ANY"]
Enter one or more Strings: "EXAMINE" "WALK" "FLY" "LOOKAT" "EXPLORE" "ANY" "NONE".
Hint: usability often improves with type="EXAMINE" "ANY".headlight [headlight accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Enable/disable directional light that always points in the direction the user is lookingfieldOfView [fieldOfView accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0.7854"]]
jump [jump accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether to transition instantly by jumping, or else smoothly animate to this Viewpoint.speedFactor [speedFactor accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1"] [0,+∞)
speedFactor is a multiplier to modify the original elevation-based speed that is set automatically by the browser.
Hint: speedFactor is a relative value and not an absolute speed as defined by NavigationInfo.set_bind [set_bind accessType inputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
set_bind true makes this node active, set_bind false makes this node inactive.set_position [set_position accessType inputOnly, type SFVec3d CDATA #FIXED ""]
Position relative to local georeferenced coordinate system, in proper format.set_orientation [set_orientation accessType inputOnly, type SFRotation CDATA #FIXED ""]
Rotation of Viewpoint, relative to default -Z axis direction in local coordinate system.
Warning: for VR/AR/MAR users wearing a head-mounted display (HMD), animating this field may induce motion sickness.
Hint: this is orientation _change_ from default direction (0 0 -1) +Y axis is the up vector for the local area (the normal to the tangent plane on the ellipsoid), -Z points towards the north pole, and +X is east 1 0 0 -1.570796 always looks down.bindTime [bindTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
Event sent reporting timestamp when node becomes active/inactive.isBound [isBound accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Output event true gets sent when node becomes bound and activated, otherwise output event false gets sent when node becomes unbound and deactivated.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Group
Group est un noeud pouvant comporter la plupart des noeuds.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!children [children accessType inputOutput, type MFNode CDATA , empty list] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
Hint: Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodesbboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être spécifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (children | proxy | rootNode | shape | skin) "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources HAnimDisplacer
HAnimDisplacer nodes alter the shape of coordinate-based geometry within parent HAnimJoint or HAnimSegment nodes. Displacer effects are scaled by the corresponding weight field.
Hint: HAnimDisplacer can be used in three different ways: (a) identify vertices corresponding to a particular feature in a parent HAnimSegment node, (b) represent a particular muscular action for a parent HAnimJoint node by displacing corresponding HAnimHumanoid skin vertices in various directions (linearly or radially), or (c) represent a complete configuration of coordinate vertices in parent HAnimSegment or HAnimJoint nodes. For example, in the case of a face, there might be a separate HAnimDisplacer node for each facial expression.
Warning: allowed name suffixes include _feature, _action and _config.
Hint: multiple HAnimDisplacer nodes must appear consecutively inside parent HAnimSegment.
Hint: H-Anim Specification https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/HAnimArchitecture.html
Hint: H-Anim Specification, Displacer https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/ObjectInterfaces.html#Displacer
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/HumanoidAnimation.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='H-Anim' level='1'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!name [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Unique name attribute must be defined so that HAnimDisplacer node can be identified at run time for animation purposes.
Hint: HAnimSite names are based on feature point names.
Hint: https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/FeaturePoints.html
Warning: allowed name suffixes include _feature, _action and _config.
Warning: name prefix must match ancestor HAnimHumanoid name followed by underscore character, if more than one humanoid appears within a scene file. For example, 'Nancy_' prepended before location name.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Examples: sellion r_infraorbitale etc. as listed in H-Anim Specification.
Hint: H-Anim Feature Points https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation/tables/HAnimSurfaceFeaturePoints19774V1.0.txt
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionscoordIndex [coordIndex accessType inputOutput, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] [0,+∞)
Defines index values into the parent HAnimSegment or HAnimBody/HAnimHumanoid coordinate array for the mesh of vertices affected by this HAnimDisplacer. Values start at index 0.
Warning: -1 sentinel values are not allowed.displacements [displacements accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3f CDATA #IMPLIED]
displacements are a set of SFVec3f values added to neutral/resting position of each of the corresponding HAnimSegment vertices (or HAnimJoint/HAnimHumanoid vertices) referenced by coordIndex field.
Hint: Individual displacement values are scaled by the weight factor, if present.weight [weight accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA 0.0]
The weigh factor has typical range [0,1] and defines the scale factor applied to displacement values before adding them to neutral vertex positions.
Hint: apply a non-zero weight factor to see the effect of HAnimDisplacer displacements.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "displacers"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources HAnimHumanoid
The HAnimHumanoid node is used to: (a) store references to the joints, segments, sites, skeleton, optional skin, and fixed viewpoints, (b) serve as a container for the entire humanoid, (c) provide a convenient way of moving the humanoid through its environment, and (d) store human-readable metadata such as name, version, author, copyright, age, gender and other information. HAnimHumanoid contains either a humanoidBody (v1.1) or skeleton (V2.0) field container. HAnimHumanoid also contains HAnimJoint, HAnimSegment, HAnimSite, Viewpoint and skin (v2.0) nodes.
Hint: H-Anim Specification https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/HAnimArchitecture.html
Hint: H-Anim Specification, Humanoid https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/ObjectInterfaces.html#Humanoid
Hint: the viewpoints field connects internal Site nodes that in turn hold relative Viewpoint nodes, such as HAnimSite USE='ObserveFaceSite_view' containerField='viewpoints'/> which has corresponding counterpart nodes <HAnimSite DEF='ObserveFaceSite_view' name='ObserveFaceSite_view' containerField='children'> <Viewpoint description='look at me!'/> </HAnimSite>.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/HumanoidAnimation.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='H-Anim' level='1'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!name [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Unique name attribute must be defined so that each HAnimHumanoid node in a scene can be identified at run time for animation purposes.
Hint: this same name is a required name prefix for all other HAnim nodes within the HAnimHumanoid, if more than one humanoid appears within a scene file.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsversion [version accessType inputOutput, type SFString #REQUIRED]
HAnimHumanoid version, where value is 2.0 for standardized ISO 19774 initial version from 2006, and value is 2.2 for draft ISO 19774 version from 2018.
Warning: prior versions of HAnim nodes might not validate correctly due to small changes in the contained-node content model.info [info accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Contains metadata keyword=value pairs, where approved keyword terms are humanoidVersion authorName authorEmail copyright creationDate usageRestrictions age gender height and weight.
Hint: alternate metadata keywords are also allowed.translation [translation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Position of children relative to local coordinate system.rotation [rotation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Orientation of children relative to local coordinate system.scale [scale accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "1 1 1"]
Non-uniform x-y-z scale of child coordinate system, adjusted by center and scaleOrientation.scaleOrientation [scaleOrientation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Preliminary rotation of coordinate system before scaling (to allow scaling around arbitrary orientations).center [center accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Translation offset from origin of local coordinate system.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être spécifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources HAnimJoint
HAnimJoint node can represent each joint in a body. HAnimJoint may only be a child of another HAnimJoint node, or a child within the humanoidBody field. HAnimJoint can only contain children HAnimSegment or HAnimJoint nodes.
Hint: visualization shapes for HAnimJoint nodes can be placed in child HAnimSegment or HAnimSite nodes.
Warning: an HAnimJoint may not be a child of an HAnimSegment.
Hint: H-Anim Specification https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/HAnimArchitecture.html
Hint: H-Anim Specification, Joint https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/ObjectInterfaces.html#Joint
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/HumanoidAnimation.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='H-Anim' level='1'/>
Warning: the number of contained <HAnimJoint USE='*' containerField='joints'/> nodes at top level of HAnimHumanoid needs to match the number of corresponding HAnimJoint node instances found within the preceding skeleton hierarchy.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!name [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Unique name attribute must be defined so that HAnimJoint node can be identified at run time for animation purposes.
Warning: name prefix must match ancestor HAnimHumanoid name followed by underscore character, if more than one humanoid appears within a scene file. For example, 'Nancy_' prepended before location name.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Examples: humanoid_root sacroiliac l_hip l_knee l_ankle etc. as listed in H-Anim Specification.
Hint: H-Anim Humanoid Joint Names https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation/tables/HAnimJointNames19774V1.0.txt
Hint: H-Anim Specification, Humanoid Joint-Segment Hierarchy https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/concepts.html#Hierarchy
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionscenter [center accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Translation offset from origin of local coordinate system.
Hint: usually HAnimJoint position is controlled by the center field, not the translation field.translation [translation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Position of children relative to local coordinate system.
Warning: usually HAnimJoint position is controlled by the center field, not the translation field.ulimit [ulimit accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Upper limit for maximum joint rotation.
Hint: always contains 3 values, one for each local axis.llimit [llimit accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Lower limit for minimum joint rotation.
Hint: always contains 3 values, one for each local axis.limitOrientation [limitOrientation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Orientation of upper/lower rotation limits, relative to HAnimJoint center.skinCoordIndex [skinCoordIndex accessType inputOutput, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] [0,+∞)
Coordinate index values referencing which vertices are influenced by the HAnimJoint.
Warning: -1 sentinel values are not allowed.
Hint: corresponding skinCoord Coordinate and skinNormal Normal nodes are directly contained within the ancestor HAnimHumanoid node for this HAnimJoint.skinCoordWeight [skinCoordWeight accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Weight deformation values for the corresponding values in the skinCoordIndex field.stiffness [stiffness accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA "1 1 1"] [0,1] Axial values (0,1)
indicating willingness of joint to move (about local X, Y, Z axes), larger stiffness values means greater resistance.
Hint: used by inverse kinematics (IK) systems.rotation [rotation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Orientation of children relative to local coordinate system.scale [scale accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "1 1 1"]
Non-uniform x-y-z scale of child coordinate system, adjusted by center and scaleOrientation.scaleOrientation [scaleOrientation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Preliminary rotation of coordinate system before scaling (to allow scaling around arbitrary orientations).bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être spécifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (children | skeleton | joints) "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources HAnimSegment
HAnimSegment node contains Shape geometry for each body segment. HAnimSegment contains Coordinate|CoordinateDouble with containerField='coord', HAnimDisplacer with containerField='displacers' and Shape or grouping nodes with containerField='children'.
Hint: HAnimSegment displays geometry between parent HAnimJoint and sibling HAnimJoint nodes.
Hint: H-Anim Specification https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/HAnimArchitecture.html
Hint: H-Anim Specification, Segment https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/ObjectInterfaces.html#Segment
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/HumanoidAnimation.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='H-Anim' level='1'/>
Warning: the number of contained <HAnimSegment USE='*' containerField='segments'/> nodes at top level of HAnimHumanoid needs to match the number of corresponding HAnimJoint node instances found within the preceding skeleton hierarchy.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!name [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Unique name attribute must be defined so that HAnimSegment node can be identified at run time for animation purposes.
Warning: name prefix must match ancestor HAnimHumanoid name followed by underscore character, if more than one humanoid appears within a scene file. For example, 'Nancy_' prepended before location name.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Examples: sacrum pelvis l_thigh l_calf etc. as listed in H-Anim Specification.
Hint: for abitrary humanoids, HAnimSegment name can describe geometry between parent HAnimJoint and sibling HAnimJoint nodes (for example LeftHip_to_LeftKnee).
Hint: H-Anim Humanoid Segment Names H-Anim Specification, Humanoid Joint-Segment Hierarchy https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation/tables/HAnimSegmentNames19774V1.0.txt
Hint: H-Anim Specification, Humanoid Joint-Segment Hierarchy https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/concepts.html#Hierarchy
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsmass [mass accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
Total mass of the segment, 0 if not available, defined in mass base units (default is kilograms).
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilogram
Hint: X3D Architecture 4.3.6 Standard units and coordinate system https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#StandardunitscoordinatescenterOfMass [centerOfMass accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Location within segment of center of mass.momentsOfInertia [momentsOfInertia accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"]
3x3 moments of inertia matrix. default: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être spécifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (children | segments) "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources HAnimSite
An HAnimSite node serves three purposes: (a) define an "end effector" location which can be used by an inverse kinematics system, (b) define an attachment point for accessories such as jewelry and clothing, and (c) define a location for a Viewpoint virtual camera in the reference frame of an HAnimSegment (such as a view "through the eyes" of the humanoid for use in multi-user worlds).
Hint: HAnimSite nodes are stored as children of an HAnimSegment node.
Hint: H-Anim Specification https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/HAnimArchitecture.html
Hint: H-Anim Specification, Site https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/ObjectInterfaces.html#Site
Hint: H-Anim Specification, Annex B, Feature points for the human body https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/FeaturePoints.html
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/HumanoidAnimation.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='H-Anim' level='1'/>
Warning: the number of contained <HAnimSite USE='*' containerField='sites, skeleton or viewpoints'/> nodes at top level of HAnimHumanoid needs to match the number of corresponding HAnimSite node instances found within the preceding skeleton hierarchy.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!name [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Unique name attribute must be defined so that HAnimSite nodecan be identified at run time for animation purposes.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Examples: skull_tip sellion etc. as listed in H-Anim Specification.
Hint: H-Anim Humanoid Site Names LOA-3 https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation/tables/HAnimSiteLoa3Names19774V1.0.txt
Hint: H-Anim Specification, LOA-3 default Site object translations https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774-1/V2.0/HAnim/BodyDimensionsAndLOAs.html#LOA3DefaultSiteTranslations
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionstranslation [translation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Position of children relative to local coordinate system.rotation [rotation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Orientation of children relative to local coordinate system.scale [scale accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "1 1 1"]
Non-uniform x-y-z scale of child coordinate system, adjusted by center and scaleOrientation.scaleOrientation [scaleOrientation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Preliminary rotation of coordinate system before scaling (to allow scaling around arbitrary orientations).center [center accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Translation offset from origin of local coordinate system.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être spécifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (children | sites | skeleton | viewpoints) "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources head
head contient des renseignements sur le fichier XML (component, metadata) ou autres renseignements fournis par l'auteur.
Conseil: cela met les étiquettes <head> en HTML.
Conseil: head est premiere enfant du fichier X3D.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
ImageCubeMapTextureImageCubeMapTexture (X3D version 3.1 or later) is a texture node that defines a cubic environment map source as a single file format that contains multiple images, one for each side.
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Address of replacement world, activated by the user selecting Shape geometry within the Anchor children nodes.
Hint: jump to a world's internal viewpoint by appending viewpoint name (e.g. #ViewpointName, someOtherCoolWorld.x3d#GrandTour).
Hint: jump to a local viewpoint by only using viewpoint name (e.g. #GrandTour).
Hint: binding a different Viewpoint triggers an isBound event that can initiate other user-arrival reactions via event chains to interpolators or scripts.
Hint: MFString arrays can have multiple values, so separate each individual string by quote marks "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Hint: alternative XML encoding for quotation mark " is " (which is an example of a character entity).
Warning: strictly match directory and filename capitalization for http links! This is important for portability. Some operating systems are forgiving of capitalization mismatches, but http/https url addresses and paths in Unix-based operating systems are all case sensitive and intolerant of uppercase/lowercase mismatches.
Hint: can replace embedded blank(s) in url queries with %20 for each blank character.
Hint: pop up a new window with url value as follows: "JavaScript:window.open('somePage.html','popup','width=240,height=240');location.href='HelloWorld.x3d'"
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlscontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (texture | watchList) "texture"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ImageTexture
ImageTexture applique une image 2D sur une forme géométrique. Les textures ont un système de coordonnées 2D (s, t) en horizontal et vertical, avec pour valeurs (s, t) dans un intervalle [0.0, 1.0] représentant les coins opposés de l'image.
Conseil: insérez les noeuds Shape et Appearance avant d'ajouter une texture.
Warning: bright Material emissiveColor values can wash out some textures.
Hint: authors can provide multiple image formats for the same image, with each source address listed separately in the url field.
Hint: player support is required for .png and .jpg formats, support is suggested for .gif format. Other image formats are optionally supported.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Images https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#Images
Warning: see ComposedCubeMapTexture and TextureBackground for special containerField values.
Hint: if a texture is opaque, omitting values in the alpha channel can help avoid rendering artifacts related to transparency and reduce file size by 25%.
Hint: Texture mapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mapping
Hint: X3D Architecture 17.2.2 Lighting model https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/lighting.html#Lightingmodel
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Nom et emplacement de l'image. Plusieurs emplacements sont plus sûrs, et les adresses Web et attachements e-mail sont possibles. Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets. "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc." Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de répertoires concernant les liens http! Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requêtes url par %20 pour chaque caractêre espace.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlsrepeatS [repeatS accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Texture répétée horizontalement selon l'axe S.repeatT [repeatT accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Texture répétée verticalement selon l'axe TcontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (texture | watchList | back | bottom | front | left | right | top | backTexture | bottomTexture | frontTexture | leftTexture | rightTexture | topTexture) "texture"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ImageTexture3D
(X3D version 3.1 or later) ImageTexture3D defines a 3D image-based texture map by specifying a single image file that contains complete 3D data.
Warning: there are no required file formats, but at least one of the following formats is recommended for volume support in an X3D browser.
Hint: Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3ddds/dx-graphics-dds
Hint: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) https://www.dicomstandard.org Nevertheless DDS, DICOM, NRRD and/or .vol formats are recommended.
Hint: Nearly Raw Raster Data (NRRD) http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd
Hint: Volume data format (VOL) http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/volumetric
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Volume Tools and Volumes Visualization https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#Volumes
Hint: insert Shape and Appearance nodes before adding texture.
Hint: X3D Architecture 33.2.2 3D texturing concepts https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texture3D.html#3DTextureconcepts
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Location and filename of image. Multiple locations are more reliable, and including a Web address lets e-mail attachments work.
Hint: MFString arrays can have multiple values, so separate each individual string by quote marks "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Hint: alternative XML encoding for quotation mark " is " (which is an example of a character entity).
Warning: strictly match directory and filename capitalization for http links! This is important for portability. Some operating systems are forgiving of capitalization mismatches, but http/https url addresses and paths in Unix-based operating systems are all case sensitive and intolerant of uppercase/lowercase mismatches.
Hint: can replace embedded blank(s) in url queries with %20 for each blank character.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlsrepeatS [repeatS accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether to horizontally repeat texture along S axis.repeatT [repeatT accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether to vertically repeat texture along T axis.repeatR [repeatR accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether to vertically repeat texture along R axis.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (texture | watchList) "texture"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources IMPORT
IMPORT provides ROUTE access to a node that has a corresponding EXPORT statement within an Inline scene. These connections allow event values to be passed via ROUTE statements between a parent model and a child Inline model.
Hint: it is good practice to place IMPORT statements next to corresponding Inline scenes for readability.
Hint: see EXPORT statement for corresponding functionality within the related Inline model.
Warning: corresponding parent-scene IMPORT and child Inline-scene EXPORT statements are necessary in order to ROUTE values between a parent model and a child Inline model.
Hint: X3D Architecture 4.4.6 Import/Export semantics https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#ImportExportsemanticsSearch
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XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILinlineDEF [inlineDEF type IDREF #REQUIRED]
inlineDEF is the DEF name of Inline node in the same scene as this IMPORT statement.
Warning: the inlineDEF Inline scene must similarly include a corresponding EXPORT statement.importedDEF #REQUIRED]
importedDEF is DEF name of the node of interest that is contained in the remote inlineDEF scene.
Hint: required.AS #IMPLIED]
map importedDEF name AS a new name in current scene.
Hint: optional, default export is importedDEF node name.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources IndexedFaceSet
IndexedFaceSet defines polygons using index lists corresponding to vertex coordinates. IndexedFaceSet est un noeud géométrie qui peut contenir les noeuds Coordinate|CoordinateDouble, Color|ColorRGBA, Normal et TextureCoordinate.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou le noeud Appearance. Vous pouvez aussi remplacer une ProtoInstance standard par un contenu.
Warning: rendering characteristics are undefined if polygons are not planar.
Warning: avoid self-intersecting polygon line segments, otherwise defined geometry is irregular and rendering results are undefined.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!coordIndex [coordIndex accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
Les indices de coordIndex indiquent dans quel ordre les points coordonnées doivent être reliés. La valeur du premier a pour index 0, les virgules étant facultatives entre les valeurs. Utilisez -1 pour séparer les indices pour chaque polygone crée.
Warning: coordIndex is required in order to connect contained coordinate point values.ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: commande l'orientation des coordonnées de vertex.
Conseil: ccw false renverse l'orientation normale (sélectionnant la face externe) et vectorielle.convex [convex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si oui ou non tous les polygones de la forme sont convexes (convex true), ou probablement concaves (convex false). Un polygone convexe est plan, ne s'intersecte pas avec lui-même, et a tous ses angles internes < 180 degres.
Conseil: seul convex=true pour IndexedFaceSet est supporté.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygones (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygones sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par défaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!creaseAngle [creaseAngle accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
creaseAngle définit l'angle (en radians) pour déterminer si oui ou non les polygones adjacents sont dessinés avec des facettes aigues ou par lissage. Si l'angle normal à deux polygones adjacents est inférieur à la valeur de creaseAngle, le lissage est rendu au-delà du segment lissé
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadiancolorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si oui ou non Color est appliqué par (sommet) vertex (true) ou par quadrilatère (false).
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColorcolorIndex [colorIndex accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] [-1,+∞)
Les indices de colorIndex indiquent l'ordre dans lequel les couleurs sont appliquées.
Warning: if child Color|ColorRGBA node is not provided, then geometry is rendered using corresponding Appearance and material/texture values.normalPerVertex [normalPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si oui ou non le noeud Normal node est appliqué par (sommet) vertex (true) ou par quadrilatère (false).
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.normalIndex [normalIndex accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] [-1,+∞)
normalIndex values define the order in which normal vectors are applied to polygons (or vertices). Warning: if normalIndex array is not provided, then Normal values are indexed according to the coordIndex field. Hint: If normalPerVertex='false' then one index is provided for each polygon defined by the coordIndex array. No sentinel -1 values are included. Hint: If normalPerVertex='true' then a matching set of indices is provided, each separated by sentinel -1, that exactly corresponds to individual values in the coordIndex array polygon definitions.
Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.texCoordIndex [texCoordIndex accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] [-1,+∞)
Liste d'indices de coordonnées-textures rattachant une texture aux coordonnées correspondantes.
Conseil: utilisez un utilitaire!set_coordIndex [set_coordIndex accessType inputOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #FIXED ""]
coordIndex indices provide the order in which coordinates are applied to construct each polygon face. Order starts at index 0, commas are optional between sets.
Hint: sentinel value -1 is used to separate indices for each successive polygon.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.set_colorIndex [set_colorIndex accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #FIXED ""]
colorIndex values define the order in which Color|ColorRGBA values are applied to polygons (or vertices).
Hint: if colorIndex array is not provided, then Color|ColorRGBA values are indexed according to the coordIndex field.
Hint: If colorPerVertex='false' then one index is provided for each polygon defined by the coordIndex array. No sentinel -1 values are included.
Hint: If colorPerVertex='true' then a matching set of indices is provided, each separated by sentinel -1, that exactly corresponds to individual values in the coordIndex array polygon definitions.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.set_normalIndex [set_normalIndex accessType inputOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #FIXED ""] [-1,+∞)
normalIndex values define the order in which normal vectors are applied to polygons (or vertices).
Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored, applying the default value regardless.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.set_texCoordIndex [set_texCoordIndex accessType inputOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #FIXED ""] [-1,+∞)
List of texture-coordinate indices mapping attached texture to corresponding coordinates.
Hint: use a tool!
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources IndexedLineSet
IndexedLineSet defines polyline segments using index lists corresponding to vertex coordinates. IndexedLineSet est un noeud géométrie qui peut contenir les noeuds Color|ColorRGBA et Coordinate|CoordinateDouble. Les valeurs de Color ou emissiveColor de Material sont utilisées pour le tracage des lignes et des points. Les lignes (Lines) ne sont pas eclairées, ni texturées, et ne peuvent être incluses dans le détection de collision. Conseil: utilisez une couleur différente (ou utilisez emissiveColor) de celle de l'arrière-plan. Conseil: si les points de Coordinate sont initialement définis pour IndexedFaceSet, les valeurs index peuvent avoir besoin de répéter la valeur initiale dans vertex pour fermer le polygone. Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou le noeud Appearance. Vous pouvez aussi remplacer une ProtoInstance équivalente par un contenu.
Hint: consider including Fog (with Fog color matching Background color) to provide further depth cueing for IndexedLineSet (ILS).Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!coordIndex [coordIndex accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
Les indices de coordIndex indiquent dans quel ordre les points coordonnées doivent être reliés. La valeur du premier a pour index 0, les virgules étant optionnelles entre les valeurs. Utilisez -1 pour séparer les indices pour chaque polygone crée.
Warning: coordIndex is required in order to connect contained coordinate point values.colorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si oui ou non Color est appliqué par (sommet) vertex (true) ou par quadrilatère (false).
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColorcolorIndex [colorIndex accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] [-1,+∞)
Les indices de colorIndex indiquent l'ordre dans lequel les couleurs sont appliquées.
Conseil: si les points de Coordinate sont initialement définis pour IndexedFaceSet, les valeurs index peuvent avoir besoin de répéter la valeur initiale dans vertex pour fermer le polygone.
Warning: if child Color|ColorRGBA node is not provided, then geometry is rendered using corresponding Appearance and material/texture values.set_coordIndex [set_coordIndex accessType inputOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #FIXED ""]
coordIndex indices provide the order in which coordinates are applied to construct each polygon face. Order starts at index 0, commas are optional between sets.
Hint: sentinel value -1 is used to separate indices for each successive polygon.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.set_colorIndex [set_colorIndex accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #FIXED ""]
colorIndex values define the order in which Color|ColorRGBA values are applied to polygons (or vertices).
Hint: if colorIndex array is not provided, then Color|ColorRGBA values are indexed according to the coordIndex field.
Hint: If colorPerVertex='false' then one index is provided for each polygon defined by the coordIndex array. No sentinel -1 values are included.
Hint: If colorPerVertex='true' then a matching set of indices is provided, each separated by sentinel -1, that exactly corresponds to individual values in the coordIndex array polygon definitions.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources IndexedQuadSet
(X3D version 3.1 or later) IndexedQuadSet is a geometry node that defines planar quadrilaterals. IndexedQuadSet contains a Coordinate|CoordinateDouble node, and can also contain Color|ColorRGBA, Normal and TextureCoordinate nodes.
Hint: Quadrilateral https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadrilateral
Hint: Quadrilateral https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadrilateral
Hint: color, normal and texCoord values are applied in the same order as coord values.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Hint: for advanced extensibility, authors can substitute a type-matched ProtoInstance node (with correct containerField value) for contained node content.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/ComputerAidedDesignInterchangeProfile.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='CADGeometry' level='1'/>
Warning: rendering characteristics are undefined if polygons are not planar.
Warning: avoid self-intersecting polygon line segments, otherwise defined geometry is irregular and rendering results are undefined.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.index [index accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
index values provide order in which coordinates are applied. Order starts at index 0, commas are optional between sets. Four unique indices are defined for each quad.
Warning: -1 sentinel values are not allowed.ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation, according to Right-Hand Rule (RHR).
Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation. Note that consistency of left-handed or right-handed point sequences is important throughout.colorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Color|ColorRGBA values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Warning: if child Color|ColorRGBA node is not provided, then geometry is rendered using corresponding Appearance and material/texture values.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColornormalPerVertex [normalPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Normal node vector values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
IndexedTriangleFanSetIndexedTriangleFanSet is a geometry node containing a Coordinate|CoordinateDouble node, and can also contain Color|ColorRGBA, Normal and TextureCoordinate nodes.
Hint: color, normal and texCoord values are applied in the same order as coord values.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Hint: for advanced extensibility, authors can substitute a type-matched ProtoInstance node (with correct containerField value) for contained node content.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.index [index accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] [-1,+∞)
index list specifies triangles by connecting Coordinate vertices, each individual fan separated by -1 sentinel value.
Hint: first indexed coordinate in each sequence is fan center.ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation, according to Right-Hand Rule (RHR).
Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation. Note that consistency of left-handed or right-handed point sequences is important throughout.colorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Color|ColorRGBA values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Warning: if child Color|ColorRGBA node is not provided, then geometry is rendered using corresponding Appearance and material/texture values.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColornormalPerVertex [normalPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Normal node vector values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources IndexedTriangleSet
IndexedTriangleSet is a geometry node containing a Coordinate|CoordinateDouble node, and can also contain Color|ColorRGBA, Normal and TextureCoordinate nodes.
Hint: color, normal and texCoord values are applied in the same order as coord values.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Hint: for advanced extensibility, authors can substitute a type-matched ProtoInstance node (with correct containerField value) for contained node content.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.index [index accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] [0,+∞)
index list specifies triangles by connecting Coordinate vertices.
Warning: -1 sentinel values are not allowed.ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation, according to Right-Hand Rule (RHR).
Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation. Note that consistency of left-handed or right-handed point sequences is important throughout.colorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Color|ColorRGBA values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Warning: if child Color|ColorRGBA node is not provided, then geometry is rendered using corresponding Appearance and material/texture values.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColornormalPerVertex [normalPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Normal node vector values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
IndexedTriangleStripSetIndexedTriangleStripSet is a geometry node containing a Coordinate|CoordinateDouble node, and can also contain Color|ColorRGBA, Normal and TextureCoordinate nodes.
Hint: color, normal and texCoord values are applied in the same order as coord values.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Hint: for advanced extensibility, authors can substitute a type-matched ProtoInstance node (with correct containerField value) for contained node content.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.index [index accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] [-1,+∞)
index list specifies triangles by connecting Coordinate vertices for each individual strip, separated by -1 sentinel values.ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation, according to Right-Hand Rule (RHR).
Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation. Note that consistency of left-handed or right-handed point sequences is important throughout.colorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Color|ColorRGBA values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Warning: if child Color|ColorRGBA node is not provided, then geometry is rendered using corresponding Appearance and material/texture values.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColornormalPerVertex [normalPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Normal node vector values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Inline
Inline est un noeud groupe qui fait appel à d'autres noeuds groupes via un url. Conseil: vous ne pouvez pas ROUTEr des valeurs dans une scène appelée par Inline, utilisez ExternProtoDeclare et ProtoInstance à la place.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Inlines and Prototypes https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#InlinesPrototypes
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Address of X3D world to load into current scene. Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets. "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc." Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de répertoires concernant les liens http! Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requêtes url par %20 pour chaque caractère espace.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlsbboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être spécifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (children | watchList) "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources IntegerSequencer
IntegerSequencer generates periodic discrete integer values. Authors can ROUTE value_changed output events to other SFInt32 attributes (for example, useful when animating whichChoice in a Switch node).
Hint: typical input connection is ROUTE someTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO thisInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction
Hint: typical output connection is ROUTE thisInterpolatorDEF.value_changed TO someDestinationNodeDEF.set_someAttribute.
Hint: example scenes and authoring assets at https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting
Hint: X3D Event-Utility Node Diagrams https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting/X3dEventUtilityNodeEventDiagrams.pdfSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.key [key accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Definition values for linear-interpolation function input intervals, in non-decreasing order and corresponding to a value in the keyValue array.
Warning: number of keys must match number of keyValues!
Warning: values in key array shall be monotonically non-decreasing, meaning that each value is greater than or equal to the preceding value.
Hint: typical interval for values in key array is within range of 0 to 1, but larger intervals can be defined with arbitrary bounds.keyValue [keyValue accessType inputOutput, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
Output values for linear interopolation, each corresponding to an input-fraction value in the key array.
Warning: number of keys must match number of keyValues!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
set_fraction selects input key for corresponding keyValue output.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Single intermittent output value_changed determined by current key time and corresponding keyValue pair.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.previous [previous accessType inputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) ""]
Send previous output value in keyValue array, and reset internal fraction field to match corresponding value in key array.
Hint: this input event will "wrap around" boundary of keyValue array, i.e. continue from first to last if necessary.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.next [next accessType inputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) ""]
Send next output value in keyValue array, and reset internal fraction field to match corresponding value in key array.
Hint: this input event will "wrap around" boundary of keyValue array, i.e. continue from last to first if necessary.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources IntegerTrigger
IntegerTrigger converts set_boolean true input events to an integer value (for example, useful when animating whichChoice in a Switch node).
Hint: example scenes and authoring assets at https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting
Hint: X3D Event-Utility Node Diagrams https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting/X3dEventUtilityNodeEventDiagrams.pdfSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.set_boolean [set_boolean accessType inputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
If input event set_boolean is true, trigger output of integer value.
Hint: for logical consistency, input event set_boolean false has no effect (under review as part of Mantis issue 519).
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.integerKey [integerKey accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA #FIXED "-1"]
integerKey is value for output when triggered.
Hint: directly setting a new value for the integerKey field generates a corresponding integerKey output event.triggerValue [triggerValue accessType outputOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA #FIXED ""]
triggerValue provides integer event output matching integerKey when true set_boolean received.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources IS
IS connects node attributes to Prototype fields inside ProtoDeclare definitions. Add connect elements to define each pair of Prototype field connections.
Warning: IS elements are only allowed within ProtoDeclare children definitions.
Hint: if present, an IS statement is the first child within any other node.
Hint: an IS statement precedes any sibling Metadata* node, which in turn precedes any other sibling nodes.
Hint: see the connect and ProtoBody statements.
Hint: X3D Architecture 4.4.4 Prototype semantics, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#PROTOdefinitionsemantics
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 14 Prototypes https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14PrototypesSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources KeySensor
KeySensor génêre des évènements quand l'utilisateur appuie sur les touches du clavier. Supporte la notion de "keyboard focus" - seul un KeySensor/StringSensor génère les évènements à la fois.
Attention: noeud expérimental, en voie de développement et pas encore supporté.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant ࢰ un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.keyPress [keyPress accessType outputOnly, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Evènements générés lorsque l'utilisateur appuie sur une touche caractère sur le clavier Génère des valeurs caractères : entier UTF-8.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.keyRelease [keyRelease accessType outputOnly, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Evènements génèrés lorsque l'utilisateur relàche une touche caratère sur le clavier Génère des valeurs caractères : entier UTF-8.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.actionKeyPress [actionKeyPress accessType outputOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
actionKeyPress donne les valeurs suivantes: HOME=000 END=1001 PGUP=1002 PGDN=1003 UP=1004 DOWN=1005 LEFT=1006 RIGHT=1007 F1..F12 = 1008..1019.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.actionKeyRelease [actionKeyRelease accessType outputOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
actionKeyRelease donne les valeurs suivantes: HOME=000 END=1001 PGUP=1002 PGDN=1003 UP=1004 DOWN=1005 LEFT=1006 RIGHT=1007 F1..F12 = 1008..1019.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.shiftKey [shiftKey accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #IMPLIED]
shiftKey génère l'évènement vrai (true) lorsque la touche Shift est pressée, faux (false) lorsqu'elle est relàchée.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.controlKey [controlKey accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #IMPLIED]
controlKey génère l'évènement vrai (true) lorsque la touche Ctrl est pressée, faux (false) lorsqu'elle est relàchée.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.altKey [altKey accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #IMPLIED]
altKey génère l'évènement vrai (true) lorsque la touche Alt est pressée, faux (false) lorsqu'elle est relàchée.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isActive [isActive accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
L'évènement isActive vrai/faux (true/false) est envoyé lors du déclenchement du senseur. isActive=true lorsque le bouton principal de la souris est pressé, isActive=false lorsqu'il est relàché.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources LineProperties
LineProperties allows precise fine-grained control over the rendering style of lines and edges for associated geometry nodes inside the same Shape.
Hint: DEF/USE copies of a single node can provide a similar "look + feel" style for related shapes in a scene.
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Shape' level='2'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.applied [applied accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether or not LineProperties are applied to associated geometry.linetype [linetype accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
linewidthScaleFactor (X3D version 3.1 or later) [linewidthScaleFactor accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "lineProperties"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources LineSet
LineSet is a geometry node that can contain a Coordinate|CoordinateDouble node and optionally a Color|ColorRGBA node.
Hint: Polygonal chain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygonal_chain
Hint: either values in a contained Color node, or else Material emissiveColor in corresponding Appearance node, are used for rendering lines and points.
Warning: lines are not lit, are not texture-mapped, and do not participate in collision detection.
Warning: use a different color (or Material emissiveColor) than the Background color, otherwise geometry is invisible.
Hint: adding LineProperties to the corresponding Appearance node can modify the rendering style of these lines.
Hint: if rendering Coordinate points originally defined for an IndexedFaceSet, index values may need to repeat each initial vertex to close each polygon outline.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Hint: for advanced extensibility, authors can substitute a type-matched ProtoInstance node (with correct containerField value) for contained node content.
Hint: consider including Fog (with Fog color matching Background color) to provide further depth cueing for LineSet (LS).Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.vertexCount [vertexCount accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] [2,+∞)
vertexCount describes how many vertices are used in each individual polyline segment from the Coordinate point values. Coordinate point values are assigned as a block of points to each line by taking vertexCount[n] vertices at a time.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources LoadSensor
LoadSensor generates events as children nodes are loaded.
Warning: experimental node, under development and not yet supported.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.timeOut [timeOut accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA #IMPLIED]
loadTime [loadTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #IMPLIED]
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isLoaded [isLoaded accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #IMPLIED]
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.progress [progress accessType outputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Enables/disables the sensor node.isActive [isActive: outputOnlytype SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Select geometry by activating the pointing device (e.g. clicking the mouse) to generate isActive events. Output event isActive=true is sent when geometry is selected (e.g. when primary mouse button is pressed), output event isActive=false is sent when geometry is deselected (e.g. when primary mouse button is released).
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources LocalFog
LocalFog simulates atmospheric effects by blending distant objects with fog color. LocalFog effects occur around the local transformation center, rather than bound to the viewer. The nearest LocalFog node within range takes precedence over other LocalFog and Fog nodes.
Hint: LocalFog effects are based on its position in the world, as given by current transformation hierarchy.
Hint: LocalFog effects remain independent of current view location.
Warning: LocalFog only affects geometry within the same scene subgraph.
Warning: LocalFog is not a bindable node.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Enables/disables node operation.color [color accessType inputOutput, type SFColor CDATA "1 1 1"] [0,1]
Fog color.
Hint: match Background color to make objects fade away.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColorfogType [fogType accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA (LINEAR|EXPONENTIAL) LINEAR]
Specifies algorithm for rate of increasing Fog, either LINEAR or EXPONENTIAL.
Hint: EXPONENTIAL is more natural but also more computationally expensive.
Warning: do not wrap "quotation" "marks" around this SFString value.visibilityRange [visibilityRange accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0.0"]
Distance in meters where objects are totally obscured by the fog, using local coordinate system.
Hint: visibilityRange 0 disables Fog.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources LOD
LOD (Level Of Detail - niveau de détail -) se sert de la distance caméra-objet pour sélectionner les noeuds enfants ayant différents niveaux de détail. (les noeuds contenus sont à présent appelés enfants (children) plutôt que niveau (level), pour une nomination consistante parmi tous les GroupingNodeTypes.) La gamme de valeurs de LOD s'échelonne de proche à loin (pour que la géométrie soit plus simple et donne une meilleure performance. Pour n valeurs, vous devez avoir n+1 niveaux enfants! Seul le niveau de rendu sélectionné est actif, mais tous les autres continuent à recevoir des évènements. Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou une Appearance.
Hint: GeoViewpoint OrthoViewpoint and Viewpoint share the same binding stack, so no more than one of these nodes can be bound and active at a given time.
Warning: do not include GeoViewpoint OrthoViewpoint or Viewpoint as a child of LOD or Switch, instead use ViewpointGroup as parent to constrain location proximity where the viewpoint is available to user.
Warning: results are undefined if a bindable node (Background, Fog, NavigationInfo, OrthoViewpoint, TextureBackground, Viewpoint) is a contained descendant node of either LOD or Switch.
Hint: security mechanisms such as encryption and authentication can be applied to high levels of detail, allowing authors to protect intellectual property at high resolution for authorized users while still rendering simple unrestricted models for other users.
Warning: nested LOD (and/or GeoLOD) nodes with overlapping range intervals can lead to unexpected or undefined behavior.
Hint: contained nodes must have type X3DChildNode, such as Group or Transform or Shape.
Warning: LOD is not allowed as a direct parent of Appearance, Material, Color, Coordinate, Normal or Texture nodes, instead ensure that a Shape is present.
Hint: apply containerField='shape' if parent node is CADFace.
Hint: ConformanceNist X3D Examples Archive https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/ConformanceNist/SpecialGroups/LODSearch
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!children [children accessType inputOutput, type MFNode CDATA , empty list] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
Hint: Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodesforceTransitions [forceTransitions accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether to perform every range-based transition, regardless of browser optimizations that might otherwise occur.center [center accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.range [range accessType initializeOnly, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Transitions de la distance caméra-objet pour chaque niveau de détails des noeuds enfants La gamme de valeurs s'échelonne de proche à loin Pour n valeurs, vous devez avoir n+1 niveaux enfants!
Hint: not setting range values indicates that level switching can be optimized automatically based on performance.level_changed [level_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA #FIXED ""]
Output event that reports current level of LOD children whenever switching occurs.
Hint: LOD level index counting starts at zero. Thus level_changed value of -1 means no choice, 0 means initial child, 1 means second child, etc.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (children | proxy |shape) "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Material
Matérial spécifie les propriétés matérielles de la surface pour les noeuds géométriques associés Les attributs de Material sont utilisés par des équations VRML pendant le rendu. Conseil: insérez les noeuds Shape et Appearance avant d'ajouter Material.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#Color
Hint: X3D Example Archives, Basic, Universal Media Materials https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials
Hint: X3D Architecture 17.2.2 Lighting model https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/lighting.html#LightingmodelSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant ࢰ un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!diffuseColor [diffuseColor accessType inputOutput, type SFColor CDATA "0.8 0.8 0.8"] [0,1]
de quelle facon, l'angle du rayon d'une source lumineuse est réfléchi.
Conseil: seul emissiveColor à des effets sur IndexedLineSet, LineSet et PointSet.emissiveColor [emissiveColor accessType inputOutput, type SFColor CDATA "0 0 0"] [0,1]
de quelle facon l'objet émet un rayonnement lumineux.
Conseil: les champs emissiveColors sont actifs même quand il n'y a pas de source lumineuse.
Conseil: initialisez diffuseColor par défaut (.8 .8 .8) à (0 0 0) pour éviter un délavement des couleurs.
Conseil: seul emissiveColor a des effets sur IndexedLineSet, LineSet et PointSet.
Warning: bright emissiveColor values can wash out other colors and some textures.specularColor [specularColor accessType inputOutput, type SFColor CDATA "0 0 0"] [0,1]
points lumineux de specularColor qui représentent la réflection lumineuse (exemple: les zones lumineuses que reflète la surface d'une pomme).
Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.shininess [shininess accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0.2"] [0,1]
des valeurs faibles donnent des lueurs floues, des valeurs élevées donnent des points lumineux fins, précis.
Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.ambientIntensity [ambientIntensity accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0.2"] [0,1]
de quelle facon la lumière omnidirectionelle est réfléchie.
Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.transparency [transparency accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"] [0,1]
Comment un objet est translucide "clear". A : 1.0, il est totalement transparent, 0.0 est complètement opaque.
Conseil: une valeur < .5 tend vers opaque, > .5 tend vers transparent.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "material"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources
Matrix3VertexAttribute(X3D version 3.1 or later) Matrix3VertexAttribute defines a set of per-vertex 3x3 matrix attributes. Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.name [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Required name for this particular VertexAttribute instance.
Warning: name is not specified if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsvalue [value accessType inputOutput, type MFMatrix3f CDATA ""]
value specifies an arbitrary collection of matrix values that will be passed to the shader as per-vertex information.
Hint: the length of the value field shall be a multiple of numComponents.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "attrib"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources
Matrix4VertexAttribute(X3D version 3.1 or later) Matrix4VertexAttribute defines a set of per-vertex 4x4 matrix attributes. Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.name [name accessType inputOutput, type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
Required name for this particular VertexAttribute instance.
Warning: name is not specified if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsvalue [value accessType inputOutput, type MFMatrix4f CDATA ""]
value specifies an arbitrary collection of matrix values that will be passed to the shader as per-vertex information.
Hint: the length of the value field shall be a multiple of numComponents.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "attrib"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources meta
meta (metadata) fournit des informations sur la scène et utilise les mêmes définitions que les meta elements en HTML. Les attributs name et content donnent des couples de valeurs = attribut.
Hint: X3D XML Encoding https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19776-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#Header
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, meta Statements https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#metaStatements
Hint: W3C HTML5 Recommendation, 4.2.5 The meta element https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/document-metadata.html#the-meta-element
Warning: the META statement is capitalized in the ClassicVRML Encoding.
Hint: X3D Architecture META statement https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/core.html#METAStatement
Hint: HTML5 section Standard metadata names https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/document-metadata.html#standard-metadata-names
Hint: HTML5 section Other metadata names https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/document-metadata.html#other-metadata-names
Hint: WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensionsSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILname [name type NMTOKEN #IMPLIED]
Entrez l'attribut name de metadata ici.
Hint: use Dublin Core metadata terms for name/content values. https://www.dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms
Hint: if the name attribute is set, the http-equiv attribute should not be set.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionscontent [content type CDATA #REQUIRED]
Entrez l'attribut value de metadata ici.
Hint: use Dublin Core metadata terms for name/content values. https://www.dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms
Hint: alternatively the content attribute can support the http-equiv attribute.
Conseil: Xeena remplace automatiquement les caractères références XML si besoin (comme & pour & ou " pour " ), écrivez donc ce que vous voulez!lang [lang type CDATA #IMPLIED]
Langage code, comme sur [IETF BCP47/RFC5646] https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt and described in https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-http-and-lang
Hint: Language Subtag Lookup at http://people.w3.org/rishida/utils/subelementsdir [dir type ENUMERATION #IMPLIED]
Orientation du texte (de gauche à droite : ltr=left-to-right, de droite à gauche : rtl=right-to-left). See http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/dirlang.html#adef-dirhttp-equiv [http-equiv type CDATA #IMPLIED]
Peut être utilisé par les serveurs HTTP pour les réponses headers. Voir la spécification HTTP [RFC2616] pour plus de détails sur les headers HTTP valides. Exemple: <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="Tue, 20 Aug 1996 14:25:27 GMT">
Hint: if the name attribute is set, the http-equiv attribute should not be set. Voir http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/global.html#adef-http-equivscheme [scheme type CDATA #IMPLIED]
L'attribut scheme permet aux auteurs de fournir aux utilisateurs plus de renseignements pour une bonne interprétation des meta datas. Par exemple, <meta scheme="ISBN" name="identifier" content="0-8230-2355-9"> Voir http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/global.html#idx-schemeclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources MetadataDouble
MetadataDouble contains a typed list of values providing metadata information about its parent node. Further information about this specific Metadata* node may be provided by a single child Metadata* node with containerField="metadata".
Hint: use containerField="value" if the parent node is MetadataSet.
Hint: if a metadata node is needed as a top-level root node for the scene, first insert a parent WorldInfo (or WorldInfo/MetadataSet) to contain it.
Hint: if present, an IS statement is the first child within any other node.
Hint: an IS statement precedes any sibling Metadata* node, which in turn precedes any other sibling nodes.
Hint: The choice of MetadataDouble versus MetadataFloat usually depends on the relevant tool utilizing the value, or else the relevant metadata reference defining the value.
Hint: comments are not readable when a model file is loaded for viewing, but WorldInfo and Metadata* nodes are persistent and inspectable at run time.
Hint: X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 15, Metadata Information https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter15-Metadata/Chapter15-MetadataInformation.htmlSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.name [name accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Depending on the metadata vocabulary, the attribute name is usually required for metadata nodes.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsvalue [value accessType inputOutput, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
The value attribute is a strictly typed data array providing relevant metadata information.
Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).reference [reference accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Reference to the metadata standard or definition defining this particular metadata value.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "metadata"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: set containerField="value" if part of a MetadataSet, otherwise use default value "metadata" if providing metadata about a parent metadata node itself.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources MetadataFloat
MetadataFloat contains a typed list of values providing metadata information about its parent node. Further information about this specific Metadata* node may be provided by a single child Metadata* node with containerField="metadata".
Hint: use containerField="value" if the parent node is MetadataSet.
Hint: if a metadata node is needed as a top-level root node for the scene, first insert a parent WorldInfo (or WorldInfo/MetadataSet) to contain it.
Hint: if present, an IS statement is the first child within any other node.
Hint: an IS statement precedes any sibling Metadata* node, which in turn precedes any other sibling nodes.
Hint: The choice of MetadataDouble versus MetadataFloat usually depends on the relevant tool utilizing the value, or else the relevant metadata reference defining the value.
Hint: comments are not readable when a model file is loaded for viewing, but WorldInfo and Metadata* nodes are persistent and inspectable at run time.
Hint: X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 15, Metadata Information https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter15-Metadata/Chapter15-MetadataInformation.htmlSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.name [name accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Depending on the metadata vocabulary, the attribute name is usually required for metadata nodes.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsvalue [value accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
The value attribute is a strictly typed data array providing relevant metadata information.
Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).reference [reference accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Reference to the metadata standard or definition defining this particular metadata value.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "metadata"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: set containerField="value" if part of a MetadataSet, otherwise use default value "metadata" if providing metadata about a parent metadata node itself.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources MetadataInteger
MetadataInteger contains a typed list of values providing metadata information about its parent node. Further information about this specific Metadata* node may be provided by a single child Metadata* node with containerField="metadata".
Hint: use containerField="value" if the parent node is MetadataSet.
Hint: if a metadata node is needed as a top-level root node for the scene, first insert a parent WorldInfo (or WorldInfo/MetadataSet) to contain it.
Hint: if present, an IS statement is the first child within any other node.
Hint: an IS statement precedes any sibling Metadata* node, which in turn precedes any other sibling nodes.
Hint: comments are not readable when a model file is loaded for viewing, but WorldInfo and Metadata* nodes are persistent and inspectable at run time.
Hint: X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 15, Metadata Information https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter15-Metadata/Chapter15-MetadataInformation.htmlSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.name [name accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Depending on the metadata vocabulary, the attribute name is usually required for metadata nodes.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsvalue [value accessType inputOutput, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
The value attribute is a strictly typed data array providing relevant metadata information.
Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).reference [reference accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Reference to the metadata standard or definition defining this particular metadata value.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "metadata"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: set containerField="value" if part of a MetadataSet, otherwise use default value "metadata" if providing metadata about a parent metadata node itself.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources MetadataSet
MetadataSet contains a list of Metadata* nodes that each have containerField="value" and together provide information about the parent node of the MetadataSet. Further information about this specific MetadataSet node may be provided by a single child Metadata* node with containerField="metadata".
Hint: use containerField="value" if the parent node is MetadataSet.
Hint: if a metadata node is needed as a top-level root node for the scene, first insert a parent WorldInfo (or WorldInfo/MetadataSet) to contain it.
Hint: if present, an IS statement is the first child within any other node.
Hint: an IS statement precedes any sibling Metadata* node, which in turn precedes any other sibling nodes.
Hint: MetadataSet can contain other MetadataSet nodes.
Hint: comments are not readable when a model file is loaded for viewing, but WorldInfo and Metadata* nodes are persistent and inspectable at run time.
Hint: X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 15, Metadata Information https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter15-Metadata/Chapter15-MetadataInformation.htmlSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.name [name accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Depending on the metadata vocabulary, the attribute name is usually required for metadata nodes.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsreference [reference accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Reference to the metadata standard or definition defining this particular metadata value.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "metadata"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: set containerField="value" if part of a MetadataSet, otherwise use default value "metadata" if providing metadata about a parent metadata node itself.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources MetadataString
MetadataString contains a typed list of values providing metadata information about its parent node. Further information about this specific Metadata* node may be provided by a single child Metadata* node with containerField="metadata".
Hint: use containerField="value" if the parent node is MetadataSet.
Hint: if a metadata node is needed as a top-level root node for the scene, first insert a parent WorldInfo (or WorldInfo/MetadataSet) to contain it.
Hint: if present, an IS statement is the first child within any other node.
Hint: an IS statement precedes any sibling Metadata* node, which in turn precedes any other sibling nodes.
Hint: comments are not readable when a model file is loaded for viewing, but WorldInfo and Metadata* nodes are persistent and inspectable at run time.
Hint: X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 15, Metadata Information https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter15-Metadata/Chapter15-MetadataInformation.htmlSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.name [name accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Depending on the metadata vocabulary, the attribute name is usually required for metadata nodes.
Warning: name is not included if this instance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsvalue [value accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
The value attribute is a strictly typed data array providing relevant metadata information.
Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).reference [reference accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Reference to the metadata standard or definition defining this particular metadata value.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "metadata"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: set containerField="value" if part of a MetadataSet, otherwise use default value "metadata" if providing metadata about a parent metadata node itself.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources MovieTexture
MovieTexture applique une image film 2D sur la surface de la géométrie, ou procure des données audio pour le noeud Sound. D'abord définissez-le en tant que texture, puis utilisez (USE) le également en tant que son pour voir/entendre/et ainsi conserver de la mémoire. L'application Texture à un système de coordonnées 2D (s, t) en horizontal et vertical, avec des valeurs (s, t) dans une fourchette de [0.0, 1.0] en considérant les coins opposés de l'image. Conseil: insérez des noeuds Shape et Appearance avant d'ajouter une texture.
Hint: provide a Viewpoint that allows a clear view of the MovieTexture so that users can easily see all details.
Hint: utilize DEF/USE references for multiple copies of a single MovieTexture video file in order to avoid multiple-download delays, reduce memory requirements, and maintain synchronization.
Hint: authors can provide multiple video formats for the same video track, with each source address listed separately in the url field.
Hint: player support for MPEG-1 video format is required, other formats are optional.
Warning: MovieTexture has containerField='texture' when parent is an Appearance node, otherwise containerField='source' when parent is a Sound node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Images https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#Images
Hint: Texture mapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mapping
Hint: X3D Architecture 17.2.2 Lighting model https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/lighting.html#Lightingmodel
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!description [description accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Author-provided text tooltip that tells users the expected action of this node.
Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Nom et emplacement de l'image. Plusieurs emplacements sont plus sûrs, et les adresses Web et attachements e-mail sont possibles. Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets. "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc." Conseil: respectez exactement la casse des noms de fichiers et de répertoires concernant les liens http! Conseil: vous pouvez remplacer les espaces dans les requêtes url par %20 pour chaque caractère espace.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlsloop [loop:accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
répétition infinie lorsque loop=true, répétition une fois seulement lorsque loop=false.speed [speed accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1.0"]
Facteur de vitesse de lecture de la séquence vidéo (ou sonore).startTime [startTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
Temps en absolu: nombre de secondes depuis le 1er janvier 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Conseil: recoit en principe une valeur temps par une ROUTE.stopTime [stopTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
Temps en absolu: nombre de secondes depuis le 1er janvier 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Conseil: recoit en principe une valeur temps par une ROUTE.
Warning: An active TimeSensor node ignores set_cycleInterval and set_startTime events.
Warning: An active TimeSensor node ignores set_stopTime event values less than or equal to startTime.repeatS [repeatS accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Texture répétée horizontalement selon l'axe S.repeatT [repeatT accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Texture répétée verticalement selon l'axe Tduration_changed [duration_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "0.0"]
Durée de temps en secondes pour un cycle de film.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
Hint: duration_changed is an SFTime duration interval, normally nonnegative, and not an absolute clock time.
Hint: changing the pitch field does not trigger a duration_changed event. Playback interval may vary but duration of the original media data remains unmodified.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
L'évènement isActive vrai/faux (true/false) est envoyé lorsque la lecture démarre/s'arrête.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isPaused [isPaused accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
isPaused true/false events are sent when MovieTexture is paused/resumed.
Warning: not supported in VRML97.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.pauseTime [pauseTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
When time now >= pauseTime, isPaused becomes true and MovieTexture becomes paused. Absolute time: number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Hint: ROUTE a time value matching system clock to this field, such as output event from TouchSensor touchTime or TimeTrigger triggerTime.
Warning: not supported in VRML97.resumeTime [resumeTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
When resumeTime becomes <= time now, isPaused becomes false and MovieTexture becomes active. Absolute time: number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Hint: ROUTE a time value matching system clock to this field, such as output event from TouchSensor touchTime or TimeTrigger triggerTime.
Warning: not supported in VRML97.elapsedTime [elapsedTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""] [0,+∞)
Current elapsed time since MovieTexture activated/running, cumulative in seconds, and not counting any paused time.
Warning: not supported in VRML97.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
Hint: elapsedTime is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (texture | source | watchList | back | bottom | front | left | right | top | backTexture | bottomTexture | frontTexture | leftTexture | rightTexture | topTexture) "texture" (alternate "source" for Sound child)]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: MovieTexture has containerField='texture' when parent is an Appearance node, otherwise containerField='source' when parent is a Sound node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources MultiTexture
MultiTexture applies several individual textures to a single geometry node, enabling a variety of visual effects that include light mapping and environment mapping. MultiTexture can contain zero or more ImageTexture, MovieTexture and PixelTexture nodes. Texture maps have a 2D coordinate system (s, t) horizontal and vertical, with (s, t) values in range [0.0, 1.0] for opposite corners of the image.
Hint: insert Shape and Appearance nodes before adding texture.
Hint: Texture mapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mapping
Warning: the number of textures to be blended may have a significant impact on performance, depending on available graphics hardware capabilities.
Hint: multitexturing is accomplished using MultiTexture, MultiTextureCoordinate and MultiTextureTransform nodes.
Hint: X3D Texturing component Figure 18.2 Lightmap example, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#f-Lightmapexample
Hint: X3D Texturing component Table 18.2: Comparison of single texture and multitexture attributes, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#t-SingleAndMultitextureAttrs
Hint: X3D Architecture 17.2.2 Lighting model https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/lighting.html#Lightingmodel
Hint: MultiTexture does not need to be included in LoadSensor watchList since any child ImageTexture and MovieTexture nodes of interest can be handled separately.
Warning: MultiTexture may not contain another MultiTexture node.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.alpha [alpha accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1.0"] [0,1]
The alpha field defines the alpha (1-transparency) base value for mode operations.color [color accessType inputOutput, type SFColor CDATA "1 1 1"] [0,1]
The color field defines the RGB base values for mode operations.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#Colorfunction [function accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA (COMPLEMENT | ALPHAREPLICATE) #IMPLIED]
function operators COMPLEMENT or ALPHAREPLICATE can be applied after the mode blending operation. Empty string value "" indicates that no function operation is applied for that stage.
Hint: include the same number of function values as textures, otherwise the default of no function operation is applied for each remaining stage.
Hint: X3D Architecture Table 18.5 Values for the function field https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#t-ValuesForFunctionField for further details.mode [mode accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA (MODULATE | REPLACE | MODULATE2X | MODULATE4X | ADD | ADDSIGNED | ADDSIGNED2X | SUBTRACT | ADDSMOOTH | BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA | BLENDTEXTUREALPHA | BLENDFACTORALPHA | BLENDCURRENTALPHA | MODULATEALPHA_ADDCOLOR | MODULATEINVALPHA_ADDCOLOR | MODULATEINVCOLOR_ADDALPHA | OFF | SELECTARG1 | SELECTARG2 | DOTPRODUCT3) #IMPLIED]
mode field indicates the type of blending operation, both for color and for alpha channel.
Hint: include the same number of mode values as textures, otherwise the default value MODULATE is added for each remaining stage.
Warning: do not wrap extra quotation marks around these SFString enumeration values, since "quotation" "marks" are only used for MFString values.
Hint: X3D Architecture Table 18.3 Multitexture modes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#t-MultitextureModes for further details.source [source accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA (DIFFUSE | SPECULAR | FACTOR) #IMPLIED]
source field determines whether each image source is treated as DIFFUSE, SPECULAR or a multiplicative FACTOR. Empty string value "" indicates that no source modifier is applied for that stage.
Hint: include the same number of source values as textures, otherwise the default of no source interpretation is applied for each remaining stage.
Hint: X3D Architecture Table 18.4 Values for the source field https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#t-ValuesForSourceField for further details.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "texture"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
MultiTextureCoordinateMultiTextureCoordinate contains multiple TextureCoordinate or TextureCoordinateGenerator nodes, for use by a parent polygonal geometry node such as IndexedFaceSet or a Triangle* node. Each of the contained texture coordinate nodes correspond to the multiple texture nodes contained in a sibling Appearance/MultiTexture node.
Hint: add Shape and then polgyonal/planar geometry before adding MultiTextureCoordinate.
Hint: Texture mapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mapping
Warning: the number of textures to be blended may have a significant impact on performance, depending on available graphics hardware capabilities.
Hint: multitexturing is accomplished using MultiTexture, MultiTextureCoordinate and MultiTextureTransform nodes.
Hint: X3D Texturing component Figure 18.2 Lightmap example, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#f-Lightmapexample
Hint: X3D Texturing component Table 18.2: Comparison of single texture and multitexture attributes, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#t-SingleAndMultitextureAttrsSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "texCoord"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
MultiTextureTransformMultiTextureTransform contains multiple TextureTransform nodes, each provided for use by corresponding ImageTexture MovieTexture or PixelTexture nodes within a sibling MultiTexture node.
Hint: insert Shape and Appearance nodes before adding MultiTextureTransform.
Hint: Texture mapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mapping
Warning: the number of textures to be blended may have a significant impact on performance, depending on available graphics hardware capabilities.
Hint: multitexturing is accomplished using MultiTexture, MultiTextureCoordinate and MultiTextureTransform nodes.
Hint: X3D Texturing component Figure 18.2 Lightmap example, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#f-Lightmapexample
Hint: X3D Texturing component Table 18.2: Comparison of single texture and multitexture attributes, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#t-SingleAndMultitextureAttrsSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "textureTransform"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources NavigationInfo
NavigationInfo définit le type de visualisation et les caractéristiques physiques de l'avatar de l'utilisateur.
Conseil: pour la visualisation d'objets simples, l'utilisation s'améliore souvent avec type="EXAMINE" "ANY"
Conseil: NavigationInfo de type '"WALK" "FLY"' supporte la détection de collision caméra-objet . Background, Fog, NavigationInfo et Viewpoint sont des noeuds rattachables.
Warning: results are undefined if a bindable node (Background, Fog, NavigationInfo, OrthoViewpoint, TextureBackground, Viewpoint) is a contained descendant node of either LOD or Switch.
Hint: Regardless of viewpoint jump value at bind time, the relative viewing transformation between user's view and defined position/orientation is stored for later use when un-jumping (returning to the viewpoint when subsequent viewpoint is unbound).
Hint: customizable design pattern for dedicated Viewpoint/NavigationInfo pair: <Viewpoint DEF='SpecialView'/> <NavigationInfo DEF='SpecialNav'/> <ROUTE fromNode='SpecialView' fromField='isBound' toNode='SpecialNav' toField='set_bind'/>
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Viewpoints https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ViewpointsSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!type [type accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA "EXAMINE" "ANY"]
Entrez un des types suivants : "EXAMINE" "WALK" "FLY" "LOOKAT" "EXPLORE" "ANY" "NONE".
Conseil: pour la visualisation d'objets simples, l'utilisation s'améliore souvent avec type="EXAMINE" "ANY"
Conseil: WALK et FLY forcent la détection de collision caméra-objet.
Conseil: voir le noeud Collision pour plus de détails à propos de la déctection de collision caméra-objet.
Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets. "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.speed [speed accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1.0"]
Valeur par défaut de la vitesse à laquelle le viewer se déplace à travers la scene, en m/s. Warning: default 1 m/s usually seems slow for ordinary navigation.
Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.headlight [headlight accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive la lumiêre directionnelle qui pointe toujours dans la direction vers laquelle l'utilisateur voit.avatarSize [avatarSize accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA "0.25 1.6 0.75"]
Les trois valeurs de avatarSize sont : (a) la distance de collision entre l'utilisateur et la géométrie, (b) la hauteur de point de vue au-dessus du terrain, (c) la hauteur la plus grande jusqu'à laquelle le viewer peut aller. Conseil: conservez (visibilityLimit / avatarSize.CollisionDistance) < 10,000 pour éviter les artefacts (polygdôstructuré"ne "déstructuré"). Conseil: ce champ peut être ignoré.
Hint: transformation hierarchy of currently bound Viewpoint node scales avatarSize, but translations and rotations have no effect.visibilityLimit [visibilityLimit accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0.0"]
Au delà de cette limite, la géométrie n'est pas visible. visibilityLimit=0.0 indique une limite de visibilité infinie.
Conseil: conservez visibilityLimit >= zéro.
Conseil: conservez (visibilityLimit / avatarSize.CollisionDistance) < 10.000 pour éviter les artefacts (polygône "déstructuré").
Conseil: ce champ peut déstructurê"tre ignordéstructuré".transitionType [transitionType accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA "LINEAR"]
Camera transition between viewpoints. Enter one or more quoted SFString values: "ANIMATE" "TELEPORT" "LINEAR".
Hint: "ANIMATE" behavior is browser-specific, "TELEPORT" is immediate, and "LINEAR" may proceed directly through intervening objects.transitionTime (X3D version 3.1 or later) [transitionTime accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA "1.0"]
transitionTime defines the expected duration of viewpoint transition in seconds.
Hint: If transitionType is "ANIMATE", transitionTime provides browser-dependent animation parameters.
Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored, applying the default value regardless.transitionComplete [transitionComplete accessType outputOnly, type MFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
Event signaling viewpoint transition complete.
Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.set_bind [set_bind accessType inputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) ""]
Mettre set_bind à vrai (true) rend ce noeud actif Mettre set_bind à faux (false) rend ce noeud inactif. Ainsi rendre set_bind vrai/faux fera apparaître/disparaître, (rendre actif/inactif) ce noeud.
Hint: paired node operations can be established by connecting set_bind and isBound fields of corresponding bindable nodes.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.bindTime [bindTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "-1"]
Evènement envoyé quand le noeud devient actif/inactif.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isBound [isBound accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Evènement vrai (true) envoyé quand le noeud devient actif, évènement faux (false) envoyé lorsqu'il n'est pas limité par un autre noeud.
Hint: paired node operations can be established by connecting set_bind and isBound fields of corresponding bindable nodes.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Normal
Normal est une série de vecteurs 3D normaux à la surface Les valeurs de Normal sont des directions perpendiculaires, optionelles, utilisées par polygône ou par vertex pour l'éclairage et l'ombrage Conseil: utilisé par IndexedFaceSet et ElevationGrid.
Hint: custom Normal values can produce special effects.
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.
Hint: computation of normal values is performed quite quickly on modern 3D graphics hardware, often with no perceptible delay.
Warning: adding normal values to a model might significantly increase file size. Testing can help determine proper tradeoffs between file size, network transmission delays and initial rendering speed.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!vector [vector accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3f CDATA #IMPLIED]
série de vecteurs normaux de longueur unitaire, correspondant aux polygônes indéxés.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "normal"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources NormalInterpolator
NormalInterpolator génère une série de vecteurs perpendiculaires le long de la surface d'une sphère unitaire valeurs ROUTEés d'un attribut vecteur d'un noeud <Normal> ou d'un autre attribut Vector3FloatArray Entrée typique: ROUTE someTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO someInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction Sortie typique: ROUTE someInterpolatorDEF.value_changed TO destinationNode.set_attribute. Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant a un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!key [key accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Fractions de temps d'intervalle [0,1] allant en s'incrémentant tout en faisant correspondre les keyValues.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!
Warning: values in key array shall be monotonically non-decreasing, meaning that each value is greater than or equal to the preceding value.
Hint: typical interval for values in key array is within range of 0 to 1, but larger intervals can be defined with arbitrary bounds.keyValue [keyValue accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3f CDATA #IMPLIED]
Valeurs de sortie pour les interpolations linéaires, chacune correspondant à une fraction de temps key.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
set_fraction, d'intervalle [0,1], sélectionne la valeur d'entrée key en faisant correspondre la valeur de sortie keyValue appropriée.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type MFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
valeur de sortie linéaire interpolée déterminée par la valeur de temps courante key en la faisant correspondre à la valeur keyValue.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources NurbsCurve
NurbsCurve is a 3D curve analogous to NurbsPatchSurface.
Hint: the contained controlPoint field can hold a Coordinate or CoordinateDouble node.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!knot [knot accessType initializeOnly, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.order [order accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.weight [weight accessType inputOutput, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Vector assigning relative weight value to each control point.tessellation [tessellation accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
hint for surface tesselation.closed [closed accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether or not the curve is closed (i.e. matching end values).containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
geometry is the field-label prefix indicating relationship to parent node. Example values: containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources NurbsCurve2D
NurbsCurve2D defines a trimming segment that is part of a trimming contour in the u-v domain of a surface. NurbsCurve2D and ContourPolyline2D nodes that together form a closed contour, defined in the u-v parametric space of a NURBS surface, may be used as children in a Contour2D node.
Warning: NurbsCurve2D is not a renderable geometry node.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!controlPoint [controlPoint accessType inputOutput, type MFVec2f CDATA #IMPLIED]
controlPoint defines a set of control points of dimension uDimension by vDimension, and defines a mesh where the points do not have uniform spacing.knot [knot accessType initializeOnly, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.order [order accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.weight [weight accessType inputOutput, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Vector assigning relative weight value to each control point.tessellation [tessellation accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
hint for surface tesselation.closed [closed accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether or not the curve is closed (i.e. matching end values).containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
NurbsOrientationInterpolatorNurbsOrientationInterpolator describes a 3D NURBS curve and outputs interpolated orientation values.
Hint: the SFNode controlPoint field can contain a single Coordinate or CoordinateDouble node.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!knot [knot accessType inputOutput, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.order [order accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.weight [weight accessType inputOutput, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Output values for linear interopolation, each corresponding to knots.
Hint: number of weights must match number of knots!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
setting fraction in range [0,1] selects input key for corresponding keyValue output, computing a 3D position on the curve.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFRotation CDATA #FIXED ""]
Linearly interpolated output value determined by current key time and corresponding keyValue pair.
Hint: X3D players might not send unchanging intermediate values, thus avoiding excessive superfluous events that have no effect.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources NurbsPatchSurface
NurbsPatchSurface defines a contiguous 3D Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) surface. Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!uClosed [uClosed accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether opposite surface sides are closed (seamless) across u dimension.vClosed [vClosed accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether opposite surface sides are closed (seamless) across u dimension.uDimension [uDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Number of control points in u dimension.vDimension [vDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Number of control points in v dimension.uKnot [uKnot accessType initializeOnly, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.vKnot [vKnot accessType initializeOnly, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.uOrder [uOrder accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.vOrder [vOrder accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.uTessellation [uTessellation accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
hint for surface tesselation.vTessellation [vTessellation accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
hint for surface tesselation.weight [weight accessType inputOutput, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Vector assigning relative weight value to each control point.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "surface"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
NurbsPositionInterpolatorNurbsPositionInterpolator describes a 3D NURBS curve and outputs interpolated position values.
Hint: the SFNode controlPoint field can contain a single Coordinate or CoordinateDouble node.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!knot [knot accessType inputOutput, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.order [order accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.weight [weight accessType inputOutput, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Output values for linear interopolation, each corresponding to knots.
Hint: number of weights must match number of knots!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
setting fraction in range [0,1] selects input key for corresponding keyValue output, computing a 3D position on the curve.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA #FIXED ""]
Linearly interpolated output value determined by current key time and corresponding keyValue pair.
Hint: X3D players might not send unchanging intermediate values, thus avoiding excessive superfluous events that have no effect.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources NurbsSet
NurbsSet collects a set of NurbsSurface nodes into a common group and treats NurbsSurface set as a unit during tessellation, thereby enforcing tessellation continuity along borders. Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!tessellationScale [tessellationScale accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1"]
scale for surface tesselation in children NurbsSurface nodes.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center accompanies bboxSize and provides an optional hint for bounding box position offset from origin of local coordinate system.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size is usually omitted, and can easily be calculated automatically by an X3D player at scene-loading time with minimal computational cost. Bounding box size can also be defined as an optional authoring hint that suggests an optimization or constraint.
Hint: can be useful for collision computations or inverse-kinematics (IK) engines.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
NurbsSurfaceInterpolatorNurbsSurfaceInterpolator describes a 3D NURBS curve and outputs interpolated position and normal values.
Hint: the SFNode controlPoint field can contain a single Coordinate or CoordinateDouble node.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!uDimension [uDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Number of control points in u dimension.vDimension [vDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Number of control points in v dimension.uKnot [uKnot accessType initializeOnly, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.vKnot [vKnot accessType initializeOnly, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.uOrder [uOrder accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
Define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.vOrder [vOrder accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
Define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.weight [weight accessType inputOutput, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Output values for linear interopolation, each corresponding to knots.
Hint: number of weights must match number of knots!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA #FIXED ""]
setting fraction in range [0,1] selects input key for corresponding keyValue output, computing a 3D position on the curve.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.normal_changed [normal_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA #FIXED ""]
Linearly interpolated output value determined by current key time and corresponding keyValue pair.
Hint: X3D players might not send unchanging intermediate values, thus avoiding excessive superfluous events that have no effect.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.position_changed [position_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA #FIXED ""]
Linearly interpolated output value determined by current key time and corresponding keyValue pair.
Hint: X3D players might not send unchanging intermediate values, thus avoiding excessive superfluous events that have no effect.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources NurbsSweptSurface NurbsSweptSurface contains a crossSectionCurve [X3DNurbsControlCurveNode] and a trajectoryCurve [NurbsCurve]. Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation, according to Right-Hand Rule (RHR).
Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation. Note that consistency of left-handed or right-handed point sequences is important throughout.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources NurbsSwungSurface NurbsSwungSurface contains a profileCurve [X3DNurbsControlCurveNode] and a trajectoryCurve [X3DNurbsControlCurveNode]. Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation, according to Right-Hand Rule (RHR).
Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation. Note that consistency of left-handed or right-handed point sequences is important throughout.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
NurbsTextureCoordinateNurbsTextureCoordinate describes a 3D NURBS surface in the parametric domain of its surface host, specifying mapping of texture onto the surface.
Hint: the SFNode controlPoint field can contain a single Coordinate or CoordinateDouble node.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!uDimension [uDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Number of control points in u dimension.vDimension [vDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Number of control points in v dimension.uKnot [uKnot accessType initializeOnly, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.vKnot [vKnot accessType initializeOnly, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.uOrder [uOrder accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
Define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.vOrder [vOrder accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
Define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.controlPoint [controlPoint accessType inputOutput, type MFVec2f CDATA #IMPLIED]
controlPoint defines a set of control points of dimension uDimension by vDimension, and defines a mesh where the points do not have uniform spacing.weight [weight accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Output values for linear interopolation, each corresponding to knots.
Hint: number of weights must match number of knots!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources
NurbsTrimmedSurfaceNurbsTrimmedSurface generates texture coordinates from a Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) surface. Not yet implemented! Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!uClosed [uClosed accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether opposite surface sides are closed (seamless) across u dimension.vClosed [vClosed accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether opposite surface sides are closed (seamless) across u dimension.uDimension [uDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Number of control points in u dimension.vDimension [vDimension accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Number of control points in v dimension.uKnot [uKnot accessType initializeOnly, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.vKnot [vKnot accessType initializeOnly, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.uOrder [uOrder accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
Define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.vOrder [vOrder accessType initializeOnly, type SFInt32 CDATA "3"]
Define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.uTessellation [uTessellation accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
hint for surface tesselation.vTessellation [vTessellation accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
hint for surface tesselation.weight [weight accessType inputOutput, type MFDouble CDATA #IMPLIED]
Vector assigning relative weight value to each control point.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "texCoord"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
OrientationInterpolatorOrientationInterpolator génère une série de valeurs rotationelles. Le résultat peut être ROUTE vers le champ rotation d'un noeud <Transform> attribut ou vers des attributs d'autres Rotations Entrée typique: ROUTE someTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO someInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction Sortie typique: ROUTE someInterpolatorDEF.value_changed TO destinationNode.set_attribute. Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!key [key accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Fractions de temps d'intervalle [0,1] allant en s'incrémentant tout en faisant correspondre les keyValues.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!
Warning: values in key array shall be monotonically non-decreasing, meaning that each value is greater than or equal to the preceding value.
Hint: typical interval for values in key array is within range of 0 to 1, but larger intervals can be defined with arbitrary bounds.keyValue [keyValue accessType inputOutput, type MFRotation CDATA #IMPLIED]
Valeurs de sortie pour les interpolations linéaires, chacune correspondant à une fraction de temps key.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
set_fraction, d'intervalle [0,1], sélectionne la valeur d'entrée key en faisant correspondre la valeur de sortie keyValue appropriée.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
valeur de sortie linéaire interpolée, déterminée par la valeur de temps courante key en la faisant correspondre à la valeur keyValue.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources PackagedShader
(X3D version 3.1 or later) PackagedShader contains a url for a single file that may contain a number of shaders and combined effects.
Hint: PackagedShader contains field declarations and then corresponding IS/connect statements (if any).
Warning: PackagedShader does not contain CDATA section of plain-text source code.
Hint: apply default containerField='shaders' when parent node is Appearance.
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.activate [activate accessType inputOnly, type SFBool (true|false)]
activate forces the shader to activate the contained objects.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.isSelected [isSelected accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false)]
isSelected indicates this shader instance is selected for use by browser
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isValid [isValid accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false)]
isValid indicates whether current shader objects can be run as a shader program.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.language [language accessType initializeOnly, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
The language field indicates to the X3D player which shading language is used. The language field may be used to optionally determine the language type if no MIME-type information is available.
Hint: recognized values include "Cg" "GLSL" "HLSL".url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
url points to a shader source-code file that may contain a number of shaders and combined effects.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlscontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (shaders | watchList) "shaders"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources PixelTexture
PixelTexture crée une texture 2D à partir d'une image en utilisant un tableau numérique de valeurs en pixels La texture à un système de coordonnées (s, t) à l'horizontale et à la verticale, avec des valeurs (s, t) allant de [0.0, 1.0] concernant les coins opposés de l'image. Conseil: insérez des noeuds Shape et Appearance avant d'ajouter une texture.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Images and Videos https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#Images
Warning: see ComposedCubeMapTexture and TextureBackground for special containerField values.
Hint: if a texture is opaque, omitting values in the alpha channel can help avoid rendering artifacts related to transparency.
Hint: Texture mapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mapping
Hint: X3D Architecture 17.2.2 Lighting model https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/lighting.html#LightingmodelSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!image [image accessType inputOutput, type SFImage CDATA "0 0 0"]
Définit les propriétés de l'image: width height number_of_components pixel_values la largeur (width) et la hauteur (height) sont exprimées en pixels number_of_components = 1 (intensité), 2 (intensité alpha), 3 (rouge vert bleu), 4 (rouge vert bleu alpha-transparence) exemple d'intensité: 1 2 1 0xFF 0x00 exemple d'intensité-alpha: exemple rouge-vert-bleu: 2 4 3 0xFF0000 0xFF00 0 0 0 0 0xFFFFFF 0xFFFF00 exemple rouge-vert-bleu-alpha: .repeatS [repeatS accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Texture répétée horizontalement selon l'axe S.repeatT [repeatT accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Texture répétée verticalement selon l'axe T.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (texture | back | bottom | front | left | right | top | backTexture | bottomTexture | frontTexture | leftTexture | rightTexture | topTexture) "texture"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources PixelTexture3D
(X3D version 3.1 or later) PixelTexture3D defines a 3D image-based texture map as an explicit array of pixel values (image field).
Hint: insert Shape and Appearance nodes before adding texture.
Hint: X3D Architecture 33.2.2 3D texturing concepts https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texture3D.html#3DTextureconceptsSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.image [image accessType inputOutput, type MFInt32 CDATA "0 0 0 0"]
image describes raw data for this 3D texture: number of components to the image [0,4], width, height and depth of the texture, followed by (width x height x depth) pixel values.
Warning: the order of initial values in PixelTexture and PixelTexture3D image arrays are different.repeatS [repeatS accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether to horizontally repeat texture along S axis.repeatT [repeatT accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether to vertically repeat texture along T axis.repeatR [repeatR accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether to vertically repeat texture along R axis.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "texture"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources PlaneSensor
PlaneSensor transforme le mouvement du pointeur en translation sur un plan 2D ayant son axe local à Z=0. Conseil: créez un senseur linéaire (LineSensor) en contraignant un axe (le mettre à 0) (minPosition.x=maxPosition.x) ou (minPosition.y=maxPosition.y).
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.1 Overview of pointing device sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#OverviewOfPointingDeviceSensors
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.2 Drag sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#DragSensors
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.3 Activating and manipulating pointing device sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#ActivatingandmanipulatingSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!description [description accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Author-provided text tooltip that tells users the expected action of this node.
Hint: include space characters since a description is not a DEF identifier. Write short phrases that make descriptions clear and readable.
Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.minPosition [minPosition accessType inputOutput, type SFVec2f CDATA "0 0"]
minPosition et maxPosition restraignent les translations dans une fourchette de valeurs mesurées depuis l'origine du plan avec Z=0 maxPosition par défaut < minPosition signifie qu'il n'y a pas de contrainte.
Conseil: créez un LineSensor en contraignant un axe (mise à 0) (minPosition.x=maxPosition.x) ou (minPosition.y=maxPosition.y).maxPosition [maxPosition accessType inputOutput, type SFVec2f CDATA "-1 -1"]
minPosition et maxPosition restraignent les translations dans une fourchette de valeurs mesurées depuis l'origine du plan avec Z=0 maxPosition par défaut < minPosition signifie qu'il n'y a pas de contrainte.
Conseil: créez un LineSensor en contraignant un axe (mise à 0) (minPosition.x=maxPosition.x) ou (minPosition.y=maxPosition.y).autoOffset [autoOffset accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
détermine si oui ou non les valeur de décalage précédentes sont rappelées/accumulées.offset [offset accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Envoie un évènement et rappelle la dernière valeur percue.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
l'évènement isActive true/false est envoyé quand le senseur est déclenché. isActive=true quand le boutton de la souris est pressé, isActive=false quand il est relâché.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.trackPoint_changed [trackPoint_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
l'évènement trackPoint_changed donne le point d'intersection de position avec la géométrie senseur.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
Warning: trackPoint_changed events represent unclamped intersection points on plane surface. Browsers can interpret drags off of the surface in various ways. Note that translation_changed events are clamped by minPosition/maxPosition and thus may be preferable.translation_changed [translation_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
l'évènement translation_changed est égal à la somme des translations relatives plus la valeur de décalage.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources PointLight
PointLight est une source lumineuse qui éclaire les formes dans toutes les directions La lumière éclaire toutes les géométries et n'est pas limité par les graphiques de la scène La lumière n'a pas de forme propre et brille à travers les géométries.
Conseil: HeadLight est controllé par NavigationInfo.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF specifie un nom identite unique pour ce noeud, referenceable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!on [on accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive la source de lumière.color [color accessType inputOutput, type SFColor CDATA "1 1 1"] [0,1]
color est la couleur de la lumière, s'appliquant sur la couleur des objets.location [location accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Position relative de la lumière dans le système de coordonnées local.intensity [intensity accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1"]
Brillance de l'émission directe de la source de lumière.ambientIntensity [ambientIntensity accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
Brillance de l'émission ambiente de la lumière(non directionelle, en arrière-plan).radius [radius accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "100"]
distance maximale effective de la lumière par rapport à son emplacement local, affectée par l'ancienne échelle.attenuation [attenuation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "1 0 0"]
Constante, distance linéaire et facteur d'atténuation.global (X3D version 3.1 or later) [global accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Global lights illuminate all objects within their volume of lighting influence. Scoped lights only illuminate objects within the same transformation hierarchy.
Warning: DirectionalLight default global=false to limit scope and avoid inadvertently illuminating every object in a large scene. PointLight and SpotLight default global=true since their effects are each limited by maximum radius value.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources PointSet
PointSet est un noeud géométrie qui contient une série de points 3D colorés, définis par les noeuds Color|ColorRGBA et Coordinate|CoordinateDouble. Les valeurs de Color ou emissiveColor de Material sont utilisées pour tracer des lignes et des points.
Conseil: utillisez une couleur différente (ou utilisez emissiveColor) de celle de l'arrière-plan.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance. Vous pouvez aussi remplacer une ProtoInstance standard par un contenu.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Polyline2D
Polyline2D is a geometry node that defines a connected set of vertices in a contiguous set of line segments.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 10 Geometry 2D https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2DSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.lineSegments [lineSegments accessType initializeOnly, type MFVec2f CDATA #FIXED ""]
Coordinates of vertices connected into contiguous Polyline2D.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Polypoint2D
Polypoint2D is a geometry node that defines a set of 2D points in X-Y plane.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 10 Geometry 2D https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2DSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.point [point accessType initializeOnly, type MFVec2f CDATA #FIXED ""]
2D coordinates of vertices.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
PositionInterpolatorPositionInterpolator génère une série de trois valeurs. Le résultat peut être ROUTE vers le champ d'un noeud <Transform> ou vers un attribut Vector3Float Entrée typique: ROUTE someTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO someInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction Sortie typique: ROUTE someInterpolatorDEF.value_changed TO destinationNode.set_attribute. Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!key [key accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Fractions de temps d'intervalle [0,1] allant en s'incrémentant tout en faisant correspondre les keyValues.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!
Warning: values in key array shall be monotonically non-decreasing, meaning that each value is greater than or equal to the preceding value.
Hint: typical interval for values in key array is within range of 0 to 1, but larger intervals can be defined with arbitrary bounds.keyValue [keyValue accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3f CDATA #IMPLIED]
Valeurs de sortie pour les interpolations linéaires, chacune correspondant à une fraction de temps key.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
set_fraction, d'intervalle [0,1], sélectionne la valeur d'entrée key en faisant correspondre la valeur de sortie keyValue appropriée.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
valeur de sortie linéaire interpolée déterminée par la valeur de temps courante key en faisant correspondant à la valeur keyValue.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
PositionInterpolator2DPositionInterpolator2D generates a series of Vector2Float values. Authors can ROUTE value_changed output events to a Vector2Float attribute.
Hint: typical input connection is ROUTE someTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO thisInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction.
Hint: typical output connection is ROUTE thisInterpolatorDEF.value_changed TO someDestinationNodeDEF.set_someAttribute.
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Interpolation' level='3'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.key [key accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Definition values for linear-interpolation function input intervals, in non-decreasing order and corresponding to a value in the keyValue array.
Hint: number of keyValues must be an integer multiple of the number of keys!
Hint: keyValue/key integer multiple defines how many coordinates are sent in value_changed outputOnlys.
Warning: values in key array shall be monotonically non-decreasing, meaning that each value is greater than or equal to the preceding value.
Hint: typical interval for values in key array is within range of 0 to 1, but larger intervals can be defined with arbitrary bounds.keyValue [keyValue accessType inputOutput, type MFVec2f CDATA #IMPLIED]
Output values for linear interopolation, each corresponding to an input-fraction value in the key array.
Hint: number of keyValues must be an integer multiple of the number of keys!
Hint: keyValue/key integer multiple defines how many coordinates are sent in value_changed outputOnlys.set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
set_fraction selects input key for corresponding keyValue output.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec2f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Linearly interpolated output value_changed determined by current key time and corresponding keyValue pair.
Hint: keyValue/key integer multiple defines how many coordinates are sent in value_changed outputOnlys.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Warning: containerField attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of scenes.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ProgramShader
(X3D version 3.1 or later) ProgramShader defines a shader that consists of one or more individually programmable, self-contained pieces. ProgramShader contains IS/connect and programs [ShaderProgram] nodes.
Warning: ProgramShader contains no field declarations and no plain-text CDATA block source code.
Hint: apply default containerField='shaders' when parent node is Appearance.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.activate [activate accessType inputOnly, type SFBool (true|false)]
activate forces the shader to activate the contained objects.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.isSelected [isSelected accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false)]
isSelected indicates this shader instance is selected for use by browser
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isValid [isValid accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false)]
isValid indicates whether current shader objects can be run as a shader program.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.language [language accessType initializeOnly, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
The language field indicates to the X3D player which shading language is used. The language field may be used to optionally determine the language type if no MIME-type information is available.
Hint: recognized values include "Cg" "GLSL" "HLSL".containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "shaders"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ProtoBody
ProtoBody statement follows the ProtoInterface statement in a ProtoDeclare statement, providing the scene-subgraph node definitions.
Hint: initial scene node in a ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody statement determines this prototype's node type. Attention : seuls le noud racine et ses enfants sont rendus, les nouds suivants (scripts et chemins par exemple) seront actifs mais ne seront pas dessinésSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ProtoDeclare
ProtoDeclare est une déclaration de type PROTO, définissant un nouveau noeud crée 垡 partir d'autres noeuds. Seul un noeud géniteur est autorisé dans le corps de la déclaration prototype, définissant le type du noeud ProtoDeclare. Conseil: définissez les interfaces du champ en utilisant le <champ> tag.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Inlines and Prototypes https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#InlinesPrototypes
Hint: X3D Architecture PROTO statement https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/core.html#PROTOStatement
Hint: X3D Architecture 4.4.4 Prototype semantics, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#PROTOdefinitionsemantics
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 14 Prototypes https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14PrototypesSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILname [name type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
name of this prototype being declared.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsappinfo [appinfo type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Simple description usable as a tooltip, similar to XML Schema appinfo tag.documentation [documentation type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Documentation url for further information, similar to XML Schema documentation tag.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ProtoInstance
ProtoInstance crée une copie d'un noeud PROTOtype défini en externe ou en interne.
Conseil: déclarez les intialisations par défaut des valeurs des variables dans les champs <fieldValue>. Attention: faire correspondre le type d'un noeud PROTO au contexte local.
Warning: ProtoInstance substitution for a Metadata* node might not validate. Workaround: put metadata-typed ProtoInstance nodes as contained values within a parent MetadataSet node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Inlines and Prototypes https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#InlinesPrototypes
Hint: X3D Architecture 4.4.4 Prototype semantics, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#PROTOdefinitionsemantics
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 14 Prototypes https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14PrototypesSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILname [name type NMTOKEN #IMPLIED]
name of the prototype node being instanced.
Hint: must match name of corresponding ProtoDeclare or ExternProtoDeclare in this scene.
Warning: name must be specified unless this ProtoInstance is a USE node.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsDEF [DEF type ID #IMPLIED]
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ProtoInterface
ProtoInterface is the first statement inside a ProtoDeclare statement and holds field declarations. ProtoInterface is followed by a corresponding ProtoBody statement.
Hint: X3D Architecture 4.4.4 Prototype semantics, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#PROTOdefinitionsemantics
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 14 Prototypes https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter14PrototypesSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ProximitySensor
ProximitySensor génère des évènements lorsque le viewer entre, sort et bouge dans la zone d'espace (définie par une boîte -box-).
Conseil: les instances multiples appelées par USE peuvent se cumuler, mais évitez la redondance d'instances.
Conseil: vous pouvez d'abord utiliser Transform pour repositionner/réorienter la boîte (box).
Conseil: bien considérer le monde VRML en entier pour démarrer les comportements des objets une fois la scène chargée.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.center [center accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.size [size accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"] [0,+∞)
Taille de la boîte de détection de proximité (box).
Conseil: size 0 0 0 revient au même que de passer ProximitySensor à faux (false).isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
l'évènement isActive true/false est envoyé quand le viewer entre/sort de la boîte de détection de proximité (Proximity box). isActive=true quand le boutton de la souris est pressé, isActive=false quand il est relâché.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.position_changed [position_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Envoie un évènement translation relatif au centre.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.orientation_changed [orientation_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Envoie un évènement rotation relatif au centre.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.centerOfRotation_changed [centerOfRotation_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFRotation CDATA #FIXED ""]
Sends changed centerOfRotation values, likely caused by user interaction.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.enterTime [enterTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
Evènement temps (Time) généré lorsque la caméra de l'utilisateur entre dans la boîte de proximité.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.exitTime [exitTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
Evènement temps (Time) généré lorsque la caméra de l'utilisateur sort de la boîte de proximité.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources QuadSet
(X3D version 3.1 or later) QuadSet is a geometry node that defines planar quadrilaterals. QuadSet contains a Coordinate|CoordinateDouble node, and can also contain Color|ColorRGBA, Normal and TextureCoordinate nodes.
Hint: Quadrilateral https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadrilateral
Hint: color, normal and texCoord values are applied in the same order as coord values.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Hint: for advanced extensibility, authors can substitute a type-matched ProtoInstance node (with correct containerField value) for contained node content.
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/ComputerAidedDesignInterchangeProfile.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='CADGeometry' level='1'/>
Warning: rendering characteristics are undefined if polygons are not planar.
Warning: avoid self-intersecting polygon line segments, otherwise defined geometry is irregular and rendering results are undefined.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation, according to Right-Hand Rule (RHR).
Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation. Note that consistency of left-handed or right-handed point sequences is important throughout.colorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Color|ColorRGBA values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Warning: if child Color|ColorRGBA node is not provided, then geometry is rendered using corresponding Appearance and material/texture values.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColornormalPerVertex [normalPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Normal node vector values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ReceiverPdu
ReceiverPdu is a networked Protocol Data Unit (PDU) information node that transmits the state of radio frequency (RF) receivers modeled in a simulation.
Hint: ReceiverPdu packets use the IEEE Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol.
Hint: Savage Developers Guide on DIS https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/developers.html#DIS
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/DistributedInteractiveSimulation.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='DIS' level='1'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.whichGeometry [whichGeometry accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "1"]
Select geometry to render: -1 for no geometry, 0 for text trace, 1 for default geometry, (optional) higher values to render different states.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center accompanies bboxSize and provides an optional hint for bounding box position offset from origin of local coordinate system.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size is usually omitted, and can easily be calculated automatically by an X3D player at scene-loading time with minimal computational cost. Bounding box size can also be defined as an optional authoring hint that suggests an optimization or constraint.
Hint: can be useful for collision computations or inverse-kinematics (IK) engines.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxessiteID [siteID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Simulation/exercise siteID of the participating LAN or organization.applicationID [applicationID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "1"]
Each simulation application that can respond to simulation management PDUs needs to have a unique applicationID.entityID [entityID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
EntityID unique ID for entity within that application.readInterval [readInterval accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0.1"] [0,+∞)
Seconds between read updates, 0 means no reading.
Hint: readInterval is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.writeInterval [writeInterval accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "1.0"] [0,+∞)
Seconds between write updates, 0 means no writing (sending).
Hint: writeInterval is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.networkMode [networkMode accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA ( standAlone | networkReader | networkWriter ) standAlone]
Whether this entity is ignoring the network, sending DIS packets to the network, or receiving DIS packets from the network. (1) standAlone: ignore network but still respond to events in local scene. (2) networkReader: listen to network and read PDU packets at readInterval, act as remote copy of entity. (3) networkWriter: send PDU packets to network at writeInterval, act as master entity. Default value "standAlone" ensures that DIS network activation within a scene as networkReader or networkWriter is intentional.
Warning: do not wrap extra quotation marks around these SFString enumeration values, since "quotation" "marks" are only used for MFString values.isStandAlone [isStandAlone accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="local" (ignore network but still respond to local events)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isNetworkReader [isNetworkReader accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="remote" (listen to network as copy of remote entity)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isNetworkWriter [isNetworkWriter accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="master" (output to network as master entity at writeInterval)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.address [address accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA localhost]
Multicast network address, or else "localhost"
Example: [port accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Multicast network port, for example: 3000.multicastRelayHost [multicastRelayHost accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Fallback server address if multicast not available locally. For example: track.nps.edu.multicastRelayPort [multicastRelayPort accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Fallback server port if multicast not available locally. For example: 8010.rtpHeaderExpected [rtpHeaderExpected accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether RTP headers are prepended to DIS PDUs.isRtpHeaderHeard [isRtpHeaderHeard accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether incoming DIS packets have an RTP header prepended.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Have we had a network update recently?.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.timestamp [timestamp accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
DIS timestamp in X3D units (value 0.0 matches 1 January 1970) in seconds.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.radioID [radioID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Identifies a particular radio within a given entity.receivedPower [receivedPower accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
receivedPower indicates radio frequency (RF) power received, in units of decibel-milliwatts (dBm), after applying any propagation loss and antenna gainreceiverState [receiverState accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
receiverState indicates if receiver is currently idle or busy via one of these enumerated values: 0 = off, 1 = on but not receiving, or 2 = on and receiving.transmitterSiteID [transmitterSiteID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Simulation/exercise transmitterSiteID of the participating LAN or organization.transmitterApplicationID [transmitterApplicationID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Simulation/exercise transmitterApplicationID is unique for transmitter application at that site. Each simulation application that can respond to simulation management PDUs needs to have a unique applicationID.transmitterEntityID [transmitterEntityID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Simulation/exercise transmitterEntityID is a unique ID for a single entity within that application.transmitterRadioID [transmitterRadioID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Identifies a particular radio within a given entity.geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).geoCoords [geoCoords accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3d CDATA "0 0 0"]
Geographic location (specified in current geoSystem coordinates) for children geometry (specified in relative coordinate system, in meters).
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Rectangle2D
Rectangle2D is a geometry node that defines a 2D rectangle in X-Y plane.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Examples: X3D Example Archives, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 10 Geometry 2D https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter10Geometry2DSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.size [size accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec2f CDATA "2 2"]
2D dimensions of Rectangle2D.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygones (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygones sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par defaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ROUTE
ROUTE connecte les champs (fields) entre des noeuds pour transmettre un événement d'un champ à l'autre.
Warning: each ROUTE must follow the DEF definition of both event-source and event-target nodes.
Warning: strongly typed event checking means that data type (SFInt32, MFVec3f, etc.) must match identically for both event-source and event-target fields.
Warning: event-source fields can have accessType outputOnly or inputOutput, while event-target nodes can have accessType inputOnly or inputOutput.
Hint: event tracing supports animation debugging https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter07-EventAnimationInterpolation/Chapter07-EventAnimationInterpolation-EventTracing.pdf
Hint: X3D Architecture ROUTE statement https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/core.html#ROUTEStatementSearch
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILfromNode [fromNode type IDREF #REQUIRED]
fromNode est le nom de définition (DEF) du noeud à l'origine de l'évènement.fromField [fromField type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
fromField est le nom du champ du noeud à l'origine de l'évènement.
Conseil: vous aurez peut être besoin d'ajouter _changed après le nom du champ.toNode [toNode type IDREF #REQUIRED]
toNode est le nom de définition (DEF) du noeud qui recoit l'évènement.toField [toField type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED]
toField est le nom du champ du noeud qui recoit l'évènement.
Conseil: vous aurez peut-être besoin de placer set_ avant le nom du champ.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ScalarInterpolator
ScalarInterpolator génère des valeurs linéaires segmentees qui peuvent être ROUTEés vers d'autres attributs Float Entrée typique: ROUTE someTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO someInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction Sortie typique: ROUTE someInterpolatorDEF.value_changed TO destinationNode.set_attribute. Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!key [key accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Fractions de temps d'intervalle [0,1] allant en s'incrémentant tout en faisant correspondre les keyValues.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!
Warning: values in key array shall be monotonically non-decreasing, meaning that each value is greater than or equal to the preceding value.
Hint: typical interval for values in key array is within range of 0 to 1, but larger intervals can be defined with arbitrary bounds.keyValue [keyValue accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Valeurs de sortie pour les interpolations linéaires, chacune correspondant à une fraction de temps key.
Conseil: le nombre de keys doit exactement correspondre au nombre de keyValues!set_fraction [set_fraction accessType inputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
set_fraction, d'intervalle [0,1], sélectionne la valeur d'entrée key en faisant correspondre la valeur de sortie keyValue appropriée.
Hint: set_fraction values are typically in same range interval as values in the key array. Response to an input set_fraction value less than minimum is equivalent to minimum key, and response to an input set_fraction value greater than maximum is equivalent to maximum key.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.value_changed [value_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
valeur de sortie linéaire interpolée déterminée par la valeur de temps courante key en la faisant correspondre à la valeur keyValue.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Scene
Scene est le noeud principal qui contient la scène X3D. Ajoutez des noeuds enfants pour construire une scène. Seul un noeud Scene est insérable pour chaque fichier VRML. Conseil: Les champs (fields) de Scene mettent en avant les fonctionnalités de la classe Script du navigateur.
Hint: Les noeuds Scene contenus dans les mondes VRML insérés (Inline) rapportent des valeurs identiques au noeud scène principal. Attention: le support du browser pour les champs (fields) dans ce noeud est partiel/expérimental.
Warning: Scene is a child of X3D statement, and must follow the (optional) head statement.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Script
Script donne le comportement pré-programmé pour une scene. Détermine l'interface du script avec des champs (elements) de <field>. Le code Script est contenu dans un noeud enfant CDATA ou (deporté) dans le champ url. langues optionnelles supportées: ECMAScript (JavaScript) et (via url vers un fichier myNode.class) Java.
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds. Conseil: le nom de DEF est nécessaire sinon les ROUTEs ne peuvent relier les interfaces des noeuds Script entre-elles.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
pointe vers un fichier script ou contient directement du code Script méthode alternative au scripts insérés dans url: ajoutez un noeud CDATA qui contient le code source CDATA peut préserver les symboles comme < et > des vérificateurs de syntaxe. Conseil: ECMAScript est pareil à JavaScript.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlsdirectOutput [directOutput accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Mettre directOutput à vrai (true) si le script modifie directement les noeuds/champs dans la scène, ou s'il crée ses propres ROUTEs.mustEvaluate [mustEvaluate accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Mettre mustEvaluate à vrai (true) si le script a besoin d'évènements sans attendre de délai de la part du navigateur.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (children | watchList) "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ShaderPart
(X3D version 3.1 or later) ShaderPart defines the source for a portion of source code used by a ComposedShader node. The source is not required to be a complete shader for all of the vertex/fragment processing.
Warning: ShaderPart contains no field declarations.
Hint: ShaderPart can contain a CDATA block of plain-text source code.
Warning: ShaderPart contains no field declarations.
Hint: insert a CDATA block to contain source code embedded within an X3D scene.
Hint: a contained CDATA block for source code protects whitespace, line breaks, and literal characters (such as & for ampersand character, < for less-than-sign character, and > for greater-than-sign character) from unintended escape-character modifications by XML parsers.
Warning: strict order is required for contained constructs: first field declarations (if any), then IS/connect statements (if any), and finally CDATA source-code block.
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Address of replacement world, activated by the user selecting Shape geometry within the Anchor children nodes.
Hint: jump to a world's internal viewpoint by appending viewpoint name (e.g. #ViewpointName, someOtherCoolWorld.x3d#GrandTour).
Hint: jump to a local viewpoint by only using viewpoint name (e.g. #GrandTour).
Hint: binding a different Viewpoint triggers an isBound event that can initiate other user-arrival reactions via event chains to interpolators or scripts.
Hint: MFString arrays can have multiple values, so separate each individual string by quote marks "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Hint: alternative XML encoding for quotation mark " is " (which is an example of a character entity).
Warning: strictly match directory and filename capitalization for http links! This is important for portability. Some operating systems are forgiving of capitalization mismatches, but http/https url addresses and paths in Unix-based operating systems are all case sensitive and intolerant of uppercase/lowercase mismatches.
Hint: can replace embedded blank(s) in url queries with %20 for each blank character.
Hint: pop up a new window with url value as follows: "JavaScript:window.open('somePage.html','popup','width=240,height=240');location.href='HelloWorld.x3d'"
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlstype [type accessType initializeOnly, type SFString CDATA (VERTEX|FRAGMENT) VERTEX]
type indicates whether this ShaderProgram is a vertex or fragment (pixel) shader.
Warning: do not wrap extra quotation marks around these SFString enumeration values, since "quotation" "marks" are only used for MFString values.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (parts | watchList) "parts"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ShaderProgram
(X3D version 3.1 or later) ShaderProgram is contained by ProgramShader and provides the source and interface to a self-contained program that occupies one part of the rendering process: either a vertex or fragment shader.
Hint: ShaderProgram contains field declarations and then corresponding IS/connect statements (if any).
Hint: insert a CDATA block to contain source code embedded within an X3D scene.
Hint: a contained CDATA block for source code protects whitespace, line breaks, and literal characters (such as & for ampersand character, < for less-than-sign character, and > for greater-than-sign character) from unintended escape-character modifications by XML parsers.
Warning: strict order is required for contained constructs: first field declarations (if any), then IS/connect statements (if any), and finally CDATA source-code block.
Hint: apply containerField='watchList' when parent node is LoadSensor.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.url [url accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Address of replacement world, activated by the user selecting Shape geometry within the Anchor children nodes.
Hint: jump to a world's internal viewpoint by appending viewpoint name (e.g. #ViewpointName, someOtherCoolWorld.x3d#GrandTour).
Hint: jump to a local viewpoint by only using viewpoint name (e.g. #GrandTour).
Hint: binding a different Viewpoint triggers an isBound event that can initiate other user-arrival reactions via event chains to interpolators or scripts.
Hint: MFString arrays can have multiple values, so separate each individual string by quote marks "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Hint: alternative XML encoding for quotation mark " is " (which is an example of a character entity).
Warning: strictly match directory and filename capitalization for http links! This is important for portability. Some operating systems are forgiving of capitalization mismatches, but http/https url addresses and paths in Unix-based operating systems are all case sensitive and intolerant of uppercase/lowercase mismatches.
Hint: can replace embedded blank(s) in url queries with %20 for each blank character.
Hint: pop up a new window with url value as follows: "JavaScript:window.open('somePage.html','popup','width=240,height=240');location.href='HelloWorld.x3d'"
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, urls https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#urlstype [type accessType initializeOnly, type SFString CDATA (VERTEX|FRAGMENT) VERTEX]
type indicates whether this ShaderProgram is a vertex or fragment (pixel) shader.
Warning: do not wrap extra quotation marks around these SFString enumeration values, since "quotation" "marks" are only used for MFString values.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (programs | watchList) "programs"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Shape
Shape peut apparaître sous n'importe quel noeud groupe. Shape peut contenir un noeud Appearance et un noeud de type géométrie (for example one of the primitives Box Cone Cylinder Sphere Text, one of ElevationGrid Extrusion IndexedFaceSet IndexedLineSet LineSet PointSet, or one of the other geometry nodes).
Hint: the Shape design pattern to collect appearance and geometry together is fundamentally the same for many types of 3D graphics software and hardware. Vous pouvez également remplacer une ProtoInstance de type correspondant.
Hint: X3D Architecture 12.2.1 Shape nodes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/shape.html#Shapenodes
Hint: X3D Architecture 17.2.2 Lighting model https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/lighting.html#Lightingmodel
Hint: apply containerField='shape' if parent node is CADFace.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!appearance [appearance accessType inputOutput, type SFNode CDATA , NULL node] [X3DAppearanceNode]
Single contained Appearance node that specifies visual attributes (such as material, texture, fillProperties and lineProperties) applied to corresponding geometry.geometry [geometry accessType inputOutput, type SFNode CDATA , NULL node] [X3DGeometryNode]
Single contained geometry node that is rendered according to corresponding appearance.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (children | proxy |shape) "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources SignalPdu
SignalPdu is a networked Protocol Data Unit (PDU) information node that communicates the transmission of voice, audio or other data modeled in a simulation.
Hint: SignalPdu packets use the IEEE Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol.
Hint: Savage Developers Guide on DIS https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/developers.html#DIS
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/DistributedInteractiveSimulation.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='DIS' level='1'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.whichGeometry [whichGeometry accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "1"]
Select geometry to render: -1 for no geometry, 0 for text trace, 1 for default geometry, (optional) higher values to render different states.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center accompanies bboxSize and provides an optional hint for bounding box position offset from origin of local coordinate system.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size is usually omitted, and can easily be calculated automatically by an X3D player at scene-loading time with minimal computational cost. Bounding box size can also be defined as an optional authoring hint that suggests an optimization or constraint.
Hint: can be useful for collision computations or inverse-kinematics (IK) engines.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxessiteID [siteID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Simulation/exercise siteID of the participating LAN or organization.applicationID [applicationID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "1"]
Each simulation application that can respond to simulation management PDUs needs to have a unique applicationID.entityID [entityID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
EntityID unique ID for entity within that application.readInterval [readInterval accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0.1"] [0,+∞)
Seconds between read updates, 0 means no reading.
Hint: readInterval is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.writeInterval [writeInterval accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "1.0"] [0,+∞)
Seconds between write updates, 0 means no writing (sending).
Hint: writeInterval is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.networkMode [networkMode accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA ( standAlone | networkReader | networkWriter ) standAlone]
Whether this entity is ignoring the network, sending DIS packets to the network, or receiving DIS packets from the network. (1) standAlone: ignore network but still respond to events in local scene. (2) networkReader: listen to network and read PDU packets at readInterval, act as remote copy of entity. (3) networkWriter: send PDU packets to network at writeInterval, act as master entity. Default value "standAlone" ensures that DIS network activation within a scene as networkReader or networkWriter is intentional.
Warning: do not wrap extra quotation marks around these SFString enumeration values, since "quotation" "marks" are only used for MFString values.isStandAlone [isStandAlone accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="local" (ignore network but still respond to local events)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isNetworkReader [isNetworkReader accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="remote" (listen to network as copy of remote entity)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isNetworkWriter [isNetworkWriter accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="master" (output to network as master entity at writeInterval)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.address [address accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA localhost]
Multicast network address, or else "localhost" example: [port accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Multicast network port, for example: 3000.multicastRelayHost [multicastRelayHost accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Fallback server address if multicast not available locally. For example: track.nps.edu.multicastRelayPort [multicastRelayPort accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Fallback server port if multicast not available locally. For example: 8010.rtpHeaderExpected [rtpHeaderExpected accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether RTP headers are prepended to DIS PDUs.isRtpHeaderHeard [isRtpHeaderHeard accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether incoming DIS packets have an RTP header prepended.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Have we had a network update recently?.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.timestamp [timestamp accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
DIS timestamp in X3D units (value 0.0 matches 1 January 1970) in seconds.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.radioID [radioID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Identifies a particular radio within a given entity.encodingScheme [encodingScheme accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
designates both Encoding Class and Encoding Type. Encoding Class enumerated value (2 most significant bits): 0 = Encoded Voice; 1 = Raw Binary Data; 2 = Application-Specific Data; 3 = Database Index. Encoding Type enumerated value (14 least significant bits): 1 = 8-bit mu-law; 2 = CVSD per MIL-STD-188-113; 3 = ADPCM per CCITT G.721; 4 = 16-bit linear PCM; 5 = 8-bit linear PCM; 6 = Vector Quantization.tdlType [tdlType accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Tactical Data Link (TDL) type as an enumerated value when the Encoding Class is voice, raw binary, application-specific, or database index representation of a TDL message.sampleRate [sampleRate accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
sampleRate gives either (1) sample rate in samples per second if Encoding Class is encoded audio, or (2) data rate in bits per second for data transmissions. If Encoding Class is database index, sampleRate is set to zero.samples [samples accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Number of samples in the PDU if the Encoding Class is encoded voice, otherwise the field is set to zero.dataLength [dataLength accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
number of bits of digital voice audio or digital data being sent in the Signal PDU. If the Encoding Class is database index, then dataLength field is set to 96.data [data accessType inputOutput, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED]
Holds audio or digital data conveyed by the radio transmission. Interpretation of the field depends on values of encodingScheme and tdlType fields.geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).geoCoords [geoCoords accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3d CDATA "0 0 0"]
Geographic location (specified in current geoSystem coordinates) for children geometry (specified in relative coordinate system, in meters).
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Sound
Sound contient un AudioClip ou une MovieTexture pour la lecture sonore Vous pouvez aussi remplacer une ProtoInstance de même type par un contenu.
Hint: X3D Sound component Figure 16.2 Sound Node Geometry, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/sound.html#f-Soundnodegeometry
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints:Audio https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#AudioSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!location [location accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Position du centre de la source sonore, relativement au système de coordonnées local.direction [direction accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 1"]
direction de l'axe suivant lequel le son est propagé, relativement au système de coordonnées local.intensity [intensity accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1"]
Facteur de [0,1] ajustant le volume (en décibels) du son émis.minFront [minFront accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1"]
distance ellipsoïdale de l'atténuation minimale (plein volume), le long de la direction spécifiée assurez-vous que minFront <= maxFront.minBack [minBack accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1"]
distance ellipsoïdale de l'atténuation minimale (plein volume), opposée à la direction spécifiée assurez-vous que minBack <= maxBack.maxFront [maxFront accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "10"]
distance ellipsoïdale de l'atténuation maximale (volume à zéro), le long de la direction spécifiée assurez-vous que minFront <= maxFront.maxBack [maxBack accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "10"]
distance ellipsoïdale de l'atténuation maximale (volume à zéro) opposée à la direction spécifiée, assurez-vous que minBack <= maxBack.priority [priority accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
Priorité indiquée au Browser de [0,1] pour choisir quel son jouer.spatialize [spatialize accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Si la lecture est spatialisée relativement au viewer ou pas.
Conseil: seulement efficace entre les ellipsoïdes minimale et maximale.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Sphere
Sphere est un noeud géométrie.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!radius [radius accessType initializeOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "1"] (0,+∞)
rayon en mètres.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygônes (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygôes sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par defaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources SphereSensor
SphereSensor transforme le mouvement du pointeur en rotation sphérique depuis l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.1 Overview of pointing device sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#OverviewOfPointingDeviceSensors
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.2 Drag sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#DragSensors
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.3 Activating and manipulating pointing device sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#ActivatingandmanipulatingSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant a un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!description [description accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Author-provided text tooltip that tells users the expected action of this node.
Hint: include space characters since a description is not a DEF identifier. Write short phrases that make descriptions clear and readable.
Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.autoOffset [autoOffset accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
détermine si oui ou non les valeurs de décalage précédentes sont rappelées/accumulées.offset [offset accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 1 0 0"]
Envoie un évènement et rappelle la dernière valeur percue.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
l'évènement isActive true/false est envoyé quand le senseur est declenché. isActive=true quand le boutton de la souris est pressé, isActive=false quand il est relâché.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.rotation_changed [rotation_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFRotation CDATA "0 1 0 0"]
l'évènement rotation_changed est égal à la somme des rotations relatives plus la valeur de décalage.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.trackPoint_changed [trackPoint_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
l'évènement trackPoint_changed donne le point d'intersection de position avec la géométrie senseur.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
Warning: trackPoint_changed events represent unclamped intersection points on plane surface. Browsers can interpret drags off of the surface in various ways. Note that translation_changed events are clamped by minPosition/maxPosition and thus may be preferable.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources SpotLight
SpotLight est une source de lumière qui éclaire les géométries avec un faisceau conique La lumière éclaire toutes les géométries et n'est pas limitée par les objets graphiques La lumière n'a pas de forme propre et brille à travers les géométries.
Conseil: HeadLight est controllé par NavigationInfo.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!on [on accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive la source de lumière.color [color accessType inputOutput, type SFColor CDATA "1 1 1"] [0,1]
color est la couleur de la lumière, s'appliquant sur la couleur des objets.location [location accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Position de la lumière relativement au système de coordonnées local.direction [direction accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 -1"]
Orientation de la lumière relative au repère de coordonnées local.intensity [intensity accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1"]
Brillance de l'émission directe de la source de lumière.ambientIntensity [ambientIntensity accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
Brillance de l'émission ambiente de la lumière (non directionelle, en arrière-plan).attenuation [attenuation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "1 0 0"]
Constante, distance linéaire et facteur d'atténuation.radius [radius accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "100"]
distance maximale effective de la lumière par rapport à son emplacement local, affectée par l'ancienne échelle.beamWidth [beamWidth accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0.7854"] [0,1.570796]
Cône anglulaire interne (en radians) dans lequel la source de lumière est à son intensité maximum Si beamWidth > cutOffAngle, beamWidth est ramené à la valeur de cutOffAngle.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadiancutOffAngle [cutOffAngle accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "1.570796"] [0,1.570796]
Cône anglulaire interne (en radians) dans lequel la source de lumière décroit vers zéro Si beamWidth > cutOffAngle, beamWidth est ramené à la valeur de cutOffAngle.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radianglobal (X3D version 3.1 or later) [global accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Global lights illuminate all objects within their volume of lighting influence. Scoped lights only illuminate objects within the same transformation hierarchy.
Warning: DirectionalLight default global=false to limit scope and avoid inadvertently illuminating every object in a large scene. PointLight and SpotLight default global=true since their effects are each limited by maximum radius value.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources StaticGroup
StaticGroup est un noeud pouvant comporter la plupart des noeuds.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou Appearance.
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Grouping' level='3'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!children [children accessType inputOutput, type MFNode CDATA , empty list] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
Hint: Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodesbboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être spécifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources StringSensor
StringSensor génère des évènements lorsque l'utilisateur appuie sur les touches du clavier. Supporte la notion de "keyboard focus" - seul un KeySensor/StringSensor à la fois génère un évènement.
Attention: noeud expérimental, en voie de développement et pas encore supporté. Browser support includes the notion of "keyboard focus".Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une reutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.deletionAllowed [deletionAllowed accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
If deletionAllowed is true, then previously entered character in enteredText can be removed. If deletionAllowed is false, then characters may only be added to the string.
Hint: deletion key is typically defined by local system.isActive [isActive accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
L'évènement isActive vrai/faux (true/false) est envoyé lors du déclenchement du senseur. isActive=true lorsque le bouton principal de la souris est pressé, isActive=false lorsqu'il est relâché.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.enteredText [enteredText accessType outputOnly, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Evènements crées quand les touches de caracteres du clavier sont pressées.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.finalText [finalText accessType outputOnly, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Evènements crées quand la séquence des saisies-clavier correspond aux valeurs de chaîne de caractères dans terminationText Lorsque cela a lieu, enteredText est déplacé vers finalText et enteredText est remis à zéro.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Switch
Switch est un noeud Groupe qui peut contenir la plupart des noeuds. (Les noeuds contenus sont appelés 'children' (enfants) plutôt que 'choice' (choix), pour une dénomination plus logique parmi les noeuds GroupingNodeType.) Tous les choix enfants continuent de recevoir & des évènements transmis sans se soucier que whichChoice soit actif. Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou le noeud Appearance.
Hint: GeoViewpoint OrthoViewpoint and Viewpoint share the same binding stack, so no more than one of these nodes can be bound and active at a given time.
Warning: do not include GeoViewpoint OrthoViewpoint or Viewpoint as a child of LOD or Switch, instead use ViewpointGroup as parent to constrain location proximity where the viewpoint is available to user.
Warning: results are undefined if a bindable node (Background, Fog, NavigationInfo, OrthoViewpoint, TextureBackground, Viewpoint) is a contained descendant node of either LOD or Switch.
Hint: contained nodes must have type X3DChildNode, such as Group or Transform or Shape.
Warning: Switch is not allowed as parent of Appearance, Material, Color, Coordinate, Normal or Texture nodes.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!children [children accessType inputOutput, type MFNode CDATA , empty list] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
Hint: Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: inputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
Hint: X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types, https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodeswhichChoice [whichChoice accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "-1"] [-1,+∞)
Index du choix enfant active, avec 0 whichChoice= -1 (voulant dire pas de sélection) ou en partant de whichChoice=0 (numéro du choix enfant initial).containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Text
Text est un noeud géométrique qui peut contenir un noeud FontStyle.
Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou le noeud Appearance. Vous pouvez aussi remplacer une ProtoInstance de même type.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!string [string accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Single or multiple string values to present as Text. Each value in the string array (including empty strings) gets displayed on a separate line. Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets. Conseil: Le champ de caractères peut contenir des guillemets en les espaÇant avec un backslash (\) exemple: "say \"hello\" please" Conseil: Xeena remplace automatiquement les caractères références XML si besoin (comme & pour & ou " pour " ), écrivez donc ce que vous voulez!
Hint: relates to Internationalization (i18n) http://www.w3.org/standards/webdesign/i18n
Example: https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02-GeometryPrimitives/TextIndex.html
Example: https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02-GeometryPrimitives/TextSpecialCharactersIndex.htmllength [length accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED]
Tableau de valeurs dimension pour chaque chaîne de caractères dans le système de coordonnées local. Chaque chaîne est étendue ou compressée pour correspondre à la longueur précisée dans le champ length.maxExtent [maxExtent accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0.0"]
Limite/compresse toutes les chaînes de texte si la longueur maximale de chaîne est plus grande que la valeur de maxExtent, comme mesurée dans le système de coordonnées local.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygones (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygones sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par defaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!lineBounds [lineBounds accessType outputOnly, type MFVec2f CDATA #IMPLIED]
Array of 2D bounding box values for each line of text in the local coordinate system.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.origin [origin accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA #IMPLIED]
origin of the text local coordinate system, in units of the coordinate system in which the Text node is embedded. The value of the origin field represents the upper left corner of the textBounds.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.textBounds [textBounds accessType outputOnly, type SFVec2f CDATA #IMPLIED]
2D bounding box value for all lines of text in the local coordinate system.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TextureBackground
TextureBackground simulates ground and sky, using vertical arrays of wraparound color values, TextureBackground can also provide backdrop texture images on all six sides. Field names of child texture nodes are in alphabetic order: backTexture, bottomTexture, frontTexture, leftTexture, rightTexture, topTexture.
Hint: Background, Fog, NavigationInfo, TextureBackground and Viewpoint are bindable nodes, meaning that no more than one of each node type can be active at a given time.
Warning: results are undefined if a bindable node (Background, Fog, NavigationInfo, OrthoViewpoint, TextureBackground, Viewpoint) is a contained descendant node of either LOD or Switch.
Warning: each of the child ImageTexture or PixelTexture nodes must have unique containerField values for backTexture, bottomTexture, frontTexture, leftTexture, rightTexture, or topTexture.
Hint: authors can have LoadSensor nodes receive notifications and send reporting events when background texture node(s) are loaded.Search
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.skyColor [skyColor accessType inputOutput, type MFColor CDATA "0 0 0"]
Color of the sky at various angles on the sky sphere. First value is color of sky at 0.0 radians representing the zenith (straight up).
Hint: setting the same color at two consecutive angles produces a solid color band.
Warning: you must have one more skyColor value than skyAngle values.
Interchange profile hint: only one color might be rendered, others can be ignored.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColorskyAngle [skyAngle accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED] [0,π]
The angle array values increase from 0.0 zenith (straight up) to π/2=1.570796 (horizon) to π=3.14159 (nadir).
Warning: you must have one more skyColor value than skyAngle values.
Warning: colors at skyAngle=0 are ignored.
Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored, applying the default value regardless.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RadiangroundColor [groundColor accessType inputOutput, type MFColor CDATA #IMPLIED]
Color of the ground at the various angles on the ground partial sphere. First value is color of ground at 0.0 radians representing the nadir (straight down).
Hint: setting the same color at two consecutive angles produces a solid color band.
Warning: you must have one more groundColor value than groundAngle values.
Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored, applying the default value regardless.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColorgroundAngle [groundAngle accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA #IMPLIED] [0,π/2]
The angle array values increase from 0.0 nadir (straight down) to π/2=1.570796 (horizon).
Warning: you must have one more groundColor value than groundAngle values.
Warning: colors at groundAngle=0 are ignored.
Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored, applying the default value regardless.
Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiantransparency [transparency accessType inputOutput, type MFFloat CDATA "0"]
transparency applied to texture images, enabling an X3D scene to overlay an HTML page or desktop.set_bind [set_bind accessType inputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Input event set_bind=true makes this node active, input event set_bind=false makes this node inactive. Thus setting set_bind true/false will pop/push (enable/disable) this node.
Hint: paired node operations can be established by connecting set_bind and isBound fields of corresponding bindable nodes.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.bindTime [bindTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
event sent when node becomes active/inactive.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isBound [isBound accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
event true sent when node becomes active, event false sent when unbound by another node.
Hint: paired node operations can be established by connecting set_bind and isBound fields of corresponding bindable nodes.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TextureCoordinate
TextureCoordinate spécifie des points texture-coordonnées 2D (s,t), utilisés par les géométries basées sur le vertex (ElevationGrid, IndexedFaceSet) pour créer des textures aux points (et les textures aux polygônes). Conseil: ajoutez Shape et ensuite IndexedFaceSet ou ElevationGrid avant de mettre un TextureCoordinate.
Hint: Texture mapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mapping
Hint: X3D Texturing component Figure 18.1, Texture map coordinate system https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#f-TextureMapCoordSystemSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!point [point accessType inputOutput, type MFVec2f CDATA #IMPLIED]
paires de coordonnées-texture 2D (s,t), soit dans l'intervalle [0,1], soit plus haut si elles sont répétées.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "texCoord"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
TextureCoordinate3D(X3D version 3.1 or later) TextureCoordinate3D specifies a set of 3D texture coordinates used by vertex-based geometry nodes (such as IndexedFaceSet or ElevationGrid) to map 3D textures to vertices.
Hint: add Shape and then polgyonal/planar geometry before adding texture coordinates.
Hint: X3D Architecture 33.2.2 3D texturing concepts https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texture3D.html#3DTextureconceptsSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.point [point accessType inputOutput, type MFVec3f CDATA #IMPLIED]
triplets of 3D (s,t,r) texture coordinates, either in range [0,1] or higher if repeating.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "texCoord"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
TextureCoordinate4D(X3D version 3.1 or later) TextureCoordinate4D specifies a set of 4D (homogeneous 3D) texture coordinates used by vertex-based geometry nodes (such as IndexedFaceSet or ElevationGrid) to map 3D textures to vertices.
Hint: add Shape and then polgyonal/planar geometry before adding texture coordinates.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.point [point accessType inputOutput, type MFVec4f CDATA #IMPLIED]
4-tuple values of 4D texture coordinates, either in range [0,1] or higher if repeating.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "texCoord"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
TextureCoordinateGeneratorTextureCoordinateGenerator computes 2D (s,t) texture-coordinate points, used by vertex-based geometry nodes (such as IndexedFaceSet or ElevationGrid) to map textures to vertices (and patches to NURBS surfaces).
Hint: add Shape and then polgyonal/planar geometry before adding TextureCoordinateGenerator.
Hint: Texture mapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mapping
Hint: X3D Texturing component Figure 18.1, Texture map coordinate system https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#f-TextureMapCoordSystemSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.mode [mode accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA (SPHERE | CAMERASPACENORMAL | CAMERASPACEPOSITION | CAMERASPACEREFLECTIONVECTOR | SPHERE-LOCAL | COORD | COORD-EYE | NOISE | NOISE-EYE | SPHERE-REFLECT | SPHERE-REFLECT-LOCAL) SPHERE]
parameter field defines the algorithm used to compute texture coordinates.
Warning: do not wrap extra quotation marks around these SFString enumeration values, since "quotation" "marks" are only used for MFString values.
Hint: X3D Architecture Table 18.6 Texture coordinate generation modes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/texturing.html#t-Texturecoordgeneration for further details.parameter [parameter accessType inputOutput, type MFVec2f CDATA #IMPLIED]
float values for modes NOISE (for scale and translation x y z values), SPHERE-REFLECT (for optional index of refraction value) and SPHERE-REFLECT-LOCAL (for index of refraction value and x y z eye-point values in local coordinate system)containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "texCoord"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TextureTransform
TextureTransform déplace les positions des coordonnées-texture 2D, oriente et dimensionne séquences d'image Les effets visuels apparaissent renversés parce que les changements de l'image surviennent avant le tracage de la géométrie Ordre: translation, rotation du centre, mise à l'échelle non-uniforme par rapport au centre. Conseil: insérez les noeuds Shape et Appearance avant d'ajouter TextureTransform.
Hint: Texture mapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mappingSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!translation [translation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec2f CDATA "0 0"]
mouvement latéral/vertical en 2D (s,t) des coordonnées de la texture (l'effet contraire apparaît sur la géométrie).center [center accessType inputOutput, type SFVec2f CDATA "0 0"]
centre sur un plan 2D (s,t) des coordonnées de la texture pour la rotation et la mise à l'échelle.rotation [rotation accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
angle de rotation de la texture par rapport au centre (l'effet contraire apparaît sur la géométrie).scale [scale accessType inputOutput, type SFVec2f CDATA "1 1"]
Mise à l'échelle non-uniforme sur un plan concernant la texture, par rapport au centre (l'effet contraire apparaît sur la géométrie).containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "textureTransform"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TextureTransform3D
(X3D version 3.1 or later) TextureTransform3D applies a 3D transformation to texture coordinates.
Warning: resulting visible effects appear reversed because image changes occur before mapping to geometry.
Hint: order of operations is translation, rotation about center, non-uniform scale about center.
Hint: insert Shape and Appearance nodes before adding TextureTransform3D.
Hint: Texture mapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mappingSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.translation [translation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Lateral/vertical shift in 2D (s,t) texture coordinates (opposite effect appears on geometry).center [center accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
center point in 2D (s,t) texture coordinates for rotation and scaling.rotation [rotation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
rotation angle of texture about center (opposite effect appears on geometry).scale [scale accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "1 1 1"]
Non-uniform planar scaling of texture about center (opposite effect appears on geometry).containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "textureTransform"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources ![]()
TextureTransformMatrix3D(X3D version 3.1 or later) TextureTransformMatrix3D applies a 3D transformation to texture coordinates.
Warning: resulting visible effects appear reversed because image changes occur before mapping to geometry.
Hint: order of operations is translation, rotation about center, non-uniform scale about center.
Hint: insert Shape and Appearance nodes before adding TextureTransformMatrix3D.
Hint: Texture mapping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mappingSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.matrix [matrix accessType inputOutput, type SFMatrix4f CDATA "1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1"]
matrix is a generalized, unfiltered 4x4 transformation matrix to modify texture (opposite effect appears on geometry).containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "textureTransform"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TimeSensor
TimeSensor génère continuellement des évènements de temps. Utilisation habituelle: ROUTE thisTimeSensorDEF.fraction_changed TO someInterpolatorDEF.set_fraction. Conseil: TimeSensor peut être ignoré si l'intervalle de temps (cycleInterval) < 0.01 seconde.
Hint: event timing details are explained in X3D Specification Execution model https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/concepts.html#ExecutionModel
Hint: X3D Architecture 8 Time component https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/time.htmlSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.cycleInterval [cycleInterval accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "1.0"] [0,+∞)
cycleInterval est la boucle de temps répétable, exprimée en seconde.
Conseil: TimeSensor peut être ignoré si l'intervalle de temps (cycleInterval) < 0.01 seconde.
Warning: An active TimeSensor node ignores set_cycleInterval and set_startTime events.
Hint: cycleInterval is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.loop [loop accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Répète indéfinement lorsque loop=true, répété seulement une fois lorsque loop=false.startTime [startTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
Temps en absolu: nombre de secondes depuis le 1er janvier 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Conseil: recoit en principe une valeur temps par une ROUTE.stopTime [stopTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
Temps en absolu: nombre de secondes depuis le 1er janvier 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Conseil: recoit en principe une valeur temps par une ROUTE.
Warning: An active TimeSensor node ignores set_cycleInterval and set_startTime events.
Warning: An active TimeSensor node ignores set_stopTime event values less than or equal to startTime.pauseTime [pauseTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
When time now >= pauseTime, isPaused becomes true and TimeSensor becomes paused. Absolute time: number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Hint: ROUTE a time value matching system clock to this field, such as output event from TouchSensor touchTime or TimeTrigger triggerTime.
Warning: not supported in VRML97.resumeTime [resumeTime accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
When resumeTime becomes <= time now, isPaused becomes false and TimeSensor becomes inactive. Absolute time: number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Hint: ROUTE a time value matching system clock to this field, such as output event from TouchSensor touchTime or TimeTrigger triggerTime.
Warning: not supported in VRML97.cycleTime [cycleTime: outputOnly type SFTime CDATA "0"]
cycleTime envoie un évènement (outputOnly) de temps à partir de startTime, et aussi à partir de chaque nouveau cycle (utile pour synchroniser d'autres objets basés sur le temps).
Hint: cycleTime is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Les évènements isActive vrai/faux (true/false) sont envoyés lorsque le TimeSensor démarre/s'arrête.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isPaused [isPaused accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
isPaused true/false events are sent when TimeSensor is paused/resumed.
Warning: not supported in VRML97.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.fraction_changed [fraction_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
fraction_changed envoie constamment une valeur dans l'intervalle [0,1] en indiquant la progression du temps dans le cycle courant.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.time [time accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
Time envoie constamment le temps absolu (depuis le 1er Janvier 1970) pour chaque tic-tac donné.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TimeTrigger
TimeTrigger converts boolean true events to time events.
Hint: example scenes and authoring assets at https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting
Hint: X3D Event-Utility Node Diagrams https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter09-EventUtilitiesScripting/X3dEventUtilityNodeEventDiagrams.pdfSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.set_boolean [set_boolean accessType inputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
If input event set_boolean is true, send output triggerTime event.
Hint: for logical consistency, input event set_boolean false has no effect (under review as part of Mantis issue 519).
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.triggerTime [triggerTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
triggerTime is output time event, sent when input event set_boolean is true.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TouchSensor
TouchSensor s'informe de l'emplacement & du pointeur, et détecte lorsque l'utilisateur pointe sur la géométrie concernée.
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.1 Overview of pointing device sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#OverviewOfPointingDeviceSensors
Hint: X3D Architecture 20.2.3 Activating and manipulating pointing device sensors https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#ActivatingandmanipulatingSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!description [description accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Author-provided text tooltip that tells users the expected action of this node.
Hint: include space characters since a description is not a DEF identifier. Write short phrases that make descriptions clear and readable.
Hint: many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for " quotation-mark character).enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Cliquez ou bougez la souris (le pointeur) pour générer un évènement isActive. isActive=true quand le boutton de la souris est pressé, isActive=false quand il est relâché.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.hitPoint_changed [hitPoint_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Evènements contenant un point 3D sur la surface de la géométrie, donne dans le système de coordonnées local de TouchSensor.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.hitNormal_changed [hitNormal_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 1"]
Evènements contenant un vecteur normal au point localisé par hitpoint.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.hitTexCoord_changed [hitTexCoord_changed accessType outputOnly, type SFVec2f CDATA "0 0"]
Evènements contenant les coordonnées de la texture de la surface au point localisé par hitpoint.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isOver [isOver accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Utilisé pour indiquer que le pointeur est sur la surface de la géométrie?
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.touchTime [touchTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "0"]
Evènement de temps généré lorsque le senseur (géométrie) est touché par le pointeur.
Hint: touchTime event is generated when following three conditions are all met: (a) pointing device was pointing towards geometry when initially activated (isActive=true), (b) pointing device is currently pointing towards the geometry (isOver=true), and (c) pointing device selection is deactivated/deselected by user (isActive=false event is also generated).
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Transform
Transform est un noeud Groupe qui peut contenir la plupart des noeuds. Conseil: L'axe +Y est vers le haut. (Parfois +X est au nord et +Z à l'est.) Conserver +Y en haut lorsque vous composez votre scène pour vous aidez à vous y retrouver dans le navigateur (browser). Conseil: insérez un noeud Shape avant d'ajouter une géométrie ou une Appearance.
Hint: translation/rotation/scaling field attributes can be defined in any order in the scene. The applied order of translation/rotation/scaling transformation-matrix operations remains consistent.
Hint: authors can modify order of translation/rotation/scaling operations by splitting them into separate nested parent/child Transform nodes.
Warning: Transform contained by CADFace can only hold a single LOD or Shape node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Coordinate Systems https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#CoordinateSystems
Hint: apply containerField='shape' if parent node is CADFace.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!translation [translation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Position (x, y, z en metres) relative des noeuds enfants par rapport au système de coordonnées local.
Conseil: l'odre des opérations de transformation est d'abord la mise à l'échelle avec scaleOrientation, puis center et rotation, puis translation.rotation [rotation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Orientation (axis, angle en radians) relative des noeuds enfants par rapport au système de coordonnées local.
Conseil: l'odre des opérations de transformation est d'abord la mise à l'échelle avec scaleOrientation, puis center et rotation, puis translation.center [center accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
décalage par translation depuis le système de coordonnées local, à utiliser avant la rotation ou la mise à l'échelle (scale).
Conseil: l'ordre des opérations de transformation est d'abord la mise à l'échelle avec scaleOrientation, puis center et rotation, puis translation.scale [scale accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "1 1 1"]
Mise à l'échelle (scale) non-uniforme suivant x-y-z d'après le système de coordonnées local des enfants, adapté suivant les valeurs de center et scaleOrientation.
Conseil: l'ordre des opérations de transformation est d'abord la mise à l'échelle avec scaleOrientation, puis center et rotation, puis translation.scaleOrientation [scaleOrientation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Rotation préliminaire du système de coordonnées avant la mise a l'échelle (pour permettre la mise à l'échelle autour des orientations arbitraires).
Conseil: l'ordre des opérations de transformation est d'abord la mise à l'échelle avec scaleOrientation, puis center et rotation, puis translation.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center: position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size: automatiquement calculée, elle peut être spécifiée pour optimiser ou contraindre.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxescontainerField [containerField type NMTOKEN (children | proxy |shape) "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TransmitterPdu
TransmitterPdu is a networked Protocol Data Unit (PDU) information node that provides detailed information about a radio transmitter modeled in a simulation.
Hint: TransmitterPdu packets use the IEEE Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol.
Hint: Savage Developers Guide on DIS https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/developers.html#DIS
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/DistributedInteractiveSimulation.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='DIS' level='1'/>Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.whichGeometry [whichGeometry accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "1"]
Select geometry to render: -1 for no geometry, 0 for text trace, 1 for default geometry, (optional) higher values to render different states.siteID [siteID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Simulation/exercise siteID of the participating LAN or organization.applicationID [applicationID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "1"]
Each simulation application that can respond to simulation management PDUs needs to have a unique applicationID.entityID [entityID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
EntityID unique ID for entity within that application.bboxCenter [bboxCenter accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Bounding box center accompanies bboxSize and provides an optional hint for bounding box position offset from origin of local coordinate system.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesbboxSize [bboxSize accessType initializeOnly, type SFVec3f CDATA "-1 -1 -1"]
Bounding box size is usually omitted, and can easily be calculated automatically by an X3D player at scene-loading time with minimal computational cost. Bounding box size can also be defined as an optional authoring hint that suggests an optimization or constraint.
Hint: can be useful for collision computations or inverse-kinematics (IK) engines.
Hint: precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
Hint: X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/group.html#BoundingBoxesreadInterval [readInterval accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "0.1"] [0,+∞)
Seconds between read updates, 0 means no reading.
Hint: readInterval is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.writeInterval [writeInterval accessType inputOutput, type SFTime CDATA "1.0"] [0,+∞)
Seconds between write updates, 0 means no writing (sending).
Hint: writeInterval is a nonnegative SFTime duration interval, not an absolute clock time.networkMode [networkMode accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA ( standAlone | networkReader | networkWriter ) standAlone]
Whether this entity is ignoring the network, sending DIS packets to the network, or receiving DIS packets from the network. (1) standAlone: ignore network but still respond to events in local scene. (2) networkReader: listen to network and read PDU packets at readInterval, act as remote copy of entity. (3) networkWriter: send PDU packets to network at writeInterval, act as master entity. Default value "standAlone" ensures that DIS network activation within a scene as networkReader or networkWriter is intentional.
Warning: do not wrap extra quotation marks around these SFString enumeration values, since "quotation" "marks" are only used for MFString values.isStandAlone [isStandAlone accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="local" (ignore network but still respond to local events)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isNetworkReader [isNetworkReader accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="remote" (listen to network as copy of remote entity)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isNetworkWriter [isNetworkWriter accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether networkMode="master" (output to network as master entity at writeInterval)
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.address [address accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA localhost]
Multicast network address, or else "localhost" example: [port accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Multicast network port, for example: 3000.multicastRelayHost [multicastRelayHost accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Fallback server address if multicast not available locally. For example: track.nps.edu.multicastRelayPort [multicastRelayPort accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Fallback server port if multicast not available locally. For example: 8010.rtpHeaderExpected [rtpHeaderExpected accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Whether RTP headers are prepended to DIS PDUs.isRtpHeaderHeard [isRtpHeaderHeard accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Whether incoming DIS packets have an RTP header prepended.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool #FIXED ""]
Have we had a network update recently?.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.timestamp [timestamp accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA #FIXED ""]
DIS timestamp in X3D units (value 0.0 matches 1 January 1970) in seconds.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.radioID [radioID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Identifies a particular radio within a given entity.antennaLocation [antennaLocation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
World coordinates for antenna location.relativeAntennaLocation [relativeAntennaLocation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
Relative coordinates for antenna location.antennaPatternLength [antennaPatternLength accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
antennaPatternType [antennaPatternType accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Antenna shape pattern: 0 for omnidirectional, 1 for beam, 2 for spherical harmonic (deprecated), or optional higher valuecryptoKeyID [cryptoKeyID accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Nonzero value corresponding to the simulated cryptographic key. Enumerations value 0 indicates plain (unencrypted) communications.cryptoSystem [cryptoSystem accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Indicates type of crypto system being used, even if the encryption equipment is not keyed. Value 0 for No Encryption Device, higher enumerations values correspond to other specific equipment..frequency [frequency accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Transmission frequency in Hz. If the radio is in frequency hopping mode, this field may be set to the center of the frequency hopping band currently in use, or to some other appropriate value.inputSource [inputSource accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Source of transmission input. Enumerations value 0 for Other, 1 for Pilot, 2 for Copilot, 3 for First Officer, 4 for Driver, 5 for Loader, 6 for Gunner, 7 for Commander, 8 for Digital Data Device, 9 for Intercom, 10 for Audio Jammer, 11 for Data Jammer, 12 for GPS Jammer, 13 for GPS Meaconer (masking beacon).lengthOfModulationParameters [lengthOfModulationParameters accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
modulationTypeDetail [modulationTypeDetail accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumeration containing detailed information depending on the major modulation type.modulationTypeMajor [modulationTypeMajor accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumeration containing major classification of the modulation type. Enumerations value 0 for No Statement, 1 for Amplitude, 2 for Amplitude and Angle, 3 for Angle, 4 for Combination, 5 for Pulse, 6 for Unmodulated, 7 for Carrier Phase Shift Modulation (CPSM).modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum [modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Indicates the spread spectrum technique or combination of spread spectrum techniques in use.modulationTypeSystem [modulationTypeSystem accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Specifies radio system associated with this Transmitter PDU and used to interpret other fields whose values depend on a specific radio system.power [power accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0"]
Power that radio would be capable of outputting if on and transmitting, independent of actual transmit state of the radio.radioEntityTypeCategory [radioEntityTypeCategory accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumeration containing EntityType of transmitter radio. Enumerations value: 0 for Other, 1 for Generic Radio or Simple Intercom, 2 for HAVE QUICK, 3 for HAVE QUICK II, 4 for HAVE QUICK IIA, 5 for SINCGARS, 6 for CCTT SINCGARS, 7 for EPLRS (Enhanced Position Location Reporting System), 8 for JTIDS/MIDS, 9 for Link 11, 10 for Link 11B, 11 for L-Band SATCOM, 12 for Enhanced SINCGARS 7.3, 13 for Navigation Aid.radioEntityTypeCountry [radioEntityTypeCountry accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumerations value for country to which the design of the entity or its design specification is attributed.radioEntityTypeDomain [radioEntityTypeDomain accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumerations value for domain in which the entity operates: LAND, AIR, SURFACE, SUBSURFACE, SPACE or OTHER.radioEntityTypeKind [radioEntityTypeKind accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumerations value for whether entity is a PLATFORM, MUNITION, LIFE_FORM, ENVIRONMENTAL, CULTURAL_FEATURE, SUPPLY, RADIO, EXPENDABLE, SENSOR_EMITTER or OTHER.radioEntityTypeNomenclature [radioEntityTypeNomenclature accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Integer enumerations value indicating nomenclature (name) for a particular emitter. See DIS enumerations reference for value/name pairs.radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion [radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Named equipment version number.transmitFrequencyBandwidth [transmitFrequencyBandwidth accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0.0"]
Bandwidth of the particular transmitter measured between the half-power (-3 dB) points (this value represents total bandwidth, not the deviation from the center frequency).transmitState [transmitState accessType inputOutput, type SFInt32 CDATA "0"]
Specify radio transmission state where enumerations value 0 is for off, value 1 for powered but not transmitting, or value 1 is for powered and transmitting,geoSystem [geoSystem accessType initializeOnly, type MFString CDATA "GD" "WE"]
Identifies spatial reference frame: Geodetic (GD), Geocentric (GC), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Supported values: "GD" "UTM" or "GC" followed by additional quoted string parameters as appropriate for the type.
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.2 Spatial reference frames https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Spatialreferenceframes
Hint: X3D Architecture 25.2.4 Specifying geospatial coordinates https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/geodata.html#Specifyinggeospatialcoords
Hint: UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Warning: deprecated values are GDC (replaced by GD) and GCC (replaced by GC).geoCoords [geoCoords accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3d CDATA "0 0 0"]
Geographic location (specified in current geoSystem coordinates) for children geometry (specified in relative coordinate system, in meters).
Hint: X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) slideset https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GeospatialComponentX3dEarth.pdf
Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='Geospatial' level='1'/>containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TriangleFanSet
TriangleFanSet is a geometry node containing a Coordinate|CoordinateDouble node, and can also contain Color|ColorRGBA, Normal and TextureCoordinate nodes.
Hint: color, normal and texCoord values are applied in the same order as coord values.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Hint: for advanced extensibility, authors can substitute a type-matched ProtoInstance node (with correct containerField value) for contained node content.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation, according to Right-Hand Rule (RHR).
Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation. Note that consistency of left-handed or right-handed point sequences is important throughout.colorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Color|ColorRGBA values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Warning: if child Color|ColorRGBA node is not provided, then geometry is rendered using corresponding Appearance and material/texture values.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColornormalPerVertex [normalPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Normal node vector values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.fanCount [fanCount accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] (3,+∞)
fanCount array provides number of vertices in each fan.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TriangleSet
TriangleSet is a geometry node containing a Coordinate|CoordinateDouble node, and can also contain Color|ColorRGBA, Normal and TextureCoordinate nodes.
Hint: color, normal and texCoord values are applied in the same order as coord values.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Hint: for advanced extensibility, authors can substitute a type-matched ProtoInstance node (with correct containerField value) for contained node content.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation, according to Right-Hand Rule (RHR).
Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation. Note that consistency of left-handed or right-handed point sequences is important throughout.colorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Color|ColorRGBA values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Warning: if child Color|ColorRGBA node is not provided, then geometry is rendered using corresponding Appearance and material/texture values.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColornormalPerVertex [normalPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Normal node vector values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TriangleSet2D
TriangleSet2D is a geometry node that defines a set of filled 2D triangles in X-Y plane.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.vertices [vertices accessType initializeOnly, type MFVec2f CDATA #FIXED ""]
2D coordinates of TriangleSet2D vertices.
Warning: simple-geometry dimensions are initializeOnly and cannot be changed after initial creation, for size animation use an ancestor Transform scale instead.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
Activer solid par la valeur true a pour conséquence de dessiner seulement une seule face des polygones (face externe considérée), en mettant la valeur false dans solid, les deux faces des polygones sont dessinées (face externe non considérée).
Attention: la valeur par defaut true peut cacher entièrement la géométrie si elle est regardée du mauvais côté!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources TriangleStripSet
TriangleStripSet is a geometry node containing a Coordinate|CoordinateDouble node, and can also contain Color|ColorRGBA, Normal and TextureCoordinate nodes.
Hint: color, normal and texCoord values are applied in the same order as coord values.
Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
Hint: for advanced extensibility, authors can substitute a type-matched ProtoInstance node (with correct containerField value) for contained node content.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
Hint: descriptive DEF names improve clarity and help document a model.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.ccw [ccw accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation, according to Right-Hand Rule (RHR).
Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation. Note that consistency of left-handed or right-handed point sequences is important throughout.colorPerVertex [colorPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Color|ColorRGBA values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Warning: if child Color|ColorRGBA node is not provided, then geometry is rendered using corresponding Appearance and material/texture values.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Color https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ColornormalPerVertex [normalPerVertex accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Whether Normal node vector values are applied to each point vertex (true) or to each polygon face (false).
Hint: if no child Normal node is provided, the X3D browser shall automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine smoothed shading across shared vertices.solid [solid accessType initializeOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off).
Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side!
Hint: if in doubt, use solid='false' for maximum visibility.stripCount [stripCount accessType initializeOnly, type MFInt32 CDATA #IMPLIED] (3,+∞)
stripCount array provides number of vertices in each strip.
Warning: do not exceed number of points in contained Coordinate|CoordinateDouble node.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "geometry"]
containerField is a field-label prefix indicating this node's field relationship to its parent node, for example <Transform><Shape containerField='children'/></Transform>.
Hint: default containerField values for each node are correct in most cases, so the need to override default containerField values is rare.
Hint: example values include containerField='geometry' for Box node, containerField='children' for Group node, containerField='proxy' for hidden proxy shape within a Collision node, etc.
Hint: containerField attribute is part of XML encoding for X3D scenes, and corresponds to the always-declared field labels in the ClassicVRML and VRML97 file encodings.
Hint: USE node instances are allowed to have a containerField value that is different than the corresponding DEF declaration of that node.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.
Warning: currently the class attribute is only supported in XML encoding of X3D scenes.
Hint: W3C Cascading Style Sheets https://www.w3.org/Style/CSSclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources Viewpoint
Viewpoints sont des emplacements et directions spécifiques d'où l'utilisateur peut voir la scène Background, Fog, NavigationInfo et Viewpoint sont des noeuds rattachables.
Hint: GeoViewpoint OrthoViewpoint and Viewpoint share the same binding stack, so no more than one of these nodes can be bound and active at a given time.
Warning: do not include GeoViewpoint OrthoViewpoint or Viewpoint as a child of LOD or Switch, instead use ViewpointGroup as parent to constrain location proximity where the viewpoint is available to user.
Hint: Regardless of viewpoint jump value at bind time, the relative viewing transformation between user's view and defined position/orientation is stored for later use when un-jumping (returning to the viewpoint when subsequent viewpoint is unbound).
Hint: customizable design pattern for dedicated Viewpoint/NavigationInfo pair: <Viewpoint DEF='SpecialView'/> <NavigationInfo DEF='SpecialNav'/> <ROUTE fromNode='SpecialView' fromField='isBound' toNode='SpecialNav' toField='set_bind'/>
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Viewpoints https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#ViewpointsSearch
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!description [description accessType initializeOnly, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
La description en texte qui est affiché pour le Viewpoint concerné.
Conseil: utilisez des espaces, faîtes des descriptions claires et lisibles.
Conseil: Xeena remplace automatiquement les caractères références XML si besoin (comme & pour & ou " pour " ), écrivez donc ce que vous voulez!
Conseil: Ce champ peut être ignoré.position [position accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 10"]
Position (x, y, z en metres) relative au système de coordonnées local.orientation [orientation accessType inputOutput, type SFRotation CDATA "0 0 1 0"]
Rotation (axis, angle en radians) du Viewpoint, relative à la direction par défaut suivant l'axe -Z dans le système de coordonnées local.
Conseil: c'est la direction par défaut de changement d'orientation (0 0 -1).
Conseil: les rotations complexes peuvent être réalisées axe par axe en utilisant des noeuds parents Transform .fieldOfView [fieldOfView accessType inputOutput, type SFFloat CDATA "0.7854"]]
jump [jump accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) accessType inputOutput, "true"]
Transition instantanée par saut, ou animée régulièrement depuis le Viewpoint.
Conseil: set jump=true for smooth camera motion when going to this viewpoint.centerOfRotation [centerOfRotation accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
centerOfRotation specifies center point about which to rotate user's eyepoint when in EXAMINE or LOOKAT mode.set_bind [set_bind accessType inputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) ""]
Mettre la valeur true dans set_bind rend ce noeud actif, mettre la valeur false dans set_bind rend ce noeud inactif. Ainsi rendre set_bind vrai/faux fera apparaître/disparaître (actif/inactif) ce noeud.
Hint: paired node operations can be established by connecting set_bind and isBound fields of corresponding bindable nodes.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient inputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a destination for ROUTE events.bindTime [bindTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "-1"]
évènement envoyé quand le noeud devient actif/inactif.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.isBound [isBound accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
l'évènement vrai est envoyé quand le noeud devient actif, l'évènement faux est envoyé quand le noeud est desactivé par un autre noeud.
Hint: paired node operations can be established by connecting set_bind and isBound fields of corresponding bindable nodes.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources VisibilitySensor
VisibilitySensor détecte quand l'utilisateur peut voir un objet ou une zone spécifique lors de la navigation dans le monde VRML. Cette zone est limitée par une boîte (box).
Conseil: Souvent utilisé pour attirer l'attention de l'utilisateur ou améliorer les performances.Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!enabled [enabled accessType inputOutput, type SFBool (true|false) "true"]
Active/désactive le noeud senseur.center [center accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"]
position décalée de l'origine du système de coordonnées local.size [size accessType inputOutput, type SFVec3f CDATA "0 0 0"] [0,+∞)
taille de la boîte visibilité, mesurée du centre en mètres.isActive [isActive accessType outputOnly, type SFBool (true|false) "false"]
l'évènement isActive true/false est envoyé quand le senseur est déclenché. isActive=true lorsque l'on entre dans la zone de visibilité, isActive=false quand on sort de la zone de visibilité.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.enterTime [enterTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "0.0"]
Evènement de temps généré quand la caméra de l'utilisateur entre dans la zone senseur de visibilité.
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.exitTime [exitTime accessType outputOnly, type SFTime CDATA "0.0"]
Evènement de temps généré quand la caméra de l'utilisateur sort de la zone senseur de visibilité
Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources WorldInfo
WorldInfo contient des informations-documentations sur le monde VRML 3D. Search
mail lists or
Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
DEF spécifie un nom identité unique pour ce noeud, référencable par les autres noeuds.
Hint: well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#NamingConventionsUSE [USE type IDREF #IMPLIED]
USE signifie une réutilisation des attributs et des noeuds enfants appartenant à un noeud prédéfini par DEF, ignorant alors les autres attributs et enfants.
Conseil: Utiliser USE pour dupliquer une géométrie (au lieu de copier / coller les noeuds) peut améliorer les performances.
Attention: Ne PAS inclure DEF (ou aucune autre valeur attribut) lorsque vous utilisez l'attribut USE!title [title accessType inputOutput, type SFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
titre du monde (ou scène) VRML, placé dans une fenêtre titre.
Conseil: Xeena remplace automatiquement les caractères références XML si besoin (comme & pour & ou " pour " ), écrivez donc ce que vous voulez!info [info accessType inputOutput, type MFString CDATA #IMPLIED]
Information additionelle sur ce monde VRML.
Conseil: le champ peut comporter plusieurs valeurs, aussi veuillez séparer chaque chaîne de caractères par des guillemets. "https://www.web3d.org" "https://www.web3d.org/about" "etc."
Conseil: Xeena remplace automatiquement les caractères références XML si besoin (comme & pour & ou " pour " ), écrivez donc ce que vous voulez!containerField [containerField type NMTOKEN "children"]
containerField is a field-label prefix used in VRML encodings when this node is a child of another node.
Examples: geometry Box, children Group, proxy Group.
Hint: can be overridden by author if needed.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, containerField https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#containerFieldclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.class [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources X3D
Noeud XML le plus élevé dans la hiérarchie pour un fichier Graphique Extensible 3D (X3D). L'étiquette (tag) X3D contient un node unique Scene - Scene est le noeud de base d'une scène 3D. Conseil: ajoutez ou sélectionnez un tag Scene pour éditer une arborescence Scene.
Hint: X3D Architecture Header statement https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/core.html#HeaderStatementSearch
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Mantis issues, give feedbackX3D validation:
XML Schema, DOCTYPE, JSON Schema, Java SAI, X3DJSAILprofile [profile (Core | Interchange | CADInterchange | Interactive | Immersive | MPEG4Interactive | Full) "Full"]
Profil de support desiree pour une Scene contenue.
Hint: Core corresponds to output-only devices.
Hint: CoreInteractive corresponds to lightweight scene graph.
Hint: Base contains main VRML/X3D nodes but no extra components.
Hint: Full contains Base nodes plus all specified components.
Warning: PROFILE is capitalized and is a separate statement in the ClassicVRML Encoding.
Hint: X3D Architecture PROFILE statement https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/core.html#PROFILEStatementversion #REQUIRED]
X3D specification version for this scene, must be defined.
Hint: use highest value matching schema and DOCTYPE in the scene. X3D version 3.0 correspond à X3D 2004.xmlns:xsd [xmlns:xsd type CDATA "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"]
XML namespace (xmlns) for XML Schema Definition (xsd).
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Validation of X3D Scenes using DTD and XML Schema https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#Validationxsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation [xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation type CDATA "https://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.1.xsd"]
url for the X3D Schema defining the X3D document-validation rules.
Hint: X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Validation of X3D Scenes using DTD and XML Schema https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#Validationclass [class type CDATA #IMPLIED]
The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by CSS cascading stylesheets.accessType and type Credits and Translations X3D Resources
🔖 accessType Definitions
References: X3D Abstract Specification Field semantics and X3D XML Encoding 4.3.7 Prototype and field declaration syntax
accessType determines whether a field corresponds to event input, event output, or persistent state information. Events are strictly typed values with a corresponding timestamp. ROUTE connections must match accessType between source field and target field.
- initializeOnly: can be initialized, but cannot send or receive events. This is usually the case for fields that are considered too computationally expensive to change at run time.
- inputOutput: can be initialized, and can also send or receive events during run-time operations.
- inputOnly: cannot be initialized or included in a scene file, but can receive input event values via a ROUTE during run-time operations.
- outputOnly: cannot be initialized or included in a scene file, but can send output event values via a ROUTE during run-time operations.
X3D accessType design keeps 3D graphics rendering fast and interactive, also helping to keep X3D players small and lightweight.
🔖 type Definitions
The X3D Architecture specification of field types classify the possible values for a field. Each field in each node (i.e. each XML attribute) has a strictly defined data type. Multiple data types are provided for boolean, integer, floating-point and string values. X3D is a strongly typed language, meaning that all data must strictly conform to these data types in order for a scene to be correct.
- Each of the base types are either single-value (SF Single Field) or multiple-value (MF Multiple Field). Examples: SFFloat (single-value), SFVec2f (singleton 2-tuple), SFVec3f (singleton 3-tuple), SFOrientation (singleton 4-tuple for axis-angle values).
- Arrays are also provided for all base types. Nomenclature: SF = Single Field (single value of base type), MF = Multiple Field (array of base-type values). Examples: MFFloat (array of zero or more SFFloat values), MFVec4d (array of zero or more 4-tuple SFVec4d values), etc.
- The X3D Schema is able to validate numeric type information and array tuple sizes in X3D scenes for field initializations (having accessType of initializeOnly and inputOutput) that appear within an X3D file.
- ROUTEs pass events, which are strictly typed values with a corresponding timestamp. ROUTE connections must match type between source field and target field. Since they are transient, event values themselves cannot appear within an X3D file.
- For MF Multiple-Field arrays, commas between values are normally treated as whitespace. However, X3D Schema validation will not accept commas that appear within vector values, only between values. MFColor examples: color="0.25 0.5 0.75, 1 1 0" is valid while color="0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1, 0" is invalid. This is an authoring assist to help authors troubleshoot errors in long arrays of values.
- Failure to match data types correctly is an error! Types must match during scene validation, scene loading, and at run time. This is A Good Thing since it allows authors to find problems when they exist, rather than simply hoping (perhaps mistakenly) that everything will work for end users.
🔖 XML Data Types and default attribute values defined in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Recommendation are also included in these tooltips.
- CDATA is an XML term for Character Data. The base type for all XML attributes consists of string-based CDATA characters. CDATA is used throughout the X3D DOCTYPE definitions, which can only check for the presence of legal strings and thus are not able to validate numeric type information. XML Schema provides stricter validation based on data types.
- COMMENT statements contain string characters. Comments have great value for documenting design and significance in X3D model source. Comment strings cannot contain a double hyphen
since that character pair is part of the comment terminator. XML comments can only appear between other elements and comments, and are not allowed within element or attribute markup. Comments have no effect on X3D model rendering and are not accessible programmatically at run time. Example:<-- here is my most excellent XML comment! -->
- DOCTYPE statements are Document Type Declaration (DTD) statements, immediately following the initial XML prolog statement in an .x3d file. DOCTYPE statements enable XML-aware document processors to validate parent-child node relationships and element-attribute string values. DOCTYPE validation is always optional. Allowed DOCTYPE statements for each X3D version are found at X3D Specifications: Schema and DOCTYPE Validation.
- ENUMERATION indicates that the given value can only equal one of several allowed NMTOKEN values.
- FIXED indicates that the given value is required and no other value is allowed. A FIXED value of empty string "" indicates that no value is allowed to appear in this attribute.
- ID is a NMTOKEN that is unique within the scene, corresponding to the DEF attribute in X3D.
- IDREF is a NMTOKEN reference to one of these unique scene IDs, corresponding to the USE attribute in X3D.
- IMPLIED means that that no default value is provided for this attribute.
- NMTOKEN is an XML term for Name Token. NMTOKEN is a special kind of CDATA string that must match naming requirements for legal characters, with no whitespace characters allowed. Additionally, from XML specification: disallowed initial characters for Names include numeric digits, diacritics (letter with accent or marking), the "." period character (sometimes called full stop) and the "-" hyphen character. For further information see X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Naming Conventions.
- NMTOKENS is an XML term for an array of NMTOKEN values.
- xs:token is similar to NMTOKEN string and allows further restrictions via regular expression (regex) pattern. No leading, trailing or multiple-adjacent whitespace characters can occur.
- REQUIRED means that an attribute value MUST always be provided.
🔖 Range Intervals may be defined to indicate lower and upper bounds on allowed attribute values. These are typically defined by the X3D Architecture Specification in order to avoid illegal or illogical results. Value constraints being within allowed range intervals are checked by schema validation tools (but not XML DTD). Example range intervals:
places limits on an allowed value from range 0 to 1, inclusive.(0,+∞)
is positive, i.e. greater than zero and less than positive infinity.[0,+∞)
is non-negative, i.e. greater than or equal to zero, and less than positive infinity.[-1,+∞)
is greater than or equal to -1.(-∞,+∞)
is unbounded, any numeric value is allowed.🔖 Field Types Table that follows provides a complete list of X3D data type names, descriptions and example values. The X3D Architecture Specification: 5 Field type reference defines default values for each field type.
Field-type names Description Example values Scene Access
Interface (SAI)🔖 SFBool Single-Field boolean value Default value false. Example values: true or false for XML syntax in .x3d files.
Warning: capitalization of each boolean XML attribute value must be all lower case, matching HTML.
Hint: XML, Java, JavaScript and JSON syntax istrue
Hint: ClassicVRML syntax isTRUE
in .wrl or .x3dv files.
Hint: Python syntax isTrue
in .py files.
Hint: see Wikipedia: Boolean data type.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFBool Multiple-Field boolean array, containing an ordered list of SFBool values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: true false false true for XML syntax in .x3d files.
Warning: capitalization of each boolean XML attribute value must be all lower case, matching HTML.
Hint: XML, Java, JavaScript and JSON syntax istrue
Hint: ClassicVRML syntax is[ TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE ]
in .wrl or .x3dv files.
Hint: Python syntax isTrue
in .py files.
Hint: see Wikipedia: Boolean data type.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFBool values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFColor Single-Field color value, red-green-blue, all values in range [0,1] Default value 0 0 0. Example values: 0 0.5 1.0
Hint: see X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Color.
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFColor Multiple-Field color array, containing an ordered list of SFColor values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 1
Hint: see X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Color.
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 3-tuple SFColor attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 3-tuple SFColor values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFColor values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFColorRGBA Single-Field color value, red-green-blue alpha (opacity), all values in range [0,1] Default value 0 0 0 0. Example values: 0 0.5 1.0 0.75
Hint: see X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Color.
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFColorRGBA Multiple-Field color array, containing an ordered list of SFColorRGBA values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 1 0 0 0.25, 0 1 0 0.5, 0 0 1 0.75 (red green blue, with varying opacity)
Hint: see X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Color.
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 4-tuple SFColorRGBA attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 4-tuple SFColorRGBA values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFColorRGBA values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFInt32 Single-Field 32-bit integer value, range [−2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647]
Default value 0. Example values: -1 0 7
Hint: see Wikipedia: Integer (computer science).
Warning: avoid scientific notation or else value is considered floating point.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFInt32 Multiple-Field 32-bit integer array, containing an ordered list of SFInt32 values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 1 2 3 4 5
Hint: see Wikipedia: Integer (computer science).
Warning: avoid scientific notation or else value is considered floating point.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFInt32 values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFFloat Single-Field single-precision (32-bit) floating-point value, 9 significant digits, maximum value ~3.4 × 10^38
Default value 0.0. Example values: 1.0 0 1 -0.0 5E-6 78.0E+9 1.57
Warning: do not use illegal values INF (infinity) or NaN (Not a Number).
Hint: see Wikipedia: Single-precision floating-point format. and Meter (British spelling "metre").XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFFloat Multiple-Field single-precision (32-bit) floating-point array, containing an ordered list of SFFloat values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: −1 2.0 3.141592653
Hint: see Wikipedia: Single-precision floating-point format.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFFloat values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFDouble Single-Field double-precision (64-bit) floating-point value, 15-17 significant digits, maximum value ~1.8 × 10^308
Default value 0.0. Example values: 2.7128 3.141592653
Hint: see Wikipedia: Double-precision floating-point format. and Meter (British spelling "metre").XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFDouble Multiple-Field double-precision array, containing an ordered list of SFDouble values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: −1 2.0 3.14159
Hint: see Wikipedia: Double-precision floating-point format.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFDouble values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFImage Single-Field image value. SFImage fields contain three nonnegative integers representing width, height and number of components [0-4] for the following pixel values, followed by width×height hexadecimal (or integer) values representing all of the pixel colors defining the SFIimage texture. Default value 0 0 0. Contains special pixel-encoding parameters and values to numerically create a texture image.
The tooltip for PixelTexture image field shows example SFImage values.
Hint: see X3D Architecture Specification: 5.3.6 SFImage MFImage.
Hint: see X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Images.
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFImage Multiple-Field image value, containing an ordered list of SFImage values Default value [ ] empty list. Contains special pixel-encoding parameters and values to numerically create an array of texture images.
Hint: see X3D Architecture Specification: 5.3.6 SFImage MFImage.
Hint: see X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Images.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFImage values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFNode SFNode Single-Field singleton node. Default value is NULL node, meaning no entry. <Shape/> or Shape
Warning: o not include keyword NULL for an empty node in XML encoding..XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFNode Multiple-Field node array, containing an ordered list of SFNode values. Default value is an empty list. <Shape/> <Group/> <Transform/>
Warning: do not include keyword NULL for an empty node list in XML encoding.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFRotation Single-Field rotation value using 3-tuple axis, radian angle form Default value 0 0 1 0. Model authors and authoring tools may prefer the equivalent zero-rotation default value 0 1 0 0 since rotation about the vertical Y-axis is most common. Example values: 0 1 0 1.57
Warning: initial 3-tuple axis vector cannot hold a zero-magnitude vector.
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.
Hint: see Wikipedia: Radian, Rotation matrix and Rotation formalisms in three dimensions.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFRotation Multiple-Field rotation array, containing an ordered list of SFRotation values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 0 1 0 0, 0 1 0 1.5707963265, 0 1 0 3.141592653
Warning: initial 3-tuple axis vectors cannot hold a zero-magnitude vector within contained 4-tuple SFRotation attribute values.
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 4-tuple SFRotation attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 4-tuple SFRotation values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFRotation values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.
Hint: see Wikipedia: Radian, Rotation matrix and Rotation formalisms in three dimensions.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFString Single-Field string value Default value is empty string "". Example: "an SFString is a simple string value."
Warning: do not wrap quotation marks around SFString values.
Warning: SFString is not defined in ECMAScript Scene Access Interface (SAI), use string type instead.
Hint: insert backslash characters prior to \"embedded quotation marks\" within an SFString value.
Hint: XML rules for encoding special characters can be found at
Wikipedia: List of XML and HTML character entity references.
Hint: see Wikipedia: String (computer science).XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFString Multiple-Field string array, containing an ordered list of SFString values (each of which must be quoted). Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: Example: "EXAMINE" "FLY" "WALK" "ANY"
Warning: MFString is not defined in ECMAScript Scene Access Interface (SAI), use string[] array type instead.
Hint: XML rules for encoding special characters can be found at
Wikipedia: List of XML and HTML character entity references.
Hint: see Wikipedia: String (computer science).
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFString values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFTime Single-Field time value in seconds, specified as a double-precision (64-bit) floating point number, 15-17 significant digits, maximum value ~1.8 × 10^308
Default value -1. Example values: 0, 10 (seconds), or -1 (indicating no actual time value has been provided).
Hint: Time values are usually either a system time (matching current clock time) in seconds, or else a nonnegative duration interval in seconds.
Hint: Typically, SFTime fields represent the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Hint:X3D Abstract Specification, Time component, 8.2 Concepts for time model, time origin, discrete and continuous changes, time-dependent node cycles and activation, pausing time, etc.
Warning: -1 is default initial value, typically indicating no updated time value has yet been provided.
Warning: Negative duration intervals are not allowed.
Hint: Negative absolute time values are explicitly allowed and occur prior to Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Hint: Processing an event with timestampt
may only result in generating events with timestamps greater than or equal tot
Hint: see Wikipedia: Double-precision floating-point format.
Hint: see Wikipedia: Time, Seconds and System time.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFTime Multiple-Field time array, containing an ordered list of SFTime values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: −1 0 1 567890
Warning: -1 is the only valid negative value (indicating no actual time value is provided).
Hint: see Wikipedia: Double-precision floating-point format.
Hint: see Wikipedia: Time and System time.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFTime values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFVec2f Single-Field 2-tuple single-precision (32-bit) float vector Default value 0 0. Example values: 0.5 0.5
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFVec2f Multiple-Field array of 2-tuple single-precision (32-bit) float vectors, containing an ordered list of SFVec2f values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 2-tuple SFVec2f values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 2-tuple SFVec2f attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFVec2f values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFVec2d Single-Field 2-tuple double-precision (64-bit) float vector Default value 0 0. Example values: 0.5 0.5
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFVec2d Multiple-Field array of 2-tuple double-precision (64-bit) float vectors, containing an ordered list of SFVec2d values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 2-tuple SFVec2d attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 2-tuple SFVec2d values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFVec2d values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFVec3f Single-Field 3-tuple single-precision (32-bit) float vector Default value 0 0 0. Example values: 0.0 0.0 0.0
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFVec3f Multiple-Field array of 3-tuple single-precision (32-bit) float vectors, containing an ordered list of SFVec3f values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 0 0 0, 0 0 1, 0 1 1, 0 1 0, 1 0 0, 1 0 1, 1 1 1, 1 1 0
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 3-tuple SFVec3f attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 3-tuple SFVec3f values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFVec3f values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFVec3d Single-Field 3-tuple double-precision (64-bit) float vector Default value 0 0 0. Example values: 0.0 0.0 0.0
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFVec3d Multiple-Field array of 3-tuple double-precision (64-bit) float vectors, containing an ordered list of SFVec3d values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 0 0 0, 0 0 1, 0 1 1, 0 1 0, 1 0 0, 1 0 1, 1 1 1, 1 1 0
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 3-tuple SFVec3d attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 3-tuple SFVec3d values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFVec3d values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFVec4f Single-Field 4-tuple single-precision (32-bit) float vector Default value 0 0 0 1. Example values: 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFVec4f Multiple-Field array of 4-tuple single-precision (32-bit) float vectors, containing an ordered list of SFVec4f values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 1 1 1 1, 2 2 2 2, 3 3 3 3, 4 4 4 4
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 4-tuple SFVec4f attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 4-tuple SFVec4f values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFVec4f values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFVec4d Single-Field 4-tuple double-precision (64-bit) float vector Default value 0 0 0 1. Example values: 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFVec4d Multiple-Field array of 4-tuple double-precision (64-bit) float vectors, containing an ordered list of SFVec4d values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 1 1 1 1, 2 2 2 2, 3 3 3 3, 4 4 4 4
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 4-tuple SFVec4d attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 4-tuple SFVec4d values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFVec4d values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFMatrix3f Single 3×3 matrix of single-precision (32-bit) floating point numbers Default value 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 (which is identity matrix).
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFMatrix3f Zero or more 3×3 matrices of single-precision (32-bit) floating point numbers, containing an ordered list of SFMatrix3f values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1, 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 (default value is empty list)
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 9-tuple SFMatrix3f attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 9-tuple SFMatrix3f values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFMatrix3f values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFMatrix3d Single 3×3 matrix of double-precision (64-bit) floating point numbers Default value 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 (which is identity matrix).
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFMatrix3d Zero or more 3×3 matrices of double-precision (64-bit) floating point numbers, containing an ordered list of SFMatrix3d values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1, 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 (default value is empty list)
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 9-tuple SFMatrix3d attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 9-tuple SFMatrix3d values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFMatrix3d values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFMatrix4f Single 4×4 matrix of single-precision (32-bit) floating point numbers Default value 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 (which is identity matrix).
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFMatrix4f Zero or more 4×4 matrices of single-precision (32-bit) floating point numbers, containing an ordered list of SFMatrix4f values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1, 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 (default value is empty list)
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 16-tuple SFMatrix4f attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 16-tuple SFMatrix4f values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFMatrix4f values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 SFMatrix4d Single 4×4 matrix of double-precision (64-bit) floating point numbers Default value 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 (which is identity matrix).
Warning: comma characters within attribute values are not allowed, and do not pass strict validation.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL 🔖 MFMatrix4d Zero or more 4×4 matrices of double-precision (64-bit) floating point numbers, containing an ordered list of SFMatrix4d values Default value [ ] empty list. Example values: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1, 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 (default value is empty list)
Hint: optional comma characters between singleton 16-tuple SFMatrix4d attribute values can help authors keep track of long array definitions.
Warning: comma characters within contained singleton 16-tuple SFMatrix4d values do not pass strict validation.
Hint: a single comma character is allowed as part of whitespace between individual SFMatrix4d values in the list.
Hint: separating comma characters are not included in X3D canonical form.XML Schema, X3D regexes, Java SAI, X3DJSAIL Table adapted from Chapter 1 Technical Overview, Table 1.4 X3D Field Types, X3D for Web Authors,
Don Brutzman and Leonard Daly, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2007. Used with permission.🔖 Credits and Translations
Many thanks to our contributors and translators.
- English tooltips (primary reference): Don Brutzman and students of the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey California USA.
- Chinese tooltips: yiqi meng of Nanjing Art Institute in Nanjing China.
- French tooltips: Antony Beis, Frederic Roussille, Adrien Gruneisen et Yann Henrietof Ecole Nationale des Ingenieurs de Tarbes (ENIT) in Tarbes France.
- German tooltips: Raimund Dachselt and Johannes Richter of the Multimedia Technology Group, Dresden University of Technology in Germany.
- Italian tooltips: Roberto Ranon of the L'Universita degli Studi di Udine in Italy.
- Japanese tooltips: Yeonsoo Yang of Toshiba in Japan. (Initial draft started.)
- Korean tooltips: Ikjune Kim, Byounghyun Yoo and Hyokwang Lee of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and PartDB Co. Ltd. in South Korea.
- Portuguese tooltips: Luciano Pereira Soares of the LaboratÓrio de Sistemas Integráveis, Escola Politécnica - Universidade de São Paulo in Brasil.
- Spanish tooltips: Guadalupe Munoz Martin of University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid Espana.
- Thai tooltips: Hassadee Pimsuwan of Suranaree University of Technology and hassadee.com in Thailand.
Reference Tooltip Versions
URL for these tooltips:
https://www.web3d.org/x3d/tooltips/X3dTooltipsFrench.htmlTooltip source for this page: x3d-3.3.profileFrench.xml X3D Tooltips Conversion Stylesheet: X3dTooltipConversions.xslt All tooltips: https://www.web3d.org/x3d/tooltips/X3dTooltips.zip Nightly build: Savage Jenkins Continuous Integration Server Version history: https://sourceforge.net/p/x3d/code/HEAD/tree/www.web3d.org/x3d/tooltips/ Contact: Don Brutzman (brutzman at nps.edu) Generated 9 July 2023